2 years ago*

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2 years ago*

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2 years ago*

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They are selling humanitarian aid/white label cans/ at hypermarkets, video @ https://t.me/istorijaoruzija/48806

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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They, who did not watch, don't tell me what to do!

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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You have a banner, I do not have one, who is spreading missinformation, all information is presented at the source, including payment receipt with address attached, stop ad-hominem attacks right now!

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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Here's a perceived corruption index*, look who's at bottom, odds that government empowered people are behind that is high, don't bother replying, I am spreading my awareness.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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When a Bulgarian is concerned about rampant corruption in another country ...

View attached image.
2 years ago

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The guy posted a link about humanitarian goods ending up sold in the streets & you are attacking him for somehow being "in favor of russian invaders".

This glaring inability to keep that rabid dog self of yours in check in going to be your undoing.

2 years ago

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More cans sold in another city https://t.me/novostiniko1/12805

Daj nam więcej!

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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facebook "fact" check is biggest scam in the world! I went to your store, and there's no such cans offered there, go figure!

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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every moron can call himself an international, that does not make his statements less false, you can ask republican members of usa more on that topic!

2 years ago

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In this video Ukrainian soldiers shoot Russian prisoners of war in the legs and afterwards give them a severe beating. At the beginning of the video, there are Russian POWs lying on the ground with bullet wounds in their legs, some of them have got leg bones broken. It might give the impression that the Russian military were captured after having been wounded. But that's not the case. At the end of the video, we can see Ukrainian soldiers shooting all the newly arrived prisoners through their legs. Many of them are dying from shock due to the pain right on camera. And all of this is being filmed by Ukrainian soldiers themselves.

2 years ago*

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That's just horrible.. not smart of them to put it online

2 years ago

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yes, in my city the military enlistment offices are already full of volunteers, after such videos there will be even more volunteers

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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there are already plenty of such videos on the web, confessions of captured neo-Nazis. These are all flowers compared even with the 2014 year , what did the Tornado battalion , who were imprisoned for 10 years by the own government of Ukraine

During the arrest of the Tornado battalion commanders, their phones were seized and videos of rapes were found. In particular, a baby was recorded on one of them, said People's Deputy from the People's Front party Tatyana Chornovol.
this is open information anyone can read the materials of the court case

Kiev is no longer able to hide that ordinary fascists are involved in the "ATO". One of the assistant battalion commander "Tornado" Onishchenko with the call sign "Mujahid" openly admits to the thirst for torture, links with ISIS, violence and mockery of people

Zelensky by the way in march everyone released them from prison

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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handsome, looks like a school teacher

in the register of court cases , can find all the materials , open information

2 years ago*

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Even Kiev's own resources reporting on Tornado's "antics" are "fake", "hoax" or "nonexistent" now?

Talk about embarrasing.

2 years ago

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Don't get me wrong, but how can you say already debunked and then say it's probably filmed for something in the same sentence. This is war, psychopaths exist on both sides, we can't start defending psychopaths

2 years ago

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He was probably telling "already debunked online(,) OR probably filmed for own military propaganda".

And you ? Are you trying to cast doubt on Ukrainians ?
Wars have always been playground for psychopaths. If psychopaths worries you, you should talk about the psychopath dictator behing this war.

If you are not a pro-Poutine troll, I'm deeply sorry about my own doubts toward you.

BUT after reading you elsewhere:

1: but modern Russia is different and has no imperial ambitions

2: OP is basing the entire thread of not wanting Ukraine to be part of Russia, which is a false problem. Russia wanting to annex Ukraine is a baseless claim that has been circulating for a very long time that's it's a truth now.

And two other replies 3 & 4.

---> I've read the comment formatting to do this:

If you are not a pro-Poutine troll, I'm deeply sorry about my own doubts toward you.

Battlezone, you can't say than you dislike Thought-terminating cliché : "assumptions without any proofs", "which is a false problem", "baseless claim that has been circulating for a very long time that's it's a truth now", "we should respect its sovereignty".
Battlezone, instead of terminating thoughts you should start thinking again and stay quiet. After your shitshow about that video, now I believe RedDisco is spreading bullshits too.

2 years ago

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Advisor to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Alexey Arestovich confirmed the torture and urged the Ukrainian military not to mock the captured Russians.

2 years ago

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I won't tell you if I trust or have doubts about your message. But I can tell you than I don't even read pro-Poutine proof links.

There is one thing I know for sure: Wars have always been playground for psychopaths. If psychopaths worries you, you should talk about the psychopath dictator behing this war.

2 years ago

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u can look interview of Alexey Arestovich on ukr news video same

2 years ago

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Did you really just call Unian (Kiev's CNN) and Zelensky's advisors briefing "pro-Putin"?


2 years ago

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Only RedDisco. And probably you.

2 years ago

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I'm the one who actually should feel sorry for you. Your high level FBI-like investigative work on a nobody - that posted a comment you didn't like - is a clear enough proof for me that you are more than somebody with good intentions, but rather a person whose heart is filled with hatred against anyone he's told to hate, even from his own people (I assume you're a Westerner). The more people like you I stumble upon, the more repelled I get from the daily narrative me and many of my friends got tired of being shoved up our throats.
The comments you linked to are my opinions and conclusions, and I stand by them. I've been fond of history and geopolitics at a young age (not claiming I'm an expert), I met people from all over the world, including Russians who are pro and against their government, and it all culminated in forming my opinion on many previous issues, such as the invasion of Iraq, the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union and then the US, the coups in the Arab world that people like to pretend are completely the will of the people, the 2014 coup in Ukraine. I can't help but question the legitimacy of the current Ukrainian government and its choices. What made things even worse is their complete silence on the crimes of Azov in Donbass and their pretending like Nazis already got integrated and dealt with. This for you is enough to dub me as a Russian bot, which is sad. People are not allowed to think for themselves anymore. I'm against the invasion of Ukraine and I believe there could be diplomatic ways to solve the issue, but I'm also against the Ukrainian government letting Neo-Nazis prosper in the country, do torch marches and indoctrinate the youth. I'm sad when I see dead Ukrainian/Russian soldiers, unlike people who try to dehumanize either of them, then try to dehumanize anyone criticizing the common view in his wider circle and call for treason laws to be put in place against them. You can put your links in your pipe and smoke it, and again I'm not letting anyone force me to believe anything I can't accept.
edit: there you go, it looks like the "Russian Bot" posted the proof you were looking for in the reply above me, and it came from a Ukrainian official. Also I want to comment on this sentence you started with " Are you trying to cast doubt on Ukrainians ?". I mean try to record that on a tape and listen to how ridiculous you sound. You're threatening me with something along the lines of treason. It's not only a strawman but you're copying that phrase, I've been hearing it since the conflict started, same goes to "Putin puppet". That's a double offense, you're dehumanizing me by using "Puppet" and then you're making me a property of Putin. Personal attacks won't help you better express your view (even though your whole reply was just personal attacks)

2 years ago*

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The world has many people who don't like dictators, if you think it's wrong, I'm sorry for you.

2 years ago

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Both sides may "cease to be human" on the battlefield.
That would be sinful, as past history has proven. However, it is unclear when, where, and in what capacity these things were done.
This section describes the progress of fact-checking by news organizations at this time.

Ukraine promises "immediate investigation" after video surfaces of soldiers shooting Russian prisoners

As for the "video," we'll have to wait and see.
We should wait and see how the "video" is verified, as there have been many repetitions and deep fakes made in the past in wars and conflicts.

And there is at least one more problem with you.

User Content
The below is a list of content that is not allowed in our community. Content consists of any material you post or make available through our site, such as discussions, links, comments, usernames, or Steam avatars.

2.Inappropriate content. If you are posting content that may be considered NSFW (not safe for work), prefix any links or images with a NSFW tag to warn others. Do not post pornography, or explicit content, such as real life images depicting severe injury, gore, or death.

It contains depictions that are not acceptable with NSFW tags and are treated as crimes in some areas.

We recommend modifying those submissions or, if that is not possible, adding an NSFW tag.
(It is best to remove the url, as it may be considered a violation.)

At the very least, the Ukrainian government is aware of this video and is investigating.
 The authenticity of your statement would have been assured.
So there should be no problem to remove the link.

