Anyone likes gameplay&storyline before graphics?
check UnReal World and Cataclysm:Dark Days Ahead.
I'm having a blast with UnRealWorld a friend told me about these two games,very epic.

What is UnReal World click there.
What is Cataclysm:Dark Days Ahead,click there. (Official links or you can google them )

10 years ago*

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Gameplay and story are the important bits.

10 years ago

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Sup bro...Yeah but you know how some are graphicwh0res xD i have a neighbour for example maybe someday he'll try Divinity first 2 games too and not just the Divinity 2 Developer's Cut ( aka The Dragon Knight Saga previously known or nickname Ego Draconis i think was it?) :D
And i knew a guy who was obsessed with graphics & the need for speed games and i told him you can't have a need for speed underground 2 ( newest at that time or i think my favorite if the other new one came out hmm ) ,you can't have a NFSU2 with super mario graphics and you can't have super mario with need for speed underground2 graphics,lol.
But in most cases,storyline and gameplay can be there even without graphics or graphics very minimal ye :D
Most people nowadays wouldnt enjoy some good SEGA games Super Mario,Bomberman,Mortal Kombat,Street Fighter,Kontra,Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,Power Rangers, MAPPY (ftw ! :D ),Battle Tanks ( or Battle City) ,Chip&Dale2, Batman&RObin etc xD

10 years ago

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I just noticed, you changed your profile pic. I liked the previous one better.

10 years ago

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+1, but the one before the old one was the best; it seems to be that every new pic you put the worst it gets, kinda like most games now, the sequels usually suck balls

10 years ago

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Story and gameplay are all nice and dandy, but if it's ugly it's ugly. No need to do that to yourself just because they couldn't put the effort into it or team up with someone who could.

10 years ago

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See Deltablade look at this guy bunny's dissapointing,he must be one of hte newer generations :D
to insult people from the past who couldnt make a time machine and come into the present/future to have better game enginers and skills and machinery and what not !! LOL fail bunny :).....
Have you heard of oldies but goldies?do you know what that implies?like gog games , Heroes of Might & Magic 3 Complete,Rage of Mages etc

go fucking google Dragon Raja and CroNous, Runescape mmorpg in Java, et cetera.
Some games are quite old but still fucking mega epic awesome,go search Dragon Raja's wizard spells
Edit: let me do that for you ,here's all bout TEH GAIMZ, teh PVP,owning noobs....AI and even better when its IRL playahz in multiplayer . (even Single player had pvp , a thing called highscores,before pvp even existed,COMPETITION dude ;) so yeah graphics don't matter so much -.- )

10 years ago

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Great gameplay even with poor visuals can be enough for some people.

Poor gameplay with great visuals, well...

10 years ago

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Yea like Metin 2 fail hahahah xD my father & uncle have two friends who play metin 2 a looot and thye even invested money in it even if they got hacked and i told them once (when Path of Exile ,Diablo 3 etc were out already), about Metin 2 - ONE THING IS GRINDING ( and i have played almost all mmorpgs out there,i should know bout mmorpgs, and the list is long in my experience like 8-9 years of DotA 1,2-3 HoN&LOL etc) ,one thing is grinding and one thing is LACK OF CONTENT ( Metin 2 fail)....oh and i also hate team fortress 2 (Teamfortress 1 seems good though and if its the one i know it is good ) and Minecraft-Terraria and Starbound's 2d format is acceptable ( Worms-like) but Minecraft is also an abbheration imho xD pixelated blocks w00t they couldve used DOTS to make the characters and maybe teh terrain only with blocks ....But de gustibus non disputandum est or how was the latin proverb,ye? ( Tastes are not to be discussed ,,...since you know they differe caz every person is unique ) :P

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Heh. Felt I had to use that image, but good to know it isn't wasted.

10 years ago

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They are heathen my friend , :D , Gaming Heathens !

10 years ago

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Dwarf Fortress is in ASCII. Its also one of the best games i ever played. I also enjoy Command Air Naval Operations and many other such games. Graphics don't have any value for me.

10 years ago

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I don't care about graphics as long as it doesn't look muddy.
Morrowind is about the only game I can't play (un-modded anyways) because it's that unappealing to me visually, but I really have no problem playing other older games such as Starsiege or the original Half-Life (BM:Source can suck a chode).

I liked UnReal World when I played it last year. Should play it some more.

