23:00 - Archi: !2hu morshock
23:00 - ArchiBoT:
Details: https://touhou.justarchi.net/user/76561198258574803/profile
ID: 76561198258574803 | Nickname: Morshock™ | Points allowed: 433
23:00 - Archi: !2hukick 76561198258574803
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similar names must be similar game
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What about Murdered: Soul Suspect? Gameplay is unique crime-solving mechanics, but not really as complex as L.A. Noire. There's more emphasis on collecting (or it makes up a greater percentage of the gameplay). I found it very enjoyable, though.
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I've preordered Murdered: Soul Suspect back in time because i expected something similar to L.A. Noire. It's not great, but it's the only game on my memory which is close to L.A.Noire. Also i've heard that Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments is even closer to L.A. Noire, but never played it myself.
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+1 it's not the same, I'd say that LA is definitely better
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It's the worst port I've ever seen, iirc the guy who did the dsfix for dark souls (1) did a dpfix for that game, but it doesn't matter is still totally broken. anyway the game is great
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At first Enforcer: Police Crime Action sounded a bit like that. You rise through the ranks as a cop and from what they mentioned some required some investigating, but going by reviews it didn't turn out good. I got it in a bundle but never got around to trying it.
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Obvious answer: Any Sherlock Holmes game + Agatha Christie game. :P
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ABC Murders is extremely casual, but overall enjoyable. Don't waste your time on other Agatha Christie games, they are boring to say the least.
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Yep, especially The Case of the Rose Tattoo. And then there were Laura Bow games, of course. I miss those chandeliers falling on your head every wrong step :) But seriously, well-written detectives are so rare nowadays.
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What you're asking almost doesn't exist. Even LA Noire has too many boring gun fights.
There are some detective-esque games here and there, but none in 3D or with the complexity of LA Noire. Arguably A Wolf Among Us is about a detective, but it's quite standart. Amazing story though, my fav game of 2015. There's also This is the Police and Virginia, which are a bit experimental (can't comment much because I haven't tried them).
I can absolutely recommend is the whole Ace Attorney saga. 50% of the game is investigation and it's one of the best adventure games ever created (though it's more like a VN). Maybe the latter ones (Miles Edgeworth Investigations) are more akin classic adventure games.
I heard that the "detective" sidequests of The Witcher 3 are really amazing.
If you want more traditional, go Gemini Rue, Kathy Rain, The Detail, etc. Old sherlock games are great, and ABC murders is really good too.
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I played This is the Police and despite of not-really-fitting-that-much into what I'm searching this time, the game was truly great and I could recommend it especially for people not much into puzzle-solving but actual gameplay with a very decent narrative story. Thanks for suggestions!
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Fahrenheit on Steam, though old, it's good.
Heavy Rain on PS3 (barely started it) similar to Fahrenheit. And that's pretty much it.
Murdered: Soul Suspect it's not that good, expected something better when I watched the trailer for the first time.
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Fahrenheit was my first idea, but it's only the 30% of the game, specially the beginning... Then it becomes... well.
Murdeder: Soul Suspect... Hmmm... For me it's an adventure, you walk a lot but it's the typical adventure "go to A, find B, go to C, watch the video about your clues". Nevertheless, it's fun, the puzzles are easy and you don't need to gather all items and 100% to enjoy it.
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Yeah, the thing is that there aren't games like LA Noire, so if you accept anything to ease the hunger, you play the recommendations on the thread.
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I've finished it but it was almost 10 years ago, and remember some stuff but not that much. I do remember that middle part that you speak of (when it turns to Beyond: Two Souls). Have to play it again.
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Have it, currently on backlog. Haven't had time to play, or to be more accurate, the mood. I'm getting old.
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I was thinking Sleeping Doges but seems that you already played it.
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The Secret World http://store.steampowered.com/app/215280
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Maybe if Team Bondi were still making games they would've created something like that but for now I can't think of a similar game.
Murdered: Soul Suspect is extremely repetitive and it does not require that much of an effort to solve crimes.