2 years ago

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OK, I'll delete the link, we'll wait for the completion of the special operation on denazification
Documents on crimes have been collected for a long time, witness statements and a trial are coming soon

2 years ago

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Woman Found Murdered In Ukraine Military base in Mariupol School basement

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago*

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Just by the way, the Russian authorities have already banned this interview from being distributed.

for those who do not live in Russia, this means nothing...

but for those living in Russia, this may end up in prison.

2 years ago*

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Хорошее интервью. Повторять по 100 раз одно и то же, переводить посты на английский и участвовать в срачах ни времени, ни сил уже нет, поэтому просто скопирую свой комментарий с Ютуба:

"Видно, что человек устал. Руководить страной под бомбежками; 24/7 записывать обращения как к своему народу, так и к мировой общественности; посещать раненых; прощаться с убитыми; поднимать мораль своих солдат, вместо того, чтобы отсиживаться в безопасном месте — крайне сложное дело. Как физически, так и психологически.

И тем не менее, в его словах нет ни злости, ни грубости, ни страха. Только печаль и разочарование в «братском» народе, поддержавшем это безумие. И это огромный контраст с нашими (российскими) чиновниками. Никаких «оторвать башку» и «мочить в сортире», никаких оскорблений и угроз, никаких «понятий», никаких, прости господи, шуток про члены. Вежливый, культурный, открытый человек, обеспокоенный будущим своего народа, своей Родины. А не доживающий свой век уголовник, обеспокоенный лишь тем, как войти в историю, неважно какой ценой.

И глядя на руководство двух стран, никаких сомнений о том, за кем правда — не остается. И за кем, в конечном счете, будет победа — сомнений тоже нет. Да, погибших не вернешь. А раненные будут вспоминать пережитое до конца своих дней. Но Украина будет отстроена. Отстроена еще лучше, чем прежде. И поможет ей в этом весь мир.

А вот какова будет участь озлобленной, разобщенной, изолированной и обнищавшей России — догадаться несложно. И это печальный, но закономерный итог для страны, отказавшейся от здравого смысла"

2 years ago

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Ну если не сомневаетесь, то вперёд, едем и помогаем. Ведь, если не поехать, то потом будет как говорите Нищая, разобщённая, изолированная и озлобленная. Вам же жить не захочется, вот как раз и вперёд, ранее начнёте, есть шанс в последний вагон запрыгнуть, а то потом могут и не принять.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago by a staff member, MSKOTOR.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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Соси хуй, наташа

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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нассы себе в рот

2 years ago

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Invaders Damage Building Of Neutron Source Nuclear Facility In Kharkiv | Ukrainian news

The Ukrainian press report describes the impact of the damage from the shelling of the Ukrainian radioactive material control facility, which also took place on the 26th.

Recently, there was talk of fires in a highly contaminated forest near Chernobyl.

Currently only limited areas of Ukraine are contaminated, but if vandalism is done to nuclear power plants and other facilities again, Russia and the EU may become uninhabitable, depending on the direction and scale of the winds.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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This is the second time I am asking for your help.
Please leave me alone.
I asked this last time.

Update 34 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine | IAEA

If you are seeking to add to the authenticity of the information, international organizations also have reports on this matter.

In the north-eastern city of Kharkiv, Ukraine informed the Agency yesterday evening that a nuclear research facility had come under renewed fire but it was not yet possible to assess the damage. The facility, which has also previously been hit, has been used for research and development and radioisotope production for medical and industrial applications. Its nuclear material is subcritical and the radioactive inventory is low.

Authenticity checks are underway, including for the attack on the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine.
There are currently 34 reports related to those Ukrainian nuclear plants.
The incident mentioned in the recent Ukraine report is also described in the report and is currently under investigation.
As stated above, the presence of nuclear material is controlled and no weapons-related material has existed in the past.

Radioactive materials are basically difficult to hide.

However, the pollution will continue for a long time, and it will eat away at people's bodies and souls.
 For example, when the water is contaminated, evaporates, forms clouds, and reaches Russia, the people of Russia may also become ill.
At the time of the Hiroshima bombing, it was called "black rain.

There will probably be no immediate effects. I have experienced it because of the Great East Japan Earthquake (nuclear accident).
The accumulation over time shortens people's healthy life expectancy.
That is the concern I am talking about.

You are not concerned about that concern and you have no problem claiming what you believe in as long as you adhere to Guideline.
 You need to be mindful not to make personal attacks or hate speech.

Please do not reply to me any further.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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Maybe before you spew your moronic bullshit at least provide one credible source for anything you are claiming here.
All you are doing is throwing around "proven, debunked, announced" but all you share are unrelated and unproven propoganda videos from russias side. I just love how conveniently the guns are laid out as in a museum that is on a hollywood level set making. Almost comes close to all the action movies where spies lay out guns to sell to terrorists

why Russia would destroy evidence of the crimes of Ukraine and USA

Because there are no evidence you overcooked cabbage. What is not funny are claims from paid trolls like you as it is not clear whether you truly are this brainwashed or that a paid troll somehow has found its way to this somewhat secluded gamer community.

2 years ago*

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is all this bullshit some advertisment for your future fiction novel or what?

2 years ago

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The forces that had fallen back from Kyiev to Chernobyl (35th russian army) supposedly where told to make a stand in Chernobyl (by digging trenches etc). So basically they are unearthing the radioactive material that was covered when the region was contaminated.

So with all of the risks that you already mentioned the soldiers themselves are being exposed to extensive radiation as well, most likely against their own knowledge. But these are infos that come more from Ukraines side, so I am not vouching for the credibility of it.

2 years ago

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Even within the scope of the IAEA's surveillance system, there are probably many things being filmed, just not privy to the information.

Radioactive materials used in nuclear power plants and weapons have such seals on them, and the IAEA is constantly accumulating information about them, since the government and the IAEA are teaching and monitoring them.

Well, the Russians may not trust what the Ukrainians and the West say, but how can they not trust what the IAEA, an international organization, says?

It is like the statement of a good friend, with whom Russia has been associated with the IAEA for a longer time than Ukraine in the management of Chernobyl, and with whom Russia has cooperated in the denuclearization of Ukraine's nuclear arsenal.

Ukraine was the country that possessed the Soviet Union's nuclear weapons in world-destroying quantities in the first place. It is only natural that those relationships would be built.
 Ukraine is a country that was denuclearized through the joint efforts of the United States, Russia, and the IAEA.
(Both the U.S. and Russia were reluctant to pay for denuclearization for a while.)
 And now that it has denuclearized, it can build relations with the EU and NATO as well. Did Russia Head Quarter "see the grass is greener on the other side" when Ukraine could have been a transit country between the EU and the East?
 It may be common throughout the world that other countries look like paradise.

What makes speakers from within Russia so outlandish these days is that they are probably unaware that services such as You Tube, which has provided the remaining Google-related services, are also controlled by the content they display.
There are two ways to bypass them, one private and the other mentioned in the beginning of the discussion somewhere in SG a long time ago.
We will be discussing whether there are other means later on.

2 years ago

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how can they not trust what the IAEA, an international organization, says?

Im pretty sure IAEA for them is just another evil western propaganda machine fueling nazi regime in Ukraine. As you can see some here already literally said nuclear weapons where built in Chernobyl. The propaganda in Russia is rooted so deep they don't even realize they are literally fed absolute lies.

I wont deny that west has propaganda as well so of course we should wait the end of war to see where it goes, but this west propaganda everyone likes to bring up is nothing compared to absolute shitshow Kremlin has been parading. Since the day one of the war Russia has constantly changed the reason for attacking. Each time they have no proof they come up with another reason. It started with retaliation to NATO (which is just moronic), we have heard denazification, protection of native russians (which is only like 17%), then we heard biological weapons which went nowhere, now we have nuclear weapons (which boggles my mind), now they are saying they didnt even want to occupy Kyiev but only liberate Donbas region. The whole thing has been contradictory from day one. Even inside the Kremlin itself they are plotting plans against each other.

Even the losses in war.. they are still claiming it's only around 1500 dead. Oh really ? That's why they have to bring in armies from other parts of russia and occupied lands ? Ukrainian refugees literally fleeing to Europe, saying how they are attacked, shot at, raped by russians. While russians still claim they are the ones helping out. This is disgusting beyond comprehension.

