Hey everyone,

Let's get this giveaway out of the way first. Standard no cheating rules apply.

Now, on to the point of this topic. I'm looking at potentially moving in a few months, and want some idea of what the sg community thinks of the different areas I'm looking at going next. Now, of course, there is a chance none of this will matter and I won't move, and there is also a chance I won't have a choice and my job is going to take me to Boston.

If I do end up moving on my own though, I have some questions for my sg family that lives in the 4 cities in the poll.

1: I know that pot is at least semi legal in all of these areas, for LA and Boston, how hard is it to actually get a medical card? (Yes I consider this a point in where I want to move, I enjoy pot so I might as well move somewhere it's not 100% illegal)¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2: For someone with no real qualifications, how hard is it to find a decent paying and hopefully full time position? I've got plenty of experience in retail and food service, including over half of my experience in management. I also have an Associate of Arts degree from a community college (I know it's not worth much

3: What neighbourhoods would you recommend for trying to stay safe and at the same time not destroy all of my savings and budgeting?

4: What is your favourite part of your city?

5: What is your least favourite part of your city?

6: Overall, would you recommend moving to your city?

Anyone who can answer, please do. So far I've only been to Denver for a few days and LA for an 18 hour layover on my last move when I came to Australia, and I loved both from what I saw of them. Being a tourist and living there are obviously very different though.

I should also mention that things like sports and weather have no impact on where I move. I enjoy going to games every once in a while for baseball and football, but it's not a selling point for me since I don't have any affiliation with the teams there. Weather doesn't really matter to me. I grew up with snow and rain doesn't bother me at all so I don't consider weather a selling point or a detering factor.

7 years ago*

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Where should I move?

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Los Angeles


7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by grootbutmadeofbamboo.