5 years ago*

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4 years ago

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Me and Delisper tested (and had my name in credits) in keepshopkeep.

Unfortunately they didn't seem to listen much, they were unhappy about the first game, they just barely made the bar a few weeks ago which was exactly the same except the location, untested and again full of bugs and now they seemed to have announced a second keepshopkeep coming this saturday.

Not sure why they got banned though.

4 years ago

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A bunch more yesterday and today.

And crap wanted to get Goro 2 at some point.

4 years ago*

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Well, that was quite the purge.

4 years ago

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...but how? i mean, how is even possible to create x number of dlc's for 1 game only. then, you (Steam) have to check and all and then ban.
...like, why?

(sorry, F, but that somewhat dumb, no? might be cause all of those boobs, tho...)

4 years ago

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We recently discovered that you have circumvented our systems to create and distribute more DLC for Boobs’em Up then we typically allow. By default, partners are allowed 100 pieces of DLC per appID. In rare instances, we allow more with our assistance. But you did not contact us, and instead manipulated our system again and again to create far more than 100 pieces of DLC. Manipulation of any system in Steam or Steamworks is unacceptable and a violation of our terms of service—we are not interested in doing business with individuals or organizations that abuse our tools. We have revoked your Steamworks access, removed all of your titles from sale, and have ended our business with you.

4 years ago

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thanks so much, madjoki

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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So long, and thanks for all the boobs! :V

4 years ago

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Ban hammer stroke again. 30+ "games" and 160+ "dlcs" for them.. we'll never find out how fruit sudoku saga ends.. F

4 years ago

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View attached image.
4 years ago

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Bump; 105 "games" banned in past few hours.

4 years ago

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Wow, big chunk of games...

I knew something was afoot when I logged into ITAD and saw:

Latest activity notice: 348 removed

4 years ago

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How Garnudo Games released so many games in a short period of time:


Basically, download other's work and upload to Steam to sell them

4 years ago

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It's amazing they lasted as long as they did. I wonder how long it takes Valve to process a report on the steam store.

4 years ago

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Lol i have loose almost 20+ games on this purge :D .. i gues it's ok now ! I Own "clean games" :))

4 years ago

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reading the most recent postings and I have to say.. people wear alot of tin foil hats.. Being part of the Monday list of sales has nothing to do with valve trying to scam people... Could be very possible when the games are on those sales they get higher volumes of sales, which results in high volumes of reports, which makes Valve stop and look at the game and say.. mmm maybe we should kick this one off our store front..

Also it's the publisher/developer who sets the sale price, so by that understand they set the price not valuve.. so you know....

Why would someone consider it being ripped off,, once a game is removed, you still have access to download, play and whatever else you want.. it just no longer gives + one to your account, more then likely the achievements no longer count toward your achievement scores and Cards are no longer marketable, but you can still typically create booster packs from gems, so you're not completely sealed off from being able to finish badges...

4 years ago

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The problem is that most of these so-called games are very low quality, created just for the purpose of +1 to game count or just to make quick bucks out of collectors. Previously, these types of game thrive as Steam allow the developer to generate quite a number of keys (10k+) which is then distributed to a bunch of key sites or bundle sites to be sold for a few cents. Since the purpose is just to increase the game count, once the game is removed, it's only a piece of trash in their library, that's why people are salty about it.

4 years ago

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Fuck the +1, kill them all!

And I am approaching 1.5k, but for the past 800 games the zero fuck I give about the +0!

4 years ago

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Eu zic sa-ti controlezi limbajul, aici nu esti pe maidan.

4 years ago

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Probably if that is an insult but well it is not.

The subject of the sentence is well a counter, and the joke was over your head from the start, it seams.

And by the way, no one really does even have a once of who are you and why are you patronizing!

I would advise you to mind your own business and do mind that I do not even care for what you say.

But I do appreciate the advice and I would appreciate it more if you want just advice the people that you know.

4 years ago

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I've always been under the impression that you allow people to do as they wish.. if people want to buy those games they will, why should others come in and get to determine what is or isn't a good game.. What one considers trash another might consider a treasure.. Sure most of the games are crap in my opinion, but who is to say they aren't to someone else.. Like HOGs, I enjoy playing HOG games others consider them trash.. If others had their way HOG games wouldn't be on steam..

Who's should get the final say on what is or isn't worthy of being on the steam store.. People make their choice to buy these games, I make my choice all the time,, why is it anyone elses choice to determine how I spend my money. I'd rather have an open marketplace that gives people a chance to release their games and fail, then one that has closed off their environment and doesn't let things through.. who can tell what the next big Indie project will be..

