Hey Guys :)
First of all im german and my english is a little bit bad if you are german you can answer in german to :D
I have heard that i can download Win 10 now for free because i have Win 7 so i have a little bit questions to you :)
Is Win 10 compatible to the Games with Win 7?
Is Win 10 taking more Ram or space or what it is called?
Is the performance of Win 10 better or not?
And is the Design or Overlay from Win 10 better then Win 7 ?
Thank you for your attention :)

9 years ago

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What is better for Gaming and Surfing?

View Results
Windows 7
Windows 10

1) Yen it is compatible
2) No, you will have much memory
3) Yes it is much performance system than Windows 7
4) Yes it is better în everything

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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  • its better you try 10 and don't think about win 8 or 7 anymore :) 10 = 7 + 8
9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I'm in doubt if really I should upgrade my system

9 years ago

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You should. I was on board with 8 from the beginning, but there was some stuff I majorly disliked about it. 10 fixed pretty much all of that. It has everything that made both 7 and 8 great and looks better than both.

9 years ago

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4) Yes it is better în everything
Exactly, specially at spying the shit out of you.
Honestly I think a dual boot configuration Linux-Win7 is the best IMHO; since DirectX 12 wont be relevant in gaming yet, maybe in late 2016-2017 will start to be.

9 years ago*

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Witcher 3 will get a patch to enable DX12, Arkham Knight seems to run way better in W10 and some think it is due to some back-end implementation of DX12, and I think Minecraft for W10 already uses it...

9 years ago

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I know about the patch for Witcher 3 patch, I will not expect it this year to arrive tho. Minecraft W10 runs better because its not Java and its a port of PE optimized to run on shitty phone hardware.
However, those are just 3 games, I read somewhere that Deus Ex Mankind Divided will be DirectX 12 and some other games too. But that's still few titles to be relevant. Anyway, it will be relevant in the future, I hope the same for vulkan

9 years ago

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never had Linux is this not a hacker operating system or is this a system for games? :)

9 years ago

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man, you really need to use google more often

9 years ago

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Hackers, Programmers, people concerned with security, and people who want to customize their computers beyond what Windows is capable of (which is practically nothing) all use Linux.

Realistically, the only reason you shouldn't try Linux is if you want AAA games and/or aren't good with computers. Plenty of Indie games on Linux.

9 years ago

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Good answer man

9 years ago

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"Realistically, the only reason you shouldn't try Linux is if you want AAA games...."

There are over five TIMES as many games on Windows as on Linux.

9 years ago

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Which is still more games than most consoles :D

Bad Rats doesn't work on Linux though, so that's an issue. That's what Wine and dual booting are for.

9 years ago

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is it possible to find out which of my games can works on Linux?

9 years ago

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Here you go! :)

9 years ago

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thanks :-)

9 years ago

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You can check on Steam, it will say if it runs on Linux or not. Just check Half Life 2, and you'll see the little penguin, next to win and mac

9 years ago

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thanks :-)

9 years ago

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You can also use https://steamdb.info/linux/ ... it will tell you exactly which games you have that run on linux, if you login with your steam account.

9 years ago

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thanks that was actually much easier, it seams that ~80% of my games run on linux...

how does Linux vs windows 7/8.1 from resources usage (espesialy ram/cpu/gpu) point of view?

9 years ago

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I don't have any real data to support my words, but I would say that in general a Linux system feels more responsive than a windows system. I believe that's mostly due to the fact that a minimal Windows installation contains more crap that you don't need and will probably never use, than a minimal Linux installation.
That said, resource usage is very dependant on the hardware/software configuration, so I would say it's hard to have a fair comparison.

9 years ago

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thanks :-) can you recommend the best stable os for gaming?

9 years ago

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I don't have a lot of experience with gaming in Linux... before steam arrived it was surely more complicated for the average user and less stable as well, so I'm quite excited to see where Valve will take us and I really hope they can make it become a real alternative to Windows, regarding games.

On the other hand, having Windows 7 on my gaming PC at the moment feels like the best choice: all the games I want to play run well on that system and I see no reason to upgrade to Windows 10. Other people may have different experiences and say that the upgrade is worth it, right now... I prefer to wait until the system is more mature, and I think in a few months it will be.

9 years ago

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thank you :-)

9 years ago

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You're welcome, I'm glad I could help :)

9 years ago

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you did, i will finish moving my apartment and arranging it, and will experiment a bit with dual booting linux :-)

9 years ago

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Funny how we never touched Linux for 7 years of studying PROGRAMMING. Let it rest already, linux isn't God's gift to mankind. If you're a PC gamer you need Windows, and we've come a long way since WME (what a mess), stop acting like Windows is trash for people that aren't remotely tech savy. That would be MacOS :P.

9 years ago

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That is funny. Also kind of disturbing. Linux for general use or gaming is still a niche thing, but if you're a programmer or server admin then you should know Linux front and back.

I'm a PC gamer, and I don't need Windows. True, Windows has more games than Linux, but do you know what has less games than Linux? The PS4. The Xbox One too. Valve released Steam for Linux the same year too, so they have no excuse. Can we stop judging systems solely on how many games it has? It's silly doing that anyway. Everyone knows they'll never finish their backlogs.

