strange its not the first time some one has backed away from me like that
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ah a space suit, do i have enough tin foil for the space helmet though!
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omg it just hit me! mummies are actually time travelers whose duct tape lots its shiny shiny in the time vortex!
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if ever there was a case of too much duct tape, this would be it
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it could work! here kitty kitty kitty (hope my cat never sees this...she would kill me!)
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Why not just pass the exact same amount of butter on both sides of the bread instead? WOULD IT WORK? Cats are too unstable.
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nah, they went to it, it sucked, no beer, no women, and sub par bbq, so they all went back to before they went and warned themselfs not to go
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Time travel is possible, but it is only possible to travel back to the point when the time travel machine was created... How would that work in your scenario? Or alternatively time travel works, but it transports you to the same point relative to the galactic core, so you ended up in space millions of miles from earth when you traveled back in time.
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That is a thing I always wondered about.
If you go back in time:
a) Will you stay in the same absolute position and the planet just disapear from under your feet?
b) Will you get moved back to the place where you were back then? And what does that imply?
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or c: would the kinnetec (cant spell) energy of the rotation of the planet and its orbit hurl you in that direction when you are no longer bound to its gravity....hmmm several thousand years from now when space travel is the norm are we going to find several prototype time travel machines and frozen somewhat surprised time travellers hurtling through space?
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well i know i wont suffocate, ill make sure to use a car so i can have air not too car savvy but im sure thats what their for.....hmmm should disconnect the air break so i cant accidentally cut off the air supply!
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Air supply? Just make sure the cd player in the car works properly.
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ah Genius!
one issue remains with the car idea though, if to travel in time i have to go faster then light, will i have an issue with the headlights :(
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or i could go back an hour or two before i ment to travel and turn them on in advance
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Depends entirely on the method. Time travel is the kind of high level manipulation of the universe that you can justify virtually anything.
Go back 5 seconds and accidentally end up 10 billion years away from Earth on a planet that is practically identical to it save by the complete absence of humans? Sure why not?
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hmmmm so your thinking like maybe i need to enable devs tools to access time travel and that will inturn give me access to other functions only ment for the original developer/developers of the universe.
I promise to be very careful with such tools..right after i delete bunnys...they know what they did!
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that did indeed crack me up, is it a douglas adams reference or am i getting old (its possible)
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Hum, it is not a Douglas Adam's one but it is familiar enough I think he has something similar in message with different words. Reference is Neil Gaiman's which is later only by a decade or so thus not you are not getting old(except in the literal sense) since it is not much of a difference really.
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no problem, top tip adding -dev to the console like in the olden days doesnt work...but then i only have a ps4 and a ps3, havent tried any other consoles
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ah yes, if i traveled back in time i would also need to travel back in space to where the earth was or it will get messy.... hmmmm tricky i may need to invent a new sat nav system for planets (at the 2nd rock from the sun continue to the next have arrived at your destination)
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thanks for the fore warning, i have left notes to leave donuts, milk and errr flys? out side the door to delay the police long enough
still no success :(
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I could enlist the help of my cat she has some good string theorys ..well ok she has some good theorys on string...ok ok she has some string...but its a start
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ah so my theory it wont work has been proven by a secondary source...damn
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ummm yeah that was the plan fully, hadnt planed anything selfish
/me slides documents containing winning lotto numbers and big sport events for the last 20 years slowly out of sight.
i mean im only doing it for noble causes ....
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may take out lucas before episode 1 as well...for the good of humanity
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I'll have words with Walt get him to add some terms in his will
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Been there, done that, results weren't really good:
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on the plus side this thread has helped me travel an hour in time at work, in comfortable speed ! only 30 minutes of captivity left!
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night guard at a multistory carpark....and its dead at mo so nothing to do but serve my time and wait for freedom
Operation "dig my way out with a spoon" failed ...need bigger spoon
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But wait, every second we travel to the future. If that is true, there must be a way to go back in time!
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maybe ...moon walking so were facing the other way!
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right i must go, need to lock up and then go home to witcher
thanks guys for helping to pass the last hour and a half of a very boring shift!
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It was fun reading it, thanks for the thread. Almost as good as top gear humor.
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not sure if compliment or not lol (never did get into top gear)
but yeah the replys made me chuckle and certainly helped with a long shift,
just waiting on food before i run witcher...if i do it the other way around i starve
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could be, i know past me is an arsehole, went cook my dinner and he has left me a ton of washing up.
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funny, thats word for word what my last job review said.....boss?
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ah yes could be! there is hope then, i will check each time line to see if i find one that silent hills is not canceled in (seems appropriate given the rumored content)
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In fact.
If you could come back you would come back to alter-mrgreaper2004.
So you MUST quit your job and spend all your life on making this device to TRY it.
Don't thank me. B )
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meh what has alter-mrgreaper2004 ever done for me?
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You never knew.
What if you can't see him, because then something wrong could happened to you?
Some mental breakdown~ f.ex.
And there are infinitive numbers of your alters ;)
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What if you became a famous artist --> sold millions of records --> and became a millionaire --> built a space ship --> travelled to an alien planet --> bought a time machine(because they probably have these in random stores there) --> went back home --> travelled in time --> kept your job --> ??? --> profit.
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So im stuck at work with an hour and a half of captivity left, so i decided to try to invent time travel.
At first i tried a downloaded flux capacitor app but i was unable to spin the swivel chair to the required 88mph to activate it (side note: man am i dizzy)
Then it hit me (the floor, as i say i was still dizzy)
when i came to i realised there is only one plan that could work
1) as soon as i get home tonight, quit my job
2) dedicate my entire life, every second to making a time travel device
3) come back in time to a few seconds before i started to spin the chair and tell myself how i did...and maybe a few lottery numbers (hay time travel isnt mentioned in the rules) that way i can skip 1 and you know..millions of pounds (yeah i know money cant buy happiness but im pretty sure it can rent it)
sadly i never came back, so i know i failed, time travel not possible so no need to do 1 or 2 .....3 also problematic.
sorry to be the bearer of bad news, you will be pleased to know though i have invented a theory on zero gravity though using nothing more then a slice buttered bread, a cat and some duct tape.
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