An easy three-step guide to be better at basic counting than Valve ever has been.

Step 1 - On the front page for the Steam store while using Chrome (or another WebKit-derived browser), right-click any game (I chose HL2: Ep 1) and hit "Inspect element".

Step 2 - Open all the openable thingies in the HTML and find the title, release date, anything you want to change.

Step 3 - Edit those fields by right-clicking them and selecting "Edit text" or "Edit as HTML". You can also get rid of the image by finding the "img" tag, right-clicking it, and selecting "Delete node".

And voila, you have absolutely undeniable proof that Half-Life 3 is confirmed. Haven't tested yet, but it should also work for Portal 3 and Left 4 Dead 3.

So yeah, basically screenshots prove nothing cuz anyone can make a flawless forgery in ten seconds without even opening an image editor.

1 decade ago*

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1 decade ago

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Just copy and paste this into the url, hit enter and then edit whatever the hell you please: javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true';%20document.designMode='on';%20void%200

EDIT: SORRY! You have to make it a bookmark, and click the link while on the page :)

1 decade ago

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True, but that tends to leave behind spellcheck squigglies and whatnot, and it's much less versatile, so I prefer developer tools for my forgery-making :)

1 decade ago

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Hmm... doesn't on mine; whatever just another easy alternative (for people who don't want to look into the code)

1 decade ago

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Very nice, I just tried this and it works pretty well... The only problem is the image, you don't exactly have an image for it, and you shouldn't just delete the image as that would be stupid... Oh well, we can at least trick our friends...

1 decade ago

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I was just imitating the guy who posted an image acting like Half-Life 3 appeared without an image as a glitch (of course, as commenters pointed out, he screwed up his photoshopping).

1 decade ago

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Ah. Maybe later I can use this trick and convince my friend that Half-Life 3 is being released...

1 decade ago

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I thought everyone already knew about HTML editing.

1 decade ago

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The guy who made the fake Half-Life 3 screenshot made a mistake that would have only happened in an image editor, so apparently not.

If there are any Rooster Teeth fans here, I remember watching an RT Life where they were trying to refresh the RT Facebook page at the moment that it hit 1 million likes. The guy in the video refreshed at 1,000,002 or something, and was jealous of some other person who sent him a screenshot right on 1,000,000. The other guy "sent it too soon to have photoshopped it, so it had to be legit." hurr durr durr

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by oxguy3.