Edit: Not the way of solving things
~~I can't even make a thread without random people making drama, and I wish I could delete some irrelevant posts to let the discussion continue without the clutter of those bait posts.


  • Helps improve the quality of discussions or at worst does nothing


  • ???
  • Hard to implement mebbe? 🤔~~
    Someone creates thread with some controversial views.
    Deletes every comment that is against his/her views.
    Because of that there is 2-3 new threads about the same with a lot of shitstorm and deleted posts.
    Forum is a mess.

Please cg 🙏

7 years ago*

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Should thread creators be allowed to delete posts which are irrelevant/hateful on their threads? (Only on their threads & only deleting)

View Results
Yes ✅
No ❎


7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Finally a good idea!

7 years ago

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I have one in Touhou Giveaways already, but only jbond confirmed it working so far :3.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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New suggestion: be able to give comments like this a thumbs up!

7 years ago

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I don't think we want shitposters to be able to censor comments in their threads

7 years ago

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Those threads should be closed by support anyways though? Why would you comment on a poop-thread anyways, it only makes that thread live longer & get bumped up.
What about poop-posts though? Like you have a good thread going, and suddenly someone deliberately poop-baits & rip intelligent discourse. How is that fine?

7 years ago*

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Why would you comment on a poop-thread anyways, it only makes that thread live longer & get bumped up.

Why would someone comment on a thread asking for it to die, even though commenting in it bumps it up?

7 years ago*

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You're asking why someone would do something, as if you cannot enter the mindset of someone who would do that. Yet, you do the same thing. Perhaps you should examine your own reasons.

7 years ago

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You're right about that, but it still isn't related to my suggestion. I might have the worst reason in the world & still make a good suggestion (not that this suggestion was any good in hindsight \o/)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I mean, I get what you're going for but discussion comes from conflict. Being able to censor people on your threads won't really bring anything good.
It could also lead to people deleting certain comments just because they don't like the user.
Best advice is just ignore the drama

7 years ago

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I want to have a discussion about 'X'
'Y' comes in & posts trollbait-poop (i)
The discussion becomes completely about (i)
I can ignore it, but not everyone can. So now I need to close my thread to ensure the drama doesn't get out of hand. I don't think that's fine, it's not about conflict but rather ensuring trolls don't get free reign to spoil every discussion imo

7 years ago

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Sure but how can you assure that users won't misuse it? I'd say having discussion mods would be a solution but having anyone being able to delete comments on their own thread would just lead to censorship

7 years ago

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No, this would be censorship.

7 years ago

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I see how it's going to end:

  1. Someone creates thread with some controversial views.
  2. Deletes every comment that is against his/her views.
  3. Because of that there is 2-3 new threads about the same with a lot of shitstorm and deleted posts.
  4. ...
  5. Forum is a mess.

So NO. Bad idea IMHO.
edit.: Idea sounds great but steam community is not ready for it :)

7 years ago

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I think it would more likely end in something like this tbh: ;D

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7 years ago

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It's a very good point.

7 years ago

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Did not think of that, added to OP

7 years ago

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No, because then individuals such as yourself will continue to make irrational claims, but will dramatically worsen matters due to having the power to heavily censor anything which doesn't fully agree with your warped viewpoint. For example, when, in the thread you're referencing, tristetea simply referenced the functional rule policies of the site, you responded with nonsensically baseless claims of clique-based drama, all while including that very thing in the exact same post- and as a result of that interaction, you rage-closed the thread, even though you were carrying the drama all on your own.

I have no idea what was the cause to cause a temporary ban now. If it was indeed a legit suspension, and they do add up, she will receive permanent suspension if she will receive more of suspensions and thus the point i made is relevant.

If she gets a permanent suspension, I'm still going to miss her & her posts, so I still don't see the relevancy in your comment. Unless I should be permanently suspended too?

I've added an edit on the main post to be clear. Please keep your clique v/s clique drama poop out of this thread. Please & thank you.

