Not sure if I should even call it a puzzle, but it does have somewhat puzzling quality to it. However it should be pretty obvious for you what to do, and if it is not obvious, then quite likely just need to skip this.

Granted, there are also people that will know what to do but are going to claim they can't do it. It's most likely they are just lazy / too easily discouraged / without proper approach to learning how to do this :P Because it really is easy just requires some practice and proper way to learn it. Just staring at the picture won't help you. Anyway if you're part of this group, you sadly need to skip this one as well, I'm afraid. Or finally learn :3

For the small percentage that cannot physically do this for absolutely legitimate reasons, what can I say, sorry?

The image


Starting off with a comedic note curtesy of Krychek: the sailboat is a lie and hidden visions :D

Anyway... Actually the main thing to recognize on the picture was that the building block of the repating pattern is a QR code. There was no trick there but since the image came out bit blurry unfortunately some readers had some trouble reading it, I hear. Too bad :/ Cutting out just a single QR code was needed and possibly some cropping/resizing to make it bigger or something?

I used ZXing online decoder (don't actually have a smartphone myself). And it worked just with the cut out QR code without anything else on my part, that was first thing that my online search comes up with and something I use regularly if I need a QR code read. Figured that's good enough.

The message on QR code read:

Use your Magic Eye to view the 5 character giveaway code to put after - however, as an additional simple trick to make sure you've read this message, you first need to change the case (lower to upper and vice versa) and subtract 1 from the one digit that is present in the code.

Don't know what Magic Eye is? Well.. do a web search.. Anyway if someone knew that already, they probably did recognize autostereogram from the get go, but just viewing the image without decoding QR would leave you with an invalid code. Because you had to follow the instructions from QR to "fix" the code that was shown on the stereogram.

Some people physically can't see those indeed (especially due to vision impairment) but I think mostly it's just low will in trying to learn the trick properly :P

However, it is actually possible to analyse it programmatically or otherwise and there's even software possible to find online that does it. I understand this picture is an example of such analyser output. Some solvers actually manually tried to mess with the vertical strips imposing one on another to see if something comes up, knowing how autostereograms work, this is an example result.

So even if you actually can't view Magic Eye, the puzzle was solvable. Didn't exactly want to advertise such approach but the resourceful people managed to cope with that. What I wasn't really OK with was asking someone else to view these for you (running software written by someone else that you found on your own really is something different than going and asking someone for help).

Had this idea long ago based on random dot stereograms and the fact that QR codes do kind of come out as random dots. However instead of using single QR code and a copy with moved around pixels, I decided to create more modern autostereogram with a use of an online stereogram maker (there are more out there if you look around, this one is what I used).

Bit unfortunate I had to fight a bit with it to be satisfied with the output (it would resize the qr code I uploaded etc) but eventually settled down with what you saw. Pity it was still not good enough quality for some readers, but what can I say.

Congratulations solvers and especially the winner!

1 decade ago*

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I can't read the code!!!!!!!!!

1 decade ago

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I really don't get it. I had no problem getting the code, but what do I have to do with it? Do I have to change the order? Trying out every order would take to long, I tried forwards and backwards...

1 decade ago

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i have tried all combination but nothing in sg giveaway,maybe another website

1 decade ago

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Magically solved! Now I'm seeing things.

1 decade ago

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nice one :]

1 decade ago

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Solved ^^

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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bump :)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Solved so bump :D

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Gotta say Adam Jensen is more handsome :3 The graphic improvements over the years, amirite?

1 decade ago

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I don't like how it sounds. Also the graphics don't matter much.

1 decade ago

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Har har nahh I don't care about graphics myself that much, still plenty of games of yore that are awesome like one of the best is the original System Shock, or the original X-Com, or Star Control 2 etc. But they still look prettier than, say, "modern" 10000000 which also I'm sure has great gameplay but simply looks fugly to me.

You just gotta admit though that FPS games show aging much faster if they were shooting for "realism" as this is something that was heavily invested in and more modern games look way, way better. A game like Psychonauts that has its own style is very old game but still can't complain about its looks! (is third person view but there's not that much difference generally) Luckily there are often beautifying mods at lest for the more popular ones, introducing meshes and textures with more detail.