The closest games that comes into my mind are Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy & Face Noire though they are incomparable with L.A Noire
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I would second the Arkham games even though they're not exactly on point. They have some really good detective moments though. I thought the Telltale Batman game was great in that respect too. Though to be fair I haven't actually played LA Nior so I could be off-kilter.
Heavy Rain was amazing
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Murdered: Soul Suspect is probably the closest you will get to L.A. Noire. Deadly Premonition has both open world and a detective but is such a different game and also a bad port. A Wolf Among Us and Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered are also both adventures were you play a detective.
Another game that was not mentioned yet is the remake for Gabriel Knight:
The Detail is also a solid detective game with choices:
And another one is Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller:
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i would say Grim Fandango [remaster] - but most probably played already :)
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a, i w sumie mam jeszcze do ogrania Bohemian Killing ;]
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played only original long time ago, thought they fixed mostly only graphics, will make me think about replaying
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Didn't the original use WASD controlls that are responsive to the way the character is facing like Monkey Island 4 ?
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I never knew that concept of fixed cameras and controlling your character context sensitive to the way it is facing has a name.
Guess you never stop learning.
My point was the controlls are far from ideal for a P&C game.
Edit: Guess I should rather say for an Adventure game since my whole point is that is was not Point & Click.
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It is called like that because you can rotate your character in one place to turn instead of moving wherever the pointer shows or relative to the player; even the over-the-shoulder third-person shooter Resident Evil 4 has the same tank controls, just a different camera. You are right that the entire fixed camera + tank control scheme has no actual name, although it is sometimes referred to as old Resident Evil or survival horror type (despite being used in some adventure games as well).
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You are right that the entire fixed camera + tank control scheme has no actual name, although it is sometimes referred to as old Resident Evil or survival horror type (despite being used in some adventure games as well).
Actually I wasn't trying to make a point but while I was familiar with the concept I didn't know the name. I've never had a Playstation before the PS4 so I'm not very familiar with the Resident Evil games.
So if fixed cameras are not a mandatory part of Tank controlls what would be an example of a game with Tank controlls but without fixed cameras ?
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You managed to name a list of games I haven't played a single one first hand :D (beside Tomb Raiders which you added later ^^)
I had a hard time wrapping my head around it and was wondering if Tank controlls are only a thing in 3rd person games until I found an article that confirms that almost all First Person Shooters indeed use Tank controlls. Somehow I never perceived those 2 as the same thing since the main problem of Tank controlls only arises when you have camera angles that are not identical with the way the character faces which is not the case in FPS and the classical over the shoulder TPS.
Edit: Funny thing is I also just found out that Tim Schafer has been defending the controlls in Grim Fandango (which are identical to Monkey Island 4) for 15 years so I'll just leave it at that :D
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It can be disorienting, if you are not good in placing three-dimensional objects on a 2D plane and thinking in relative directions. Certain people types can have issues with that, usually those who may have problems navigating with a map and like to rely on landmarks instead.
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I would say any of the Tex Murphey games and Gabriel Knight games... they are older though.
Kathy Rain maybe? Although I havent played it, it looks similiar.
Adam Wolfe is a HOG but very unique and different-- you don't search for unrelated things and the puzzles are seamlessly part of the actual storyline.
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Tesla Effect is pretty new and doesn't require knowledge of older titles, and GK 1 has recently got a remake (I'm not a big fan, but maybe I'm just rigid), so why not? After all, writing of such quality is pretty rare.
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Crusader Kings 2!
At least you won't find any game with more murder and plots. ;)
Can't really give similar recommendations. I played both Murdered: Soul Suspect and Deadly Premonition and both are more about supernatural powers than being a detective. By no means bad games, but just not "the same".
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Devil's Daughter has all kinds of different gameplay bits (puzzles, stealth/a chase/being chased, some QTEs, probably more stuff) and lots of choices that shape the story, at least within the cases. I haven't played that far yet, but there's a story in between the cases as well.
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Mafia 2(not detective, but I think it's fun in the same way as LA noire. )
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Basically together with my friend we're looking for games similar to L.A. Noire. If you played that title, then you know what exactly we're looking for.
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