I had a bit of a brain storm and as I spend more time here (on steamgifts) I got to thinking... Wouldn't it reduce the server load and forum clutter if there was just one ninja thread that was cleaned up on a say... two or three day basis? I mean people would post their keys, people would redeem them, and then reply that they are claimed, and the cycle would continue.

As for a puzzle subforum the idea would be the same, People would post their puzzles, and then all questions would be posted as threads in said subforum.

Is this feasible? What do you think? It was just a stray thought that struck me at nearly 3am here so it might be crazy! Let me know.. (about the idea not my insanity)

1 decade ago*

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In a perfect world, yes, that'd be great.

1 decade ago

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I'm just trying to make it a little better, not perfect. I'm not solving world suffering, pain, hunger, or any other problem. Disorganization of a website forum focused on games is like the most 1st world of 1st world problems. :P

1 decade ago

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As you might have guessed things like that were proposed in the past. I didn't quite follow the discussion as I'm fine with what it is now. But I think general notion is many people want to make puzzles/ninja giveaways for people who normally frequent forums and not just someone who actively looks for free stuff on the forums :3

When I look for puzzles specifically, I just use that search box and type "puzzle", if someone didn't want to hide one, I'd find it that way. And the other way around, if they did want to hide it, they would still put it in general discussion even if there was subforum.

1 decade ago

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You not on steam!

1 decade ago

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:O I'm in the shadows!

1 decade ago

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Ezio.. is that you?!

1 decade ago

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No, a popular mistake. This is Adam Jensen. But he decided to join the sisterhood, too!

1 decade ago

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Terrible idea for puzzles imo. I got ~2500 comments for one of my puzzles. A single thread for all puzzles would get out of hand very, very quickly

1 decade ago

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Oh wait.. a thread? :O I kinda read it as subforum. One thread would really be a charlie foxtrot. Plus, you can't search within a thread only by thread titles, so that's an even bigger mess.

1 decade ago

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I meant a subforum... and I love that you described it as a charlie foxtrot.. did that at work once.. no one got it. Lemme edit my post now..

1 decade ago

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Oh, a subform would make much more sense. But if that happens, you can't really enforce all puzzles to be posted there. Hidden puzzles, for example, would be ruined if it were made a requirement.

1 decade ago

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I'm not that familiar with "Hidden puzzles" so I don't really know how to remedy that problem. I just was to make this community a bit more organized and streamlined is all.

1 decade ago

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hidden puzzles , etc.. on a general/spam subforum and forum giveaway/puzzles on a Puzzle subforum.

1 decade ago

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OK, then my original thought still stays. Though I can see how it would be more convenient. Not everyone would want to use it though, there be hidden giveaways too, that people specifically don't want to advertise. But for people who look for puzzles and those who make puzzles, that could really be more convenient.

As for ninja key drops, I find them somewhat silly and above all not fair to actual human beings, unless somehow scrambled. Specific subforum for that would just make it easier to automate "harvest"

Either way, in the end it boils down to cg having time for some changes and on that last poll regarding contributor system he said he's working on changes to the site, so I think these gonna be pretty big changes if they were at the point of considering whole contributor system. We'll see how it looks then, whenever it's going live.

1 decade ago

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Can we stop this automated "harvest" somehow? Put the ninja subforum behind a Captcha or some other bot-resistant technology?

1 decade ago

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Yeah, look at here, here and there! :p

1 decade ago

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Any ideas from you "day" people?

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by makwy2.