An open war is not an appropriate way of dealing with stuff. Kremlins propaganda has been scrambling for some ground since they lost the initial plan of storming Kyiev and install puppet government. They didnt expect such harsh reaction from west, even China didnt hence even they are turning their backs to Putin. I'm all for open discussions on both sides - if Fin7 can bring up credible information I want to see it. If Russia can bring credible proof there where nuclear or biological weapons meant for attacking russia - I want to see them. But don't claim western propaganda is as bad as Russian propaganda (not directed at you of course, talking in general), because it isn't. While we get fed our point of view narrative we are freely open to express our views. In russia you get arrested and labeled anti-russian for voicing opposition - now please tell me how that is even remotely an indication of normally functioning democracy....

Sorry for rant :D

2 years ago*

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There is a "dirty" bomb. It can be assembled almost on the knee. A 200-liter barrel, a simple TNT charge lies in the center, but transuranic elements lie around (although you can put Caesium 137). The task is simply to fill up just these elements with as large an area as possible for radiation contamination. There is no need to understand how to collect this charge.
About the IAEA. No, what kind of organization, it is clear and what it does is clear.
Apparently, apart from Chernobyl, and even then, which has now become famous on the TV series, we do not know other nuclear cities. There are actually 4 of them, except Chernobyl, and some with extended operation https://www.uatom.org/en/general-information
About those who run, and then tell. And what else can they tell? If we say about the national battalions, then you can go a little further than the border and not leave, and if about the Russians, then this fits the situation, although it may be a lie. Those who have reached the border and crossed it can say anything, just not to return and go further to Europe.

2 years ago

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And nothing that the warheads did not want to give up and they had to be taken out by planes, not trains. It was just that the control of everyone was from the Kremlin and they were stalling for time in order to be able to reassign themselves, but they did not have time.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 sides feel the difference

The Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, Tatiana Moskalkova, said that relatives of the Russian military who were captured in Ukraine received a video with bullying of prisoners.
"Parents send both videos and photos. This, of course, is not only a violation of international law, which prohibits these cruelties to demonstrate, but also the collapse of the inner moral core when you send your mother footage of bullying," Moskalkova said.
The Ombudsman also said that she received more than 100 appeals about prisoners of war, of which about half were confirmed.
Ukrainians soldiers call relatives of Russian prisoners with threats and torture videos
soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine calls the relatives of the deceased soldier from his phone

The soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who were captured today by the armed forces of the LPR in the city of Popasnaya, were allowed to call their relatives.

2 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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ok , so what?
on youtube already tons off videos with ukrainians calls to soldiers relatives

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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Dot-U. I think you know. The problem is that in Russia they were replaced with Iskander, but not in Ukraine. And these rockets fly and hit houses. And this is also recorded, and OSBE.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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If you can read it, then it's linked to maps, and Google maps. https://topwar.ru/116246-tochki-nad-u.html

2 years ago

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Holy ur favorite group "USSR" really checks out

2 years ago

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Lol, my nickname on steam CCCP that means USSR. Nice to meet you kitty

2 years ago

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It strikes me odd to see a fan of CCCP, going on about war crimes. CCCP killed millions, many of its own citizens too (Great purge etc). So please spare as your "reports".

War crimes committed by aggressor is no excuse for war crimes of a defender. But like you said... we'll wait for this unjustified aggression to end. Documents on crimes have been collected for a long time, witness statements and a trial are coming soon

2 years ago

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Most of USSR fans are usually clueless to what USSR actually did.
Either they are 20 something old wannabe rebels or 50 something year olds who lived in USSR. In both cases they are blissfully arrogant to the fact it was basically Nazi Germany on steroids. It's actually boggling how many people unironically believe the soviet times where better then they are now and think that Putin would bring us out of evil american influence....

2 years ago

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Cleaning, yes, there was, and there were kinks, but at the same time it was needed, but not as it turned out, although those who started cleaning, then finished the same way as it was carried out. And since some of those who needed it, they just got power and wanted to become local princes. That's just those who thought less about the country, and more about their power, and began to clean up.

2 years ago

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so many messages)
before the start of the anti - terrorist special operation , I had an avatar with the red flag of the USSR , but now the anti - Nazi symbol Z is more relevant
Steam allows you to design a profile in any way. First i like newSovietWave style music and this fist reason to make profile with this theme. Many Ukrainians profile is designed in the style of neo-Nazism and now for a Western pepole it turns out a hammer and sickle on a red background is scarier than Nazism? hmm
for most Russians, anti-Soviet = Russophobe
The Soviet Union saved Europe from Nazim in 45 and will save it in 22

2 years ago*

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Funny thing is USSR plotted with Nazi Germany to divide Europe, which makes them Nazi collaborators first of all.

2 years ago

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Always hit them with sources, they hate that ;)


2 years ago

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You are stupid nazi boy, who never seen USSR and have now idea how it was, and yet you adore it. Probably you are nazi because of the same reason - you are too stupid to understand meaning of this.

2 years ago

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Here is another link about your beloved CCCP
I hope you're just being ignorant. It's definitely not something to be proud of.
One could argue that the death toll of soviet regime was even greater than the Nazi Germany. Over 20 million people killed under Stalin's reign. If that is what (some) Russian people praise then it is no wonder how come they act this way today.

2 years ago

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Yes, even more. 25 million, not 20, and this is only for the period from June to December 1941. I wonder why they didn't give an Iron Cross with wreaths for it then.

2 years ago

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I suppose you proudly associate with this mass killing, while being concerned for the assumed future killings by the "neo-nazis"?

Edit: Or maybe you at least honestly believe that Russia should spread the terror & bring back those glorious days of USSR?

2 years ago*

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sorry, but you do not know the story from the word at all. If you also named the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars correctly, then you don’t know who was given the Iron Cross. Find out first, then we can continue our dialogue.

2 years ago

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There are also videos about bullying prisoners. But this was done in vain. You can read the comments, and the troops can also accept it. Understand that they will kill, so fight to the last (still die. and so I'll take a couple more with me) and there will be fewer prisoners, why take him, he mocked (yes, he raised his hands, but then he took this knife out of his pocket, well, I shot, I didn't understand that the knife was plastic).

2 years ago

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I thought I'll just leave it here.

Some of Russia’s leading opposition figures, incl. Mikhail Khodorkovsky, have unified and launched an anti-war committee to protest Russia’s🇷🇺 invasion of Ukraine🇺🇦.
This country does not need war!

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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Wanted to stop here to thank everyone keeping things updated nicely here. :]
I personally avoid news outlets overall due to many reasons, but I have friends in Ukraine, and haven't heard from them in a while. So it is nice to know what is going on, in a more direct approach.

2 years ago

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"People fell out of windows, and they finished them off"
The Nazi from "Azov"* he tells how people were killed in Odessa.
Nazi from Azov repents and tells how they burned people in Odessa


2 years ago

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I wonder if have ever read that Wiki article in full.

2 years ago

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Except it's fake. He don't even have ukrainian accent. So, you telling me it's anti-russian nazi who speaks russian natively, and never talked ukrainian? Are you idiot or what? At least read the damn wiki you're linking if you have no idea about those events.
Also, please tell me, EVEN IF it was true - how killing innocent women and children will help against that? Because that's what russian army doing right now. You really believe it's justified to invade other country because there are a dozen of neo-nazis? Then you will for sure be happy if some forces will invade Russia, will level your cities and kill children and women? Because, you know, there are many neo-nazis in Russia, far more than in Ukraine. You really would want and welcome this? Or you are just an idiot looking for excuses for war crimes? Because, you know, there is no third option.

2 years ago

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i can answer you
The purpose of the Russian special operation in Ukraine is not to change the Kiev regime, as the West is trying to present, but to protect people from genocide. The special operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine has become a timely and proactive measure against Kiev's criminal steps towards Donbass
Not Russia start this . The anti-terrorist operation was launched by Kiev against the civilians of Donbass in 14. Now it is being continued it's just that now the Russian army has really entered, since Kiev is not capable of negotiating and does not comply with the Minsk agreements. The Ukrainian army will be disarmed

2 years ago

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Russia started the civilian war past in 2014 and until now kept supplying the separatists with weapons and people, its a known fact

2 years ago

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The OSCE mission has been conducting daily reports since the 14th year, they are publicly available, you can download pdf format for each day. They did not find the Russian army . The volunteers were from Russia, no one has ever denied it. Volunteers came to the side of Kiev from different countries, including from Russia

2 years ago

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Yeah yeah, The volunteers and weapons were from Russia to fuel civilian war. Great peacekeeping. and famous russian Igor Vsevolodovich Girkin who started the coup was just passing by

2 years ago

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there were many warehouses with weapons in the Donbas. Girkin was not an official representative of the Russian army, this is his personal wish, he is a volunteer. Everyone helped with what they could , I personally threw off money many times as much as I could to the DPR people , which fought against the Nazis from the Azov regiment

2 years ago

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And you proved this point once again. Russia was fueling civil war, It was sending people and weapons to different country.