4 years ago

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Bump; In past few hours 9 "games" and 100+ "dlcs" for them were banned. If you were regular in buying crappy bundles you probably had all 9 of these. -9

4 years ago

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why didnt they review them BEFORE letting them into the platform?

4 years ago

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It would take a lot of resources and also potentially leave them legally liable for the distribution of copyright infringing content since they would have formally reviewed and approved it before distributing and profiting from it.

4 years ago

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They get paid for every game that's released onto their platform, my guess is they'd rather have this influx of money and just ban stuff afterwards than actually work on a proper system

4 years ago

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That $100 is chump charge for them. Even considering the flood of trash they get.

4 years ago

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That's arguable. Assuming a fair amount of automation behind that system and considering a low amount of required additional resources for the majority of that junk as well as additional income through sales they probably make a worthwhile bargain overall... If they were losing money over that we'd have seen readjustments already

4 years ago

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Pay someone to review games before actually releasing them
Get paid to release every single piece of trash, purge them afterwards if needed, profiting from market transactions in the meanwhile.

Easy to guess which choice they went with.

Kinda like how we're constantly getting new useless shit that nobody asked for (for which Valve employees actually get paid extra) rather than much required bugfixes (which they're expected to do as part of their normal job, and thus don't pay extra).

4 years ago

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I never seem to get affected by these game removals hmm

4 years ago

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4 years ago*

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Valve personally reviews the games before allowing them in through steam-direct yes?

No. They don't.
Valve takes $100.00 and puts your product on the storefront. That's all there is to Steam Direct. No more, no less..
Valve may claim they perform basic checks such as the game starting etc. but they're failing at that in practice.

Valve only ever steps in after the fact, and even they only if the shitstorm becomes big enough that it makes them look bad again.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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My story:
I started with a ps2, no achievements (on profile), didn't care that much. Moved to ps3 and ps4, achievements now meant almost everything, if a game didn't have achievements I would probably not play it. Cycle continues.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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achievements can really help and motivate you to play, sometimes achievements also help to look at things from a different angle, but if I would like a game and it has no achievements, I will still get it, it's not a must have for me, it can just make it more fun I guess?

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I do own/owned a few achievement spam games, the games looked like fun and I did finish them, but 2 games alone got me a few k achievements, besides that I own a series now that also drops a few 100 per game, but I enjoy the game, but with those games I wish you could just disable achievements, they kind of ruin my total count, though I guess the 2 removed games, they no longer add to the count so it's something ^^

4 years ago

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4 years ago*

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As far as I know, Steam has 0 quality control, the only thing they do is that they remove some crap, which they either do because of the reports or because they have problems with a dev themselves, else they don't care, just look at how much crap is on Steam, that says enough, sadly!

And yes, Steamgifts is more and more a place for bots and farmers but also bundle leftovers and sadly lately most bundles only have either crap games or rebundle fests so we mostly see those games, besides the few good ones, I see around 10 giveaways at max for most of the time, that incl. doubles, because there are a few bundles games I do want, but I only see games I really want and nothing else.

4 years ago

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4 years ago*

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The "steam is learning about this game" has helped combat the mass card farming thing that was happening.

Sadly, some idiots buy those games for their 5000 achievements. Liking to 100% a game as a challenge is 100% understandable and fair play if you can get them all. But... buying games just to beef up the achievement/perfect game count is nuts. Removed game achievements shouldn't count. (I never played any of them, so not sure how it works now) Then maybe people would stop buying them and demand would end.

Afterall, if people weren't buying them via bundle or otherwise, they wouldn't exist on steam. :(

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I don't look at a profile page now and think "wow, look at yer man's achievements" when I see a huge number. I immediately think "farmed achievements." Might not be the case, but it's definitely my default setting on these things lol.

4 years ago

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hides my 10660 achievements I didn't buy games just for them I swear!!

It's funny what you guys are saying, while at the same time I see people at the Community Hub demanding games get cards and achievements else they won't even bother buying the game....

And with the 'Steam is learning' only the ones that are bought on Steam themselves count right? So if a game is bundled 20 times and everyone got it from there, it doesn't help the game from that status at all, though the status also has a bad side and that's for free-to-play games, those are stuck in there as well.

And you can say all about Steam caring and all, but if they really cared, they would have add a way better quality control, like...I don't know... check games BEFORE they come on Steam? Like, there were 'games' that had malware in it, 'games' that had a crypto miner in it and even 'games' that has no .exe at all so they couldn't even be started, such stuff shouldn't even be able to happen at all if Steam would take it more serious, that's all I am saying ^^

4 years ago

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Yeah, I think to stop shit games from getting through, they'd have to go the way of EPIC or GOG and just add finished games to their platform through deals with devs. We do complain about all the crap, but at the same time, we wouldn't be getting the decent early access titles either. It's kinda one of those having your cake and eating it situations.

