Yesterday I got two pretty rude messages from some dude I have never talked to before. They apparently didn't like my workshop item and instead of just giving me a dislike and moving on they decided to call me a dumbass and also put a comment on my profile telling me to kill myself.

I reported it to Steam and I'm not really sure how moderation works there, or if action is usually taken against users who say shit like this. I know if I ran a platform like Steam I sure wouldn't want people acting this way towards other users, but I don't know. I just felt it was worth talking about. I'm generally very uncomfortable participating in the gaming community online (playing online games for example) because I don't care for the toxicity, and even when I'm just doing my thing I'm getting hate lol. For the most part people have been nice to me (and I'm trying to be nice to others!) but it's just so disappointing to get these messages even if they don't really get to me that much.

What are your thoughts on people acting like this?


EDIT: Guy's comments are gone now. I didn't delete them and never got an update to my report, so no clue what actually happened. Thanks for the support and discussion though! It's nice to hear what others think about this.

2 years ago*

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"Kill Yourself" is generally a massive rule violation on most websites. If you've reported it already, just sit back and wait. Might take them a little time to get to it.

I resent the fact that there are people out there who are like "it's the internet, grow a thicker skin." It's not even about YOU getting that message, you'll be fine. It's about the person they might say it to who is already in a very dark place. Real people are on the other end of that vitriol and no one really knows the current mental state of a complete stranger. The people spewing hateful messages for no reason are the ones who need to grow to heck up. =)

Then again... the person who did that is probably a few biscuits short of a packet. My parents were in Aldi some time ago and there is this guy on front of them in the queue. The cashier told him he didn't have enough. The next guy, an elderly man, in the queue says jokingly "ha, you'll have to dig a little deeper." The guy turns around and says "f*ck off and mind your own business. It's none of your effing business what is in my pocket. You know what you'll do. Go home drink poison and commit suicide." The old man was shaken up. He was only joking. To top it all off, it happened during a time when everyone was in the strictest lockdown, only allowed out to buy food or get medicine. Everyone was asking the old man if he was okay because it was friggen awful. Maybe the guy on Steam is like that person... a

2 years ago*

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Yeah, you got what I thought about this entire thing. I'm completely fine mentally, I laughed when I saw the comments at first, but I seriously don't want people doing this shit to others. Jesus what if you do it to the wrong person.

2 years ago

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Exactly. I've always been aware of that. You never know.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I know right? The same crap was used by the same type of idiot kid on the internet 20 years ago. You'd think they'd try to use something different than what their parent's generation were up to.

2 years ago

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I'm trying to learn how to not let these people bother me as well. I mean, what kind of person tells another to kill themselves? I admit to being somewhat emotionally fragile. But that would mess with me.

2 years ago

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I never understand people that start getting angry about hobbies of other people...

Sure, I am a human being, there are plenty of things I dislike. But what I do, it's just ignore and move on. To waste my own time insulting somebody and WISHING DEATH!... Seriously.

Anyway, just report - block - Forget about it.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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i get comments like kill urself quite frequently on steam also. dont know why people actively search for profiles to write stuff like that

2 years ago

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In your case, they don't need to search very hard, having a group/curator you'd expect to be targeted more by trolls and general haters.

2 years ago

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Just another CS:GO punk acting out in general frustration.

Report - Block all Communication - Delete post... and go on being yourself 😃👍

Här får du lite extra pannkakor som tröst...

View attached image.
2 years ago

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Tack, väldigt kusliga pannkakor! :O

2 years ago

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This kind of behaviour exists everywhere it seems, including here. You are aware of the options and have heard the PROS and CONS. All I can add is that you are not alone. It certainly isn't personal to you.

2 years ago

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I was going to write a message of support, but my colleagues wrote a lot of great things and I don't have much more to add, but... sometimes it can be hard to "let go" an attack made for no reason by a troll. Messages like 'kys' just make it clear that this person needs a lot of help, and this is really sad. : /

Just bys. : )

2 years ago

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According to estimates 10% of a given population are psychically unstable. I wouldn't wonder if this figure is even higher on Steam. Relying on support or moderation doing anything about a specific issue might be a lost hope.

2 years ago

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I think the tried-and-true "don't feed the trolls" strategy is called for. Point and laugh, report, delete messages, move on. That stuff isn't worthy of your time.

2 years ago

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Others have probably already mentioned it, but one of the first things I disabled were profile comments when I started getting some community interaction. And more recently, marking my game reviews so that they can't be commented on. People can hate, but most of the time it's unnecessary, and only causes conflict.

