Thanks to everyone that signed up for the beta and for all the feedback that we received! The beta is now closed, although it'll likely be returning in a couple of weeks.

Hey everyone, we're planning to do an open beta for the upcoming SGv2 during the weekend of the 30th. This will give everyone a chance to view the revised site, along with the changes we've been developing. During this time we're hoping to get some feedback and insights from the community. The open beta will simply last for a few days, and then we'll gauge the response from the community and see what remaining changes need to be completed, or if the site is ready to launch during the month of June. A few notes...

  1. All content on the beta site will be removed prior to launch, and you should assume all giveaways are fake, and created for the sole purpose of testing.
  2. The same rules from SG apply, so please avoid posting spam, referrals, or any inappropriate comments.
  3. You can leave feedback on the beta site, but you won't be able to access it after the beta closes. Therefore, you might want to post feedback here on the SG forums. If so, please keep all the feedback in this particular topic.

I'll be updating this topic throughout the week to talk about some of the new features we'll be introducing on the beta site! If you have any questions about the posted features, you're welcome to comment here and I'll try to answer them. Let's start with one below.

Whitelist / Multiple Steam Group Giveaways

The new site has some improvements when it comes to controlling who can enter your giveaways. First off, you can create a giveaway for multiple Steam groups. It's fairly straightforward, you're presented with a list of your Steam groups, and you can select any number of them. Users can enter if they're a member of any group you select.

There's also another addition, called whitelists. You can click a button on user profiles, and add that person to your whitelist. When creating a giveaway, you can select your whitelist in the same way that you select a Steam group. For example, I could create a giveaway for the S.Gifts and S.Trades groups, and also my whitelist. Now, my giveaway is running and I discover John Doe seems like an upstanding member of the community, although he's not a member of my Steam groups. In a simple click, I can add John Doe to my whitelist, and he'll now see my whitelist enabled giveaways on his homepage.

You might be wondering what happens if John Doe enters my giveaway, and I then decide to remove him from my whitelist. In that case, his entry remains valid, since he entered at a time when I gave him permission, and I can't simply invalidate or remove his entry at will.


I'll mention this now, since a number of users were asking about it in the comments. This feature is available on the new site, and you can add anyone to this list by clicking a button on their profile. Once added, they can no longer open or enter your giveaways, and your giveaways are removed from their homepage. If they have an existing entry in one of your giveaways, it's valid, and you can't use the blacklist to remove their entry.

Key Giveaways

The new site offers the ability to incorporate Steam keys into your giveaways. When creating a giveaway you have the option of pasting in a key list, with keys separated by new lines. The only limit is based on your feedback score. If you have 50 available giveaway slots, you can create a giveaway for 50 copies.

For giveaways below 100 copies, the keys will remain hidden to the winners until you check the sent box. This gives you an opportunity to review the winners before the key is visible to them. You can also add/edit/delete keys for the winner of any giveaway after it's closed. For convenience, giveaways for 100 copies or greater will automatically make the keys visible to the winners by default.

Keys can also be Steam redeemable URLs, or Humble Bundle gift URLs. The winners will see a link instead of a key to redeem their gift.

Stay tuned for more information coming soon!

1 decade ago*

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1 decade ago

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Can't wait

1 decade ago

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What about the possibility of private/group combo? Like, you want it to be available to people in a group, but the group contains more than just those you want for the giveaway, and making it private means anyone with the link can enter. The only current way is to make a separate group and invite the people you want and that's a hassle. Or making a blacklist, which depending on the group could also be a hassle.

1 decade ago

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I think it's still possible to just add people you want in into your whitelist and make a whitelist GA

1 decade ago

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What's the fun in a blacklist if the listed just don't see the giveaway? Let them in, have them click to enter, then have a popup say "Sorry, lowlife, you're on my blacklist and can't enter." Then when they want to post some angry message and press the submit button tell them: "You're blacklisted, you hear me, blacklisted! No post for you!" Let the giver customise the messages. Now that's a blacklist system.

1 decade ago

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I think that the Key Giveaways feature is definitely going to be VERY useful

1 decade ago

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I literally jizzed my pants.

1 decade ago

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Are there any plans for mobile support?
Either with a (full-featured) mobile app, page optimization for browsing through mobile browsers or tapatalk support for the forum.
Another thing, will we have an option for light/grey/black theme? I usually browse at night and all that white is...too bright!
Not requesting anything, I am just asking because I'm curious about your plans on that stuff.

1 decade ago

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Key Giveaways

This, definitely this, is a dosh darn sweet feature. Loving the black/whitelist options too!

1 decade ago

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Isn't 30th May today? Just saying...

