holy fuck some of you are properly pathetic. sort of amazing to see the dichotomy of fucking deluded white knights and machismo-driven idiots, especially the guys who are questioning gender in this thread as if that will change if the fairly evident ignorance is more acceptable or not. The most amazing part is the legitimate amount of vitriol this actually attracted. Seriously, the moment you throw christianity on it you get guys trying to base that as a reason to put a person down? check that privilege broskis

why do you have to be so mad

why dont you go play some video games instead of sitting here looking to leech free things

whatever happened to being friends

i hope you have a wonderful day

stay free guys


also GI joe looks like shit, it's pretty obvious the studios think so because of the delay.

1 decade ago*

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Yall do realize it's not the woman's fault in this situation, right?

1 decade ago

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I thought all women on strip clubs were ugly.

1 decade ago

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they are still women, regardless.

1 decade ago

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gotta agree with mezza here, women are women. They're doing it because they have no other place to go or they like their job, after all they are making quite a bit of money and they don't even have to have sex with you.

1 decade ago

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Nah, well maybe at really bad ones, I have heard there are some pretty grimy places.

1 decade ago

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Really? Oh well, but I'm not saying that their bad people, its just a job, nothing to be sexist about.

1 decade ago

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Thats how I see it, nah not at all, even girls go to strip clubs to be fair, also there are male strippers, nothing wrong with it, knew one girl who did it to pay her way through college, never did anything besides strip, people act like these girls are the lowest and that lowers my faith in humanity.

1 decade ago

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Have you every seen the movie Magic Mike? I didn't, either way they can be normal people like us, they just work for money to pleasure others, it's not like stripping and prostitution are the same thing........wait never mind.

1 decade ago

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Nah, no clue what that is :-P.

1 decade ago

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Majority here have top talent where I live. (with the exception of one club .. basically had the equivalent of open mike night .. but for girls that wanted to go on stage .. sometimes disturbing)

1 decade ago

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Mezza my friend, i like how you see things with real eyes. I can say from my own experience that is a waste of time to try to convince them that they have the wrong view. Because the fact is that, they know its wrong, but they lie too each other and they even lie to themselves in order to seem "cool", to build fake appearances. Instead of trying to convince them, you can lead by example, by doing things different. Be the change you want to see in life and maybe, just maybe they will see that there's another way. Or perhaps they won't, but you will feel better by being yourself and not fake for the sake of "popularity". Act like a human being and let them act like mysogynists, if this is what they choose. Much love brother and keep it real!

1 decade ago

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thank you!!!!!

1 decade ago

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OP is trolling which is awesome as he managed to get me to read most of this thread *Tips Hat

my2cents on topic
Its a business. Goods and services. Nothing more. All parties are happy. End of story.

Situation: OP doesn't need to save anyone. If its just roommates. Ignore, put headset back on and go back to his own business. If they are friends, same situation only a little more of a "No Thanks guys, not interested".

Myself: I find Strip clubs very relaxing. No one says you have to get a lapdance. The main requirement or you will likely be asked (in a nice way of course) is to make sure you are buying something. If you don't want to spend money on the ladies or gentlemen, Beer is a great choice! Just expect to pay at least 4x Regular bar prices for the one.

Worth it? : You can only judge if you experienced it. If you went and didn't have a good time, then its not worth you money. If you did, well it speaks for yourself.

tl;dr - Its a business that is not going away. All parties that partake are happy.

1 decade ago

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I would ignore but the general atmosphere of the place is incredibly unwelcoming, even to outside people. Feels like I have no control over it due to this. Naturally I'd move but my current financial situation doesnt permit it.

Thank you for the response though.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Deus Ex and System Shock 2 solve all problems.
Except this one.

1 decade ago

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I never played ss2 but deus ex is pretty gr8


1 decade ago

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My opinion: Nothing wrong with those guys, those women work their and they get money that way. They choose this way, not society, or the males or smth like that. Also they have the right to view a women in any possible way they want. If they only want to see ass and tits thats fine.

Also stop crying, just because it's your opinion doesen't mean it's right. Let people live their lives.

Also question about your gender, are you a women or are you gay?

1 decade ago

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You are so bad op, just stop... worst attempt ever.

1 decade ago

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le trollddd xxddddddd costanza fase so funy wowww

Fuck off.

1 decade ago

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you seem upset, why so mad?

implying anyone believes your ridiculous story that couldn't sound any more retarded.

1 decade ago

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yes I'm fucking mad. stop trolling, go back to 4chen or whatever holy fuck.

1 decade ago

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ohohohoho is the little boy mad, why dont you go cry about how these women are helpless and they're forced into these jobs some more...

coming on a gaming forum and expecting actual support/help.

1 decade ago

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Leave before i report you.

1 decade ago

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Hilarious chain, please proceed!


