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What is that Gibbs? All blushy blushy no sucky fucky?
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If you 100% convinced that the chemical attack was orchestrated by the Syrian government then you are really wrong.
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counterproof pls. And add proof for mass destructions weapons in iraq when you are alredy into this.
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People have very different opinions about political issues, so the discussion is very likely to become hostile.
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It becomes political when you look at it from various perspectives. For an example, our nations as a whole are broke as fuck from the whole Alqueda witch hunt and invading Libya probably didn't help too much. On the other hand, we probably shouldn't just ignore a country that needs our help. On the other hand, we plan to use battleships... which would probably kill quite a few innocent lives and imo is counter productive.. Regardless of that, we could argue that it was a given innocent lives are lost but we must think of the long term and understand a "few" lives must be lost for the greater good. Some might argue if it is the UN's job to be justice fags, some might even argue the middle east in general doesn't like the UN and just wants us to go away.
As you can see, serious situation or not, politics is like a plague. It don't matter if the topic is important or not, simple or not, because politics will find a way to make it lead to the headline news in as confusing of a message as possible.
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Do you have a conclusive proof that the government did it? Because it is far more likely to be done by the rebels than the Syrian government.
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Yeah, I'm sure all the kids at the school who got napalmed did it to themselves too.
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What? :/
The government doesn't fight kids, but the rebels.
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Someone. (Rebels or Government) dropped napalm (although the bbc also stated that it could well have been thermite) on to a school, killing 10. From my knowledge, the rebels do not have this aerial capacity
I'll link to the Guardian's breakdown of it, because most of the BBC coverage is in video, which I'm not lnking to and wish I hadn't watched.
Edit: The Syrian Government is indiscriminate about who they attack. Any gathering of people (such as people queueing for shops or.. you know, kids at breaktime) have a good chance of being shot at, attacked, or napalmed.
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What, is this supposed to be an argument or something? I already know about that. All that I said is that it's very naive to think for 100% that the attack was done by the government.
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Well if it was an aerial drop, then it is most probably the Syrian Regime (SR) since:
1) SR has the warehouses, military arsenal and most importantly the delivery method (aerial) and means for it... One could argue that the rebels may have taken over an airfield, and at the same time (or the airfield had) warehouse of said weapons... but then comes the issue of piloting these A/C (see point 2 below)
2) It takes years and years of training to command military aircraft, let alone drop an aerial bomb (depending on type the difficulty should vary unless the A/C has some sort of HUD that does the calculation of where the bomb would drop) on a target. Again one could argue here that some pilots may have defected and turned rebels, then when point 1 above occurred, they ended up coming to the airfield and decided to drop the few bombs that they have in that warehouse on a random target that turned out to be a school... possible but since SR has a more vast supply of said weapons they would be more likely to be less discriminant about where they drop them, and this seems as the more probable scenario.
3) A/C don't maintain themselves; you need a fully operational facility to maintain A/C between take-offs and the like- something that SR more likely has than the rebels who are faction-ed off into groups with almost no cooperation between them in terms of resources man-power, etc. Again, it is not an impossibility that a group of the rebels captured an airfield that did have such a warehouse of weapons and also had rebel comrades that included pilots and A/C mechanics, but is highly improbable.
I am not saying anything definitive here; all I am saying is that, baed on what is being provided in the news and the like, the SR being behind is the more logically probable scenario.
edit: oh and I forgot to add this-
also, one could say that all of the probabilities (however small) came together and it was indeed the rebels that did it just to get attention.
If you have a highly limited arsenal of weaponry you would want to maximize the impact and choose priority targets. Perhaps one could argue that getting attention would not be such a waste of this limited arsenal... perhaps; but then I would ask you why the scale is so small... to me all life is sacred but since we are on the issue of whether they are capable of killing their own children for attention, wouldn't they have gone for something that REALLY got the world's attention (be it in terms of concept or quantity)?
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Reply to edit, it's hard for me to believe that anyone is that dumb and can't think of consequences, it is more likely to have been done by the rebels in order to get attention, just think about it.
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Terrorist, rebels, government, when they mass-slaughter people the naming doesn't matter to me anymore.
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+1 because when someone kills civilians, by definition, that someone is a terrorist!
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No, they're not. A terrorist is a person who uses or advocates terrorism. Whether they use is on civilians or military is irrelevant.