10 years ago

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unrealworld developed since 1992......... lol

10 years ago

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I'm mostly playing Grand Strategy, where Graphics are pretty much unimportant. Since I had to live with a netbook (a good one, but still a netbook) for four years, I kind of got used into giving gameplay higher priority... Which probably is why I never did and never will understand those people who complain about having only 30fps and 'ermahgeerd-so-muddy-textures-everywhere!!11'.

Recently discovered URW myself, I enjoyed it, but find it kind of hard to remember all the commands, and I'm really not into those photographs^^ If you haven't heard of it yet, you might want to check out Stranded II, bad graphics, but extrememely fun if you can look past that. (Which you obviously can)

10 years ago

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Gameplay > Graphics > Story.

1.- So basically, if the game has shitty controls, or bad mechanics, even if its the most gorgeous game in the world, or the best story, i ditch it right away. If i can live with controls, well, check point 2.

2.- If the game has good graphics or at least decent, they compensate for the lack of good controls. I play it.

3.- And lastly. If the game has great graphics, i could get into the story. If is a good and epic story, better. On the other hand, if the game has shitty or limited graphics (indie games for example), i could care less about the story. In my view, i could read a great story from a book, because i can imagine an epic world/battle/whatever . Quite opposite with games, you actually see that world/battle/whatever, and although it can be very well executed, at the end, it is still at 8/16 bits/ or with shitty graphics, it was amazing when i played nes but not anymore.

10 years ago

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everyone who lived and played during the 90s likes gameplay/storyline before graphics. people who play games for graphics are "summer children" . generally they dont know shit about games, bad mouths games for the graphics, plays the retro games dacades after the release just to feel hipster.

19 yo Joshua: "you prolly didnt know about it but there s a game called neverhood, its great. all the art, the stop motion technique so good maaan."

19 yo Joshua 10 mins later talking crap about an AAA game: "what a crappy game with crappy textures, its capped with 60 fps, crap, crap, crap, crappy shaders, crap, crap..."

10 years ago

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I hate those kind of people who judge a game only by its graphics. They are pretty much like you said

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Gameplay and Story are very important for me. But if my eyes hurts after 2 min of playing because it is so ugly its bad too.
Hotline Miami for example has no awesome graphic, but the combination of the graphic style, the music and the gameplay is soo awesome!!

10 years ago

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I'd say Gameplay > Story > Graphic, If a game get boring (due to gameplay / graphic) in the first 30 min, I'd stop right away.
If gameplay doesn't bother me, story is the one that get me hooked to the game (except for those like Titanfall, it's the gameplay).
The Wolf Among Us / The Walking Dead, for ex. Great story and the graphic is enough to get the job done. Love it.

10 years ago

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Gameplay and story are most important, graphics is a nice bonus. Why would anyone play a game that looks great but isn't any fun at all? It's a piece of entertainment so why people are like this is a mystery to me. They have the choice unless other situations like for example having to choose a boring job that pays well over a job they love but pays poorly.

10 years ago

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I usually like Story and Gameplay before graphics.
But to be honest, the game must have a minimum of graphic quality or i won't be able to play.
For example, i can't play Max Payne 1 and 2.

The same happens to me with girls, i prefer girls with something special inside and a nice character previously, but she has to be pretty too at certain level. I don't need she got the perfect body or the prettiest face in the world, but at least to be cute and has a decent/normal body.
I don't like perfect bodies and pretty face girls if that girl is stupid or has a bad character.

10 years ago

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Nothing in games is more interesting than gameplay and story. Graphics are nice, but are more of a nice extra bonus rather than the meat of the game.

I mean, seriously, why do most people play games? For fun, enjoyment, to waste time? In any case, if you have a bad story or gameplay, you'll get bored really fast. If you want eye candy, then go stare at some art piece or something.

This is how I rate the importance of diff elements in my game

  1. Story / Plot + Game-play (They are equally important)
  2. Repeatability / Replayability (basically getting your moneys worth of gameplay)
  3. Mod-ability
  4. Graphics (or in other words Eye candy)
  5. Pricing
  6. Whether my damn PC can play the game or do I need to wait until I upgrade it.
10 years ago

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this makes all the other replies irrelevant, +1 100% agree

10 years ago

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Gameplay and storyline is what makes Pokemon games get played by grownup.

