I like these puzzles, but nothing has been more frustrating than spending time purposefully making myself frustrated only to find out it was for no reason. I understand that you still aren't guaranteed to win the game afterwards. That doesn't stop me from feeling like the kid who's parents told him he would get to go to Disney World for getting straight A's, but then was tricked into going to the dentist. Sure, education is it's own reward, but it sure as hell isn't Disney World. Would it be so terrible to post the name of the game your puzzle is for?

On a related topic, if you read back through some of the puzzles I like to post my thought processes when I am stuck. I do this so other people trying to solve the puzzle can try or skip my methods based on my results. I don't see why it would be terrible to work as a group on these puzzles. All most people ever post is "I tried and gave up" or "I got it and I feel smart". The people who give up should be posting what they tried or their thought processes so other people can try pointing them in the right direction. The people who solved it could be kind enough to drop a hint on those of us who are more dense. I don't know what is worse, knowing you solved a puzzle part way and then getting stuck, or the only help you get is someone saying "oh you are so close" but nothing else. I KNOW I am close, I didn't need to be told that.

1 decade ago*

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Puzzle solving isn't about the prize, it's about the journey.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I agree with this. Part of the fun (to me at least) is not knowing what you're in for.

And about the giving of hints: I think it should be up to the gifter whether or not hints are given.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Sure, education is it's own reward, but it sure as hell isn't Disney World

1 decade ago

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The metaphor isn't exactly correct because you are aware of the possibility of the game being one you already own. And it's not like they're tricking you, either. I agree puzzle gifters should say what the gift is, but I think you antagonize them too much for not doing so.

1 decade ago

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+1. Colleges and Universities have the potential to slightly add to a brilliant mind. Moreover, they have the unrivaled ability to mass manufacture ignorant people, who are declared to be brilliant by the university.
"For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow."

1 decade ago

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Letting people know what they are working for is common courtesy. If they have the game and wish to do the puzzle for its own sake, nothing is stopping them :)

1 decade ago

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I agree, puzzles should state what game they are for in the first place.

1 decade ago

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Every puzzle game is for a copy of some puzzle game, imo. It's common courtesy to offer a game up to the masses. Not so courteous to make them jump through hoops just for a chance at it.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by fishpen0.