I sometimes get carried away especially on here with comments - it doesn't start off hateful, but only takes one person to misunderstand or take offence (especially happens when someone else replies to the discussion with some left-field comment not directly part of it all).

2 years ago

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I wouldn't call your comments hateful, even if you can get a bad tone sometimes. But you seem to be aware of that and I still think you bring more good to the forum than bad.

I don't know if review comments are turned off by default or if I turned them off when I started to write reviews but none of my reviews have them enabled. Probably because I write them to collect my thoughts on the games rather than to start a discussion.

2 years ago

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Comments for reviews are initially off, you have to allow them. I have wondered why no one is writing me anything and then I realized I don't have them enabled... doesn't matter really though as no one is writing anything there anyway. XD

I had only one mean encounter on Steam. I have posted screenshot of my Rush mode final score in Slime Rancher. User accused me of destroying the game for other players by posting such pics, something like "How dare you!", then another user commented similar thing... I was pretty shocked as I was just sharing my plorts status.... I don't get it, it's not like the game is in any way competitive. Oh well, the user had only three games on their account - one of them Slime Rancher, so I think it was just some troll? Anyway, I have deleted the messages and made my screenshot friends only to not destroy the game to the others. :P

2 years ago

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Hm, you'd think Slime Rancher fans would be the chillest people on Earth, but maybe there's a few bad ones :/

2 years ago

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i have met maybe a handful of people in the time i have been on steam that weren't complete douche canoes, i highly doubt steam will do anything

2 years ago

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reporting is the right thing to do.
but don't expect quick results. last time i reported something i almost forgot what it was when i got some notification about them taking action against that person a few months later.

generally speaking: the internet is a mirror of the real world with assholes and idiots all over the place.
just don't care about these folks. delete their shit, add them to your ignore / block list and never bother with them again in your whole life.

also there is no need to disable comments and stuff just because of some muppets. i met quite a few nice people this way and it all started with a comment here or there.

2 years ago

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there is no need to disable comments... i met quite a few nice people this way

Lucky for some :(

edit: Heck, you know what, I'm gonna try that for a month and see how it goes. It's been years since I allowed comments on my profile. (Maybe mentioning that here isn't the wisest thing to do though, hah!)

2 years ago*

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Driving you to isolate yourself from interaction is perhaps one goal bullies want to achieve.

2 years ago

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Unfortunately, I guess that's a twisted possibility; though ignoring them is the last thing they want to happen.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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steam isnt short on animals and IMO its getting worse

Pretty much like the world wide web then.

2 years ago

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Imagine what the world would be like if people who are in pain would just learn how to deal with their feelings instead of doing that sort of thing.
Oh well. Guess we'll never find out but it's worth dreaming about, right?

2 years ago

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I, for one, fully support the "Poop Container".

Jokes aside, I've dealt with more than a few shitty (no pun intended) people online in the past, and eventually I grew to just not spend too much energy on them - report, block, move on. On huge platforms like Steam, you're bound to come across some very mean people. Sorry to hear this happened to you.

I won't pretend it's just something you can "ignore" or that you need "tougher skin" as many will tend to imply, which in my opinion just feeds this toxicity within online communities, where you're expected to "bear it" and do the same to others. Hurtful comments are, well, hurtful, and as much as it sucks and you can try not to let it get under your skin, in the end the only thing you can really do is report and move on, else you're spending your energy on someone who definitely doesn't deserve the attention.

2 years ago

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This may be a bit presumptuous but can I say that I'm glad I'm not the only one who appreciates poop containers?

It'd be a dirty world if we didn't have them.

2 years ago

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a couple years ago someone insulted me in a comment for not accepting his trade offer, I reported the comment and after 2 months I got a notification from steam that they have removed the comment.

2 years ago

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It's definitely a problem with the person who posted the nasty comments. It can suck to be at the receiving end of verbal abuse, just don't give in to it! My view is that people always feel better when they can truly express themselves - and unfortunately when someone is getting treated poorly & is too afraid to fight back, it makes them feel better by taking it out on other people ("Someone made you feel belittled and worthless? Obviously it's okay for people to do that, because they did it to you - now you get to go out and do it to other people to stop feeling so helpless." The feeling is like a virus, it keeps replicating until it hits someone who's immune.)

2 years ago

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Typical no lifers who dont have anything better to do . Try to report them , delete their comments , block them , and don't be impacted by their words .

2 years ago

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I don't know what you have in those community workshop posts but I don't think it calls for any d3ath threats.. seems like people with some anger issues and/or trolls. Either way, still uncalled for and worthy of reporting+block. Maybe in a bit (or very late lol) you will get an update from Steam. I've reported some people too before and surprisingly they do give a notification about it later

2 years ago

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