8 years ago

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Should I pre order fallout 4?

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Yes- but wait until nearer release.
No- buy it after release.

If pre-ordering gives you some physical stuff (maps, bags, boxes, figures, stickers, etc) -- maybe yes.

Otherwise - NO NO NO NO NO NO!

8 years ago

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It has absolutely no discount or even some shitty preorder bonus. You're talking about a digital game, why would you preorder it almost 5 months in advance? Wait for it to come out and to see that it's not crap and then just buy it.

8 years ago

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Nothing is worth pre-ordering, especially a game from Bethesda.

8 years ago

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While the game undoubtedly will be pretty good. There is absolutely no reason to pre-order it at this point.
Even any incentives given in the form of pre-order bonuses aren't worth it.

At this point in time, there is ONE reason to pre-order. And that is if you're going to pre-order a collector's edition to add to your collection.
And even then the only reason to do so is because of rarity, its gonna run out.
Beyond that exception, if you're gonna get the base game. Then why pre-order? Simply set the money aside if you're afraid you won't have it and buy it on or shortly after release.

I'm amused at all the posts referring to bugs and glitches - considering how so many people will jump headlong into plenty other franchises that show these same problems and yet its brought up time and time again with Bethesda titles.
There's gonna be glitches - thats a given with games of this scale. And I've never had any gamebreaking experience with their titles myself nor have most of my friends. That said, if that is a concern its another reason to hold off.

Similarly the value concern is realistic. You may want to wait till a GOTY or complete edition 1 year past release or so.
But as a fan of the series (both Fallout and Elder Scrolls) I've never had regrets supporting them on release.
They're good developers that deliver quality games (even if they're not perfect glares at horse armor and uncurated paid-mods debacle) much unlike plenty others that have sunk to nickel and dime-ing all their franchises.

TL;DR - Don't pre-order. There is absolutely no benefit to doing so.

8 years ago

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You never pre-order a game! There is no need to pre-order.

8 years ago

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Yes but pre order only this game :P

8 years ago

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nothing is worth preordering

8 years ago

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Don't preorder unless its physical special/collectors edition which contains something physical you want(such as plastic pipboy) that won't be available afterwards.

8 years ago

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I pre-ordered it because I wanted to buy a gift for a friend, and to be able to give him a steam copy that will pop up on his steam when he's not expecting it and make him happy on his birthday. I don't intend to preorder it for myself unless advance copies go out to reviewers, and someone I trust approves it. Then I will play it at release.

8 years ago

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No. It's still Bethesda we're talking about. Wait for the Complete edition rerelease so you won't have to suffer the bugs and retarded DLC pricing

8 years ago

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No, it's a Bethesda game. It's going to be buggy as hell before the first few updates come out. You're better off waiting a month for the winter Steam sale.

8 years ago*

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No , there is simply no point in pre-ordering anymore

its a digital copy , you can buy it 5 mins after it release without a worry , unless they offer some big bonuses then there is simply no point

pre-ordering physical copies made sense since stores did run out of games pretty fast on the first days

8 years ago

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No. Just no. NO!

8 years ago

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the game will surely be awesome and worth the release price but the preorder trend is getting out of hand lately...

8 years ago

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Ill pirate it, then ill decide is it worth purchasing or not.

8 years ago

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Forgot about Arkham Knight already?

8 years ago

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i think batman has hopefully taught us that NOTHING is worth automatically preordering, especially this early. wait for some early pc reviews (if youre planning on pc preorder), if theyre good AND you find a GREAT preorder price, then sure.. get it... but if theres no early pre-release reviews for pc, and the only preorder prices you find are the same (or only marginally better than) the full retail price, DON'T preorder...

8 years ago

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If you preorder Fallout 4 for the XBOX ONE, you get a free digital copy of FALLOUT 3.

8 years ago

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here's my three "random" answers:
(+what Bethesda said about Fallout 4 bugs in the context of the problems with Skyrim http://www.gameranx.com/updates/id/29052/article/fallout-4-will-be-a-better-game-because-of-skyrim-s-technical-issues/ )

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8 years ago*

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Do not support this new price tag, please.

8 years ago

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It's just not worth it to buy games at full price anymore, especially the bug filled bethesda messes. Wait until they patch the major bugs and modders fix the minor ones before buying if you're impatient, or just wait for the GOTY so you don't get hosed on DLCs.

8 years ago

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