Space Out on True Colors!

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Hint 1: listen to what the lady says
Hint 2: there is a visual upside down red herring in the video. Don't go there. See hint 1.

Level 2+
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5 months ago*

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5 months ago

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bump for skip

5 months ago

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I think I know it but just struggling on formatting the user/pass.

5 months ago

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just use digits, your grace - no punctuation or spaces required (lock is configured to ignore those anyway - here's hoping it really works that way)

5 months ago

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What to do again?

5 months ago

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Can confirm that they were ignored! Cool way of doing the puzzle!

5 months ago

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Holy shit... someone was the Flash in solving this.

5 months ago

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View attached image.
5 months ago

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Bump for solved

5 months ago

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I don't even see the puzzle. Well maybe I will find it eventually. Nice mellow music at any rate.

5 months ago

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Nope still lost. I can only understand 2 words the lady says and I have no clue what to do with that or anything else lol

5 months ago

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Same...can't understand a thing and I'm listening through a Bose sound bar. :D idea what to do.

5 months ago

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haha glad I'm not the only one, well there is still time so maybe we will sort it out

5 months ago

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Also, I don't understand this music. It's just a bunch of loops that a guy with a mini keyboard changes the root note on...everything is a 3-to-4 chord progression that just drones and the dudes with instruments play intro-level stuff over it. Everything is just really straight...pure 4ths or 8ths or 16ths, no syncopation, nothing interesting happening rhythmically, they chug the same note for the current chord, and then switch when the chord switches, arrangements are obvious, and the audience just eats it up. It all sounds like simple jamming from a band just warming up. I'm completely confused. 🤣

5 months ago

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I seem to remember he has a website but I don't have the link handy. This is the most cryptic puzzle I have ever seen, that's for sure.

5 months ago

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Yep, just hearing @Wake Up@ and jibberish.
I`m lost:) No, not for me. I remember previous game puzzle but this:) Something different. Thanks for the music, nice ambient. But i like more Old gods of Asgard, Denzel Curry and other, haha

5 months ago*

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psytrance not for you eh? ;)
Here's something more basic and yet more complex for ya ... caveat: those guys - none of them know what they're doing - they don't know how you dance on a rave

5 months ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

5 months ago

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OMG! YOU"RE A GENIUS! Thanks, i am so stupid btw. My rap nature given me a hint and i started to calculate.

5 months ago

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uhoh - It sounds like I might have sent you down a rabbit hole. Above comment contains 0 helpful information to solve the puzzle ;)

5 months ago

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haha this is probably an easy puzzle but I have no clue what to do with the information I have, Sherlock Holmes I am not

5 months ago

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We believe in you antidaz - still a couple of days to go!

5 months ago

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I just don't understand what to min or max but I might give it a few more tries

5 months ago

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Lol, definitely not. BTW, I love the late-60s-early-70s video overlayed on techno. That was mad funny. :D

Hey, ATEOTD, music is subjective and I fully support anyone liking anything they want. If it makes them happy, it makes me happy. But I just can't get into this kind of stuff. It all sounds like music I make up on the fly just jamming around trying to land on a progression I like to write an actual song when I don't already have an idea. It's like a pre-song. :D

It's not like I believe things have to be complex or anything to be valuable (I mean, you wouldn't want everything to sound like Dream Theater or King Crimson :D), but for me, the music has to go somewhere. If the underlying music is just supportive, then there should be an incredible melody over the top of it or it should contain world-changing lyrics or...just something, anything.

I don't understand people that intentionally listen to ambient music, either. I mean, it's good for, well, ambience, but as an actual song...yaaawwwwn. lol

To each their own. I don't like the Cookie Monster vocals featured in a lot of death metal, either. ha ha ha ha

5 months ago

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Aside from the fact that that video is no overlay. The song is that old. Big 🤜🤛

5 months ago

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Seriously? I figured it was 80s techno (or something new intended to sound retro) and the video is clearly a lot older than that. Man, if that music is actually from that age of Aquarius kind of era, that's really impressive and ahead of its time.

5 months ago

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Ok, color me super impressed. Composed in '69! I guess I should've done some of the math, because I now definitely hear that Moog sound. A Mellotron is even more obvious, but still, I feel like I should have picked that up, but I was listening too casually.

Thanks for this! Awesome trivia, at the very least (and I do kinda dig this tune -- it doesn't overstay its welcome). I learn something new every day. 🤓😁

5 months ago

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I bet you haven't listened to the Detroit techno...

5 months ago

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Probably not. As soon as I hear a programmed loop repeat more than 8 bars and there's not any indication of anything significant happening soon, I've probably already tuned out. Don't get me wrong, I like long songs and have a proper attention span, but there has to be something engaging the whole time that justifies the length and the time investment.

But hey, I am 100% open to having my mind changed. If you have an example of something you think I might actually dig, send it my way. I'm a massive music nerd (makes me handy on trivia night at the, and I'm always looking for something new and different to check out.

5 months ago

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I just tried to say that different people are pleased by different things. Some like ambient, some like jazz, some like both. Some like melodies, some like drive, specific sounds/pitches/rhythms. There's so much different aspects in music.
I personally don't like the mentioned Detroit techno very much (it's too boring IMO) but I like the kind of music CBL makes. Yeah, it's a simple tune but it's a pleasant and relaxing and nicely arranged.

5 months ago

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Oh, I agree. See my comment in my back-and-forth with TMM. :)

Music is one of those spaces where subjectivity matters, and opinions have as much validity as anything else. 😎

5 months ago

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Thanks for the hint! Solved.

5 months ago

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Nope not biting. There's obviously a link somewhere but it's not in this thread. cheers

5 months ago

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I completely missed the lyrics, your comment made me look at them. The hint is now also in the OP.

5 months ago

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That I understand but what I am saying is there is some place to use this information but it's not obvious what that place is. Maybe this puzzle is not meant for me. Looks interesting but it's just random bits of text with no clear place to use any of it. Also I have noticed people get offended when the puzzle is discussed so I guess that's why nobody says anything. I'll just stay quiet and lost and maybe someone will explain how the data was meant to be used in the end.

5 months ago

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Can't really give hints, no. This is a good thread for new puzzlers:
Maybe that helps...

5 months ago

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Ok I did not think of that, thanks for refreshing me. Well at least I found the puzzle but it sure didn't help any.

5 months ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

5 months ago

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Really bad at numbers, but bump for something new learned 👽

5 months ago

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Not interested in the game but bump for solved!

5 months ago

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Bump for stuck ;-; But cool music!

5 months ago

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Bump for solved 👍

5 months ago

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Solved. Great puzzle, cool music!

5 months ago

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Bump for solved. Another fun puzzle and a great giveaway. Thanks :)

5 months ago

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I am to busy enjoying the tunes to attempt the puzzle

5 months ago

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Nice music. Thank you for puzzle.

5 months ago

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Bump for solved. Great puzzle :D

5 months ago

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Bump for solved, thanks for the puzzle

5 months ago

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Im stuck with:

View attached image.
5 months ago*

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Bump for solved

5 months ago

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Bump, thanks for the GA... and the hints ;)

5 months ago

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Bump for solved! Thanks for the hints

5 months ago

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5 months ago

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Congratulations! 🎉

5 months ago

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5 months ago

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here take this bump!!

5 months ago

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Bump for solved :) so much fun!

5 months ago

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5 months ago

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