1 decade ago

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"Weekend of the 30th"

No time specified

1 decade ago

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Too lazy to read...

1 decade ago

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Is it a second website, or are all giveaways this weekend fake?

1 decade ago

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Different website entirely

1 decade ago

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The answer is both. Its a second site, the long awaited SGv2, in which site we get to test it this weekend.
Quote from OP

1. All content on the beta site will be removed prior to launch, and you should assume all giveaways are fake, and created for the sole purpose of testing.
1 decade ago

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Is there any way to visit that site now?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Nice to see the updates about the site. I really like the idea of the key giveaways. I hope it works for any kind of url thats like humble because now other sites are doing humble bundle like links too.

Just wondering, if its possible to put someone both on the whitelist and blacklist. If it can be done thats a possible problem or are they automatically removed from one list if you put them on the other?

1 decade ago

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The person is automatically removed from one list when added to the other one.

1 decade ago

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shhhh!!! what about the NDA??!! ;p

1 decade ago

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I thought it was just DNA spelled wrong. Are you telling me I didn't need to send a vial of my blood to cg?

1 decade ago

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it depends - he may now make a beta-testers clone army!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Hey! so how do we check it out ?!

1 decade ago

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Awesome, can't wait :)

1 decade ago

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Wow thats really nice xd. I still remember when the site was closed beta -


1 decade ago

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I really really dont like the new look (it seems counter intuitive), maybe it will grow on me, being so used to this site and all.

1 decade ago

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The description text for the giveaways needs some left margin. It looks a bit out of place.
I'll edit this reply for the other stuff I (may) notice.

Seems like there will be localization of some sorts so would be great to be able to choose the language used. I absolutely hate Steam's Finnish translation (no offense to the translators) as some parts of the site have been translated in a very stupid manner and use English as a result. (I'm a Finn who's not a big fan of Finnish, go figure)

1 decade ago

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you should post all suggestions/bugs in apropriate section of new site Discussion forum :) This topic serves as an announcment, not as suggestions topic ;)

1 decade ago

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Yes, but cg's first post says "You can leave feedback on the beta site, but you won't be able to access it after the beta closes. Therefore, you might want to post feedback here on the SG forums. If so, please keep all the feedback in this particular topic."

1 decade ago

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good one!

1 decade ago

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We need a SGv2 +

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

1 decade ago

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+1 .. my exact opinion

1 decade ago

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Will SGV2 migrate the stats from the original steamgifts?
Will bundled games still give bundled CV value if you gifted a gifted instead of a key?

1 decade ago

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It was already mentioned that all data will migrate to the new site.

As for CV - there is no CV GAs )at least as for now) at SGv2. But I guess that calculating CV differently could be exploited. You could create "non-key" GA and just give key via chat to get full value.

1 decade ago

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Wow, the new site really works. I decided to test a "FAKE" calling out, and I quickly got a test "suspension" by bobo... :)

So, if we are really into testing: I got suspended, and I see a page with "Suspensions". It states the reason ("Inappropriate Behaviour") and the length of the suspension (1 day remaining), very good. Now, there is a "URL/View" link that lead back to this same "Suspension" page -- is that by design?


1 decade ago

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It's a link to where the infraction was committed, but, like SGv1, you don't have access to giveaways/forums while you're suspended, so you get redirected to the suspension page again.

1 decade ago

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Cool, it makes sense, I guess. I just created a support ticket to whine about my suspension. Let us see how it goes. :)

P.S.: I guess someone should check how the giveaway I created operates while I am suspended -- it is a KEY giveaway, so I imagine it should continue normally, correct?

1 decade ago

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You still have to manually release the key at the end of the giveaway. The giveaway will run normally, and at the end of the suspension, you can press "send key".

1 decade ago

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But once you're out of suspension you can't see the suspensions and the threads linked. At least that was what I noticed here. Not sense :( Perhaps a "past suspensions" section could be allocated in the Account tab.

1 decade ago

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Very nice!

1 decade ago

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Can you make it so number of copies comes after the name of the game being given away? F.e. Watch Dogs (60p) (3 Copies)
Is there some kind of sorting/filter in discussions & giveaways? I couldn't find it. If there isn't, it would be nice to have it.
Also, why don't you include a text editor?
Main page, where the featured giveaway is, is missing some content, I mean, it's kinda too empty.

Why don't these panels expand to the end like the one with the header "Messages"? Is it how you wanted it or? Looks kinda odd to me. Same for text area for comments.

Edit: by filter/sorting I meant like sort by comments/date etc.. and for giveaways, by contribution points, time left, time created, copies etc...

Edit 2: Where can I find my replies?

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by cg.