2 of the puzzles have not been solved yet, maybe i went too far :p
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yeah, no ones even come close to finding it yet D:
I didn't think it would be that hard for to go back in time, and no one's taken the emergency exit yet either
EDIT: maybe I'll help out a little
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Good Job KornKage, you were the first, too bad you already own them :p
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MCMXLVI is Roman Numerals btw GreenTomator might have been easier to mention that as Arabic Numbers are our standard 0 - 9 haha even then that would have still been hard as hell, very clever and tricky!
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You're obviously far smarter than me mate, the only hint I could see to it being Roman Numerals was the use of AD, but I couldn't see a real purpose to it and disregarded it as we still use AD behind our dates now anyway. What tipped you off to use Roman Numerals?
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the date, the word "numerals", AD.
I usually think of seeing AD dates when on old stuff or dates. Usually they come in roman numerals.
I googled to see what arabic numerals are.. and that didnt make sense. Also i had never heard of arabic numerals, and according to google they are "weird" "arab" characters. So that obviosuly wouldnt fit a tinyurl.
Roman numerals is also one of the things that i think i was taught very early in the 1st few years of school..
Edit: I wouldn't say im smarter, its just what i thought of immediately.
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Yeah I'm not sure why they still teach Roman Numerals, I was taught them at school too, you'd think they'd be the realm of historians by now haha anyhow good job getting it as I said even if he had said Roman instead of Arabic I was too stupid to piece that answer together, really nice puzzle by GreenTomator! I'm going to be doing some GAs in the near future, going to put you on my white list for them.
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I talked about non Arabic numerals in tip no 3, I know there are other ones beside Arabic and Roman but those are quite hard to use in a link. And yeah I did want this to be tricky and slowly add hints until people can solve it. I think my mistake may have been only giving people 2 days to do so. But we still had KornKage solve both of those.
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I wouldn't worry about the time scale, you gave hints and you gave them over plenty of time, everyone that wanted to have a go had a chance to read them and have ago at working it out.
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I honestly wanted to do Rebus puzzles, but I didn't know how to integrate them here in a non invasive way. I'll keep thinking about that for future giveaways, maybe someone can give me some tips. Btw, Rebus puzzles in languages other than English are way more fun, so making the puzzles themselves be interesting will be a challenge too. Because lets face it something like B + (ear) = Bear is pretty lame. I would have to do something along the lines of (Isolate B in an object) + (Isolate Ear from ear of corn or whatever) and even then it would still be rather straightforward.
So I want to keep thinking of new ways to set up puzzles, the jigsaw ones are pretty straightforward and convenient but I do not want to limit myself to only one kind of puzzle, so I experimented with word puzzles. I think another way of introducing word puzzles can be riddles; I'll try that out during the week. So look forward to that :D
I've seen some people set up scavenger hunts and clue trails for people to follow, which could also be a fun way to set things up. The issue with that kind of giveaway is that it would be rather work intensive and may require more maintenance than I can afford it, to keep things going smoothly. So it would be a good way to set up a giveaway for say 20 copies of something, 50 copies, or a couple of copies of some pricey game like Ni no Kuni 2 or whatever it new at the time. Because it wouldn't be worth people's time to hunt down clues for days to win one copy of Devil Daggers, great game as it may be.
So yeah, I'm open to suggestions, and if anyone wants to chat about puzzles or share their thoughts, I am far from being experienced but my steam profile is public, just leave me a message on letting me know you have some puzzle ideas, and add me. I'm always down for a chat.
Thank you all for taking the time to join my gibs,
I appreciate it
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I also need to find some rules on Rebus in English to know little details like "sounds like" or "number of syllables" etc. I know some of those in other languages and they can make things less ambiguous
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In way of Rebus, I'd personally cheat and use existing ones haha I like the straight out jigsaw ones though and you give enough time for someone that wants to do it to get it done. As long as there is equivalent difficulty to item value they work out well, no-one wants to do a 3 hour puzzle for a $1 game and visa versa you don't want a jigsaw that takes 10 minutes for a brand new AAA title, unless it's from EA because screw them that's why.
While we are on the topic though, it might be worth when listing the games and the links to their puzzles to add a link to the games steam page. I'm lazy yes and not trying to be picky but it would make it easier for people to see if the game interests them.
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I can link the games in the future. I have created some rebus puzzles of my own, I will work on refining them. I have to say I hate using sai/photshop/gimp I might just draw them by hand. But again, German and Russian lend themselves to Rebus puzzles so much better, if you speak either, look into it. It is like the difference between a wind up toy airplane with a front propeller powered by a single rubber band, and a stealth fighter jet.
I'll have the puzzles up during the weekdays in a new discussion thread. I have also thought of a musical puzzle I would like to experiment with. And this one should be Shazam proof. But hey if people want to take that as a challenge and somehow apply Shazam to it they are free to do it, in fact I'll be impressed enough to create a giveaway just for those who find such a cheat and show me how they did it, the whole idea behind these is to pose some form of challenge.
So those will be the giveaway plans for the week, A couple of Rebus puzzles and a possible Musical puzzle. If I find I haven't got enough original puzzles I'll throw in some jigsaw fillers.
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hmm think steamgifts lost my reply, anyway I said in the end they are your puzzles and if you are enjoying making new ones then go nuts! we didn't get to the moon with everyone doing what everyone else was doing.
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Lol amateur rebus done, lets see how bad this goes.
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I'm going to post 4 Jigidi puzzles for, at the end of each puzzle there will be an SG link in the completion message. The giveaways and invite only and they all end on Sunday 9:30 pm Eastern Time. Please make sure you screen cap the completion message just in case. If you encounter any issues let me know here or on steam. Please note that some giveaways have requirements beside puzzle completion.
1. Puzzle Agent 1 & 2 (Easy puzzle - lvl 4+ req: 2 gibs) https://www.jigidi.com/solve.php?id=997Z6RI52. Lethal League (Medium difficulty puzzle - lvl 1+ req) https://www.jigidi.com/solve.php?id=9E2CAXVJ3. Nuclear Throne (Medium difficulty puzzle - lvl 1+ req) https://www.jigidi.com/solve.php?id=XSOLZ6M74. Punch Club: (Difficult puzzle - no level requirement) https://www.jigidi.com/solve.php?id=DKFHXAWSSo these are the 7 giveaways for this weekend, I hope you like the games and enjoy the puzzles. Good Luck to all.
Usually I provide people who dislike puzzles with an exit, if you're one of those people you are are bang out of luck this time. During the construction of this thread I accidentally blasted the exit to the 2nd of September 1946AD, although we do have an emergency exit preceded by a sign labeled 3 just there past the tinyurl.
Since there are giveaways no one's managed to enter, I will drop hints every few hours on how to get there:
1. There are two giveaways hidden in the text below the jigidi link, the games are Devil Daggers and Killing Floor, knowing the games does not help find the giveaways, there are clues to the giveaways in what I wrote.
2. No words needed to travel back in time to the exit, only numbers and numerals. The emergency exit on the other hand...
3. If you line up the numbers from the date, and write one of them in a form beside Arabic numbers; you might find the exit.
4. The italics in the 2nd hint are deliberate.
5. When creating a tinyURL we can customize them, I described the phrases I used to customize the links to the last two GAs; the date, and the emergency exit.
The Exit Giveaways were: https://tinyurl.com/3emergencyexit
and https://tinyurl.com/29MCMXLVI
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