just as title said, i hope this become a feature
it means, when someone White/Blacklist people the have to write his reason, WHY
dont have to write long just simple reason is enough. copy pasta if there's more than one, it's not that hard
not just click it and done, that way people will know why did he get one
it's even better if there's a form to know who whitelist/blacklist you (like giveaway entries)

as a matter of fact i get whitelist and blacklist without knowing the reason
if people just saying, "hey you get blacklist because you deserve it", what reason is that?
as a matter of fact i was also blacklisted by someone i just knew (from forum), never interact not even know him before.
i can only wondering WHY (since they mostly ignore it if asked why blacklist him or just saying general stuff you broke some rules)

thanks for reading and no potato, i already eat it

9 years ago

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Want to know why getting Whitelist/Blacklist?

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if you want it, you can use tag feature from this script - http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/wIaJ5/dev-thread-steamgifts/search?page=31337

9 years ago

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I don't think it's needed.

9 years ago

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Of course. Most people just blacklist you and their answer as to why is 'lol too bad'.

9 years ago

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I shouldn't have to tell anyone why I blacklist or whitelist anyone. It's my account and therefore I hold no obligation to give a reason to anyone. Just get over it.

9 years ago

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Whitelist - because they help me and are nice people ( 2 whitelisted)

Blacklisted- i never blacklist new users because hey, everyone makes mistakes. I have only ever blacklisted one prrson and hope to never do it again. Anyways the person i blacklisted was sending me pornography on steam when i clearly told them to stop.....so yeeeahhh. (1 blacklisted)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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don't force people to do stuff. Blacklist is up to the giveree. if they dont wanna give you a chance, then they don't need to say why.

9 years ago

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