1 decade ago

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im so threatened... please tell me more about how this ISN'T worthless spam that nobody cares about?

just stop op you're embarrassing yourself.
Also you could've made it a little more believable by not replying to people genuinely trying to help like an ahole, JUST SAYING.

1 decade ago

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Haha watch out Mezza is gonna report you for breaking 0 rules.

1 decade ago

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Is not wrath a sin?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in.

I am a woman. I am a completely heterosexual woman (I like men, for us simpleminded folk). And...dun dun dun...I have been to strip clubs that have women dancers. One night, although I didn't take off any clothes, I even got up there and danced with one of the strippers (most clubs have different rules for women touching the dancers, as usually we're not as threatening as a lumber jack).

I didn't see anything wrong with it. For the most part, these are well adjusted women who are comfortable with their sexuality and their own skin and this is the way they chose to make their living. It's quick, mostly easy money. Sure, you hear stories about women who chose to go into stripping for darker reasons, such as drugs, etc. But again, it is their decision to do so.

Therefore you can't say it's objectifying women. They made the choice to do this, not the men (or women) who chose to go there and spend their money. You may not agree or like that, but if they want to do it, who are you to say it's wrong? If these women felt like they were being objectified, or if was truly that awful for them, they'd quit. I know some women do it only because they feel they can't do anything else or because they need the fast money, but in my experiences, they are a small minority.

Live and let live. If it's not your thing, don't participate. But just because you don't enjoy it, doesn't mean that others are completely wrong for doing so.

1 decade ago

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I decided that I had one more thing to add.

You came to a gaming forum and then said that the people that disagreed with you or told you that you were wrong would get their "comeuppance."

That doesn't seem a little harsh of a word to you? If you came to a forum filled with mostly red blooded men, did you think the answers would have all been in alliance with your own? Or not to have mean things said to you? If that's what you were looking for, perhaps you should have sought audience elsewhere. Especially since I get that you're meaning that in a religious way, since you yourself brought up religion. And yet your post is riddled with curses and things that are otherwise considered filth by people that consider themselves religious.

Just a thought.

1 decade ago

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And one more thing and I'm done. You claim it's all about respect, right? Nothing to do with religion, etc, etc. Just about respect. Funny how you've been excellent in showing respect, let's look at some of your responses to people, shall we?

"u can
join me
bby ;)" -- Said to someone with a female looking icon.

"go back to eating your fucking pocky, seriously try harder next time. I'm not shitposting in chat with u le funy joks xDDDDD, goddamn. I'm trying to have a discussion, even though half the community here is basically fucking scum and doesnt know how to think beyond a high school level."

"Yeah. Call me a fucking liar. Thanks."

"because you keep fucking posting it, go away"

"so suddenly, being respected isnt the standard for what we operate on."

"COngratulations, you heartless bastard."

"Why dont you stop fucking wasting my time?"

"wow watch it we got a raging 12 year old here"

"you are fucking disgusting."

"i told you the whole situation, do you want my damn eharmony profile now?"

"le troll xDDDDDD ur so funy ppl dont have porblems xDDD
fuck off, wow."

"Stop changing the subject. I'm seeing a heavy amount of ignorance of gender politics here. I know you guys are all just video gamer guys and shit but really it would help if you stopped playing and actually learned about the world."

"and I'm calling you ignorant for wanting to change the topic."

"Thanks for the amazing suggestion of telling me to go, sorry unlike you I actually had a religious upbringing and have standards to follow"

"hey, why dont you send me money for rent and shit then? thanks"

"it is disgusting, and proves that men have no drive for anything other than sex. they're willing to part with a god created human just for the simple image of sexual satisfaction"


You make no sense.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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"there is no point in talking to an ignorant piece of shit like you. the amount of vitriol you are pumping is amazing"

Another friendly reply :)

Oh dear, i respect the mods for not taking action so far, this thread is asking for a suspension.

1 decade ago

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That's what I don't understand.

He claims it's all about respect. Not everyone gets along on these forums and I've seen a fair bit of bashing but this is the most blatant show of disrespect I've seen here. And yet it's about respect.

brain.exe has quit responding

1 decade ago

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Yep, pretty much.

This thread was bound to fail, simply because OP can't stay calm.
One shouldn't start a moral war about respect while throwing stones at the others, just because they have a different opinion or a different point of view on that matter.

He lost this debate already.

1 decade ago

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thank you so much sparkle...

1 decade ago

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Good job :-).