Anyway that was to a big extent a joke because my avatar is, well, Adam Jensen :)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Gah, no program can read the code for some reason.
Do I have to chop it up and separate out each square?

Finally found a program that works.
Now time for the hard part

1 decade ago

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I physically can't do this :( Never have been able to but I gave it a bloody good try and now I can only see in black and white squares. Still, good idea for a puzzle giveaway!

1 decade ago

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LOL! someone must be so mad that he cannot see it!

yahoo answer

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Yahoo answers LOL, how did you even find it:D

1 decade ago

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cos i cannot solve the quiz.
i found the code from the image but i dont how to procede so i showed this thread to a friend of mine (he also is in steamgift) and he googled the image :). fist thing that showed up was yahoo answer lol.

1 decade ago

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lmao, u really pawned the guy.

1 decade ago

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Haha brilliant!

1 decade ago

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Woosh, i give up.!!!

EDIT : I absolutely read instructions of the image, did what i had to do, still invalid :(

1 decade ago

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Bump! Relived my memories as a kid when I had a book of these and pretty much slaughtered my eyes trying to do all of them. :)

1 decade ago

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Most painful giveaway 2013.

1 decade ago

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Are you sure this is a JPG? Because I swear it's flashing. Maybe I should go to bed :P

1 decade ago

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Yup, I'm sure :3 Definitely good sign to go to bed xD

1 decade ago

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I see the code, after that I am stumped. Couldn't make it easy, eh? hahaha.

1 decade ago

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After some trial and error and being annoyed, finally got it! Wish I could offer public advice without screwing up further entries, but very very clever and interesting giveaway!

1 decade ago

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Mkay, the puzzle has ended, and even looks like won by someone who I didn't suspect of cheating (or who outright admitted to have cheated, pretty much). Anyway I'll post the solution once the dust settles fully.

1 decade ago

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NOOOOOOO!!! I didn't realize it was ending so early ;_;

1 decade ago

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NnoooooooooO! Well this wasn't exactly a complex one, so there wasn't that much time indeed but still over 2 days, over the weekend.

1 decade ago

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(Oh, good thing I found out about this only now that it's over, because I could never (de)focus properly when viewing this stuff. Saved myself a headache, I guess. In any case, congratulations on another fresh idea!)

1 decade ago

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Well it's possible to analyse it programmatically (there is even software for that out there) or some solvers were creative enough to mess with it in photoshop or something, adjusting layers by hand to see if pattern emerges, knowing how these are supposed to work.

Didn't exactly want to advertise such approach, though, but I also didn't consider it cheating :)

1 decade ago

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Interesting, now you've got me playing with an image editor for half an hour... I got as far as "b"-something-something-something-something.

(EDIT: Ah, found a better approach, now I see the whole string. Curiouser and curiouser.)

1 decade ago

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yeah indeed "b" is first character there

1 decade ago

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(Whew, finally.)

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Mkay solution posted. tl;dr - the pattern was a repeated QR code you had to decode for instructions and the whole image was an autostereogram hiding a 5 letter/digit code that served as basis for the giveaway code (wasn't directy the code though - you had to follow QR code instructions).

1 decade ago

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as you know I got the 5-digit code, but unfortunately for me I tried to read the QR code with a program that couldn't figure out what was written on it, so I simply imagined it was just something random you used for the stereogram. That will teach me to double check next time...

1 decade ago

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I hope Award won't mind me saying this (since it's not a hint for any particular puzzle, and also, I'm going to mask it as a compliment) -- in his puzzles, basically everything makes some sense, I can't remember anything completely random. That's what makes them worth solving, regardless of the giveaways. (Also, if the next puzzle is going to be based on random elements, then... well... serves us right.)

1 decade ago

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Thanks :D

Or maybe I shall do worse, create a completely random thread that isn't a puzzle at all. And then make puppy eyes and be like... did I ever say it was a puzzle?

Nahhh. Not that evil.

1 decade ago

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Hmm nice one, wasnt aware about stereograms, now i am :)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Award.