Update: Everyone who bought McDROID on Indie Royal gets a Steam Key! More info below.

It seems that the developer of McDROID, Elefantopia, has decided to refuse to provide Steam keys for Indie Royale buyers (the game was in The Debut Bundle).

His reason?
Indie Royal was a revenue split amongst 5 games, that's be 0.20$ = hell no Link, SS.

Considering that the bundle in question started at $3.99 (and went up thereafter) I find this hard to believe, even between 6 games. However, even if that were true (and it'd be sad if it was)...

Given the expectation of Steam keys for any greenlit games that many (if not most) buyers would have had, this looks like the developer bundled his game to receive Greenlight votes from the buyers, but now that he's been greenlit, he doesn't want to know them. (This may not be true, but it is how it appears to at least a few of us.)

Before anyone claims that we shouldn't have expected keys: the developer's word should be enough. (Context, SS.)

UPDATE 1: Elefantopia has replied in the Steam community thread here.

I agree with you guys, that would be a rotten deal and I always keep my word so let me see what I'll do, something that's fair for everyone and I'll get back to you.

Sorry for having screwed this one up and thanks for having kept the hate to a minimum.

UPDATE 2: His last replies (here and here) can be summarised with:

`Everyone who bought McDROID on Indie Royal gets a Steam Key! Sorry for the "hell no" response, I realize now how uncaring it was, especially given your support, but those who followed this game know I am bad with words.

There's a lot more in his posts, and I don't feel like I can do them justice if I paraphrase them.

11 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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I believe this same information is in the thread where the developer made the Hell No comment already.

11 years ago

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I wonder if it can be considered calling out.

EDIT: Either way, that goes to my list of most hated developers.

11 years ago

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I didn't think so, but I changed the link anyway.

11 years ago

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lol what a joke, I have mcgay bought in IGS but his reasoning is wrong for assuming that IR starts the bundle @ 1$ rofl

11 years ago

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yeah and IR never was 1$, it started for 3,99$ and went up from there.
also the dev was first saying he will provide keys --> here

I think I have to leave that group of them

11 years ago

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nah, just leech on that group

11 years ago

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Assuming the revenue they got from it was actually that low I can kind of see his point, but I don't think he worded it very tactfully or smartly. Indie Royale is closely tied to Desura, so a lot of times it's some Desura-only games. Having said that, if the developer previously made a public statement suggesting or promising keys for any bundle purchasers, then they should honor that.

11 years ago

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If it is genuinely that low - and he didn't know beforehand - then I'd see his point too. It's just hard to believe that he wouldn't have been told before signing the agreement with IR.

11 years ago

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he did it for greenlite vote. that without he would make squat on desure. he knew full well what he was doing.

11 years ago

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I don't think it's a secret by any means that most developers make very little when involved with bundles (including the gold standard, Humble Bundle), however if you have a product that has stalled in sales (either because it has come to EOL in the communities' eyes or it never got a start) then it promises at least some attention. Also some companies participate in these bundles because they are going out of business (THQ), are trying to convert people to the dark side (EA's Origin Sale) or for truly philanthropic reasons.

11 years ago

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With all these greenlight promotion bundles out there that give free pass for even absolutely bad games in the form of "a shitload of votes for free basically", they have the nerve to pull stuff like this off. I wouldn't complain about this if it wasn't actually included in a bundle called "Debut Bundle", with the sole intention of promoting their shit, and after actually promising their buyers the keys, that they will of course get for free from Valve. I hope Desura will blacklist these guys for good from their promotions, as they should do so with Rockin' Android and all the others who pulled this shit off. This goes pretty much against their main idea with those bundles.

11 years ago

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I thought they provided steam keys for bunny must die?

11 years ago

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I'm pretty sure they did.

11 years ago

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Yes they did. After a lot of people complained.

11 years ago

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This is what I was referring to. They did the same thing as this incident, and after some complaints they caved in. Probably what will happen here too anyways.

11 years ago

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Only after enough complaints.

11 years ago

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I see

11 years ago

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Another developer to add to the blacklist.

11 years ago

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can we un-greenlight them to show our appreciation for their honesty. :/

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Idiot. He lost so many customers now.

11 years ago

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Would the game be greenlight if it wouldn't have already "sold/promised" thousands of keys? Probably not.
Would be fun to see all the customers of the bundle ask steam to change their vote for a negative one (I know negative doesn't deduct, but you get my point, right? Basically ask steam to remove the game.

