Another bad Asscreed game? Or a good one? Whaddaya think?
What are the benefits of releasing every few months an AC game.
Only halfbaked shitty games comes out of doing so.
I would prefer only one AC game every 2-3 years, so they would have the time to make actually a good game.
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not really. There are 2 studios at most, which makes the dev cycle under 2 years
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Now look up their manpower. It's tiny. And it's only a handful of people from each studio, sometimes even one person that did something to get them to list that studio.
Read the post-Unity interview with an Ubisoft dev
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300 people is not enough to finish a game the size of your average AC under a year.
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Do you really believe they worked on Unity for 4 years? The cycle is around 1 year. and the same people are working on different ACs simultaneously
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Wiki says so.., they made a new engine for it, that takes a lot of time.
But how are the same people supposed to make more than one game simultaneously and then even within just a year?? That's nonsense, And Ubisoft has more than 9k employees after all..
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the games themselves take longer (up to 2 years), but the same people often work on multiple editions at once, thus reducing time spent on a singular title
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That's too much... Each game is developed for at least 2 years... Adding in an extra 2 to 3 years will be the death of Ubisoft. We aren't talking about a series such as Crysis or TES (funny considering Skyrim was buggy as hell even 5 years of development). But adding in 0.5 - 1 year more will be beneficial for sure.
Also, they aren't releasing an AC game every few months. 11 - 12 months is the standard. Rogue was mainly a port (a well done one to be honest), the 2.5D games were done by a different group (just like Rogue), and aren't really something spectacular. They are just making spin-offs.
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A new assasins creed game that comes out in half a year?
Oh, what a surprise......ehh..
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I haven't played any Assassin's Creed since 3, not because they're bad, but because I wait until they're really cheap....I did enjoy them all, but I'm not willing to buy it for > 10 €.
I love the setting though :D
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just wait for Assasin's Creed 71, scheduled to release in give or take, 2 years. previous 70 AC games are going to look like amateurish work compared to its 71st installment.
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heh thanks, wouldnt have noticed it at all without your help, lol
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Not really. With each game since AC3, a whole new world with new characters has been introduced along with a brand new story. However, just because the gameplay doesn't change that much doesn't mean it's the same old game.
Make sure you don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of the series though.
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I play last any (do not remember) AC before 5 years, and before months i got AC3 and play it, 11 hours play now, and.. not bad but no excellent. I get it ultra cheap (under $1) :) Simple - i hate prices as 60€ (iam not poor) but in principle I do not buy this games. And absolute no for AC, its only cosmetic edit, no something new. (sorry for eng :D )
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It's the brand, people will buy anything that has the name "Call of Duty", bitch about it for a few months, how it's the same as the previus game, and than buy the next game as soon as pre orders are availible and repeat the cycle.
Ubisoft is as bad as Activision in this case, we can't do anything against it, fan's will buy even if it's litteraly a re-skin or a buggy mess.
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But Assassin's Creed is nothing like Call of Duty... Call of Duty is an FPS, not an open-world adventure type such as Assassin's Creed. What makes people buy Assassin's Creed is that they can interact with history in a very entertaining way. Call of Duty is just shoot, kill, shoot, oh look there's a story, shoot, kill, shoot, kill, win. Then try out the amazing multiplayer with all the 12 year old kids and all the new maps that happen to pretty much look different but still be the same as the previous' games' maps.. This is the problem with FPS games that are being released each year. AC is nothing like that at all. Plus, Unity was a great game, it just happened to be extremely unoptimized. which of course I do blame Ubisoft for. But don't freakin' compare games for no reason... it's like comparing Mario with LoL.
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You are telling me to chill, even though I never said anything bad..
As for what you said, it doesn't make sense. Most of the time, companies are the brands. Assassin's Creed is merely a title, and the games are the products. You can't have an Assassin's Creed game that uses a different title.. Same goes with Call of Duty, Total War, Crysis, Counter Strike, Pokemon, Mario, Plants vs Zombies, Final Fantasy, etc. Though I will agree that people will buy anything that has the Call of Duty in its title (just like people will buy any shoe that has the logo of Adidas or Nick), it doesn't mean that's a bad thing or not. When you said "Ubisoft is as bad as Activision", what exactly did you mean? Why is it bad? You said two reasons:
If we take these two reasons as what makes a company bad, then Bethesda and Valve can also be taken into this category. Hell, Square Enix, Nintendo, Microsoft, etc... The list wouldn't end. I am not going to get into details, I'll leave it here. One last thing I'm going to say is that FPS games are mainly reskins of their previous installments. You can't do ANYTHING about that due to their nature. You can change the setting, but it is still going to be a reskin. Only thing you can do is improve the mechanics and make sure it is smoother and better, while having a good story. Obviously you can also change meshes and other qualities, but those are details.
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Produkt names are also brands.
"Re-skinning games" as in putting out as many titles as possible with the lowest effort. Yeah, most FPS are guilty of that, too. But Half-Life and TES titles have like 5 years dev time in it and are considerably different from their previous installments.
