So, hear me out: the AAA sports games are 100% disappointing. They are just an annual cash cow and the better ones aren't even on PC any more. There is a gap for indie developers to make a killing here. Roster updates? The community can create/modify rosters for any season they want. Player base? Steam says hello. I think Axis Football 2016 will fill the American football gap, but there isn't a good indie baseball or ice hockey game out there. I would kill to play an RBI Baseball or NHL '94 like game on Steam. Doesn't need to have the bells & whistles of modern games, it just needs to be simple, damn good games. Am I out to lunch?

There should be indie alternatives to the AAA games. I just want to log onto Steam, ping a friend and score goals down their throats. I don't want to pay $59.99 for a roster update every year.

(So, I'm doing a feasibility study. I have my reasons.)

I didn't include football (soccer) in this list because Natural Soccer fills a gap (although it's not cross platform). As for games like Rocket League or Super Blood Hockey or the like, they aren't simulating the actual sports they are themed from. I'm talking about sports simulations, not fantasy sports. =)

8 years ago*

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What sports games are you more interested in?

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I want more Tennis games :(

8 years ago

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Good one! I didn't think of that.

8 years ago

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You can always go outside to play real AAA game :P

8 years ago

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A problem may lie in the fact that an indie dev might not have the capital for licensing..You can't just use NHL teams and logos..

8 years ago

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Doesn't need to be a licensed game. Game could have made up rosters and teams, just like Axis Football 2015. I've always envisioned, since it is on the computer, sports games should be available to be edited by the consumer.. Want to modify teams and players? Let's hypothesize that as an option, our hypothetical sports game is editable in that regards. :)

8 years ago

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Ok, that is true, but as a hockey fan and an NHL fan, that is what i be able to play as McJesus on the Oilers, or Malkin on the Penguins. Fictional teams and players don't really do it for me (that's just me).
Though IF there was a hockey game on steam, not just a management sim, i would probably buy it anyways because i agree that there needs to be more sports games.

8 years ago

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Agreed 100%: no one wants to play with fictional teams and rosters. Hence, that's why I mentioned they should be modifiable in our hypothetical game, with tools and/or clear instructions provided by the developer explaining how to do so. There have been many PC games.

8 years ago

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No on will play sports games without licensed leagues, teams and players.
Indies can't afford the licences.
An indie could provide a game with user-generated shareable content, but if and when that's used to replicate real world entities and published online, they will sue so hard the indie dev will be bankrupted for 1000 lifetimes. Sports organisations are notoriously hugely protective of their rights, you don't fuck with them.
If the game was simply customisable instead and the creations weren't shareable, well, most people won't spend the time to create all the content from the real-world equivalent, so it's a niche product and won't sell.

8 years ago

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I'm not sure if you read the rest of the thread.

There are games that exist in which the community make their own roster updates. Been that way on PC for years. No players associations or leagues never went after these communities. In summary, the game would have fictional teams/players as a base but both would be editable by enthusiasts. This isn't a new concept.

8 years ago*

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The part where you said wanted an indie sports game to allow mods? I see you bothered to read none of my post. Just because the real-world leagues have to be added in by users, won't stop the leagues from suing.

You: "they should be modifiable in our hypothetical game, with tools and/or clear instructions provided by the developer explaining how to do so"
Me: "if and when that's used to replicate real world entities and published online, they will sue"

8 years ago

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Cool beans. You didn't read my reply.

8 years ago

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Good-o. You edited your reply after I posted mine. Kinda hard to read something that hasn't been posted yet.
The games you speak of that exist have already licensed the associations and players, merely allowing players to be added, removed or moved. Do you have any examples of any popular sports games that weren't licensed and allowed modding to add leagues, logos, player names and likenesses?

8 years ago

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NHL '04 (actually, the entire NHL series when it was on PC allowed user mods)
Eastside Hockey Manager 2007
Eastside Hockey Manager 2015
Axis Football 2015
Most popular sports roms from old consoles (Tecmo Super Bowl and NHL '94 being the most popular).

I'm sure there are many, many others. Some of the leagues modded by the community aren't already licensed in game. For example, for Eastside, nothing is stopping me from making freely a database with USHL teams and players. Leagues haven't come down on those's not a thing.

Question: do you play sports games?

8 years ago*

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HOCKEY PLS! NHL '04 and '09 mods don't do it for me anymore. I'd even be happy if they ported the arcade 3v3 version from xbl

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8 years ago

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NHL 04 Mods dont do it for you? HERACY. Im just kidding. The game can get old if you play it too much. If you havent check back at the forum in a year or two you should see all of the new mods.

8 years ago

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Haha yeah, I haven't checked in awhile. Thanks for the heads up!

8 years ago

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No problem. Its completely different then it was a couple of years ago. If you like vintage or international hockey youre in for a nice surprise. Plus Vod (our tech guy) is on the verge of making the game virtually open source.