"There were many warehouses with weapons in the Donbas." - another fairy tale. Just a few warehouses to last for 8 years of war. I guess that they were REALLY big.

2 years ago

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The Ukrainian army has been ruined and heavily corrupt since the 90s
It's ridiculous, but a lot of weapons were directly delivered from the West to Donbass. There was a lot of evidence about this until the West took control and began to restore order in the army of Ukraine by nurturing the Reich. Many foreign instructors were sent, money in Ukraine was paid only in the army, the people lived very poorly

2 years ago

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And once again, you already proved by your own words that people and weapons were coming from russian side to donbass. If there were any proofs that this was the West sending weapons to donbass, i`m sure that russian propaganda machine would be screaming about it everywhere. But it was Russia that supplied separatist, they where very proud and open about it.

"money in Ukraine was paid only in the army, the people lived very poorly" - this statement is not true. Paychecks were increasing, slowly, but still that was something

2 years ago

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but to protect people from genocide.

By killing women and children? I hope somebody will protect you and your family then.

Not Russia start this .

Sure, not russia occupied Crimea, not russia supported terrorists on donbass, not russia is destroying our cities now. Great example of denial. What next? It's not you shit your pants?

2 years ago

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Russia has many times offered the Ukrainian army and Nazi battalions to leave the cities, provided corridors. But the Ukrainian army decided to hide behind civilians in cities. In 14, the army of the DPR LPR built fortifications as far away from cities as possible, in an open field. Why is the Ukrainian army not doing this now?

Crimea seceded on its own through a referendum. If 500,000 degenerates jumped in Kiev , it does not mean now that people who did not agree with the maidan should obey Kiev

2 years ago*

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Do you really expect that saying "please give up" is an excuse for killing women and children? You are even bigger idiot than I thought.

Crimea seceded on its own through a referendum.

Yes, sure, referendum under the guns of russian soldiers. Totally legit, lmao.

Chechnya seceded on its own through a referendum. But russia for some reason proceeded to level their cities, kill their women and children (and would have miserably failed without agreement with Kadyrov).

2 years ago

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Ruske fascism mobilize poor civic guys at Donetsk region & displaces them across borders (twice) without any documents, then throws them at regular army with couple of magazines of poor bullets that don't even always shoot, commanding 'Go & die!'.
They beg to help them out, we can only wish them successful surrender.

2 years ago

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[Do not open if you do not like pictures of building debris, etc.]
Mariupol mayor calls for "complete evacuation" of the city

“We need a complete evacuation from Mariupol," Boichenko said. "Our most important mission today is to save every life... And there are hopes that we will succeed. For example, there are 26 buses that have to go to Mariupol to evacuate, but unfortunately, they haven't received permission to move. And this game is played every day. A cynical game like, 'Yes, we are ready. You can drive there,' but in fact it does not work. Our heroic drivers under the fire are trying to reach the places where Mariupol residents can be picked up, and they are waiting with the hope that they will have such an opportunity. But the Russian Federation has been playing with us since day one."


At the end of the article, there is a description of the number of people the Ukrainian side claims were taken by Russia and a detailed account of the damage.

On the one hand these seem to claim that they drove Russian troops out of other cities.

Mayor tells CNN that Ukraine has reclaimed Kyiv suburb Irpin from Russian forces

“Irpin was freed last night. Now we need to clear the town totally. There are wounded Russian soldiers. They are offering to surrender or they will be destroyed. Irpin is a staging area for an attack. We will [next] liberate Bucha, Vorzel and Hostomel," Irpin Mayor Oleksandr Markushyn told CNN on Tuesday.


In any case, Ukraine is a large country, and there will probably be more of these events to come.

This is not the same thing as the above, but many people have recently found themselves making strange comments about people who are viewing news reports from within Russia without "censorship" measures in place.
They are using the usual Google and You Tube related services, but they seem to be having difficulty seeing things that are inconvenient for Russia.
Roskomnadzor - Wikipedia

This is a Russian information censorship organization that is desperately trying to do various things after the recent scandal of a large-scale information leak.
There are rumors that they will soon disable Russian Wikipedia as well.
It seems that smart Russians are starting to download and store Wikipedia.
Russians are racing to download Wikipedia before it gets banned.
Russians downloading Wikipedia en masse as possible ban looms

Главная страница - Kiwix
This page is for downloading Wikipedia in Russian.

Meet the Secretive US Company Building an ‘Unbreakable’ Internet Inside Russia
I am not aware of this application, but I see that there are some like this recently.
In any case, it might be a good idea to look at the differences in the list of Google services and search results when the censorship workaround is applied, and see how much of a difference it makes.

2 years ago

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You said there rumors that they will soon disable Russian Wikipedia as well.
I don't know what is displayed in Russia, but on the English one you can read this about Godwin's law:

For example, there is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that, when a Hitler comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever made the comparison loses whatever debate is in progress.

Poutine is a Godwin's law loser.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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This is a Russian information censorship organization that is desperately trying to do various things after the recent scandal of a large-scale information leak.

It looks like the analysis is progressing well.
That's good to hear.

 I see that some people are translating the document data and posting it in blog format because it was too large at several hundred GB.
However, do not know how they obtained that data.
If they knew it, it might be the kind of information that, in some countries, would force them to seek asylum.👀
As may be related, it seems that Russia has made this statement as a countermeasure.

РБК on Twitter: "‼️ Россия готовит ответные меры визового характера по ограничению въезда в страну граждан недружественных стран - Сергей Лавров." / Twitter
Russia is preparing reciprocal visa measures to restrict entry to the country by citizens of unfriendly countries - Sergey Lavrov

They are suspicious of their relatives and suspicious of foreigners.
Former Soviet friends in Africa and Latin America are too far away.
It is likely that only the Chinese and North Koreans will have free and immediate access to Russia.
Trade will be on the side of the exploiter and the exploited on a one-to-one basis.
It is only possible when there are multiple trade partners.
What is left for the remaining friendly countries to seek from Russia?
 If this situation is prolonged, there is a possibility that Russia will not be able to reestablish itself even if it comes to the scene of rebuilding its economy.
I hope that the next round of negotiations will result in a ceasefire.
It will be the last possibility that Russia will only have to taste a year of the life it had 30 years ago.
For Ukraine, it will not be able to receive compensation from a partner whose economy has collapsed.
The longer it goes on, the less good it will do.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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People have already looked.
I can hack and download information about PJSC Sberbank of Russia in the same way.
Although stop, it's available to everyone, everyone can read it.
And so you can remember about the VLC distribution that was previously given out for secret information.
And so the people are already laughing loudly and in connection with the latest hacking of VGTRK, they offer to launch the "Irony of Fate", and if they look at Solovyov, they can already hack ANB traces.

2 years ago

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You can find a signature from this "document" in the article "How to come up with a beautiful signature" at this link:
This is just another obviously dumb fake of the Ukrainian side.
I don't understand how a smart person can believe in leaking documents on twitter. On Twitter.

2 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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The Ukrainian side obviously likes to spread stupid fakes (the ghost of Kyiv, a warship, etc.. All these are very stupid fakes that are easy to expose if you have a brain. But they were there are, and some of them are very popular).
P.S: However, I can't state anything (I can only speculate). I simply pointed out the source of the signature, which proves that this "document" is a bad photoshop.

2 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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One additional point.
Anonymous is just a mask that says "anonymous person".
In other words, if you insist on forming an animation study group at a school, will all the students in the school join? Of course not.
Only such people whose orientation is aligned are acting in concert.
Anonymous does not mean that they are all looking in the same direction.
I suppose it is possible that Anonymous do not think well of each other.

Well, I forget who told me this story.
Of course there are Russia-biased Anonymous.
Recently, Russia-biased Anonymous has been working with Russia-biased Ukrainian hackers on a botnet.
However, it "died" because both Russia and Ukraine thought it was inconvenient.

There is more information on that in the inner Russian forum, so a kappa like me can't even consider it.