10 years ago

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I can't play games that look rusty, unless i played that game in the past or like the series. For example i played Max Payne 3, but not 1 and 2, same with Bioshock. I couldn't play Mass Effect 1 because of how rusty it looked (Yes, i played for about 5 hours with the graphics mod but then i lost my save when i formatted and i didn't feel like starting over and re-downloading that huge mod), so i moved onto 2. I don't have a preference on which is better between graphics or story.

10 years ago

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Of course they are more important. Unless it's intended to be a artistic game with minimal gameplay, but I don't play those.

10 years ago

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Story and Gameplay really comes first.
This depends a bit on the genre of the game. Many adventure games works on their humor, their puzzles an dialogs, other
games are more forced by atmosphere maybe even fear ...and those need a better graphics.

another point is imprinting...if you are 20 and grown up with good graphics you may always have problems with bad gfx. Older frogs like me that celebrated a different cga palette with no cyan, might tend to get more from the story and suffer less form bad gfx.

(in bavarian i could explain it better)

10 years ago

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All of them are equally important to me. If I'm spending the money, I want a full product.

10 years ago

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since games with great story released recently like Bioshock infinity ...The Last of Us ...TWD...The wolf among us ...beyond...etc...

i expect a real good story from games releasing after them (except if its a multiplayer only[Not mmo] like Titanfall [titanfall has a story line too] or warface or rust or dayZ or....) for example now for me first and second uncharted story is not very interesting those two has a good story line for their time but now things changed....

i expect a good story even from titles like Call of duty ....(BO1&2 has a great one also MW 2)......

anyway my opinion:

story >>> gameplay >> graphics ..........(if there is a really great story you can handle gameplay[it maybe too hard but worth it])....

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Best example for me is The Legend of Zelda: OoT. Fantastic story, on the N64 so not the best graphics but who cares? The story was the focal point and delivered.

10 years ago

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Gameplay is naturally the most important, because after all you're playing a game. Kind of silly to even discuss it. Graphics and story, all depends on the game. I don't need a great story in shmups, puzzle, racing games etc. Functional graphics can also be perfectly fine, like in Defender's Quest. That said, I really hate the low res pixel art (8-bit) style. 320x200 graphics should die IMO.

10 years ago

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I consider story very important normally for me is story>gameplay>graphics, but sometimes gameplay goes over the story in a lot of games, for example in Thomas was Alone I couldn't play this game more than 5 min even if ppl said story is amazing, I simply can't play as a "rectangle than jumps through platforms" it feels extremely stupid to me, but I can play 99 Spirits for example(another game with storyline on the first place)and I'm enjoying it a lot, I played tons of console games before never cared about graphics, and still play other games on my Gaming PC, but not always games have good stories even if they supposed, but can have good gameplay, depends on each game really.
Graphics never go to the first place even if game is bad optimized or it runs "in HD(aka 720p) graphics"(which is shit) but has strong gameplay and/or story, not all developers can make all these elements correctly mixed together also.
Look at The Walking Dead with just some 720p graphics, not best rendered, but one the best games with awesome story and gameplay. In some games like Skyrim you install tons of mods to have good graphics, but still in this game gameplay is the strongest part.

On some pixel art games like Cave Story+ you can't say it has "bad graphics", graphics is not ≠ run game on the CryENGINE or another intensive Game Engine, pixel art graphics can be good graphics too, even non intensive 3D games like Bastion have good beautiful graphics(not 1080p textures though), but seems some ppl tend to think that graphics = running on good Game Engine.

10 years ago

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I notice stories are quite generic in most games. I do enjoy the created universe & lore more so than the actual story. Like an interesting book it's much more fun to learn about the world you get thrown in than any plot. But storyline probably is an all accommodating term and accompanies lore/setting/universe the game takes place in.

I do like a good synergy in a game though. Good graphics + story + gameplay make a game out of this world. Oblivion when it came out comes to mind. Half Life 2 also when it came out. Fallout 3. Mass Effect series. All had a great atmosphere thanks to a great story/universe, fun gameplay and excellent graphics.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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As Scrap said, stories are generic in most games. When they're not, the story is more important. However, atmosphere is a relevant part of the experience, and more than often, good graphics help to create it. A good game consists of alot of different things, and almost any bad part could ruin the whole game. For example, even with a great story, graphics and gameplay, if the voice acting is terrible, it's pretty much ruined.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by CrescentMoon.