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Yeah, and syrian children and oldmen are so evil, that they need to die under american bombs (and opposition terrorists like Al-Nusra Front) -_-
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Imposing a puppet regime from outside does not work. If not, ask José Bonaparte.
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No we really don't. I read today that only 9% of my countrymen support US intervention in the conflict. This is our "democracy" at work...
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Worse than Hitler? That's a horrible attempt at a joke, right?
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"western propaganda" isn't even an attempt at an argument.
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stalin was the lesser of the 2 evils, atleast he did not pút millions of jews and minorities in concentration camps to die.
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oh please it cant be that bad...
"quick look on google"
that motherfucker
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JA, jokes on you, i posted my apologize 1 MINUTE before this, so yeah, suck on that
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First of all we need to clarify: It is not clear if the Rebells or the gouvernment made the attack.
Personally I think it was the gouvernment, BUT what should an american strike solve? They attack them and then? America said nothing about what will happen after the airstrike. Of course, we need to stop this terror, but as A UNITED NATION, so we need to come together and talk WITH russia AND america and all...
If you say you want to fight for the children, fine, donate to syria, we do not need more dead / wounded men in hospitals. Rebells that don't even ... Ok I am gonna stop. I do not need a banhammer on mine :P
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The only winning move is not to play.
Have they even tried a pacifist way of solving this? Or at least, they have plans for the long-term that do not involve jumping into a war just for the sake of it?
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Yep, I just do not understand what they are trying to obtain through war...
Peace obtained through the tip of the sword is nothing but just a truce
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I think this is the best place to discuss these things, after all we are all civil people here with no political ties what so ever. Like all people of the internet we are calm, contained individuals that are considerate of other people and their beliefs and do not go out of our way to hate or cause flame wars because that would be inconsiderate.
We come to logical decisions based on real evidence and clearly highlight any in accuracies with no malice intent other than to be accurate.
We also do not use sensationalism to bring the favor to our side and ......wait I just realized my bullshit meter was off the charts.
/adjusts knobs
There all better now! Omg y u support terrorist obama did 9/11 legalize gay weed! govt is fake we are living in matrix gay people is evil satan but lesbain people is ok, area 51 is just distraction from real thing that is pyramid made from aliens who visit earth regularly but we dont know beecause govt puts amnesia gases into your fodds and drinks believe me I am 100 perecnt surte and correct this information come from my cousin who knows a guy who works with a guy who heard of a guy who was neighbours with a guy whose mothers aunts lost sister son cousins twice removed once saw alien in his back yard and then govt ppl come and take it and then they put magnet in the brains so eberyone forget but they forgot that he already have magnet in brain because he snort grinded magnets so their amnesia magnet power was cancelled out because magnet repelled and attrack and formed some dna thing and he can see in 4th dimension.
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And my country is ready to enter in this conflict if we are asked for it.
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Godwin point from the start, well done.
I just leave that here...
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"Israel itself has been roundly criticized for firing white phosphorus shells over densely populated areas during the Gaza offensive that began in late 2008." they're complaining that their own methods are being used against them ... right.
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omg gaiz let us kill you ... what don't kill us back that's like unfair!
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I'm sorry, I wasn't really clear.
My point was about someone trying to present Israel opinion as being outraged by the use of gas in Syria, saying "worse than hitler".
i'm sorry, but to me, using gas or white phosphorus, it's same category of people.
Whoever is doing it. Whenever, first to use it or in retaliation.
And implicitly saying it's okay because the opponent did it as well later, I think it's really wrong.
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See, that's the difference right there - the difference between using white phosphorus in open unpopulated areas (Israel) versus firing mortars filled with it in order to intentionally harm civilians (Hamas) or using chemical weaponry to do so (Syria).
Do refrain from categorizing Israel along with Hamas or Syria, as it is an insult to human intelligence.
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haha come on.... it's the pot calling the kettle black.
"open unpopulated areas" ?... did you read the article YOU linked ? ("over densely populated areas")
Or have a look at the pictures I linked...
Same category of people. That's my opinion.
If something like that seems alright to you, well that's your opinion. Sadly.
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I actually did read it. It says that Israel been "criticized" for using it. Israel's been criticized for things like "unjust arrests" of Arabs who threw molotovs at soldiers, or killing the "peaceful" armed terrorists who lynched its commando during the floatilla incident for instance.
