Tiny and Big in Grandpa's Leftovers is worth playing, Intrusion 2 I could not get into, felt like a badly controlled Metal Slug but I didn't play for long.
No clue about the others.
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I also found the controls to be a bit awkward in intrusion 2. The levels themselves were alright, but the bosses were really good. Had the entire game been of the same quality as the bosses, then I would have been able to really recommend the game. So consider this a weak recommendation.
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If you're in the right mood, Proteus can actually be a very relaxing experience. In my opinion it's much better than Dear Esther, which was a drag to play. I wouldn't have minded the whole "let's just walk along this path and listen to the occasional narrative" if it hadn't been so damned slow. I don't mind exploring, I actually enjoy it quite a bit, but in Dear Esther I felt there wasn't really anything worth exploring. Or anything I COULD explore for that matter; there were some interesting looking rocks I couldn't climb on top, and a shipwreck I would have loved to take a closer look at, but couldn't because it was just a stationary part of the scenery (actually I'm not 100% sure there was a shipwreck, but I have a faint recollection of something like this happening). Getting off the path was just not worth it because there was nothing interesting to see, and the painfully slow walking speed just amplified this problem.
Proteus in my opinion is a much better executed exploration game (then again I actually think in Dear Esther the focus was on the narrative, not the exploration but since they're both just walking around I think it's fair to compare them to each other). The visuals are nice and fresh, as opposed to Dear Esther which is nothing out of the ordinary if you've played Half-Life 2, and it does a great job creating a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere. It's a world you want to dive into if you're in that kind of mood. I enjoyed interacting with the environment and hearing the soundtrack respond to my actions. The problem with Proteus is that one playthrough is too long if you consider that you can't really do anything. It took me about 40 minutes to complete a cycle, and I think I got tired around the middle. I don't remember how much I paid for it during the Steam Indie sales, but it wasn't the full price. Still, I think if you got it from HIB it is worth activating.
About sniffing the flowers, looking at the trees and all that kind of stuff...well, I was going to play this again but then I just went outside and did all those things myself. It's worth trying too, although I didn't have much control over the soundtrack.
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Like I said in my comment, there's more to Proteus than meets the eye. However, once you figure out everything that can be done, you end up with the same problem. As for Dear Esther, the walking speed is apparently supposed to be part of the pacing. If you don't care for that, you can just speed up the walking speed with a simple console command. I wouldn't recommend doing that until you've determined whether or not the pacing suits you, though.
The command:
bind [key] "de_playerspeed [value]"
bind t "de_playerspeed 150"
Edit: Removed code
stylization due to unintended effect on quotation marks.
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Awesomenauts is great fun if you like MOBA games. Capsized seemed alright I only played the first level. Little Inferno doesn't have a point and openly states that, just a good little time waster, not much of a proper game.
Dear Esther split opinions, it's not a game per se, just a really good story.
Intrusion 2 I didn't like for the same reasons as above, horrible controls it felt like on a gamepad.
Proteus I hated, you DO nothing. At least it felt like that. Dear Esther without a story.
Not played the rest yet.
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I tried little inferno on a friends Wii U, was pretty neat. You basically burn stuff, burn a couple of stuff together to solve "puzzles".
Dear Esther: I tried it a bit and really didn't feel it.
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Little Inferno is a cool entertaining game. It's from the makers of World of Goo, and when I saw it for the first time I knew I'd play that.
Dear Esther is basically an interactive movie, like Heavy Rain.
No idea about Oil Rush (not really into strategy), T&B and Intrusion 2 look okay. Not sure about English, though.
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"and you can upload any photos from your computer and burn them too"
You can?
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First catalog, the picture option gives you a selection of ones from the developers or access your My Pictures folder and gives you all those pictures. (I guess you can go else where on your harddrive as well for pictures)
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English Country Tune is a nice puzzler. Intrusion 2 suffers from weird sluggish controls, probably because it's built in Flash. Still have to try the rest
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Little inferno is kind of fun. Not something id pay ten bucks for myself but its a nice little toy as it were.
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The voice acting and storyline in Oil Rush are pretty pathetic, but playing the game is fun, I finished all the story missions in 10 hours worth of play (without trying for 100% achievements). I have about 300 hours in Eufloria, maybe that's why I didn't mind Oil Rush lol
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Really worth it, specially the first 3 you mentioned:
-Little Inferno is a game in which you can burn random thing,s get coins and buy more stuff to burn.
-Dear Esther is a true artistic videogame in which you play a small story.