Racoon Stealer malware suspends operations due to war in Ukraine

I am not even sure if it was really Anonymous.
Did they work "for their country" and were they killed "for their country"?
Everyone should always keep security measures in mind.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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З початку війни СБУ ліквідувала 5 ворожих ботоферм потужністю понад 100 тис. фейкових акаунтів

Ukraine dismantles 5 disinformation bot farms, seizes 10,000 SIM cards

Extra supplement.
Or a follow-up.

The number of people calling out things they don't understand seems to have been slowly decreasing since the war started.

Please spend your days facing things without damaging or defiling the "truth".
We can turn away, but the tragedies created in the places we turn away will soon creep up on our backs.

2 years ago

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How one Ukrainian IT specialist exposed a notorious Russian ransomware gang

In the midst of a mixed bag of hacker-related topics, here is an article published by CNN.

2 years ago

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It's not necessarily that it's Photoshop. It may be just from downloaded files, it's just that these banks are no longer there, there is information for 2018. And you can remember how the licenses were taken away. 2799 banks with revoked licenses or liquidated. Here is a more recent list https://www.banki.ru/banks/memory /. Part of the documents with an audit that in accordance with Article 8 of the Federal Law of 02.12.1990 N 395-1 (ed. dated 06.03.2022) "On Banks and Banking Activities" "A credit institution is obliged to disclose the following information about its activities according to the forms, in accordance with the procedure and deadlines established by the Bank of Russia:
annually - annual accounting (financial) statements and an audit report on it; and further"

2 years ago

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Digital data of official documents may be accompanied by fixed seals, standardized text, electronic ink, and government approval management data servers.

For example, a person at the embassy of a country can recognize whether something is "fake" or "real".
After a few days, the authenticity can be easily verified.
(For example, a U.S. congressman may retweet such authenticity information.)

In the past, when the real one was leaked, some boring person made and distributed a fake image.
In the case of untruthful content, I always wait leisurely for a verified article to appear.
 When I see something that others have posted, I just look at it and say, "I hope so.

Whatever the truth is, dead people don't come back.
Neither Ukrainians nor Russians.
And the numerous volunteer soldiers and mercenaries.
Hopefully the next round of negotiations will result in a ceasefire.
You think so too, don't you?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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So it's neo-nazis or clowns? You get me confused.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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I can agree that the war criminals will be judged by international court.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I'm afraid I fail to follow your logic yet again. Army defending their country from an unjustified aggression is referred to as defenders not terrorists.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I'm sorry to bring this to you, but Russian propaganda is falling apart. It's getting more absurd day by day.

You forgot to add that this clown neo-nazi terrorists are also - suposedly - shelling and tearing down their own cities.
It is sheer lunacy to believe something like that.

Regrading, your other comment. Sorry, but I know my share about Ukraine, too & I'm not gonna discuss whether your personal experience is true. So let's not extend this discussion any further & agree to disagree. Peace!

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Sorry, but it's all propaganda. The facts are people are fighting back & protesting their "liberators".

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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Man, it was really interesting conversation. Honestly, but with this single comment you have nicely shown everybody how deluded you are. It sums it all up perfectly. Nothing to add. Thanks 💙💛

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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"The truth will always win, no matter how many fakes you spread."
Yes, I can agree with that. It's even better summary.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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This shit again. You just spoked like a true russian, like a real piece of shit. This is prime example how russians treating us, ukrainians. There is no ukrainian nation, your language is fake, your history is fake, you all are just lesser russians born to serve us. And the fucking irony. You wrote all this shit and finished with this - "Your whole fascist ideology is built on lies and hatred" .

"I provide the facts of history and realities now." - all you provide is just tons of shit and nothing else

2 years ago

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Russia (CCCP).... Fair courts... Denazification... With almighty, amazing, GREAT führer Adolf Putin in lead....? Ehhmmmmm..... :-/

2 years ago

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Remember for him Russia is the greatest thing since and before sliced bread. You know Russia isn't now relying that China and India buys their fossil fuel, it graciously allows it. Ukraine is full of Nazis that the glourious Russia army will catch and make an example of etc.

Or in short: He's fully and totally gone.

2 years ago

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It sure seems so.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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I call bullshit. Where exactly does your aunt live?

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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Okay, so just as I thought, you're full of shit. No concrete answers, just propaganda. I hope you live long enough to see just how malicious your talks have been,

2 years ago

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What do you know-its another fake,even without bringing up the fact that Bulgakov has no business becoming the "acting minister" (Shoygu has two perfectly good First Deputy's that are the ones that are supposed to take over if something happens to him).

Shows just how low you think of your "adoring audience" (and you aren't wrong here,either-the intellectual void on display here is amazing) by trying to feed it such an obvious fib.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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just gonna drop this here because why not.

Award-winning film composer Hans Zimmer interrupted his own concert in London on March
"TIME" AMID AIR-RAID SIRENS -- Lviv-based pianist Alex Pian playing "Time" from the film Inception

the original video on instagram

2 years ago*

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2 years ago*

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dude, you're wrong here with your fictional story

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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i wait till you finished your story and prefer to read the whole ficitonal novel

Is there a chapter where russians fight these aliens? i'm excited

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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and glorious russia isn't doing anything against that, what lousy novel you're writing

2 years ago

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Funny how every Ukrainian city started to bomb itself JUST AS russia invades. Coincidence?
Funny how almost 4 million people have left the contry, but only maybe 10% went to russia.
Funny how Bandera's name was almost forgotten, right until 2014 when russia invaded Ukraine for the first time in 21 century.
Funny how I speak russian language, and have never been discriminated, even in Western Ukraine, nor has ANYONE I know (and that is a lot).
Funny how Ukraine is still bombing itself, but managing to hold the BEST ARMEH IN ZE WORLD for more than a month...

You are truly deluded, and you will never even try to think about arguments people provide for you. You are blindly following the propaganda your TV feeds you, and that's just sad.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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There was no destruction untile russia invaded. 9 years ago Ukraine lived peacefully.
Why are you so hell-bent on Azov? They're just one group, not a whole army. Moreover, most ukrainians do not condone their point of view.
Bu you know what, fuck it. I will not argue with you. You haven't lived a month with air sirens going off every hour, you haven't shaken awake by explosions. You will never get what it's like to be invaded.

And most of all, how fucking dare you tell me I live in the vacuum? I live in this country, and you don't.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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You do realize russia has long dropped the "denazification" and "demilitarization" requirements for Ukraine themselves?
They are literally now holding peace talks and both of these factors have not come up because they are not true. They are Kremlins propaganda they hoped the world would listen to. Now that the whole world has eyes on Ukraine Putin realized thats not a sellable story anymore... Why are you so hellbent on still parading this propaganda ?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Ukraine has minimum demands of resolving humanitarian questions and maximum demands of ceasefire. Neither of these have any progress. The contract project between the countries completely has removed the denazification and demilitarization. There is no req for having Rus language, but UA has agreed to step down from being part of NATO in order to have protection AND be able to be part of EU.

Putin on the other hand has totally ignored any demands, stated he we will destroy Ukraine. And it seems he is using these peace talks to stall for time and level UA cities to ground until they completely run out of resources.

Russians are regrouping and of course they will have more soldiers and that will be challenging for Ukrainians but you must be living under a bridge to think UA Army has been destroyed. Did that non existent army repelled attacks and regained several territories (along with getting closer to Mariupol (in which 150k people are stuck and being bombarded by Russian ships). Btw there have been 4 more ships seen entering the Black sea. I hope all of them sink.

Russians are mobilizing even prisoners and there has been talks (although this one came from anonymous so might not be true) that russia is preparing to enlist the new recruits (just turning 18) as well. Russia has fallen back from other conflict places to compansate for the losses and that has started those regions to become unstable. This does not good look for Russians.

Also you mentioned the weapons from west dont work... really ? Last info says 72 out of 80 rockets fired have been shot down (altough most of Russian missile actually didnt reach the target due to being poor quality)... Also the reserves of tanks and other equipment sent to Ukraine to compensate losses is below any critic - most of the stuff is not working even.

For Russia my dear friend this is looking good only in your make believe story you are trying to sell here. China has turned their backs totally. EU has already signed deals with other producers of oil to get rid of Russian imports completely. Putins bluff on asking to pay in Ruble for oil totally backfired - no one is doing that. Now they are playing a new card - crypto - which IMO is even stupider. This does not look good.