11 years ago

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Considering how hard they've promoted McDroid here on SG with giveaways, it's surprising they'd make a comment that far out of touch with the community. I'll wait and see how this plays out, but for now I'm looking at them with a "wtf are you doing?" face.

11 years ago

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Indeed, has non-sense. And they should know how fast this will spread.

11 years ago

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Indie Royales are never $1 either.

11 years ago

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That's why I never buy them :(

11 years ago

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Way to make yourself sound like a cheapskate. Personally I don't buy them because the game offerings generally suck. There's usually only 1 game that's at all interesting to me, if that.

11 years ago

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They used to have some great bundles, but recently they've been...lacking. I hope that changes soon.

11 years ago

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Yeah it's interesting. Obviously Indie Royale is a gateway for Desura to do bundling, but they really did use to offer great games. I actually went back and looked at my collection list and it appears that I bought the first 25 bundles, then realized the quality was going downhill and have only bought 3 bundles after that (actually, only two, as "The Golden Jubilee Bundle" was a freebie so I only snagged "The Evolved Bundle" and "The Sigma Bundle", both to support friends who had titles published in those two collections).

11 years ago

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Not everyone can pay a lot more, and the difference between one and five dollars can be a lot for many people. For a big majority in the world in fact...

11 years ago

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Not for the average PC gamer (I totally feel to each their own though).

11 years ago

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And lest we forget that gaming is a luxury. It doesn't make sense to me that someone can sit there and claim that they can't afford more than $1 for a bundle of games when they are spending X hours a week playing them (time that could be used to earn more money).

11 years ago

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Screw him! I didnt see a IndieRoyale bundle for 1$ in my life. Blacklisted forever.

11 years ago

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I just found out that I have this bundle... but I don't care for Steam Keys, if I want to play the game I will just play no matter what platform I use or DRM-Free.

11 years ago

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I think you'll like to play it on Steam. If we don't screw it up (note the if, I'm being cautious with my words, now) it'll be way easier to discover co-op games.

11 years ago

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hope his games will be deleted from steam.

11 years ago

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Can you blame the developer for wanting to make money? You know, not every developer has provided keys to previous owners in bundles. It has become a standard practice but should they be hated for not doing so? I personally don't think so. The idea behind Greenlight is asking if we would buy a game if it was on Steam. If you liked the game on Desura or elsewhere, then support it on Steam. If not, then don't. Simple as that. I have personally talked to quite a few developers and I can tell you that bundles do not make a lot of money per bundle for developers. Often, bundles are best for exposure and to try to generate interest in their game. A promotion if you would like to think of it that way.

11 years ago

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Problem is that he assured people that Steam keys would be provided. I think that's the crux of the issue here.

11 years ago

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No one would be pretending to steam keys if the dev wouldnt promise them himself.

11 years ago

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You are getting votes for all these bundles, also there's many people buying a bundle even more than 5 times it's value.
The developers are just probably greedy.
Also the DEBUT Bundle are made with Greenlight games wich you are ASSURED to get a key if passed.
They are probably going to have problems and you know? I'm kinda happy.

11 years ago

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Also the DEBUT Bundle are made with Greenlight games wich you are ASSURED to get a key if passed.

It might be fairly common practice amongst developers to provide keys, but that statement above is actually your (irresponsible) expectations and is factually inaccurate. I don't believe Indie Royale ever promised Steam keys with any games in this bundle.

11 years ago

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They did, in every Debut. But this is not important anymore i guess.

11 years ago

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Got a source for this? It doesn't mention this on the archived page for the bundle that was linked above, nor do I remember reading it with any of their promotions.

11 years ago

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I agree with you on principle. However, they made a public statement stating that they would provide Steam keys to Indie Royale purchasers. If you say it, then you honor your promise and do it. It's that simple really. If they hadn't promised anything then that would have been a different story. But they did.

11 years ago

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Problem solved, dev's latest response:

"I agree with you guys, that would be a rotten deal and I always keep my word so let me see what I'll do, something that's fair for everyone and I'll get back to you.

Sorry for having screwed this one up and thanks for having kept the hate to a minimum.

(now time to patch that foot)"

11 years ago

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"something that's fair for everyone"

...sounds to me like a rotten discount offer is on the way.
Not that it concerns me as I didn't buy that bundle anyway.

11 years ago

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Well loads of developers do give Steam keys even when the bundle in which the game was, was for 1$. Not sure why they decided to do that.

11 years ago

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maybe because of Greenlit?

11 years ago

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The guy just posted this:
"I agree with you guys, that would be a rotten deal and I always keep my word so let me see what I'll do, something that's fair for everyone and I'll get back to you.
Sorry for having screwed this one up and thanks for having kept the hate to a minimum.".
Seems to me he's at least trying to not be an asshole.

