(sorry, no GA)
Hey Steamgifts! I have $35 on Steam, and I was wondering what turn-based or strategy games you guys like! I really enjoy the Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Civilization, some of the Total War games, and stuff like that! Any suggestions are welcome!

edit: I now own XCOM! Thank you, minanu!

8 years ago*

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I recommend you Valkyria chronicles, war in anime style, turn based and kind of a tps at the same time

8 years ago

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The game make a good first impression, but there are some issues that really frustrated me. The game has a subpar AI, but it relies on scrtipted events (mostly enemy reinforcements) to make the difficulty higher.

The player really lacks the information on the battlefield, especially when he must gather a team for the next mission. The overhead map isn't detailed and it's impossible to tell where can you pass and where you will bash into invisible barrier. You really need to replay a mission several times if you want a good score, just to know where to go and where enemies will appear.

I aslo didn't like that your soldiers have a lot of traits, but you have no control on when to activate them. The traits just have some percentage (the game doesn't show how big it is) to activate in certain situation.

8 years ago

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Frankly, no one knows what u like besides u. My suggestion, card games. It's turn-based, fun, need skill,additionally, need cards. I play magic,so ....well, u can always try out Magic Duels on steam first (it's free).

8 years ago

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Hi. I'm not %100 sure but I think I have one unused xcom:enemy unknown key from one of those promos. I was gonna post in a giveaway when I had the chance to create one but you can have it. Add me if you are interested

8 years ago

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You are a gentleman and a scholar.

8 years ago

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If you want a TBS, then Total Wars (although they are GS), Civilization, Panzer General.
If you mean turn-based games in general, Jagged Alliance, Fallout Tactics.
If you mean TBRPGs, Shadowrun series, Divinity: Original Sin.

8 years ago

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Child of Light was fun.
Age of Wonders 2 and 3 are pretty good as well.
XCOM is another popular one.
I think Blackguards 1 and 2 are in humble bundle right now and they are Turn based if you dont mind spending money from your wallet instead of steam wallet.

8 years ago

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Panzer Corps
Usually goes 50% on sales, it has a lot of dlc but only for fans, base game its huge.

8 years ago

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That game looks pretty interesting. I may pick it up next time it goes on-sale.

8 years ago

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You already played Civilization (my favourite is Civ3).
People already mentioned Heroes of Might & Magic.

I also liked Discples 1 and 2. (I never tried the 3rd one).

8 years ago

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3 is good as well :-)

8 years ago

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Heroes of Might Magic 3 (the original not the hd edition), XCOM, Xenonauts, Shadowruns, Wasteland 2, Divinity Original Sin, Civilizations, Banner Saga, Age of Wonders, Total Wars, Blood Bowls, Jagged Alliances

8 years ago

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King's Bounty and HOMM are always good choices. Also Wastelands 2 and Shadowrun are awesome.
If you prefer something more "indie" try out avernum/avadon series, also telepath tactics and the banner saga should be great.

8 years ago

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I'm probably going to end up getting HOMM and I'm definitely getting Shadowrun. Thank you for the suggestions!

8 years ago

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Fantasy Wars and it's standalone addon Elven Legacy are basically unofficial Warhammer FB games, the setting and art style are almost indistinguishable (the developers actually asked Games Workshop if everything is okay and the reply was to make orcs non-green, which they did). These games look great (I especially love the exaggerated combat animations, a hero running into an enemy squad makes bodies fly all over the place), the units can be upgraded into different forms (like in Disciples), outfitted with artifacts and you can choose perks when they level up (trere are lots or humour in orc perks descriptions).

Overall it is one of the finest turn-based strategies of the last decade and I just can't recommend it enough. It's deep and tactical but also fun and acessible

8 years ago

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Also, anyone who enjoys Elven Legacy & Fantasy Wars should take a look at the Panzer General series (including Fantasy General). They are relatively similar.

8 years ago

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It is hard to recommend Fantasy General to a modern gamer - the graphics were rather simplistic even for 1996.

8 years ago

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I actually played it for the very first time about 2-3 weeks ago, and really enjoyed it. Then again, I'm quite forgiving when it comes to simple graphics (not so much when it comes to unattractive graphics)

8 years ago

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Fantasy Wars looks AMAZING. It's insane that it's only $5! I'm downloading it now!