But of course - how stupid of me. Everything I said is propoganda and you are the only smart one who knows the real situation .. correct ?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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This would be comedy gold if it wouldn't be so sad :)
btw, this is info from both inside Kremlin, China, UA and EU. This is not just supposed UA propaganda like you guys like to flaunt around. With this attitude you will be labeled the new nazis and I congratulate you and making the world hate Russians while actually its just a small part of delusional trolls.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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The support from USA and EU is as strong as it gets.
Biden seems have waged vendetta against Putin. EU is in never before seen unity in supporting UA.

I mean I know you dont care about this and Im needlessly feeding you here. But answer me this please - where do you get this information ? Does Russian media tell this ? Is it Kremlin ? I want to know where and how you get information that US and EU is not supporting UA anymore. Which people have understood it ? Russians ? in EU people around are taking in refugees, sending cars and rations to UA, USA and EU are strengthening their military due to the war, most are blaming Russia on increased oil and gas prices (and justly). The world is slowly turning against Russia and if anyone is on the road of becoming post-war Germany it is Russia.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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and of course when asked to provide any information we resort to name calling.

same to you, same to you :) You dont even HAVE access to full information. Putin has banned everything except Kremlins propaganda so a Russian claiming anything about access to information is an oxymoron at best. At least in EU a person can support this war and isnt going to be jailed. Apart from russia. How is the democracy working out there huh ? Voicing opposition gets you jailed or poisoned.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Now this is the real face of a russian notnazi :D

2 years ago

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It is so painstakingly obvious you are taking everything word for word what has been said about Russia and Russians and saying it back without any thought.

Was that the new memo from Kremlin ? To take everything west is saying, change "Russia" to "Ukraine" and seed disinformation ? What I wonder is if you are another poor soul who has fallen for it or the one who actually gets paid to spread it.

Haha, oh god - https://t.me/youlistenedmayak/20634 - was this your source of saying UA army has been destroyed ? :D:D You are hopeless if you think this is in any way truth. This is just the last straw they are trying to pull to save their faces over the huge loss they received.

2 years ago*

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There is demand and there is supply. The leadership of the European Union thought that it would be like this - "There are 5 (figuratively, and so there may be 2 and 22) suppliers and we will set a price at which we will buy goods that are always on the market, and they will supply this product at the set price. But the reality is a little different. The supplier simply did not supply higher than they asked, due to the fact that these are investments in the mining infrastructure and it is necessary to invest a lot, but the income is vague, there is now, but not in a month, but if there was a long-term contract, then you can plan it. So it turned out that there are 5 suppliers, but they can supply less than necessary, and due to demand, buyers began to offer more just to get a part of what they have, immediately prices ran up." If there is an overstocking of the market, then prices fall, and if demand exceeds supply, then prices for free goods rise. This is the basis of the economy.

2 years ago

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About the destruction. I would like to see this, not an invention of journalists, but an article with a speech translation, since there was no conversation about it. They are not going to destroy and seize Ukraine, although everything may change, but the people will be against it - "Still feed these beggars, somehow, they are ready to help, but the main thing is themselves."
If the shots come from ships, then the shots come in Calibers, and they can not enter due to the firing range of 300 km without entering the Sea of Azov. And if the ships enter the Black Sea, then they come either from the Azov Sea (this is from Mariupol) or through the Bosphorus, and these are NATO forces, and if NATO also hits Mariupol, then I no longer know whether NATO supports Ukraine or not.
As for the prisoners, the distribution of weapons and ammunition was in Kiev, at the same time some of the prisoners were released. Regarding recruitment, that is, 2 conscription into the armed forces of the Russian Federation. One draft in the spring, and the other in the fall, and oddly enough, the spring draft has already begun, but they will definitely not send recruits, at least until the oath is taken.
As for the missiles, if the Tochka-U missiles are shown (very similar to Iskander), then they have long been taken off duty due to the fact that the missile's shelf life has simply expired and it did not make sense to extend it, but these missiles remained in service with Ukraine. And part of the losses that show, it is a modification made with the superimposition of the letter Z on the equipment that burned down in 2014.
About the payment. Italy said that it would not pay, and Poland also said that rubles were not registered as payment. As for deliveries, you can sign anything, the main thing is that it should be, and not the intention to receive. If there are not enough resources, then they need to be taken somewhere, this is the Asian market, we go there, we put the price higher so that they put it, they understand about the shortage and start raising the price. To whom it is good, but to no one, it seems that the supplier is good, in fact, the buyer is going broke and in the future will not be able to buy at all. And about the payment, there is still time, so on March 31 we will look.

2 years ago

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you are so fucking deluded, but you still don't see that the real nazi is hiding in a bunker and saying "dear russians, everything is going according to the plan"

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Ahaha, which countries support russia? Erytreya? :D
Everyoner is slowly but surely turning away from you. You are not the good guys in this situation. Sanctions work, and will work even better with time. Good luck posting your macdonalds dinner on instagram from an iphone.

You are stuck repeating the same mantra, yet it's russian army who hides among the civillians, and have been throughout the history

2 years ago

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Europe especially felt inadequate refugees from Ukraine

And that`s a lie. EU is very accepting of refugees because these are mostly women and children. Those several videos of alleged Ukrainians being aggressive are fake btw. Debunked in a about first hour.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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Oh yes, the glorious USA is paying me to stand against the holy liberators of EU
Is that what you want to hear ? :D

This is hilarious..

EDIT: My apologies to OP and everyone else in this thread. I know there is no point in feeding him, but now that they have literally started such an obvious disinformation campaign remaining silent seems wrong.

2 years ago*

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In Zaporozhye ( this territory not controled by Russian army), ter defense shot the car of the wife of a border guard of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The owner of the car Pavlyuk Alla, born in 1983, did not stop at the checkpoint, for unknown reasons.

Apparently the husband is a soldier - an excuse to push the gas to the floor.
By the way, husband.
Pavlyuk Sergiy S-h 80, born a border guard of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

2 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago by a staff member, Zomby.

2 years ago

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Why you have Nazi symbol on avatar? This is because you are nazi.

2 years ago

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This modern anti-nazi symbol.

2 years ago

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yeah, half swastika is anti-nazi, suuuure :D

2 years ago

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It's nazi symbol,all nazis have it. You are not exception

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Yes, kolovrat is just a symbol of the sun. But since when nazis used it - now it's associated with nazis. Same with Z - since nazi army uses it - it's a symbol of nazis now.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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Except this time you are nazis.
And this is not just my opinion, it's official by russian court:

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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I put a proof there. You are fascists according to the rusdian court. They literally admitted it. Russian court is much more official than your opinion, so stop being childish and admit it.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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You mean YOUR fakes has value? What an arrogant boy.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Yes, good proof. A Belarusian channel that broadcasts from Poland. A very Russian channel.

2 years ago

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It's far more reliable than most of "proofs" russians put here.

2 years ago

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You know, it's very difficult to object to something due to the fact that it's complete nonsense. We make a fake, we post it in the channel that specializes in this, after the proof is ready. Or will Poland write a eulogy about Russia? Why Poland, the Polish taxpayers pay and service this channel, but they don't know why the channel exists.

2 years ago

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You know, it's very difficult to object to something due to the fact that it's complete nonsense.

Ah, so that's why all the russians in this thread write complete nonsense? Nice strategy you have there.

2 years ago

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If you don't know, then don't write. A lot is known about the NAFTA channel, as well as about the founder Protasevich, who landed in Belarus during the flight, for which the Irish airline Ryanair then imposed restrictions. Or have you already forgotten?

2 years ago

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If you don't know, then don't write.

Then why you do it all the time? Hypocrite!

2 years ago

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I'm trying to convey to you this absurdity that you want to prove. After all, from the very beginning there was your message that this was a Russian channel, to which I had a refutation, and then a more extended response. I'm for the truth, no matter how bitter it is.

2 years ago

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Have you seen his profile? It's practically a shrine to the USSR.

2 years ago

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It's always funny how boys who never seen USSR adore it.

2 years ago

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Steam allows you to design a profile in any way. First i like newSovietWave style music and this fist reason to make profile with this theme. Many Ukrainians profile is designed in the style of neo-Nazism and now for a Western people it turns out a hammer and sickle on a red background is scarier than Nazism? hmm
The Soviet Union saved Europe from Nazim in 1945 and Russia will save it in 2022

2 years ago

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Russia will save the world from faschism by disbanding itself? Sounds good, yeah.