Even through a community moderated system, shit games get through because of assholes. They'd know the games were shit, but they'd vote for them anyway just to get the 5000 achievements. =(

And LOL! People not buying games because of achievements are very sad. lol. Like you, I too like having them there as an extra since it adds to the experience. When the achievements are there, you're like "ooh, I missed some things." I used to only play on console, so when I got to the end of a game, I considered it finished. lol

4 years ago*

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To be honest, I try not to buy Early Access games at all, you never know if they will actually get finished or not and how long it will take so I rather wait than sitting with half a game, so I would be fine with getting rid of Early Access, still happens to often that games never get finished but people already bought them, am not a fan of that system at all.

Achievement can be a hindrances, like the speedrun ones, or the ones where you need to beat it at hardcore, may never get damage, etc. the ones I always skip because I suck at them and it can be annoying when you did everything but can't 100% the game because of those, but some achievements can actually add more to a story, like finding stuff you would have missed otherwise, than you have the boring 'click 10 times on an item' or other repeat stuff that add nothing, which are usually doable but not that interesting and than you have the ones that just spawn just because....
If a game has cards, I like that, means you can make a tiny bit of extra money on it when you sell it, or some games I really love I even craft the badge but won't not buy a game just because it has no cards, that's insane!

4 years ago

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The limit has been greatly reduced and Steam learning game achieves also don't count to total achievs.

4 years ago

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Nobody asked Volvo to realease trading cards .
Don't blaim people to abuse the system they made ....
Nevermind the user who said this is level 10 on 13 yo account ... with 18 games on library ....
Seems like it doesn't care about his steam profile :))
But this is his problem not everybody else ...

4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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i know my library isnt effected by the bans, but what about my game count on my profile? i swear i used to have more then 2300 games, but now im missing like 60 games or something. curious if this effects profile game list.

4 years ago

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Yes. Like "Steam is learning" games deleted ones dont count to that number.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago*

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I think you can just activate a F2P game to update your game count.

4 years ago

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4 years ago*

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Yes, collecting games is a thing, and it's been around for far longer than anything else.
It's also one of the reasons why people hate other stores so much: because they don't let them show off their big dongs libraries.
Nowadays, collectors are the main demographics for most kinds of shovelware: they'll buy anything, as long as it adds a +1.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago*

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4 years ago*

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You seem to feel offended by what i wrote

You're the one comes off sounding offended here, and your passive aggressiveness doesn't make you sound any less offended, if that's what you think.

4 years ago

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4 years ago*

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You're a one-trick pony, apparently.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Oh shit, seems I hit a nerve lmao.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I wasn't trolling, and I'm still not. You are the one who comes off sounding offended here, and your attempts to cover it up with passive-aggressive comments are weak, at best.

And yes, people have told me before, but they're always people like you, who are digging in others' shit and get called out on it, so I don't much mind.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago*

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Let me know when you're done editing your comments to get that one last passive aggressive jab in, because you feel an "all-encompassing need to be on top."

Edit: Well, most context seems to be lost now, since the other fellow decided to delete his comment.

4 years ago*

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You need to actually use the market to offer people advices about it .....
Obvious troll :)

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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And your count hours say it all . You don't even play any game on your account ... 3309 hrs on 13 yo account ... ok mate !
Ill just block you ...

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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It's not worth the time to write with him.

He is the white knight and his holy rules must be seen as the holy gral from all

4 years ago

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A new bunch, Firehawk Studios games were banned (+20)

4 years ago

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I'm starting to think the best way to know what's going to be banned is to check dailyindiegame bundles... :)

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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You don't own monney to buy them anyway .. why do you care :))

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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You can't affort to buy any game ... your account says it by it's own ...

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I do play some of them ... unlike you ..

4 years ago

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Yes you actually need to buy some products to be able to express yourself on public about any product that you own .. Maybe your oppinion will be heared when you actually affort to talk about it ! And maybe actually "try" them ... you "get it"?

4 years ago*

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Couple of games with few dlcs banned today, few of them were gifted here a lot

4 years ago

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Dance Dance Girl was deleted. Does anyone know why? It was not an asset flip, as far as I can see.

4 years ago

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Looks like the publisher where gaming steams system by adding and removing the adult flags for some of the titles and got them self banned of steam. <-- not sure if that really is the reason but it makes sense.

