I know the graphics don't make the game, but I'm all of making a game look prettier. And also compared to some other modern titles, the graphics might ruin the experience and immersion for you if the textures are low res and the lighting is square ish. Are there any graphics enchanting mods for BioShock? ( 1, 2, and even Infinites ) I also really wanna reply Infinite but the same style makes me not so enthusiastic about it.

1 decade ago*

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Hmm? The game looks pretty great still to this day maxed out, you can try this but it wont do to much in all honesty.

1 decade ago

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Hm, nah. I've seen sweetfx tho, and maybe there's at least texture packs for the 1st 2?

1 decade ago

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Cant really point to anything, but textures are the one thing that could definalty be improved as they where rather blurry even for the time it was released (but still good enough to fully enjoy the game, though).. but on the other hand, the game has really great visual arts and everything seems to be made just the was it is ment to.. so "better textures" will not automaticly mean better visuals and might ruin your experience opposed to the vanilla game, if the modders arent very carefull and talented in what they do.
No idea what mods and packs might be out there, but Iยดd be VERY picky and if in doubt, rather play the vanilla game.

1 decade ago

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To be honest i don't think they look that bad at all on max settings. definetly not bad enough to 'ruin game experience' for me...

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by knightofdragonkeep.