Am I the only one that still, after about 6 hours, still refuses to believe that this is the crap I have been waiting for since the summer sale?
No cards event, main discounts per 48 hours instead of 24 hours like in the past = less games, "community" discounts per 24 hours instead of per 8 hours = less games.

Dare I say it...? Gaben.. going.. b.. a.. n.. k.. r.. u.. p.. t..?!?!

I am still in the hope that tomorrow they will surprise everyone and actually do something with the useless cards.. Still got 70 of them for sale for $0.55 each..

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

9 years ago

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I just don't know why do you act like you MUST buy something and it's Valve's fault that you don't get enough discount. Well, there was a massive sale only WEEKS ago, and you're complaining about the discounts. You know, if you don't like it or too expensive for you, don't buy it. There is still loads of good games for cheap / massive discounts (it can be still quite expensive though.) It will be cheaper next year / sale anyways, as games getting older.

9 years ago

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Actually on the first flash - there was Injustice gods among us for less than 4 eu. I think they very recently reduced the retail price and this is the fist time i saw the game under 4.99 eu. Just saying that i saw something good, and would have bought it if i didn't have it already.

Edit: Actually it is daily deal and for the next 8 hours is still 3.49 eu.

9 years ago

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I think it was already on that price before, just not on Steam.

9 years ago

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It's just a decoy sale

9 years ago

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A decoy?

9 years ago

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Still Waiting for Trackmania discount. Really why, just WHY Trackmania never get any discount on steam.

9 years ago

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Was on sale last xmas, i got all 3 trackmania 2 games for dirt cheap.

9 years ago

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Only Stadium was very cheap - 75%. Canyon and Valley if I remember didn't had any good %. United (10 years old game? that cost 29,99₮ >.>) only one or twice during 10 years had some discount.

9 years ago

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According to IsThereAnyDeal, all three were 75% off last Winter Sale.

During the Summer Sale this year, Stadium was 75% off, while the other two were 50% off.

I personally remember almost buying the Trackmania and Shootmania games during the summer.

Maybe we'll get lucky this year. It ain't over til January 2nd.

9 years ago

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I don't really care about the vote being 24 hours instead of 8 hours, especially since the vote is just free cards, pretty much every game that shows up on the vote whether picked or not gets put on the same discount at least once during the sale anyway. The card event you refer to was the gem auction.

9 years ago

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Oh really, just wait until tomorrow, if we don't have a new set of deals, by then THEN get out the pitchforks. The daily deal None sale is normally 48hours, they just pop a new one up every 24, so I'm expecting that here.

9 years ago

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It always was 48 hours for the main deals. And flash deals were the same games again and again.

9 years ago

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How dare they give discounts on hundreds of games.


9 years ago

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9 years ago

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There are actually 6232 "titles" on sale, although I'm guessing that includes DLC.

9 years ago

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The people who complain about it being a shit sale are usually the ones that don't see the good deals for what they are because they already own all the games. Those of us that are excited still have pretty big wishlists and small backlogs.

Edit: Same complaints seem to happen EVERY sale.

9 years ago

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Amen to that. This coming from someone with an impossible backlog, and 50 euros uploaded to the wallet that might not even get spent all the way through.

9 years ago

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Every sale is the "Worst sale ever!" according to someone. At least until the next sale. Wash, rinse, repeat.

9 years ago

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So the only valid solution would -instead of ranting- be to buy as much as possible. Is it hidden Valve's technique to sell more by providing us worse deals? If so, they trully are marketing masterminds!

9 years ago

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Someone wants a copy of the Bob's Burger #1 Comic?

9 years ago

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Sales always lasted 2 days with new sales every day, that probably hasn't changed. There are cards, they were released with the first part of the sale event, the auction, which was new. I do agree the community slowdown sucks, but not much we can do about it. the sale is not as bad as you insist though.

9 years ago

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Am I the only one that thinks "Am I the only one" is the dumbest start of a question?

9 years ago

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Am I the only that thinks "Am I the only one that thinks "Am I the only one" is the dumbest start of a question?" is the funniest reply on the dumbest start of a question?

9 years ago

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I can't figure out if a "Yes" reply actually means I'm agreeing with both of you, just one of you, or just makes me a moron...

I'm guessing probably all five.

9 years ago

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Still plenty of good discounts to go around, and when you get down to it that's what a sale is about no ?
Although I think the community choice / flash deals being on longer intervals was a bad idea marketing-wise. No reason to check store so often = less risk of impulse purchase.

If I'm looking at the bonus events the gems auction was a complete dud.

9 years ago

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I thought it was a huge success. I made about $18 and got three games for cheap.

9 years ago

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Ok this is actualy the worst sale I've ever seen.

9 years ago

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I don't know what the hell people expect from a sale. Free games?

9 years ago

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What, 100% discount? Pfft, I will wait until it gets to 110% discount myself. In a bundle. :P

9 years ago

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Looks like it was either a mistake or they decided to change it. Main discounts are back to a 24h cycle. Now you can stop crying.

9 years ago

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OP is just butthurt because he loaded up on useless junk which he overpaid / overcommitted for and now he's crying like a little disappointed child.

9 years ago

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OP hasn't paid for any of the 70 sale cards(AKA get games and craft badges).

9 years ago

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I've bought Border 2 GOTY, so I'm already satisfied with this sale :]

9 years ago

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Im not. No deecent sale on Morrowind, only stupid 40%. I want to get borderlands 1,2 an Morrowind, but only have 15$.

9 years ago

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Wait for Skyrim to go 75% off, maybe Morrowind will be discounted as well.

9 years ago

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Waited last sale. cries

9 years ago

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Morrowind is really rarely discounted, usually gets only 50% during sales. Maybe -60, 75% was the best in the past whole year (I was lurking for it, I know it)

9 years ago

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Every year everyone is complaining but if you don't own many games, the sales are pretty good you just need to find the right ones.
Currently I see Castle Crashers and Deus Ex: Directors Cut as pretty nice deals if you don't own either of these.

9 years ago

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With every year that passes Steam sales are getting worse. Indeed, if you have few games it will look cool but sales are getting worse with each edition.

9 years ago

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I swear the sales get worse over time.

9 years ago

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Gonna wait, right now only thing I'm going to buy is Metal Gear, the hack and slash one. And by buy I mean get completely free via Steam Market.

9 years ago

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Compare to what these have usually been like, this one is rather disappointing to me too. As there's no special items for crafting holiday badges, they're just not as interesting anymore, which is no doubt why they're about half the value they usually have been. I guess as the devs/publishers had to donate all those games for the auctions (that's what it said they did on the auction page), they're just not as willing to offer the usual discounts during the sale. Looks like the shift is to try to get people to consume items to make gems for "pre-sale" auctions, rather than to provide more items, and many really nice discounts.

9 years ago

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Got Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, first time 75% off on steam, great game.

9 years ago

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