8 years ago

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Got Invisible Inc. recently, and it's amazing stealth turn-based game. It was made by Klei Entertainment, which also made Shank, Mark of the Ninja and Don't Starve. Campaign is just 5 hrs long, but game has plenty of difficulties and even endless mode. All levels are randomly generated...

8 years ago

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Jagged Alliance 2 One of the greatest squad-level tactics games ever made. Deep, fun, challenging and with a lot of variety.

Age of Wonders series In particular AoW 1 & 3. Somewhat similar to Heroes of Might and Magic (far from identical, but they occupy a similar niche), but I would say that these are better.

Battle Academy Simple but not simplistic turnbased tactics game. Good entry level game, but also fun for those who have played the genre before.

Unity of Command The best entry-level operational level strategy game I've ever played. Easy to get into, but the game still offers a good level of challenge. DLC offers more campaigns (both were good).

8 years ago

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I would suggest Armello, but since you already got a game, nevermind.

8 years ago

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The art style of that game's amazing, but I don't think I'd like it very much because it looks sorta MOBA-ish.

8 years ago

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Heroes series. 3 and 5 are supposedly the best. i enjoyed 6. 7 is out, but i'll wait for it
try Worlds of Magic. it's of to a rough start, but should be great once working.

what about TB adventure? Blackguards 1+2 are fun, the same King's bounty (more similar to Heroes, but with not towns)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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His budget is $35 on steam. Its $60.

8 years ago

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welp, sorry i forget i look at my region price :P

8 years ago

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If you don't want to pay play Battle for Wesnoth and UFO Alien Invasion. Other than those game check UFO: Afterlight, UFO: Aftermath, UFO: Aftershock, UFO: Extraterrestrials Gold, Xenonauts, Silent Storm, Telepath Tactics, Grandia 2.

8 years ago

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Altar's UFO series is famously bad. And I think it's real-time with pause.

8 years ago

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Maybe. I have them, but actially didn't play them. It's just a suggestion. Safest bet here is Xenonauts, i think :)

8 years ago

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i actually really liked them, and they are more turn based as the pause option is for the in-between orders so its more like fast forward option :-)

8 years ago

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Take a look at Divinity Original Sin (it's 39,99 for me, but if you an get the extra 4,99 it's 100% worth it. It's also a Co-Op game), they just updated it with the Enhanced Edition and it's awesome! Also the Shadowrun games are really good turnbased strategy rpgs.

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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If they only had a up-to-date version of the awesome game of Star trek BOTF

8 years ago

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Id rather go with xenonauts than xcom if you don't mind simpler graphics. Its better game imo.

8 years ago

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You have X Com already, so complete that game first, although is too easy imo, not counting Iron Man mode :!!! Maybe I'm a hardcore gamer, but not that hard !!!

If you really love TBS games, King's Bounty series is a "must play" title. I know some people do not like their graphics, " It's looks like a party of dolls", some really hate their font text in game (too small), but when you get over with, you will definitely love this game. A world with a lot to do, a very deep gameplay strategy, a lot of unforgettable battle, beautiful music ... Want to be a hero, check ! Want to be a jerk, check ! Want to have a normal life with a beautiful wife and some kids, check ! Want to divorce your wife to go to another, check, but you have to say goodbye with all of your children and half of your current assets ....

If you can, I recommend you to try The Banner Saga too. In the past, I spent a lot of my time with my PC, playing those games like Heroes 3, Disciplines and of course, X Com and King Bounty. But now we all have a job to do, a boss to serve, a family to live with, so we can't no more stay with my beloved PC all the day. This game is your savior. It have the iOS/Android version, you can bring that game to you everywhere everytime. Beautiful graphics, beautiful music, good gameplay mechanism and final, your choice in the games decide your consequence !

The last "must play" title, Divinity Original Sin. There is only 1 word to describe this game: perfect. Google to know more details of this game.!!! This is the only real game I still keep in my laptop, not mention those mini games like One Finger Death Punch, Audiosurf !!!

Beside those games above, there is still a lot of good title, especially If you have a console like PS3/4, or a handled like PSP, VITA, 3DS ... Fire Emblem, FF, Xenosaga ... In this kind of games, I highly recommend you to try the Persona series, you can skip Persona 1-2, but It will be a great insult If you skip Persona 3 and 4. Give these 2 titles 1, maybe 2 hrs, and It will take from you 198 more hrs to complete both, and you maybe still want to spend more, so be caution !!!