My point was that there was no intentional use of said white phosphorus on populated areas. Much unlike the Palestinian and, in this case, whichever side attacked the other in Syria.
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"killing the peaceful "armed terrorist"" in the flotilla incident... you mean "people who used kitchen utensils and whatever else they could find on the ship to defend themselves from a group of heavily armed people that boarded their ship in INTERNATIONAL WATERS" surely... at least, that is what I saw but its always interesting to know that there are still many that can condemn one act of terrorism and condone another (based on the side they support or have allegiance to I guess).
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I live next to Russia. We constantly get threats and propaganda aimed at us from there. You know.. our small countries are a great threat for a giant war-machine.. Recently a researcher there said that if USA intervenes with Syria, Russia should invade the Baltics again. Even though it's an officially shunned opinion; it's pretty clear that Putin's government probably thinks that way. It's not all black and white. Evil and good. The spectrum of events that surround incidents like these is enormous. Main thing is to act on it or spread the information so that people who can act on it will. Odds are they already know what you're trying to say here, plus a lot more and have made conclusions smarter than anyone will do in this topic which have lead them to act in the way they are. Where will this speculation here lead? No where and you're wasting your energy.
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Have you no knowledge of history? That of events few decades ago and recent years? As I said, there is no evil or good side. All the major military forces are committing and have committed great crimes. This includes Russia and USA. The difference here is that people expect USA to be good and already know that Russia is up to no good. So cause of the disappointment and larger information freedom than in Russia, USA appears darker.
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I've said Russia, not USSR. The only Russian war was with Georgia, which attacked Russian peace-keepers and Russian citizens. And that was only 5-day war. And now compare it with recent wars involving USA:
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"From 1991 to 1994, tens of thousands of people of non-Chechen ethnicity left the republic amidst reports of violence and discrimination against the non-Chechen population (mostly Russians, Ukrainians and Armenians)."
"The Second Chechen War was launched by the Russian Federation starting 26 August 1999, in response to the Invasion of Dagestan by the Islamic International Peacekeeping Brigade (IIPB)."
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The reasons for invading another country are irrelevant, you said "It's not Russia who constantly invading and bombing other countries, but USA and NATO." but they do and they have, that was my point.
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Yes, let's list wars without any context as to reasons and what was done during these wars. Then compare the two. Cause as we know. One war is better than the other. Russian soldiers raping and murdering innocent people makes totally up for the people American soldiers killed in that other war. Let's start comparing these things.
Both are doing horrible things and for someone to think one is better than the other you really need to shut that one eye.
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You completely missed the point. I was simply pointing out that Russia isn't innocent either. No comparisons were made whatsoever.
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How many Americans was killed by Syria government? How many Americans was killed by Iraq ex-government? No one. So why are they invading? NATO has killed much more Iraq civilians than ex-government of Iraq. And now it's going to be Syria. Why are they doing it? Just for fun?
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"Israel has the most powerful weapons, most of them secret from what they told."
So, let me sum this up. You basically just said that fire power is everything in a gun. mirite?
4ceruldoe. World War 3 incoming.
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because giving a LMG to a rookie is totally going to end well
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So what we learned today? uPlay is kinda unnecessary and Origin is unnecessary as well. Lets unite and use Steam for the rest of our lives! No but seriously, i feel kinda sorry amitre88. I have no idea what it feels like living in war zone and i really hope that things are not flowing like that.
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I guess this is the only site there is to post shit like this thanks or something i think
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35 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by SergeiKuzmin
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15 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by Myklex
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403 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by Myklex
31 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by atti
99 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by Domazo
it's sad , i think it's even worse than Adolf Hitler
to kill your nation that includes kids , moms , fathers , and baby's
i'm from Israel , there is few hurt people's that coming from Syria for medic.
Syria and Iran are together , if USA will attack next week Syria , Iran + Syria will attack israel , 50-50.
till now , +100,000 people's already died.
why nobody do something ?
even the United Nations left syria , everybody afraid T_T
wish i could go there and fight for those dead children s that only wanted to live they're life's.
Israel has the most powerful weapons , most of them secret from what they told
if there is Jericho III , there is already Jericho V
Nuclear weapon
we have more than 200 nuclear rockets from rumors
The Arrow
This rocket can destroy ballistic bombs without anybody will get hurt
Iron Dome
David's Sling
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