Giveaways for

solution: the key to solving this puzzle was in the title of the topic "a trick of the light" There are three binary codes overlaid in the image one is red one is green, and one is blue. Where the colors overlap they are combine so if there is a magenta line it counts as a red and a blue line, yellow is red and green, and cyan in blue and green. Where all three colors intersect you get white, and where you have none black.

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4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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I don't get it?

4 years ago

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As three people have already solved this I doubt I'll be giving any more hints out this time.

4 years ago*

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That's fine, both of these games have been bundled a lot, so it wasn't like I was going to enter; I was just curious as to what I was meant to be looking for (other than hurting my eyes :P)

4 years ago

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the solution has been posted. If it is still confusing I can post something more detailed or you can read EmptyKetchupBottle post lower in the thread

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog :)

4 years ago

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A Trick of the Light

(No idea how to solve :D , but this let to an interessting song, so I consider this a win :) )

4 years ago

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I see Russian flag :D

4 years ago

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LQBTQ+ remix of Russian flag.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I remember doing one of these with some friends for the Spring 2018 2hu Major event, but couldn't tell you how to solve it now. I do know of a few ways that don't work, please reveal afterwards what the answer was and remind us of how to do these, thanks.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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First thing came to mind when reading the title...

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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thanks a lot =)

4 years ago

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I still haven't figured it out and now my brain hurts :P

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Beware of educational content, run for your lives now if you will!

Well, since there won't be hints and I'm out of ideas for now, I'll post how I started to tackle it and maybe some of you will use it and actually crack it. Basically every colored bar in the image corresponds to the short hex color codes of a certain type. Every RGB value each is either 0 or 255, or in other words it's either 0% or 100%. If you wrote down every hex code like that, you would find CMYK and RGB colors and white as the extra (K is also sometimes referred to as Black and White, however).

Additional info for who are unfamiliar with hex color codes: Every hex color is made up of 3 parts, [R]ed, [G]reen and [B]lue. Every color can take a decimal value from 0 to 255, with 0 meaning it's 0% of that color, and 255 meaning it's 100% of that color. In example; color red would be:
Red: 255, Green: 0, Blue: 0 in decimal, or Red: 100%, Green: 0%, Blue: 0% in percentage value. When you convert from decimal to hexadecimal, you would get Red: FF, Green: 00, Blue: 00, hence color red would correspond to #FF0000. Similarly color yellow is R: 255, G: 255, B: 0, hence it is #FFFF00 in hexadecimal format of colors.

Now we CSS people are somewhat lazy, and we thought like, "God damn it, why do I have to keep writing this whole 6 alphanumeric every time, especially at repeating alphanumeric pairs?!", well for latter, we have shorthand hex codes. It sure does limit the available colors to us, but it's... shorter? It's probably easier to tell with examples: #FFFFFF becomes #FFF, #FF00FF becomes #F0F, #0000FF becomes #00f, and #8866FF becomes #86F. However things like #86FE61 or even #45FFAA can't become short, they have to be shorthand writable for each color. As original 6 alphanumeric form being called byte colors, shorthand ones are called half-byte colors, and respectively as they take half a byte for each color (4-bit instead of 8-bit), in total they make up colors that can be shown in 12-bit color depth.

P.S: Each color having 255 decimal values comes from a byte being 8 bits, each bit being either 0 or 1, hence the binary. This makes each color take a byte (8-bit) to identify itself. With RGB combined, it becomes 3-byte to define a color, but we generally refer to this as 24-bit depth color. e.g: 255 becomes FF in hexadecimal, as it becomes 11111111 in binary.

P.S: If this has puzzled your mind as to why would they do that, it's most likely because how old screens (oldest I know which is CRT) worked. They combined percentile values for R, G and B together to form a single colored point/pixel on screen. Imagine having 3 LEDs and each only has colors of R, G or B. When you super zoom out, you'll see the color you desire because of how they mix. Decimal to hexadecimal instead of percentile values made a lot more colors possible.

Now to actual notes of mine. The colors only consist of 0% or 100% values like I said, so I took notes as such:

A: 000000 (000) -> Black
B: 0000ff (00f) -> Blue
C: 00ff00 (0f0) -> Green
D: 00ffff (0ff) -> Cyan
E: ff0000 (f00) -> Red
F: ff00ff (f0f) -> Magenta
G: ffff00 (ff0) -> Yellow
H: ffffff (fff) -> White


Which of course didn't make much sense to me. I tried to see every F as 1, and tried writing it out as full binary, but it wouldn't convert as full-byte or half-byte to ASCII or UTF-8. Besides that I found no hints in the EXIF/metadata or file content itself. File appeared to be genuine Bitmap PNG so there were no hidden layers/frames either. No hidden links, no imgur description, no alt text.

I'm probably thinking too tech-y, and too hard. Really wanted to dig Retro Game Crunch though, looks interesting.

4 years ago

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R/G/B :)

4 years ago

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For future puzzles please do not post information like this in a puzzle thread until after the giveaway ends you revealed 99% of the solution...

4 years ago

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The irony is I couldn't even solve it myself to be honest but apparently I was in the right direction...

4 years ago

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Me too. The solution seems like what I had in mind. Even tried CMYK or swapping 0 and 1 etc. But nothing worked. Most likely I just made a typo, but I did double check it several times.

4 years ago

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Bump for solved

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Bump for solved!

4 years ago

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Bump for solved and for the last hour!

4 years ago

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Bump for this great puzzle and posting the solution :)

PS: Which let me lead to a great song :)

4 years ago

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ЯННП. Can't find where the puzzle is =) and because i own both games, i don't want to touch it :D
p.s. both three, eyah X_x

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by Ceebers.