11 years ago

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The developer has absolutely no obligation to provide Steam keys simply because a game that was bundled before it was on Steam is now on Steam. However, since they said straight up that they would do so, they're entirely obligated to do it. Even so, Laurent seems like a nice enough guy from the glance I've thrown his way in the past twenty minutes, and perhaps the devs get less money from bundles than you'd guess. I have no idea. But this dev probably doesn't deserve a spot on anyone's "worst developer list." Then again, I could be wrong.

11 years ago

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Simply don't care about McDroid, and you will be happy :D

11 years ago

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Common, someone sue him... he clearly stated there will be Steam keys, that's false advertising and he should burn in hell for it.

11 years ago

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This is a dumb comment. Save burning in hell for real crimes. Also, it would never hold up in a court of law and would be a waste of everyone's time.

11 years ago

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I find the "sue them" comments rather entertaining, especially in threads about price mistakes.

Just picture the users that contribute such usefull comments like this =)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Looks like the developer is now understanding his mistake and is trying to resolve the proverbial "foot in mouth" he has done to his reputation.

laurent [developer] 14 minutes ago
"I agree with you guys, that would be a rotten deal and I always keep my word so let me see what I'll do, something that's fair for everyone and I'll get back to you."

"Sorry for having screwed this one up and thanks for having kept the hate to a minimum."

"(now time to patch that foot)"

11 years ago

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so much damn hate..

11 years ago

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Well, I am glad to see a resolution came about. I am not one who likes to see developers hated on. Some might deserve it but at least this one was willing to see what was happening and try to fix it.

11 years ago

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The problem I have with is this, is if you buy a game from any bundle type site, you should definitely have it on the best platform the game is available on, which right now is steam. Steam allows for automatic updates, achievements, possible trading cards, networking/friend features, etc etc. It costs NOTHING for an indie dev to get huge amounts of keys from steam. That is not speculation, it is fact, and I have heard so from numerous indie developers. This is why devs sell steam keys using humble apps and such, because humble takes less than the 30% steam does when sold directly on their store. They advertise it as a way to also distribute a DRM free version, but that is not the main reason. They are simply making more money selling steam keys than they would selling the game directly in the store.

So to say something like he has, where some of his buyers aren't worthy enough to own the game on steam, even though it costs him NOTHING to give those keys out when the game launches on steam, is just ridiculous. If you didn't want to sell your game in a bundle with others for $3-5, then you shouldn't deserve the publicity you got from it either, that allowed you to get through greenlight as soon as you did. People want steam keys because of all the features the service offers, so a desura key is basically useless and a pain to update for anything that is available on both. You can't promise a steam key, and then give them a DRM free + Desura copy, take their greenlight votes, and then tell them that they have to go re-buy the game on steam if they want it. It's absolutely unacceptable, and not only that, he basically lied about the IR bundle being $1. Everyone knows Indie Royale never has a $1 minimum, like Humble or Indie Gala. They are similar to BundleStars in that aspect, except Bundle Stars is a set price, not an average.

The dev did personally give me a copy game to me free on Humble, so he's not outright greedy. But time has passed and I would imagine that he might not be happy with sales and the abysmal result of their kickstarter... ($612 / $35,000) Maybe he was just uninformed about the price of the bundle and was extremely nervous about the thought of fulfilling all of those keys for what is basically nothing. But as I said, even if it was $1, if you aren't okay with selling your game for 20 cents in a greenlight focused bundle, then you are also not allowed the publicity that those bundles offer. IGS promotions show considerable boosts in greenlight boosts. Full Bore for example. It did an IGS sale, and the very next greenlight set, they were accepted.

11 years ago

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^^ Very much agree with all of this. Also, are you gonna tell me that they never looked at the numbers from the Indie Royale promo? I find it hard to believe that when they received the revenue for X amount of dollars that they didn't at least have some idea of how many units were sold and what was the average per unit.

11 years ago

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I don't agree at all with it.

11 years ago

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Agree with you 100%

11 years ago

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I really enjoyed reading this, love a well crafted reasoning and most of what you say is very insightful given the data that you had.

What I'd like to convey to everyone here is that we, indie devs, run on fumes, either financially, emotionally or in term of how far we stretch our skill set and as a result of being 100% out of our comfort zone, we make many mistakes (at least I do ;-).

Now before I digress on some of the crazy stories that went on during McDROID, I'll stop there and go back to working on this crunch!

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Detruire.