I don't want her to receive permanent suspension, and why would i want you to have one either? I was only stating the facts that enough temporary suspensions will lead to permanent ban, i didn't include how you, i or others feel about her, now did i? not even trying to raise drama here. Like i said i don't know what caused the suspension, and if it was unjust, it will be removed :) i'm not going to go any deeper into that as well. Staff most likely had a good reason to do x or y and i do not have any part in that, just shared my 2 cents on something on the thread.

Sharing your 2 cents on something irrelevant to further continue the drama?

Your every comment is a devout prayer upon the altar of hypocrisy, you defy rationality the same way Superman defies gravity, and you're nuttier than Mr. Peanut. cg'd be better off lighting the site's server farm on fire than giving you censorship capabilities.

7 years ago

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Well, this escalated quickly.
And for some reason I still want to write "escelated" every time I use that word.

7 years ago

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Try explaining why the pronunciation of Worcester doesn't sound anything like the way it's written. English is weird sometimes ;>.

7 years ago

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And for some reason I still want to write "escelated" every time I use that word.

Escalatored? :D

7 years ago

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First of all, calm down: relax, take a breath.
Thanks for making my point even clearer, my thread was about missing MuIIins & her posts not about the suspension at all. I don't know the details, and I even edited the post with "please don't talk about that".
People kept on bringing it up & discussing how valid it was or it wasn't and then getting angry at each other. And here you are bringing all that hate on this thread. Are your quotes relevant to what we're discussing? Nope. But you did unwillingly make my point stronger, so I thank you for that. It's a shame how some people have to troll and vomit their hatred & insults everywhere.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago*

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So you're agreeing that creators should be allowed to delete those posts (like mine & the ones in my thread)? I'm not saying that I'm not guilty of the same thing, but my point can still be valid, right?

7 years ago

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So you're agreeing that creators should be allowed to delete those posts (like mine & the ones in my thread)?

Well, I'm pretty sure we can all agree that thread creators should be allowed to delete your posts. :P

7 years ago*

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Not sure what I did to cause you to be this hateful, but I hope you realise that all that bile is causing you more harm that is me. I'm just going to put your posts on ignore if you can't stop insulting.

7 years ago

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I'm not actually possessed of even the most slight of hateful or hostile sentiments; I apologize, I always come across far more antagonistic than I realize, when my health is in especially bad shape. Regardless of how accurate my perceptions of you may be, I didn't intend to have that last comment come out as anything other than a teasing play on words.
Likewise, the last paragraph of my first post was meant to express exasperation and concern [over the effects of censorship] rather than be an attack on you, though the fact that I do stand by those perceptions of you does rather hinder how well I can mitigate any impact the words may have had. You're hardly the most negative or drama-prone user on this site, but you do seem to be everywhere of late, and the combination of hypocrisy and irrationality is not one I deal well with.

Still, it was my choice to engage you, so I'm certainty at fault for any negative elements of this nesting. That said, you're like a typhoon of baseless drama. Maybe start giving respect to people other than Mullins, and maybe people'll respect you more in turn.

7 years ago

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Sorry, Shanti, I like you, but in this case Tristetea didn't troll you. Posting a thread about a currently suspended user will always lead to the topic "was the suspension ok?". Since you stated that you didn't know that she is suspended, you're not to blame for it. Such things happen. There was no offense in your last thread, therefore I honestly wonder why you closed it and want to have a deleting right for your threads now.
So using your own words: calm down, relax, take a breath. =)

7 years ago

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Maybe I should, I've been feeling a bit down & just remembered MuIIins funny posts and how they made me feel happy so made a thread about it, I should have realised it was going to derail. I don't think Tristetea was trolling or anything, I closed it because of someone else's comments.

7 years ago

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Oh, sorry, got you wrong then. And yes, I miss her GIFs too, however I hope she'll achieves a better balance between sarcasm and mocking in the future.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago*

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Just because I am guilty of something shouldn't mean that my argument is invalid.

