Thanks to everyone that signed up for the beta and for all the feedback that we received! The beta is now closed, although it'll likely be returning in a couple of weeks.

Hey everyone, we're planning to do an open beta for the upcoming SGv2 during the weekend of the 30th. This will give everyone a chance to view the revised site, along with the changes we've been developing. During this time we're hoping to get some feedback and insights from the community. The open beta will simply last for a few days, and then we'll gauge the response from the community and see what remaining changes need to be completed, or if the site is ready to launch during the month of June. A few notes...

  1. All content on the beta site will be removed prior to launch, and you should assume all giveaways are fake, and created for the sole purpose of testing.
  2. The same rules from SG apply, so please avoid posting spam, referrals, or any inappropriate comments.
  3. You can leave feedback on the beta site, but you won't be able to access it after the beta closes. Therefore, you might want to post feedback here on the SG forums. If so, please keep all the feedback in this particular topic.

I'll be updating this topic throughout the week to talk about some of the new features we'll be introducing on the beta site! If you have any questions about the posted features, you're welcome to comment here and I'll try to answer them. Let's start with one below.

Whitelist / Multiple Steam Group Giveaways

The new site has some improvements when it comes to controlling who can enter your giveaways. First off, you can create a giveaway for multiple Steam groups. It's fairly straightforward, you're presented with a list of your Steam groups, and you can select any number of them. Users can enter if they're a member of any group you select.

There's also another addition, called whitelists. You can click a button on user profiles, and add that person to your whitelist. When creating a giveaway, you can select your whitelist in the same way that you select a Steam group. For example, I could create a giveaway for the S.Gifts and S.Trades groups, and also my whitelist. Now, my giveaway is running and I discover John Doe seems like an upstanding member of the community, although he's not a member of my Steam groups. In a simple click, I can add John Doe to my whitelist, and he'll now see my whitelist enabled giveaways on his homepage.

You might be wondering what happens if John Doe enters my giveaway, and I then decide to remove him from my whitelist. In that case, his entry remains valid, since he entered at a time when I gave him permission, and I can't simply invalidate or remove his entry at will.


I'll mention this now, since a number of users were asking about it in the comments. This feature is available on the new site, and you can add anyone to this list by clicking a button on their profile. Once added, they can no longer open or enter your giveaways, and your giveaways are removed from their homepage. If they have an existing entry in one of your giveaways, it's valid, and you can't use the blacklist to remove their entry.

Key Giveaways

The new site offers the ability to incorporate Steam keys into your giveaways. When creating a giveaway you have the option of pasting in a key list, with keys separated by new lines. The only limit is based on your feedback score. If you have 50 available giveaway slots, you can create a giveaway for 50 copies.

For giveaways below 100 copies, the keys will remain hidden to the winners until you check the sent box. This gives you an opportunity to review the winners before the key is visible to them. You can also add/edit/delete keys for the winner of any giveaway after it's closed. For convenience, giveaways for 100 copies or greater will automatically make the keys visible to the winners by default.

Keys can also be Steam redeemable URLs, or Humble Bundle gift URLs. The winners will see a link instead of a key to redeem their gift.

Stay tuned for more information coming soon!

1 decade ago*

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Hoping for one particular smallish feature, but there might actually be workarounds on the current site that I'm just not aware of. If anyone knows how to do this then that would be great.

When creating a giveaway I find the giant drop down menu with all the games a bit awkward to navigate. Takes a while to scroll to the game I'm trying to find. Is there a quicker way round this I'm just not aware of? Ctrl + F, or clicking on the box that comes up having pressed Ctrl + F closes the menu, at least in my browser.

Anyway, I'm hoping V2 would have the sort of feature where you can type the first few letters of the game to help find the game more quickly. You have it on the home page here with the search function, but not on the GA creation page as far as I can see.

1 decade ago

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type name of game (rather faster than slower)

1 decade ago

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Awesome! After more than 250 giveaways I never knew you could do this. I thought there would have had to have been a blank box saying "Start typing here" or something for that feature to have been there.

Does that work on all such menus across different websites? When you're registering for something and have to scroll down to your country I find that a pain too. If you can then lol @ me for always scrolling, would have saved me some time over the years.

1 decade ago

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Yup, it's possible with all drop downs. The big problem is you need to actually know it's real name, not some vague idea containing the right word.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for that. 15 years on the internet, filling in lots of forms with drop down menus and I can't believe I never knew this.

1 decade ago

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:) My physics teacher used to say 'good physicist is lazy physicist'. It kinda stuck...

1 decade ago

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SGv2 will have a list with game proposals according to the text you type.

Example 1: you type in "rats" and the list will show you "Bad Rats" and "Tunnel Rats"

Example 2: you type "scrolls", list will have 8 results, displaying the first 5. Click on "next >" to see the other 3 results.

Edit: if you want you can have a permanent beta access, simply add me on Steam, I still have invites to give.

1 decade ago

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Give one to Raiden, he's never been.