Sorry for my bad English, hope this help you and others guys who loved TBS games !!!

8 years ago*

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"You have X Com already, so complete that game first, although is too easy imo, not counting Iron Man mode" - dude xcom has a very flexible and balanced difficulty curve, you cant say that it is too easy while excluding the ironman mode.

yes it has easy difficulties but also more advanced ones (not to mention mods for farther challenges), for example try get a "perfect game" (no soldier dies, no country lost) on Impossible and ironman.

if still its too easy for you on that setting then i dont know.. :-)

8 years ago

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Iron Man mode design for those guys who really want to try extremely hard in X Com. And I want to try hard, not extrememly hard :D And I finish X Com twice, both are Impossible difficulty !

Not talking about "economics" side of X Com, here is my tactics in this game: 3 Sniper, all have the skills allow them to shoot aliens in friend's sight. 1 Assault, the must have skills is "Lighting Reflexes", hope I remember right, allow him to dodge the 1st attack coming to him this turn. This 4 dude is my core team. First move the Assault dude, do not use all his "moves" - using only his first moves to spot aliens. Now aliens are in sight, usng Sniper to shot them. When all those snipers finish their shots, pull back your Assault. The rest 2 members ready in Overwatch stance, and they are Heavy or Support or Assault, or even more Sniper it depends on your maps !

Sorry for my bad English !!!

8 years ago*

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thats a solid build inded :-)

if you want a challenge you should mix the grope, as every game has a "op exploited on his mechanic" and thats is your build.

i went on:

on start:

  • 1 assault (as provoker with his Lighting Reflexes)
  • 1 support (you have to if you are aiming on no casualties on ironman) focused on distance and healing
  • 1 heavy (for the rockets - takes 2-4 aliens on 1 turn!)
  • 1 sniper (long distance finisher)

after upgrades to the squad size (to 6) i added:

  • 1 assault / 1 support (depends on mission)
  • 1 sniper (as snap shot - for flexibility and maneuverability)

my suggestion is when you have a chance, and you truly wish to see xcom eu on a true tactical level and not as a exploited op build try using the support and heavy as well :-)

8 years ago

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Of course I used Heavy and Support as well, but It's depend on mission !

I used Heavy as a "shorcut creater" :with his grenades. Beside, grenades and rockets is guarantee dmg, not like Sniper, their dmg per shot is highest but It's still need luck, 90% to hit and we still miss, that's normal !!! I used Support to support :D Smoke bomb to cover my team, 90% times is cover my Assault, extra Overwatch (I do not remember the skill name exactly) ... Finally, because my 3 Sniper + 1 Assault, they all have their job already (3 Sniper => Main dmg dealer, 1 Assault=> Scout + Decoy), so when the game come late, this 2 guys will be my Psy member, If I'm lucky enough.

8 years ago

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nice ^_^

i went on full psy squad at the end...personally.

8 years ago

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Of course we all want a full Psy team, but we gonna need a lot of luck, or cheat :D

8 years ago

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no need of luck nor cheating, just $$ and mission to progress them :-P

usually 50% of my squad got psy abilities the other 3 usually were green recruits, but after 3-4 mission the got solid so...well worth it :-)

8 years ago

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Not strategy, but turn-based: http://store.steampowered.com/app/251150/
I'm sad that the sequel is coming to Steam today and I can't afford it.

8 years ago

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I got Windows XP for 10 years, until year ago i buy new PC win Win 8.1 and HOMM V was work perfect there.

Sadly, there is no HOMM IV on steam. Too bad, maybe wasn't an good enough like HOMM III, but is still good to be honest.

8 years ago

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Eador ftw! I prefer old one, newer is kinda buggy with those graphics. You can try full version on developer site.

And, yes: Worms series, with Worms Armageddon probably the best.

8 years ago

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happy cake day :-)

8 years ago

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if you dont mind old school game try xcom TFTD - its old yes but its one of the best games i played!

also take a look on:

  • the last remnant (great game! absolutely a gem! just needs to get use to its controls...)
  • wasteland 2
  • ascension to the throne
  • grotesque tactics 1+2
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1+2

also how about games like Legend of Grimrock? or might and magic (not heroes of might and magic)? i think they are great as well they are party oriented tb rpg crawlers.

8 years ago

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