2 years ago

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You know here in the evil west that supports the 'Nazi' regime in Ukraine daily thousands of refugees arrive. They flee a war, not a special military operation. According to your 'liberation' logic they should all flee to Russia. Yet they don't. I went to the train station and saw them. Did you meet any Ukrainian that fled the war?

2 years ago*

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Video posted by a stupid drunken asshole who doesn't even know that is a coat of arms of Ukraine, which is hundreds of years old and predates any nazis.

2 years ago

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You little russian Nazi, so proud of your new Swastika. Thank God more and more countries are banning Putlers Swastika and its use. As you should be banned from SG. We don't want Nazis here and you, clearly, are a Nazi. You should be denazified.

View attached image.
2 years ago

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you stupid russian Neonazi!

2 years ago

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More vids concerning the poor wittle innocent neo-nazi dindunuffin's being their true selves (something Donetsk-Lugansk had seen first hand for 8 years & RusFed reported,which was of course waved off as "propaganda") keep on surfacing (+30 war crime shit ahead,viewer discretion is STRONGLY advised).

This really something you want to cheer on,dum-dums?

2 years ago

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And you cheer on killing of women and children? Oh, I see, you are russian, all of you love it. It's funny how country who stopped nazis in WW2 became neo-nazi completely. It seems your union with nazis on the start of WW2 was not a coincidence.

2 years ago

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And you cheer on killing of women and children?

You mean for the results of your handywork over the years?

Oh, I see, you are russian

Actually no,I'm not.Though I suppose anyone with a shadow of intellect is a "russian" now.

became neo-nazi completely

You ever get tired of projecting?

your union with nazis on the start of WW2

What "union"?Was the fight against Franco & his benefactors in Spain a "union" with them?Or the attempt to join the fight against Berlin with Czechoslovakia?

Slinging dung at the wall hoping something sticks isn't winning you any beauty contests,bud.

2 years ago

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You know perfectly well what' I'm meaning. Russian nazi-army right now destroys our cities, kill women and children. Only utter idiot would try to deny it, it's a well-known fact.

What "union"?

Should I remind you about invading Poland together with Germany? I guess I won't, I'll wait for people from Poland who will explain this fact to you.

Slinging dung at the wall hoping something sticks isn't winning you any beauty contests,bud.

Comparing everything with shit tells more about you than you can even imagine. Keep on ignoring facts, that way you'll win.

2 years ago

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destroys our cities

Clearly you aren't aware what "destroying cities" actually looks like.

kill women and children

These "women and children"?

Also,love the continued projection.

invading Poland together with Germany

Didn't happen,since there was no Poland around by the time the Red Army marched over & all it "invaded" was turf Warsaw captured in the 20s.

I'll wait for people from Poland

Hiding behind the same poles whom the patron saints of your regime slaughtered in Volhynia?

Not smart.

tells more about you


Keep on ignoring facts

Would be useful if you've actually provided any instead of foaming at the mouth.

that way you'll win

With such "conversation partners" as yourself,I'll keep winning by default indefinitely.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I see Russia is making good progress rewriting history. What is the official Russian position on the Molotov-Ribbentropp pact or the Katyn massacre nowadays? Has Russia switched back to claiming Katyn was done by Nazi Germany?

2 years ago

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The late Soviet Union of Gorbachev's time began to repent for the past—" says historian and writer Andrei Fursov. — He began to do this by acknowledging responsibility for Katyn. Although the story is very controversial, there is no evidence that Soviet soldiers shot Polish prisoners of war. But the Soviet Union admitted guilt for political reasons. This was one of the conditions of the West for the further development of relations, or rather, for the salvation of the Gorbachev regime. Then the guilt for Katyn was recognized under Yeltsin.
Interestingly, the Poles did not apologize and did not repent for the destruction of almost 100 thousand Red Army soldiers in the Tukholsky camp during the Soviet-Polish war immediately after the revolution. After the apologies for Katyn, there were apologies for the Baltic States and so on.


2 years ago

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why is the Ukrainian army hiding among houses endangering civilians?

This is an archival footage from a period marked by the outbreak of the fighting for the town of Volnovakha. The video demonstrates Ukrainian tanks sheltering between residential apartment buildings from where they were firing. One of the Ukrainian tanks came around from behind the blocks while keeping on firing, and it was only then that our DPR army tank opened fire on it, destroying it with the first shot.

Even in 2014, the Donbass militia built fortifications in an open field away from cities

2 years ago

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Even in 2014, the Donbass militia built fortifications in an open field away from cities

Even in 2014 donbass terrorists, armed and supported by russia, were hiding between houses, and destroying transport with refugees. Should I mention shooting down mh-17? Oh right, you will deny everything.

2 years ago

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mh-17 shout down by poroshenko, and to date, there is not a single proof that the militia did it. They would have been shouting about it at every corner for a long time. Everyone understands perfectly well that he did it and is silent about it

2 years ago

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There are enough proofs for anyone who want to see it. But for the nazi like you, who just want to deny that they are nazi, of course there will be no proofs even if the one who did it come to you and say so. You will deny anything just to not accept the bitter truth - you are a nazi. Everyone who looks for excuses for invading another country is a nazi.

2 years ago

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it is possible that this is not even a military one, but a Russian neighbor in western Ukraine. This fact means that the Russian population in western Ukraine has begun to be killed.
since 14 year, Russia has been shouting about it in the south-east of Ukraine

2 years ago

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Farmer Gaming has always been my number one choice for quality information.

2 years ago

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yes i watch this video too
how defective NLAW which the west sold to Ukraine cannot penetrate a old T72B tank into the upper armor
grenade launcher shouts glory to Azov

2 years ago*

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This was an RPG, but okay, genius. What's the point though?

2 years ago

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this means that many weapons that the west has supplied do not work and Nazis have little to oppose and victory is coming soon

2 years ago

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Russians were saying this from first day of war. But already a month passed...

2 years ago

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russia is losing... shame on your opinion

2 years ago

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2 day victory, we all heard it a month ago.

2 years ago

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this is a Ukrainian fake about a 3-day victory, Russia has never declared such a thing. The advance would have been faster if the Nazis had not been hiding among the civilian population. Russia saves the civilians of Ukraine hits with pinpoint strikes on war criminals

This is an archival footage from a period marked by the outbreak of the fighting for the town of Volnovakha. The video demonstrates Ukrainian tanks sheltering between residential apartment buildings from where they were firing. One of the Ukrainian tanks came around from behind the blocks while keeping on firing, and it was only then that our DPR army tank opened fire on it, destroying it with the first shot.

2 years ago

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Lol, everything that don`t suit your narative is ukrainian fake

https://web.archive.org/web/20220226051154/https://ria.ru/20220226/rossiya-1775162336.html - this was posted on the first day of war but swiftly deleted. But internet remembers

2 years ago

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not a single world about 2-3 days. Just about new geopolitical konturs and that all world for ukraina that not all world just 20% population in Earth (Nato and and NATO-controlled countries)

2 years ago

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Yep, talking about taking Ukraine in 2-3 days was after this failure. Originally they hoped to crush ukrainian army over night. And if you are saying this is fake, here are a few questions - if russian army was planning long war - why they didn`t take more rations and fuel? Why very strong russian army was asking locals for gas and food? Why russian army are kicking civilians out of their homes to bunk there themselves?


2 years ago*

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it's hopess, he sees only what Poopoo told him to see. No critical thinking whatsoever.
But continuing, there was a whole column of OMON bombed on their way to Kyiv, with their riot gear and everything to try and stop peaceful citizens protesting. They got fucked hard, no survivors. Why would russia send those if they didn't thnk they would win in a couple days?

2 years ago

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I see you don't get paid if you don't say Nazi in every port, or do you really love saying that word? :P

If I hear you correctly, every Ukrainian is a nazi, since almost every on of us greets russian soldiers with disrespect and hate. Hmm, I wonder why.

2 years ago

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now it is no longer possible to deny this fact who is fighting on the side of Ukraine
I accidentally drew attention to this discussion here, although for a long time on the site
everything I write will not receive a ruble unfortunately
But i think many ukro bots here sit on the payroll and curate this discussion
my blacklist stock prices soared in one day lol )

View attached image.
2 years ago*

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Of course. The word "Nazi" in 2022 means people who disagree with being invaded, bombed, killed and forced to move. Gotcha.