8 years ago

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I never got into the NHL 04 stuff mostly because I lost interest in games for a few years. Especially right before and during that '04 lockout. I believe I checked out that mod community earlier this year. Since I'm on Linux, that's kind of no bueno. I'm not sure NHL '04 works, especially a modded version.

8 years ago

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If you are on linux and dont have bootcamp or whatever installed it wont work.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Multiplayer wouldn't be the biggest selling point. Steam provides game communities, which would be the better point I was trying to make. At minimal, me & my daughter can play. I'm not talking about an persistent world that EA and 2K games are trying to make. Thats an expensive (an unnecessary) pipe dream.

8 years ago

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Really surprised baseball is getting no love. I used to be the hugest baseball fan in the world. After '94, not so much. Few years later, I started to come around but Sosa/McGwire/Palmeiro/others ruined it for me. Interesting to see that others don't really care for it either. America's game my arse.

8 years ago

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Not interested in sports games and the sports I do would be pretty boring in games and are much more fun IRL.

8 years ago

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What sports?

8 years ago

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Tricking, which is quite unknown (a mix between martial arts and acrobatics) and Fitness, which would be just awful as a game xD
A Red Bull video about Tricking...but it's not all about battling, but getting better and the feeling you get from it is just amazing.

8 years ago*

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I think Axis Football 2016 will fill the American football gap,

I NEVER KNEW THIS EXISTED! THAT'S AWESOME! I really miss the old Blitz games. I loved that series.

Anyhoo, I agree. Come on Devs! :D

8 years ago

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Also: to heck with microtransactions!

/me flips the middle finger at EA and 2K Sports.

8 years ago

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I really like to see a good volleyball game on PC.

8 years ago

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Also a very good idea!

8 years ago

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You mean like a PC version of DoA Xtreme Beach Volleyball? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
We have Blobby Volley though.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Hockey. I love NHL 2004 Rebuilt. I even mod it. Its a Hockey game that gets updated every year with tons of mods and theyre all free.

8 years ago*

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I'm kinda baffled why do these even exists. You can play sports: many people have shown that not even body type or disabilities can prevent from anyone from doing that. On the other hand, you can hardly run around in medieval Middle East to find their target to assassinate, fly around in their superhero aircraft, battle zombie armadas, jump around on turtles in a fairy tale kingdom, or do all the other things many video games let you do in their world.

8 years ago

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In real life i cant win the Stanly Cup in game seven with the oilers but in my hockey game i can.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well, if you refer to management games, where you spend most of the time not on the field but trying to build a team, analyse stats, and everything that is needed to run a sports team… I can understand liking them. I just don't get games where you are simulating playing yourself. I'm an incredibly lazy and inactive person, but I really would just rather get a few friends and do that myself.

8 years ago

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Because the games I would like to play:

  1. Would also have a scaled down management component.
  2. Because I would like to play my friends on Steam.

If you don't like sports, it's a foreign concept because you don't play these types of games. Although, others would prefer to play games like Everquest or Dota 2, which I don't care for.

Also, it seems that the non-sports players think that playing simulated sports is a gateway for not playing actual sports? That's not how that works. You are assuming sports games players don't actually play sports?

8 years ago*

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tennis like NES

8 years ago

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Ah, I still love many of those old NES sports games!

8 years ago

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Is Axis decent or good at all? I've been wanting Madden to come to PC for a while now..I saw axis when it came out but held off on buying it, prefer to have a game licensed by the nfl but I don't see that happening.

Same goes with MLB 2K, wish it came back...

NHL back in the 90s was super fun, so were the wrestling games. I loved me some Mario Tennis. Lets not forget snowboard kids.

Anyways, if I had to choose between a hockey or baseball game, I think I'd go with hockey.

8 years ago

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It needs some work, still, but I'll always support an indie effort.

8 years ago

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Check this game on Steam Super Slam Dunk Touchdown. It combines 3-4 sports in one.

8 years ago

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That's not really up the alley of what I'm talking about. =) I actually can't wrap my head around why there aren't more simulations of sports instead of games like this. Who is the market for this type of game? There were a lot of sports games I dismissed in my original post on purpose. =)

8 years ago

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Maybe they are too expensive to make and it probably won't reach wide audience. AAA maybe disappointing, (especially on pc) but people still buy them. I think eventually some indie dev will jump on this idea and then probably tons of copycats will appear and the market will be oversaturated :D See what Amnesia did to the horror genre :D

8 years ago

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Nothing can be "too expensive" if you aren't putting too much expenses into it. A one man programming "team" w/ Java, LibGDX, GIMP, Inkscape, and a graphics tablet could knock out what I'm talking about. =) Would that be time consuming? Yes, but we see so many examples of such labors of love on Steam and elsewhere.

As for copycats, I kind of get that. However, since ground zero doesn't exist,.....then ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Evidently there isn't too much interest to make these kind of games. I don't even see too many open source sports games either, other than football (soccer).

8 years ago*

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I just need Rocket League and a quality remake of Hyperblade to satisfy all my sports gaming needs.

8 years ago

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