Anybody here have any experience with GalaGiveaways? I haven't really entered any giveaways there yet but the idea of another steamgifts-like site is nice. It'd be nice if they added a "games you already own" filter like this site has though. But I do like the gala trading section a lot. It's a lot simpler than SteamTrades.

But yeah, what are your thoughts on GalaGiveaways? How does their point system work? Better or worse than CV?

1 decade ago*

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From talking to one of the admins there. They are in the works of updating the Giveaway site soon. They are mainly focusing on getting the IndieGala finished.

1 decade ago

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The only real problem with the site is the lack of an "already owned" filter, which makes it nearly unusable to people who buy every bundle.

And the general layout is a bit clunky, of course.

1 decade ago

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If you buy every bundle, what's left to enter anyway? :)

1 decade ago

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On galagiveaways, not much, admittedly. Which is another thing worth noting about it.

1 decade ago

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It's filled to the brink with bundle games. Other games are few and far between, and generally overpriced points wise. People are greedy because you get points based on how much people spend to enter your giveaways. I drop by from time to time but almost never enter anything there anymore. SteamGifts is still the better site, followed by GameMiner.

1 decade ago

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Not sure if this works anymore, but I'll leave it here since people can't search.

Gala Giveaways Filter Script

1 decade ago

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I don't use it often

1 decade ago

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I use it, and I've had about as much success there as I have here. Don't bother with the poker giveaways. They're point sinks and anything short of 4-of-a-kind won't win, since people with huge backrolls keep getting new hands endlessly.

One nice thing about GG, as opposed to here, is that you actually get something (points) for giving away things. There's a formula, but the more points spent on your giveaway, the more you make back, so it creates a nice incentive to keep the price low enough to maximize entries.

If you check it from time to time and snag a few refills, you can save up a nice bit of points until you find a giveaway you like. I usually have at least 10k in points banked in giveaways that don't end for 5 days. Once I find a giveaway for a game I want and and a price I like, I pull them from the banked giveaway and dump them in the good one.

1 decade ago

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I totally can't stand their site layout which makes me not to bother using them.

1 decade ago

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It's still a Beta site so a few things that really should be done will be done. Like not entering games you own, it's just a good thing and should be a must have or the layout, or filter. I started there pretty early and won a lot of good games there since then. I used the refils and gave away 2 games that was fare enough for me to enter all I wanted. I also didn't win only bundle games and there are good games for low points to enter. As of now the community just is small therefore the bundle games are fare ahead, but also there are good chances to win 1 to 200,300,400 players, fare better then on steamgifts. The maximum I saw is about 2300 players in a promoted massive giveaway. The point system is not perfect but the idea is good. The people decide themselves what to sell and buy for how much they want like in the real world. Their point value and maximum feedback is not too diffrent from steamgifts contributer value. Getting games to people who gave away games. In fact it's no diffrence people are just grumpy because they can't enter and you get something, the truth is if they are not greedy and give away games themselves like I did the big number of 2 bundle games there is no problem. If you don't want then thats fine but don't complain then you can't enter everything you want because the others are greedy when in fact you are. All in all I like the site very much and I'm sure they will make it better and kill the problems which are still there in the future.

1 decade ago

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I actually randomly won King's Bounty: The Legend there and I really, really loved it. 40 hours on it or so.

1 decade ago

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I quit using it. I don't like that the games don't have a title to them. You either have to click it or hope the pic says the game name (Mainly Desura games have this issue). Plus it's mainly bundle games which I get them all so another reason it's not for me. Filter options suck and site is just clunky and ugly.

1 decade ago

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shitty copycat website

1 decade ago

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I'm a fan. I agree that it needs a filter, however it offers better chances of winning. Originally the games gifted at far lower points, there has been significant inflation, although the same holds true if you want to offer a gift, i.e. you now get far more points for a gift. Ultimately it's another decent gifting a site and I'd recommend it.

1 decade ago

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The layout is just confusing, but I might give it a try.

1 decade ago

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I don't use both of them. Just came here for great forums, I have 300P on my account but why spend time entering giveaways that you'll have 0.01 chance to win?

1 decade ago

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Well, if you don't enter you have 0 chance to win... :)

You could use the steamgifts plus addon, and hide everything that's not on your wishlist. Then it would probably only take 1 minute a day to enter giveaways... :)

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

1 decade ago

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Used it for a while, pretty much gave up on it after everything became poker GAs.

1 decade ago

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its ok poker is FUN!!! i won 2 games in poker overall 6 games, 5 on desura and one on steam

1 decade ago

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I joined when you posted this thread to check it out, entered a giveaway, it looked OK, not as well done as this site, but I won the first and only giveaway I entered so can't complain about it too much really

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by kurokitsune91.