So like many others, I've been annoyed at the number of people re-gifting Sins of a Dark Age. I was thinking the best way to uphold the values that this site represents, would simply be to name and shame possibly followed by a permanent ban (should there be any further transgression). It would act as an incentive to abide by the rules, and to respect the generosity of everyone involved; those who stick to the rules, who generally care, the moderators and so forth.

Another reason for this is to keep users updated as to what is happening with regards to punishments. As things currently stand, there's no update on reported users and/or reported giveaways. Now while I'm not asking for every instance to be made public, I feel that if enough users have reported an issue and action by the moderators subsequently follows, it makes sense to follow it up by letting the community know so as to assuage any concerns or uncertainty. Without it, we have no idea how effective the 'reporting' procedure really is. We need tangible evidence.

As I said to the admin if we just stand idly by and let those who are willing to abuse the system do so, then there really is no incentive to stay other than to offer ourselves to the abusers.

After seeing the number of people give away Sins of a Dark Age; this after how generous the person was to have given away 15,000 copies, I'm beginning to wonder now whether I want to be part of this community any more.

9 years ago*

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Would be calling out, which is already against the rules.

9 years ago

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Just blacklist them. When the new version of the site comes around, they won't be able to even see your giveaways.

9 years ago

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You can't call people out, it's against the rules. The admins are pretty much gone for now though, so all those people who are re-gifting Dark Ages will probably just get away with it.

9 years ago

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This community doesn't like calling out, also the support is too kind. So, nothing you can do, unfortunately...

9 years ago

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You can add them to your blacklist, but you can't say what they did!

9 years ago

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Well blacklist seems like the thing to do, but that would be a lot of work on your part as well finding all them ppl.

Welp, whatcha gonna do? :/ Though the forum and the giveaway section can be 2 entirely different communities if you think about it. All people have to do is have $100 worth of nonbundled games on steam to join the giveaway section with no jurisdiction of morals, but in Forum I guess people can have personalities?

EDIT: well I searched for the giveaways and only one person giving it away as of this moment had previous CV.....pretty much sums it up

9 years ago

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"I'm beginning to wonder now whether I want to be part of this community any more."
Okay, cu.

9 years ago

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Name & shame ? Decidedly against site policy.

I'd like to see banhammering the re-gifters and give a running count of how many users were banned for that.
That would work to cover the "Now while I'm not asking for every instance to be made public, I feel that if enough users have reported an issue and action by the moderators subsequently follows, it makes sense to follow it up by letting the community know so as to assuage any concerns or uncertainty".
Come SGv2, I guess I will be building a blacklist for folk like that.

Incidentally, I've reported around 10 users so far, and saw only 1 givewaway for Sins of a Dark Age where there's not enough suspicion for regifting. (user also had the game in his account, so may have been a legit GA)

9 years ago

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I don't think that reporting does anything to be honest. Of all the games that I've reported over the last couple of months, it didn't look like any of the giveaways were removed.

9 years ago

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No, it would be abusable. Let support do its job.

9 years ago

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The re-gifters will be dealt with; we have a plethora of reports on them waiting to be handled. Personally, I'm waiting until they deliver the key to the new winner, at which point I will suspend them in accordance with our guidelines.

A permanent ban for a first time re-gifting offense isn't how we handle it though, as it's generally a case of being unaware of the rules rather than in defiance of them... especially because other giveaway sites practically encourage re-gifting.

And "name and shame" is definitely not the course of action, as it goes against our guidelines in regards to calling out.

9 years ago

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"the values that this site represents" are 100% against naming and shaming.

9 years ago

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I just searched Sins of a dark age.
Reported all giveaways and added the game to filter.

9 years ago

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You are really all in for witchhunting dont ya OP?

It matters jackshit what you think its the right solution since your idea would solve nothing and yet would make the community worse. Whole CV morals bullshit is enough on its own, no need to bring in even more drama

9 years ago

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