1 decade ago

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"Thanks for the amazing suggestion of telling me to go, sorry unlike you I actually had a religious upbringing and have standards to follow"

I'm just gonna leave this here...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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totally agree with u Sparkle. btw i believe that he might made up all this story in his mind and wanted to take everyone's attention.drama king :P

1 decade ago

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I really don't think you should characterize or champion this space as the domain of "red blooded men". There are plenty of women in gaming (over 40% of gamers are women, you know) who don't bother to participate because they see shit like this thread (not your sensible replies, but the dude calling women whores and shit) and just stay silent so they don't get abused. Disregarding the OP's ridiculousness, you're basically also telling them that if they come to this forum they don't have the right to expect fair treatment because the only people allowed to be heard here are "red blooded men". I think women get enough of that in the rest of society, don't you?

1 decade ago

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40% =/= 60%. Even by those numbers, it's still male dominated. I know that women play video games and I know that plenty of them are around. I disagree with you on why they choose to keep quiet, but that's neither here nor there.

And I'm not saying not to expect fair treatment. And I'm not saying that the only people allowed to be heard are red blooded men. You ASSUMED that and incorrectly, I'm sorry if I was unclear.

The second two posts of mine, after the first, were in response to his way of talking to people. Look at his responses. Go ahead and read the entire thread, comments and all. Tell me that he deserves fair treatment after talking to people the way he does.

1 decade ago

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I agree with you that women who work at strips clubs shouldn't be stigmatized and I see nothing wrong with stripping as an occupation if a woman chooses it for herself. Having said that, I do disagree with you a bit about the objectification aspect. It's possible for it to be both ways at the same time. A well-adjusted woman can choose to work as a dancer, but the whole point of strip clubs is objectification and the purpose of providing access to nude or semi-nude women is to serve the male gaze.

I'm not saying that all men objectify the women, but at least some of the men who go to strip clubs don't care if she's a well-adjusted woman and are just there to see her naked. They don't care that she's going to college or has a kid or what her personal circumstances are. They just want to imagine that she's having sex with them or use her image later as wank material. While the woman may be in charge of allowing herself to be objectified, it's still objectification. It could only not be objectification if all the men who watched her respected her as a person in addition to desiring her. And I think that's probably not the case most of the time.

1 decade ago

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Good post - odd that he doesnt respond to a legitimate post, and only chooses to respond selectively.

1 decade ago

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Trolls, what can you do right?

1 decade ago

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Personally I wouldn't frequent a strip club, as IMHO it's a waste of money, misogynistic, sleazy and slightly sad. That said, it's only my opinion, and many would disagree with me.

A society without free choice and the right to an opinion would be a very disheartening one. Respect for taking a stand for what YOU believe in, but however much you disagree with your friends' choices, aren't they equally entitled to do as THEY see fit? You're not likely to change their beliefs, just as they are unlikely to change yours. You've let them know your opinion, and they've done the same. If you want to maintain the friendship, you'll probably just have to accept the way things are :)

1 decade ago

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"the rest of you will get your comeuppance later, I suppose."

I almost pissed myself laughing at the thought of this.

1 decade ago

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Same here lmao.

1 decade ago

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rather disappointing, wasn't it?

1 decade ago

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You're just being narrow-minded. Just because you're christian doesn't mean all people have a way in life. Yeah, most of them are whores, dancing for money in the club then taking it in their holes at the end of the program from a client that talked to her employer. Grow out of religion son, that just makes you dumb.

1 decade ago

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leaving religion should not automatically turn you into a mysoginist pig. this is about values.

1 decade ago

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That's not misogynism, it's just how life goes these days, have you looked outside the window lately? They chose to show their bodies and being exploited, how the fuck does that turn their customers into misogynists? If you care these much about some little whores that dance and fuck dudes after they finish work, what about pornstars? They do this as a full-time job, with all the bdsm, slapping, spitting, chocking and other kinky shit.

Oh, and yeah, you really sound like a feminine dude, you deserve being pushed in corners and gtfo'd. Grow up!

1 decade ago

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You need to take a breath, friend o_O

Men want boobies. Women deliver boobies. Life goes on. Let's not make it more complicated than it is. Mezza has his way of living and his roommates have theirs.

1 decade ago

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there is no point in talking to an ignorant piece of shit like you. the amount of vitriol you are pumping is amazing. Just because one follows a metrosexual or effeminate agenda he deserves to be pushed and bullied.

you are literally the fucking worst.

1 decade ago

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First of all, it's misogyny. Either you're a moron or you're misspelling it on purpose. And even if you're doing it on purpose I'm still going to think you're a moron.

So now that we've cleared that up: YOU are a misogynist. You clearly hate women, considering that you would call a woman a whore when you don't even know her and you think that a "feminine" guy deserves to be assaulted. You are also a douchebag and a horrible human being.

1 decade ago

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while i dont agree with the guy's use of the word "whore" against women, the OP is asking for a bashing by posting this thread, really poor judgement on his part.

1 decade ago

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I edited what I wrote. The OP doesn't deserve to be assaulted, no, but he can take his lumps here.