1 decade ago

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oh, you're right, seems Lorkhan and wbarton are also missing (unless they used a different name over there). will add them later. you can also point them in my direction, I still have some spare invites ;)

Edit: wbarton has a different name on SGv2, Lorkhan has also changed his name ... confusing :P

1 decade ago

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so we now can create fake giveaways? Finally its legit

1 decade ago

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wooo can't wait to test it :)

1 decade ago

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Ni ce! Sounds great

1 decade ago

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Woot! Looking forward to it! Thanks for all the hard work CG and support team!

1 decade ago

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Well I'm waiting to see the new site, and I'm hoping to provide useful feedback.

1 decade ago

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Lucky that said John Doe guy that gets to enter in your giveaways...

1 decade ago

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nice!we are waiting for!

1 decade ago

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sounds awesome.

1 decade ago

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The new feature which allows keys or URLs to be incorporated in giveaways is a definite improvement. At least potentially, it means instant delivery of won games and no more "winner does not accept my friend request/doesn't mark the gift as received" issues.
I would even remove the option to review the winners, personally.
I was a bit puzzled to see that multi-group giveaway, white and black lists were a priority, but I guess it was just one of many new features.

What seems to be perceived as an outstanding issue is the unresponsiveness of the support team. It would be interesting to see a freeze frame of the open tickets and a breakdown of their contents. I suspect many of them are users reporting other users for petty issues; while there seems to be a general consensus towards the "let's play wannabe cops" attitude, maybe something can be done to ease the load. A random idea: crowdsourcing support. A report button for every forum post, which creates a "case" which users (or a trusted subset of users) can review and vote upon. When a certain number of votes is reached, a virdict is emitted and applied. The nature of the "punishment", so to say, would be fixed and predetermined according to the alleged "offense". The person reporting should pick the offense category when doing so.

1 decade ago

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I can see this being abused horribly

1 decade ago

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Me too. I wrote that in a leap of optimism. :)

1 decade ago

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I wonder if silently hiding blacklisted giveaways is a good idea, unless there is some kind of confirmation being asked before finalizing the user addition to the list. Otherwise, it sound like users could get added by mistake and never realize.

Maybe greying out the blacklisted giveaway would be a better choice?

1 decade ago

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Can't wait to see it!!

1 decade ago

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hmm i like the key giveaway feature

1 decade ago

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i like it, i wish you good luck

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Very nice, thanks cg :)

1 decade ago

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Haven't seen anything about Private Messages, are you planning on doing it?
I, personally, don't need it, but I know lots of people who requested it.

Also, are you maybe going to incorporate some of the features from SG+ into SGv2?

And, as for support, I've read some ideas about it here, and I think it would be nice and would reduce spam, if f.e. 10 users would need to report user before it creates a support ticket, that way, you'd know it's not just something like a little personal fight or something.
Also you wouldn't be able to report the user again, until (if) his suspension wears off, so you don't get multiple reports by same user.

BTW: Do you keep record of edited threads/comments?

What about option to use current steam name as "Display" name on SG?
And maybe, allow us to use custom Display name while we're at it. xD

Edit again xD:
Are you planning on updating SteamTrades after SG?

1 decade ago

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I believe it's best thing for you to wait till open beta and leave all feedback there after actually seeing and testing how the new site works :>

As for PM's - this idea was discussed over and over again and bashed over and over again. It would be horrendously exploited. Already a lot of contributors get shitload of steam invites from beggars - but at least they can just ignore users. Now imagine thousands upon thousands of leechers with ability to easily and directly beg for games via SG... -.-

1 decade ago

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I would not mind, if I could use BL as PM filter >:)

1 decade ago

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I never knew you were a "Rotten Girl!" :>

1 decade ago

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Y U do dis to me?
You know what happens to suspected of being a girl on internet (especially rotten) :p

1 decade ago

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"O M G !!!!!11!!11oneone You a gamergurl!!! Please go out with me!"

Is that close enough to what happens?

1 decade ago

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If they plan to beg over SG, ain't it easier for them caught and to get suspended?

Yeah, well, I've misread the topic, I thought cg said we should post ideas now and we can ask about the features if they're added. My fault.

1 decade ago

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idk how you find it "easier" - you wil still need to write a ticket that guy isa begging. There would just be much more beggars = much more tickets to deal with = much bigger support queue ;p

1 decade ago

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Well, what I've meant is, it's easier to prove, they can just check the PM and that's it. (Comparing it to steam chat f.e.)
Also reporting can be done via button which could have option "Report for Begging via PM" or something.
But you're quite right, I wasn't thinking much about it.

1 decade ago

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invite me

1 decade ago

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learn to read ;p

1 decade ago

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This is beyond what I hoped for. Thank you for all your work.

1 decade ago

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Thanks and looking forward to test the new version

1 decade ago

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Awesome :D

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Woot woot!

1 decade ago

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Cool, some neat new options for us. I like them all

1 decade ago

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♠ ♥

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by cg.