The giveaway is level 1 and for

OK I don't know if I can explain everything properly but I will try...

A large part of Daoism can actually be summarized in four short lines, or one even shorter sequence: 0 => 1 => 2 => 4 => 8 => 64

From zero comes one – From the Infinite (Wuji) comes the Supreme (Taiji)

From one comes two – From the Supreme (Taiji) comes the Duality (Liangyi) of Yin and Yang.

From two comes four – From the Duality (Liangyi) comes the Four Phases (Sixiang).

And the four are expressed through the eight – The Four Phases (Sixiang) are expressed by the Eight Trigrams (Bagua), and when the Bagua are combined with each other, they form 64 hexagrams that represent everything in the world.

So basically zero is the background which you can imagine goes on infinitely
One is the circle, the entirety of the drawing
Two is the black and the white. Two colors
Four is the yin yang symbol with Twp large black and white symbol which contain a smaller black and white dots, making four pieces of the ying yang
Eight is the eight Trigrams that surround the ying yang symbol
Sixty four is the outer ring of hexagrams, which I used to encode the URL

Hexagrams have a numerical value associated to them, form 1-64

01 ䷀ 02 ䷁ 03 ䷂ 04 ䷃ 05 ䷄ 06 ䷅ 07 ䷆ 08 ䷇ 09 ䷈ 10 ䷉ 11 ䷊ 12 ䷋ 13 ䷌ 14 ䷍ 15 ䷎ 16 ䷏
17 ䷐ 18 ䷑ 19 ䷒ 20 ䷓ 21 ䷔ 22 ䷕ 23 ䷖ 24 ䷗ 25 ䷘ 26 ䷙ 27 ䷚ 28 ䷛ 29 ䷜ 30 ䷝ 31 ䷞ 32 ䷟
33 ䷠ 34 ䷡ 35 ䷢ 36 ䷣ 37 ䷤ 38 ䷥ 39 ䷦ 40 ䷧ 41 ䷨ 42 ䷩ 43 ䷪ 44 ䷫ 45 ䷬ 46 ䷭ 47 ䷮ 48 ䷯
49 ䷰ 50 ䷱ 51 ䷲ 52 ䷳ 53 ䷴ 54 ䷵ 55 ䷶ 56 ䷷ 57 ䷸ 58 ䷹ 59 ䷺ 60 ䷻ 61 ䷼ 62 ䷽ 63 ䷾ 64 ䷿

The lines circling the symbol are


which translates to

27 08 18 53 29 08 13 59 13 51
63 56 30 56 29 47 29 56 18 38 25
23 54 40 27 23 26 53 29 51 58
36 28 55 53 48 26 55 38 55 26 23
06 56 25 24 53 48 27 07 26 26
29 39 61 48 29 56 18 51 28 55 58
40 27 07 62 45 26 03 54 36 29
40 22 52 25 23 18 38 29 35 53 51

Next thing to know, how to count in Base 64

A=1. B=2,,, Y=25 Z = 26 a=27, b= 28... z= 52 0= 53 1= 54... 9=62

converting to base 64 you have


convert that to text you get: https:+/}/hfYro/stronghold-crusader-2
there are three typos in the URL but you can easy fix those by comparing it to other uls to get

View attached image.
4 years ago*

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In Soviet Russia, Ancient Chinese have secret you.

..sorry, were we not doing a bit? I thought we were doing a bit.

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View attached image.
4 years ago

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I'd like one chinese secret... with mayonnaise please.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Nice, now the secret, please

4 years ago

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In all honesty this puzzle was originally designed to be for Shadow Warrior, but I couldn't find the key I though o had for it.

4 years ago

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Given the title I assumed there will be a giveaway for one of the Shadow Warrior games xD

EDIT: Ah, I just noticed your reply to Sooth saying that the puzzle was intended for Shadow Warrior.

4 years ago

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Managed to decode 6 characters, but the rest comes out as garbage.

How much time do we have? Sadly I won't have time the next 20 hours or so.

4 years ago

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A nice simple trick to find the end time for a puzzle giveaway is to look at the creators profile. This particular giveaway ends in a week.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Bump for solved.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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hey, where are all bumps? bump!

4 years ago

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I'm having LOST flashbacks over here

4 years ago

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bump for not solved

4 years ago

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bump for solved.

4 years ago

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It has been pointed out to me, that I made three errors while encoding things. Thankfully they are in places where you can still decode the giveaway URL if you translate the message, you'll just have to repair the URL slightly. Perhaps this is just showing that there are minor errors even when transmitting ancient wisdom from the ancestors so you must you your own brain interpret their teaching... Yeah that's it.

4 years ago

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I gave up (anyway I'm not good at ciphers). free bump

4 years ago

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I guess it's not really a hint if I just repeat what has been said.

"Managed to decode 6 characters, but the rest comes out as garbage."

"I made three errors while encoding things. Thankfully they are in places where you can still decode the giveaway URL if you translate the message, you'll just have to repair the URL slightly."

4 years ago

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When this ends can you please post the solution.

I went down a lot of rabbit holes with binary codes, and am curious to see what I missed.

4 years ago

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I swear i closed this, ad the giveaway already ended, but yeah I can post a solution

4 years ago

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Thanks for sharing solution.

4 years ago

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solution posted, not this is just one possible solution, you CAN covert to binary instead of base 64 and still get a solution. the binary would look something like this

011010 000111 010001 110100 011100 000111 001100 111010 001010 110010
111100 110111 011101 110111 011100 101110 011100 110111 010001 100101 011000
010110 110101 100111 011010 010110 011001 110100 011100 110010 111001
100011 011011 110110 110100 101111 011001 110110 100101 110110 011001 010110
000101 110111 011000 010111 110100 101111 011010 000110 011001 011001
011100 100110 111100 101111 011100 110111 010001 110010 011011 110110 111001
100111 011010 000110 111101 101100 011001 000010 110101 100011 011100
100111 010101 110011 011000 010110 010001 100101 011100 100010 110100 110010

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by Ceebers.