2 years ago

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you're either stupid or you're deliberately taking the discussion the wrong way
Tornado battalion , Azov , etc. google them

2 years ago

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Explain to me how a small radical batallion overpowered a 40-million person country? How are they ruling it? How are they influencing the president/parliament? They didn't even get voted into it. All your allegations are reaaly stupid, but you have to think just a little bit to see that.

2 years ago

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Oh, you modified your answer, so I'll add a bit more.
Calling everyone a bot does not paint you in a good light. Everyone from Ukraine opposes your views, surely they cannot ALL be bought by the USA or whomever? Or can they? Just use your head, even from time to time.

2 years ago

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Truthful information is gradually reaching the population, it takes time. Ukrainians have been brainwashed for a very long time, nurtured the Reich

2 years ago

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Why hasn't one person here in this thread said "OMG THANK YOU MY EYES HAVE BEEN OPENED"? You and your fellow compatriots have provided a ton of logical (or so it would seem to you) explanations why Ukrainians are the Nazi, bad guys and assholes in general. Surely people would argee with your point, right?

2 years ago

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You are right that somebody has been brainwashed for a long time. A very long time. My guess would be their whole life. The funny thing about the truth is that it eventually finds its way.


2 years ago

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You are not the only one with blacklists, mine looks the same, And i`m sure one of them was yours. No need to act like a victim

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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What do you mean? Doesn't it show that Russia uses neo-nazis for their so called "denazification"?

2 years ago

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It was sarcasm. Russians are using this phrase when you show them their own problems. Basically - THISISDIFFERENT / NOTTHESAME

2 years ago

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oh, ok, thanks for explanation

2 years ago

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Where did the Wagner PMCs organize the genocide of the population? Private military companies are not the Russian army and do not obey them.

2 years ago

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Wait, but isn't Russia & its leader on a holy crusade of denazificiation?

View attached image.
2 years ago

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Actually, it is. When Poutine sends Russian Nazis to die in Ukraine, denazification is done. Very clever.

2 years ago

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It's a covert unit of Russia for cases where plausible deniability is needed. They had some private gigs but also were clearly sent by Russia into several theatres of conflict.

2 years ago

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I was joking, of course. Sorry if this didn't come through in writing.
I was implying that russians will never think of themselves as nazis, even though they have literal nazis in the army and even in Roskosmos (who knows where else?).

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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I do hope that after this ends, there will be forced tours to Mariupol and other destroyed cities, so that "simple russians apart from politics" would see what they did with thwir inaction. What atrocities they have allowed to happen. Just like there were forced tours of greman citizens to concentration camps, because even after WW2 had ended, lots of them didn't believe they were actually the bad guys.

2 years ago

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Exactly. I couldn't have said it better.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Sure, mate, sure. Only problem is that EU has official numbers, and by those only about several hundred thousands decided to go to russia, and overwhelming majority decided that EU is the right choice. But you're free to believe your numbers. Can you pull up the metric, by the way, or will you say "google it" like you do every time somebody asks for proof?

2 years ago

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Also, remember a good phrase: "Only a sith deals in absolutes". Think about that in the meantime

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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1/3 is about 13 million people. Surely there would have been a humanitarian crisis in russia if it took that many people, and surely there would be civil unrest about it.... But no, there is not. Because you're pulling your "facts" out of your ass.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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So you're doubling down on 13 million ukrainians fleeing the country? To Crimea? Rofl, it could barely handle a million at best times.
Also, who the fuck cars what russia recognizes ofr not. They came to our country, grabbed a piece of land and now said "okay, this is definitely not Ukraine, yup. We'll take it". Fuck that, russia is not the one who should decide the fate of Ukrainian land.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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Oh, fuck off with your maps. If we go by history, then all of russia should be under Ukraine's rule, because we were here first.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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Once again, fuck off. Read the definition of nazism, you don't even know what it means, you stupid twat.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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Now read this and count how many russia has https://www.psychologies.ru/wellbeing/14-priznakov-fashizma/
You'd be surprised,

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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Just stop, you're contradicting yourself. You claimed to have relatives all over Ukraine, then you claimed to have an aunt living near Kyiv, but under russian occupation, now you claim you personally have a house near Kyiv. It's ridiculous, just stop, you can't even keep track of your lies.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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Ahahaha lol. Okay, muting you. You delusional faschist. I do hope whenthis all ends, you will get a good guilt trip for all your name calling.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

2 years ago

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Ukraine and all the other 139 nations you mean. Funny that you mention fascist Germany and a textbook... Enjoy reading Novaya Gazeta lately?

2 years ago

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To this day, I'm still unsure whether you are happily trolling here or if you really do believe what you say. :o/
Actually, I'd rather think that you're just here to troll and are having a jolly good time with all the SteamGifters replying to your comments

2 years ago

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8 years of brainwashing played a role,

I'm glad you at least admit you have been brainwashed. And brainwashed damn good, you even looking for excuses of fucking invasion to another country. But in real world there are no excuses for such things.

2 years ago

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Heads of Russia-Ukraine delegations are now meeting in Istanbul

Negotiations began about an hour and a half ago.

In previous negotiations, each side usually ended with a unilateral statement of its position.
The discussions had not been concluded because they did not last an hour.

Financial Times

Russia no longer requesting Ukraine be ‘denazified’ as part of ceasefire talks

This time, so far, no termination has been reported.
This time, both the Russian and Ukrainian sides are not talking about "Nazis," so there is some change.

Financial Times

Ukraine claims Russian forces driven back as ceasefire talks begin

Let's keep quiet and watch the situation so as not to disturb the ceasefire negotiations between the two sides.

2 years ago

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6 min ago
Negotiators discussed security guarantees and potential ceasefire, Ukrainian presidential adviser says
Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak on Tuesday outlined some of the issues that were discussed in talks between Russia and Ukraine in Istanbul on Tuesday — which have now ended — saying there were "intensive consultations" on several issues.

For more information, please see the source.
So far, negotiations do not appear to have broken down.

2 years ago

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6 min ago
Russia says it will "drastically reduce" military assault on Kyiv and Chernihiv

"Due to the fact that negotiations on the preparation of an agreement on the neutrality and non-nuclear status of Ukraine, as well as on the provision of security guarantees to Ukraine, are moving into practice, taking into account the principles discussed during today's meeting, by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in order to increase mutual trust and create the necessary conditions for further negotiations and achieving the ultimate goal of agreeing on the signing of the above agreement, a decision was made to radically, at times, reduce military activity in the Kiev and Chernigov direction," Fomin told reporters.


For more information, please see the source.
It is hoped that this continuation will proceed quickly.

2 years ago

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3 min ago
Russian delegation brings up possibility of Putin-Zelensky meeting, according to state media

The head of the Russian delegation, presidential aide Vladimir Medinsky, called the negotiations “constructive," RIA reported.


There has not been an immediate response from the Ukrainian delegation.

For more information, please see the source.

2 years ago

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9 min ago
Ukrainians outline demands for security guarantees, note possible progress on Crimea after talks with Russia

Senior members of the Ukrainian delegation who spoke with Russian officials today said there was progress after a day of talks in Turkey — and provided more detail on what security guarantees Ukraine would expect after a ceasefire.

""Separately, we discussed that during 15 years while the bilateral talks take place, there will be no military hostilities," Podolyak added."


He added that both sides are still "discussing a humanitarian ceasefire," stressing there are "many places where humanitarian corridors are needed."


"We say that consultations should take place within three days. They need to find out if this is war, aggression, a military operation. ... After that, the guarantor countries are obliged to help us. And military aid, and the armed forces, and weapons, and the closed sky — all that we need so much now, and we cannot get it. This is our proposal," he said.
Arakhamia named the guarantors as "the [permanent] countries of the UN Security Council" as well as Turkey, Germany, Canada, Italy, Poland and Israel.


Judging from the Ukrainian side's statements on the negotiations, both sides appear to be in good shape at the moment.
For more information, please see the source.

2 years ago

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NEXTA on Twitter: "Pentagon: A small number of #Russian troops have withdrawn from #Kyiv, but this is a redeployment, not a troop withdrawal. https://t.co/WM4BlQL5ra" / Twitter

Ukraine war: Zelenskyy says Kremlin's offer to pull back 'doesn't drown out Russian shells' | World News | Sky News

US says 'don't be fooled' by Russian redeployment - live updates

As seen in past negotiations between Ukraine and Russia...

Some believe that this is a way to buy time for Russia to redeploy its military.

2 years ago

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Closed 7 months ago by cg.