-Tiny and Big is a great puzzle/plataform game with nice characters.
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I've tried most of the, and Capsized, Hotline Miami and Thomas Was Alone were good. I still have to try tiny and big and little inferno, but for me, Intrusion 2, and English Country Tune sucked a lot, and Proteus and Dear Esther were REALLY boring. I know what type of games their meant to be, I just can't stand the "nothing happening"...
Oil rush is boring too, and Awesomnauts is not that awesome.. Just don't like them. :/
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So after reading the actual post I can only tell you that little inferno is kind of a fun game to play when you´re bored.
don´t know much about the rest.
I´ve found english folk tale pretty crappy. I just don´t like these puzzle games that desperately try to be different.
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Well, the only one of those I can say anything about is Intrusion 2- it's absolutely awesome and you should totally try it out. Most interesting physics I've seen in a 2D game so far.
I honestly don't understand why so many people don't like it though... -.-
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I can't get it too why so many in this thread didn't like it. Intrusion2 is so awesome - almost everything have physics and is deformable, and bosses are so fun. Yes, controls feel a bit weird at the beginning, but its not so big of a deal for me, plus i get used to them pretty quickly.
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All of them except Oil Rush and Little Inferno are worth giving a try. I'd trade those 2 away, imo. Little Inferno is fun and has a nice story, but seriously? 3 hours of gameplay for a used-to-be-$15 game? (sorry, I'm just butthurt over one time I bought it for my friend)
Dear Esther and Proteus are very alike but exact opposites. You're supposed to think deeply into Dear Esther, uncover the hidden meaning behind it all. Proteus is all about relaxing and enjoying the simple things. The sounds and the sights, among other things.
Intrusion is alright. For it's bundle price, yeah, pretty good. But don't bother buying it full price, ever. (just saying)
I've played a bit of English Country Tune, and I think it's alright if you're into puzzle games. I find it pretty hard, but that's just me.
EDIT: For the record, I despise Capsized. shudder
EDIT2: Also for the record, I LOVE Awesomenauts and Hotline Miami. Seriously. Great games. Especially Awesomenauts, even though I'm the worst.
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He already has the key for Little Inferno, it doesn't cost him more to activate it. Like you said, it's "fun and has a nice story", so why shouldn't he play it?
Maybe not worth full price but definitely worth playing if you got it in a bundle.
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Good point. I'll let the OP form his own opinion.
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I'm feeling worse about it! That fucking game.
And stop saying that you're bad at AN. Like, what the hell?
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Leagues are bullshit. DC a couple of times and you will drop, so.
While I'm here... I REALLY fucking miss you.
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Why is that? We barely talked before I left you, and that was your choice.
If you are/were jealous of me then you've got some problems.
(I haven't played online since around 2-3 months ago)
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You b/d me, it was your choice.
I hate the fact that you don't allow me to explain myself. In private. I did worse things in the past and you gave me a chance... Please. I beg you. Give me a chance.
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The chivalric knight inside of me has decided to give you a chance.
But one more. Everybody gets one.
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Hmm. I might activate Little Inferno because of what the people are saying here. Proteus and Little Inferno should have a lower price for their length, but luckily the Humble Bundle appeared.
Just curious, why do you despise Capsized? I only activated it because of good reviews.
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Controls, lag, and prejudice. I didn't give it much of a chance but the first 20 minutes didn't seem any good at all.
It was just plain frustrating. Has the same mechanics as Intrusion, only with alien and high-tech shit thrown in.
I just don't like puzzle-platformers one bit.
I'll suggest that you don't trust my opinion on this, but you can, if you want. I only told you because you asked.
(Proteus is a relax game, don't take it seriously at all)
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I like the look of Capsized, Awesomenauts, Little Inferno, and Tiny and Big. Consider activating Tiny and Big next.
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Just bought The Humble Indie Bundle 8 and only activated Proteus, Capsized, and Awesomenauts.
I already had Thomas Was Alone and Hotline Miami before the Bundle.
So I'm just wondering if the games that I didn't activate; Little Inferno, Dear Esther, Tiny and Big in Grandpa's Leftovers, English Country Tune, Intrusion 2, and Oil Rush, are worth playing.
Edit 0.5: I'm not much of a game collector. Just want to play "good games" :]
Edit 1: With the many good responses, Tiny and Big in Grandpa's Leftovers will be activated.
Edit 1.5: Hidden poorly? :/
Edit 2: Little Inferno is the next to be activated.
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