1 decade ago

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Man I know how you fell the world is just getting worst but you have to adapt or the future is going to crush you really hard. People don't have that respect and treat other people like trash but heads up try to talk to them find some common sense. I don't want to insult you but the religion background will make you more vulnerable around other people so don't think that way. As an friendly advice I'd say to change the way you think be more like them or change your friends. Good luck!

1 decade ago

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I thought... this is a gaming forum...

1 decade ago

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People enjoy bitching about their lives now and again. I don't really mind it too much, but this guy is being a cunt to everybody and expects respect in return.

1 decade ago

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Please dont say "cunt," it's really a hateful term.

1 decade ago

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The word actually makes me giggle.

1 decade ago

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You will like Guy Ritchie films.

1 decade ago

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you will have to get used to it, this is the internet afterall

1 decade ago

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srry ;) :3

1 decade ago

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Yes, you're definitely the moral superior now.

1 decade ago

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Isn't it sad? lol....

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Yes, she's definitely stalking you, mezzarocks.

1 decade ago

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who is i am calling the police

1 decade ago

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I have friends who happen to be strippers. They dance because it's their CHOICE, not because they were pressured or forced to. They're allowing men/women to watch them take their clothes off. It's a well-paying job and some dancers genuinely do enjoy their job. It's all about choice; you chose not to go to a strip club, which is completely fine, and your friends chose to go to a strip club, which is also completely fine. If anyone gives you a hard time about choosing not to go, then fuck them. But you should also take in to mind that not everyone holds the same 'beliefs' and 'values' that you do. If your friends choose to go to a strip club, it's not hurting you. Just let them be. Also the whole "Oh god, they're being objectified and forced to dance for pervy men, because, well, who the hell would CHOOSE to do this on purpose?!" mentality is pretty damn offensive. You're not above strippers, you're not above your friends, and they're not above you.

On another (semi-related) note, Strip Clubs are super fun.

1 decade ago

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Understand 2 things:

1) Young men are horny idiots. This is biology. It's pretty much par for the course over the last few hundred thousand years. Learn to expect it.

2) The strippers have willfully put themselves into a profession that preys on horny idiots. They're just as bad if not worse than them. Do NOT, I repeat DO NOT feel bad for them.

1 decade ago

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Thank you OP for finally giving me the chance to use this.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Get new roommates.

1 decade ago

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This. If you have a deep-rooted philosophical misalignment with your roommates (and they're pushing you against walls and calling you gay), it's time to find new ones.

Also, I was reading the original post again. How does one go from "Let's go see G.I.Joe" to "Let's go see strippers"? That transition is pretty amusing.

1 decade ago

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yeah they went on rottentomatoes and read the reviews, one of them was joking at 1st about the strip club but they all decided for it blaring some r kelly music or some shit while they acted like clowns.

1 decade ago

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Movie reviews are usually ass backwards if you ask me...not sure why people even pay attention to them anymore. Some of my favorite movies are rated terribly, yet some of the movies I thought were awful are rated sky high.

I usually just watch a couple trailers and decide if something looks worth my time.

1 decade ago

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I'd push you in a corner too for being such a buzzkill.

1 decade ago

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I'm late to the party here, but just ignore them. If they want to be stupid and childish, let them. Go do your own thing.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Meh, people act stupid alot. It doesn't mean they're bad. As a Christian, maybe you've heard of a thing called tolerance.

And you speak like women never take advantage of men.

1 decade ago

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"they even serve alcohol on our campus in 1 place, dont understand why they bring in this sort of shit when it is a place to study, keep corrupting hte kids"

Some people can drink a beer without getting shitfaced. I'm not sure if you're trolling anymore, but... I mean seriously, let other people make their own choices. You don't have to control what everyone else does, just what you do. I didn't drink until I was 21, I don't visit strip clubs and have no desire to. I also don't tell other people not to do either of these things (although if asked, I'll say that I think underage drinking is a bad decision if done excessively, as it harms brain growth in younger people), or make threads complaining about such behavior. Live and let live. However, if people are dicks to you, then try not to associate with them. Your roommates sound like assholes, not because they went to a strip club, but because of how they treated you.

1 decade ago

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Agreed, I am 24 and still have never had a drink but yeah I would not tell other people not to, thats just way to overboard, its just to controlling, why limit freedoms like that. Campus is a place to study but not everyone is going to study 24/7, if they want to have a couple beers once in a while and relax, there is no wrong in that....I mean the campus is selling it after all, nuff said.

1 decade ago

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wow seriosly you get upset over alchol? I can understand being irritated at your roommates but wow you are holding a rally that is some liberal bs

1 decade ago

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Didn't Jesus turn water into wine at some point? I imagine he'd have faced a campus-wide leaflet campaign and lengthy picketing from religious zealots in some of these places if he came back and pulled that stunt in 2013...

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Mezza.