4 years ago

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A small ban wave for a bunch of Chinese games, probably due to manipulation of adult content flag...

And I had a bunch of them wishlisted, too. What a bummer

4 years ago

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Is there any way to play or any video(gameplay) of these games?
Fox's Holiday / 狐の假期
Anonymous Letter :Prowler / 匿名信:隐匿者

4 years ago

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Huge ban wave is ongoing; 200+ app ids banned so far, mostly games...
Edit: hour later, 530+ banned, and still ongoing..
Edit 2: looks like they stopped at 717 ^^
Edit 3: nope, looks like they only took a smoke break... purge continues..
Edit 4: now they stopped at 982 app ids ^^

4 years ago*

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I know many of those titles from mass giveaways and farming cards.

Even Bloody Boobs got banned. Some gaming sites had articles about that game.

4 years ago

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huh, I actually bought two copies of Dungetris before it was bundled (one for myself and one for a friend) because its Tetris-rooms system was similar to one used in a failed game project I worked on years ago (though our game looked much better). Was sad when I tried it and found out the game was in a barely functioning state :/

4 years ago*

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Was sad when I tried it and found out the game was in a barely functioning state :/

Truth. The fact that it hovered around 70% positive reviews really emphasizes how overly generous [and troll filled] Steam reviews typically are. Still, rather surprised it ended up getting removed from Steam, given that- while it fails entirely as a game- it manages to far exceed the usual minimum standards Valve sets for its hosted content. Then again, I'm already surprised enough that they're still doing content passes after their "we'll accept basically anything, we finally openly admit it" announcement. My expectations for Valve aren't exactly high. :P

4 years ago*

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Seemed just fine when I played it? Got repetitive after a while, but "barely functional" would not be something I say about it.

4 years ago

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Well, it may have improved after I played it since like I said I played it before it was even in a bundle, and I think it might have been early access at the time.

4 years ago

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What will we ever do without blockbuster titles like The Last Strategist, Dogcoin, and Crankies Workshop?

4 years ago

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Goodbye My King ?
Princess.Loot.Pixel.Again ?
Detective Noir ?

I don't understand :/ these don't seemed to be bad games...

4 years ago*

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The Dev always abandoned the games and had in alot of games broken Achievements and never hold his promises in any game .

4 years ago

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If I recall correctly both Detective Noir and Goodbye my King were abandoned during development.
Goodbye my King was definitely above the average asset flip Unity game.

4 years ago

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Wow, it keeps going. It's like they are banning all the cheap Russian games.

4 years ago

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Had 2 of them, as I've mentioned. The list is still growing, every time I refresh the page, 15 new ones gets banned. Some of them from 2016 or earlier. Weird.

4 years ago

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All bundled once, or something ?

4 years ago

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Yea, most of them were bundled, or obtainable for few cents on russian stores..

4 years ago

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Soaring perl Tom .... !

4 years ago

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Dagestan Technology are banned along with their alts.
EH Technology are banned with their alts.

Seems to me more like 600+ by now.

4 years ago

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Any particular reason for this mass ban? I know most of these games aren't all that good, but that alone usually isn't enough of a reason to ban them.

4 years ago

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They can't include them in the new UI seems like ....

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago

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Well, tis the season!
Maybe Valve finally got into the Christmas spirit!
Y'know, the non-capitalistic aspect of it.

Really, though, it'd be a startling, but highly appreciable change of policy.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago

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cool, VT publishing banned. I waited for this day since they changed about 25-30 of their games from 1 achievement each to 5k. Now steam needs to make achievement, AVGC and perfect game statistics like game count. Only those should be counted to there which still available to purchase and no profile limited/steam is learning about tag.

4 years ago

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'Cause you can't, you won't and you don't stop

Don't mind me, just dropping some mood music

4 years ago

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I can't stop watching this... I am keeping Steam.madjoki on, happily seeing many titles from my library getting banned...

...And I am marking them as "Hidden" on Steam...

...And watching them go is more fun than actually playing them...

...Like... some sort of anti-collectible-game. Lovely. :D

4 years ago

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So many game sbanned that the the website seems broken now :/

4 years ago

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abput 700 games banned in this wave.

4 years ago

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838 games, rest is dlcs and demos

4 years ago

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Looks like 982 for today given there's almost 4 full pages of games on the current ban list from the past 7 hours.

4 years ago

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Yea, total 982 app ids; out from them 838 games, 5 demos, 138 dlc and 1 tool (you can fine tune the list on the right by choosing type and let the search filter to do quick count by ctrl+f+"hour" (hour atm is doing the job))

4 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by juzer.