gets it's knickers in a twist about games that have been free / in bundles, are there other sites that don't give a four-star and have nice gifting systems? (Emphasis on nice gifting system, forum key drop does very much NOT count, it's not nice, it's bot harvest unequal rubbish)

I say this both because I have lots of spare keys and because to get games I don't want to go through that kind of cr@p and I don't have Facebook / twitter and I don't want them either. As far as I'm concerned a game isn't free if you have to spend a considerable amount of time selling your soul via Gleam.IO. Time = Money.

//Thread notifications???????????

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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O_o and get nothing much in return, no thanks.

7 years ago

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How do you want to win games if you don't even enter giveaways? I don't get it.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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Try then.

7 years ago

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go to IndieGala

try to sign up with my email (

Our system detected a potentially disposable email address.


7 years ago

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As far as I'm concerned a game isn't free if you have to spend a considerable amount of time selling your soul via Gleam.IO

You can do it at work *shrugs*

7 years ago

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laughs out loud

7 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. for ninjas, IndieGala giveaways for keys bought there.
There also used to be GameMiner or SteamCompanion if you had the urge to give away keys that could boost the Russian GDP.

7 years ago

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There is also another site which name I forgot.. don't know if they allow free ones atm.

could boost the Russian GDP.

I know GameMiner was from there but SC not afaik.

7 years ago

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SC didn't have an activation rule, so it was dead easy to just grab some games and post them on G2A, before the bundle craze really got off and flooded that site with IndieGala/OtakuMaker/HB 1$ tier keys.

7 years ago

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GameMiner RIP :(

7 years ago

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eh, was not that good after all :/ but I made some giveaways there :)

7 years ago

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Full of free games and too expensive to join gold giveaways

7 years ago

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I joined a few gold ones ^_^ I won some, some did not :/ the worst part of it was that I won some giveaways and never received the games after :/

7 years ago

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Wait GameMiner died? It was actually the original GA site I used before steam implemented the region restrictions and it went 90% russian so I found SG. It had a nice system though with the whole, higher level means faster points for entering GA's. What happened to it?

7 years ago

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I guess, low activity and profit.

7 years ago

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That's like the forum cr@p where you have to **** about visiting the site 1000 times a day in a desperate attempt to get a $1 game.
No thanks.

7 years ago

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There also used to be PlayBlink.

7 years ago

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SteamCompanion isn't dead ? Nick has some problems if i remember correctly .

7 years ago

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Giveaway part is for now.

7 years ago

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As a giveaway site, it is. Hence the past tense. =)

7 years ago

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So you wan't to give away games, but not really :D

7 years ago

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Ok, I guess I'm looking for something that is more like a trade pool, put stuff in, take stuff out. Something that stops a small minority from coming along and gaming the system and doing a large amount of the taking, fair I think.

So, yes correct I don't JUST want to give away keys that I paid for, why should I?

7 years ago

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I think you are looking for a Trading Site, and not a Giveaway site then.

7 years ago

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There are lots of trade sites already cause that's what you looking for. There's even one on this site. Please look at that then :)

7 years ago

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why should I?

because you intend to take games out of said pool that were paid for.

7 years ago

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Go for literally any ratio based giveaway group on SG.

7 years ago

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You sound like dipshit.

7 years ago

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Fuck you too

7 years ago

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"Boohoo I want free stuff without doing shit like gleam actions, I want others to do it for me so I can just take it." Oh boi, even beggars in the street have to kneel and look helpless, and you here say that second to "check out this greenlight game" is too much effort for you.

7 years ago

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Way to complain about a well made platform that provides you with a plethora of different game giveaways you can enter at no cost.
Also, other sites have been listed here and on Google plenty of times before. Cheers!

7 years ago

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selling your soul? what soul, you just said you dont even have those social network accounts... make a new empty account, enter gleam, what is the problem!?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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thanks for this site, registered :)

7 years ago

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Thank you!

7 years ago

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Never heard of this before. Holy crap the free games tab!

7 years ago

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Quick question: Is it just me, or is there actually only 3 giveaways running currently on the site? :D

7 years ago

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same for me.

7 years ago

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If your problem is that you can't give away free games on Steamgifts, a little patience may be rewarding:

Allowing Giveaways for Previously Free Games
I've seen this suggestion show up a few times in the discussions section, and it's one I'd like to implement. As you know, when a game is free, we typically pull it from our game list. This means if a developer briefly distributes their game for free, or if a user gives away thousands of keys on another site, the corresponding game can no longer be given away on SteamGifts. At the moment, it's unfortunate for users that miss those opportunities, since our site does not provide them with a second chance to obtain a copy of the game. We also receive quite a few tickets from users with previously free games, that simply want to find them a home. I'd like to change the way we look at those games in the future, and allow users to give them away with a highly reduced CV, or no CV. I think it'll provide users with more flexibility in terms of what they give away, and it'll provide everyone with a chance to win some great games we've unfortunately removed from our game list.

7 years ago

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i don't think it'll be enough for this user. they want to essentially trade free gleam games, for paid bundled games. i doubt when that gets added that there will be any CV, so their gifting games won't do anything for them.

7 years ago

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I like the ideas outlined there.

Would you happen to know how Civ 5 and Mafia 2 wound up being allowed to be given away again? I remember GMG gave them away around the Golden Joysticks one year, but both are back on the allowed-list now.

7 years ago

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I think it's because it was such a long time ago that the number of people with those keys is way smaller than the amount of people who want to make a legitimate giveaway.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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My French sucks. Looks like a good site, though. Thank you!

7 years ago

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You: Hey everyone. I have this piece of pie I pulled out of the neighbor's trash, and I'd love to trade it for a brand new, insect and mold free piece of pie from you. Come on guys, I worked hard to get this piece of pie!

When has life ever worked like that?

7 years ago

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No, he doesn't want to trade the pie. He wants to gift the pie to a pool. And the pool has to not be fussy about having trash pie gifted. And he has to get pie back from the pool in return. And people shouldn't be able to game the system because that would be unfair to people gifting trash pie.

I think that covers everything and I'm sure there are plenty of sites that cater to such specific needs.

7 years ago

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you will find others sites where they allow to gift 5000 keys or particula and goocubelets.
just don't expect the same quality of games that you can find here in those sites.

trash allowed to be given away = you get 99.9% trash from everyone.

7 years ago

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There are other ways to do it, but they are pretty time consuming.

Game: Smell Of Death
Free key: Just pass this filter and you'll find the key in the description of the linked GA (you'll need to have the game wishlisted earlier than today).

Update: Not taken yet :-)

7 years ago*

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