While CoD and AC follow a very similar pattern. Many other AAA sequels do so obviously too. Good or bad remains for you to decide. Gets kinda boring but still sells lots, so..
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Half-Life 2 had at least 6 years of development, but remember that games back in 2000-2005 were much more simple to create. Graphics didn't have be top notched. Not to mention that Half-Life is pretty much dead (all the hype for Half-Life 3 is for nothing, especially since there's no proof that it Is under development).
As for TES, I will agree. Depending on the fans of the series, each new installment happens to have less content, be much more simple and have a worse story than the previous, but happens to have better graphics and be as glitchy and bugged as the previous ones. Don't think that's a good difference. Plus, if I recall correctly the maps of TES:Arena and TES:Daggerfall were generated by a computer.
I would understand if you are saying that CoD gets kinda boring, but I don't understand how AC gets boring... We don't even have the same protagonist anymore. Each installment gives something new, mainly the setting. Plus, AC has done a lot of changes throughout its lifespan. It added new mini-games, that either were liked or forgotten in time, new mechanics and different mission types. I mean, people say that AC2 was great, but the truth is, it was merely the same as AC1, but with extra features, mechanics and a much more rich-colored (and more appealing in the eye) setting. But do you know why people love AC2? Because of the story. Because of how much detailed and developed it was COMPARED to AC1. AC1 was literally "go kill this guy then come back to give you a new weapon and send you to kill that other guy, for which I will give you another weapon". That was it.. even if they made AC2 the story of a monkey that was turned into an assassin and killed off all the Templars, it would still be loved...
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With games becoming 3D the focus shifted on graphics, where more and more people were required to create models/textures/effects than all other fields combined. And that started even before 2000.
HL2 graphics were absolutely top notch, same goes for TES games, but also AC or many high budget FPS.
Key point here is the difference between HL1 and 2 in many areas is staggering in comparison to any 2 subsequent CoD titles.
I rather meant the pattern becomes boring, not necessarily the specific game themselves. I don't need 2 CoDs or ACs per year, but as it still sells, some seem to disagree.
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Not sure if intense fanboyism or something else...
When i said "Ubisoft is as bad as Activision" i didn't mean anything in terms of quality or similar what i meant is that they are bad at timing their new releases for AC and COD, yeah it may be another developer doing the game each year, but it's still the same game in the end.
And i don't see Bethesda pumping out a new Elder Scrolls game each year, do you?
Also i think that maybe my explanations are as bad as my FPS skills... meh.
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yay! buggy gameplay videos bashing an expensive aaa game are fun.
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Completely disagreed, Black flag was absolutely marvelous and in revelations, they didn't finish the Desmond story. And if you've played rogue (SPOILERS!!!!), you know that William Miles is alive and our silent character might be him. There's a lot to add to this series and they're gonna keep making games till all the stories end. Probably another 5-8 years :D
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Still waiting for a good deal on Steam for Assassins Creed Unity. And Assassin's Creed series died in Assassins 3 with you know who. Ubishit is just releasing same thing other and other again and overpricing it.
Ubisoft games > put mechanics from other Ubisoft games into new Ubisoft games and advertise them as "new features", like that ghost mark thing when you escape from Assassin's Creed Unity, that was totally not taken from Splinter Cell, or that thing marking enemies, that was totally not taken from Far Cry.
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This is the first major project to for Ubisoft Quebec to be lead on correct? Not sure what to expect tbh. Though if they fuck up, hopefully they will shift it to Ubisoft Toronto (guess where I'm from :P).
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they could still use it when they release for next AC game, probably sometimes later this year. Im expecting at least 3 more AC games before xmas, followed by 1 big relase sometimes ... around new year, priced at a reasonable $299 for mega gold deluxe edition.
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Title needs an edit, it's actually Glitch Simulator: Syndicate.
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Well another bunch of shitstorm at Ubisoft but really, those games still are really good, AAA titles and after all NOBODY forces you to buy them... Shitload of people will buy it anyway
In my opinion if it serves them to release one just after another, kudos to them, i wont buy simple coz i
m not buying games at full release price but i`m sure plenty of fans will so... Yea no reason to cry just because they want to milk franchise more and more
They should focus bit more on fixing bugs before release though, but that`s other case
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It won't sell as well after Unity and the current gen of systems being older will probably lower sales as well. If they try to then keep a lot of the same systems, style of combat, even as in some of the earlier AC games, this could even be the 2nd to last one. Never the last one though
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Meh I used to be a big fan of Assassin's Creed and Brotherhood+Black Flag were some of the very few games I ever pre-ordered. Ever since the Desmond story arc it's gone steadily downhill, though Black Flag was pretty good with the naval warfare. I guess I'll skip this franchise from now on
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Dunno if this is old news, but here's the next installment in the Assasin's Creed Series, Assassin's Creed® Syndicate.
$59.99 USD, or $89.99 USD for the Gold edition.
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