7 years ago

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Sooth is calling you a hypocrite. I'm just providing context.

7 years ago*

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Probably worth noting: While Shanti referenced her previous thread in her OP and thus made it contextually relevant, your reference (regardless of how well it supports the topic) would probably still be considered calling out. Just, don't want you getting suspended due to getting caught up in my impetus.

7 years ago

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I rarely do that, +1. This perfectly relates to my own opinion as well.

7 years ago*

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Most of the proposals in the Bugs / Suggestions forum are likely to improve the forum or the site. This however isn't one of them. It will for sure be abused by thread creators very quickly.

7 years ago

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Yeah, I see your point I guess, maybe I wasn't thinking it out fully 🤔 Might be a little bit of frustration peeking out.

7 years ago

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This entire thing is getting a little silly now...

Simply put, everyone should stop posting stuff pertaining to things that should have long since been left dead, me included.

7 years ago

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What did I post 'pertaining to things that been dead'? I just wanted to talk about the person not their punishment. If I could delete the posts related to the suspension I would have just to keep the discussion on track. Sadly, that is not possible.

7 years ago

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Sure, but only if your threads are private like your profile and nobody can see or post in them.

7 years ago

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Lol seems like this site has gone to Heck in a Handbasket

7 years ago

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It's just that these kind of threads with drama get more attention than "normal" threads where people are successful having rational discussions. There's always the option to just ignore them if one has enough self restraint and willpower :P

7 years ago

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I agree hehehe. I haven't been using this site much lately [except for my private group giveaways] but every now and then ill peek into the discussions and board and geeez all i see now is negative everything.. from topics to everything inside the topic.

7 years ago

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Drama everywhere. One would expect in a website with Gifts on the name things would be positive and friendly but nope, not even close.

7 years ago

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Same as watching a car crash and burn - why look away > call
911 / amberlamps if needed; lulz and awe are already included.

7 years ago

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So you want your internet safe space where only people that agree with you are allowed to voice their opinon? How about HELL NO!!!!

7 years ago

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I guess there's always going to be a struggle with too much freedom v/s too little ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe this isn't the way to solve it though...

7 years ago

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It is not. What this site maybe could need is an ignore user function. And in case it doesn't exist yet a function that allows mods to threadban people for those that cannot follow simple rules of conduct.

But giving that right to users would create more drama rather than less. It would be blacklist drama ^10.

7 years ago

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There's a script for that, but some users cannot find the strength to look away

7 years ago

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If a comment is too out of place, you can always report the user for "Inappropriate Behavior".

In all other cases, an open community should be able to take the burden of some shitposting & drama and resolve it.
Ways to avoid such posts:

  • Create thread that are clear in wording, even for those non native speakers.
  • If it is a controversial or emotional topic, you will get very different (depending on your point of view even extreme) or emotional responses. If you don't want these, create the thread on a discussion board for that topic.
  • Before posting, think about how your post might be perceived by other users.
    • more, that I can't think of right now.
7 years ago

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+1 In other words, I agree with the sentiment of this message. Especially the ways to avoid part

7 years ago

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There's definitely some good ideas there, especially about perceptions. The thing is, how much do you want other people's perceptions to matter to you? I don't know if my thread was a good idea in hindsight but I honestly didn't expect such a negative reception. I still can't figure out how it might be perceived that badly, but maybe I am missing a lot of details.

7 years ago

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That's censorship and it shouldn't be done by neither the moderators nor the creators.

7 years ago

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No, but this approach could be an alternative:

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7 years ago

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Nope, it's going to be used to censor replies that are against the point of view of the thread creator, it will be used for that as soon as it gets implemented.
I'd rather deal with the occasional shitstorm that get a warped version of the discussion.

7 years ago

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90% no, 10% yes
Speaks for itself, really

7 years ago

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Agreed 👎

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Shanti.