And buddy I hate to break it to you, but I work every day with people who aren't remotely tech savvy. They like Windows and Mac equally. They're Microsoft and Apple's primary demographic too. If Windows really was just for gamers, why does the Xbox exist?

9 years ago

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Nobody said it was for gamers, only that you need it as a PC gamer. And who cares that Linux has more games than consoles, PC Windows still has the most options and the biggest games, that's like saying let's not get the Mercedes because this Ford is better than a Fiat, the Mercedes is still the best option. Using Linux for gaming and no other reason doesn't make sense, you're limiting your options just for the sake of it. For a server admin, that I get, for home use, not so much.

And don't compare W with MacOS, Apple's software is always a digital prison, you know very well it's not nearly as bad on W. From what I've noticed most people have either one or the other, rarely both, depending on how well the Apple brainwash machine worked on them. I would never recommend people Linux for home use, it's unnecessarily complicated, especially for an average Joe. Macs are the opposite side, and Windows hits the sweet spot in the middle, not super restrictive but capable of anything you could possibly want at home(and for a much lower price than Macs but that's a whole different issue).

I'm gonna go watch Fringe now :P. Have a nice day.

9 years ago

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If I was going to get a system that was easy to set up and was just for gaming, I'd go with a console. Most people would. That's what consoles are for. PC gaming isn't just about gaming. It's the intersection of typical computer use and gaming. Everyone still uses their computer for web browsing, listening to music, etc... and you've gotta muck around with the file manager to install mods.

Using Linux just for gaming doesn't make much sense. I agree there. The only thing gaming specific Linux really has going for it is way better native controller support and better performance on low end hardware. I can plug my Dualshock 3 in and have no issues, on Windows the only controllers that you don't have to jump through 10 hoops to get working are for Xbox or designed based on it. You're not using it just for gaming, though. Don't kid yourself.

I could have worded that better. What I meant to say was that of all the people who come in, there's plenty of people who prefer Macs, and lots others who only like Windows. None of them really know what they're doing. I don't reccomend Linux for those types of people. I reccomend it to people who call themselves "power users" and gamers who like to fiddle around with their system and think they know what they're doing. Especially if they aren't completely happy with the way Windows works (That's what got me to switch, afterall). Them, server admins, and programmers. That's who Linux is for. It works well enough for gaming too.

You too :P

9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

9 years ago

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I have never installed a single driver on Linux, and type "sudo [your package manager] -i [what you what to install]" doesn't seem too complicated.
Maybe you tried to make things more complicated than the should be

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

9 years ago

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Subjectively speaking. It's possible to install software on Linux without using a mouse. That comes in handy. You're also forgetting that you have to do a google search to find that .exe (and make sure it isn't a shady one that'll give you a virus), on Linux it's already there in the package manager.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

9 years ago

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I was just trying to be friendly, regarding the mouse bit. I don't see how it would be possible to click "Install" on a setup.exe for your mouse driver. Unless you're running something like Arch, Gentoo, or LFS that shouldnt be an issue, though. Modern beginner-friendly Linux distros like Ubuntu or Mint come with all that stuff pre-installed.

I think it's great that you've hardly gotten any viruses in your life. I have not been so fortunate. On the flip side, it sounds like you've had major issues with KDE in the past. I've never used KDE, and I've purposely avoided it because of the mountain of dependenencies that come with any KDE-based package. I've used different variants of GNOME, Unity, Cinnamon, Enlightenment, MATE, and Xfce. None of those DE's have given me anything resembling the issues you're describing. Let alone installing an alternate kernel than the one that came installed with the system... what exactly where you trying to accomplish by doing that, and, or why?

My problems with Windows don't come from any desire to do away with doing things the easy way. It stems from the fact that I think Windows, from a design standpoint, is a nightmare. The way that it prioritizes applications' privileges above that of the OS make it incredibly insecure, regardless of how safe you believe you are. The filesystem is a mess, leaving the user to defrag it, and lack of case sensitivity is just stupid. Command line functionality is a joke. Everyone hates the Windows registry. There's also the lack of customizability. I'm not a fan of GNOME 3 or Windows' GUI, but at least on Linux I can replace GNOME 3 with Xfce. And then there's the bloatware, and all the uncessary third party software that you think you need, but are there as basic tools that come with Linux. Like archive management. After installing Windows you have to use Internet Explorer to download Firefox or Chrome, and then you can't remove Internet Explorer. Ever.

If Windows works for you, hey, that's awesome. I work with people who barely know how to use computers, helping them if something goes wrong, or teaching them shit like how to copy files off of their digital camera. I wouldn't dream of teaching them Linux. At the end of the day the point of operating systems is to have an interface for your computer that you understand and feel comfortable with. Even if your disliking of Linux was enough for everyone to stop using it, we would still have the Mac vs Windows debate. Different systems for different people. Plenty of people will argue about whether Controllers or Keyboard & Mouse are better for gaming too, or Xbox 360 vs PS3, or... yeah, right there. You like AMD? My laptop runs on Intel.

I'm not imba pro, man. I just like using bash.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

9 years ago

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well said.

9 years ago

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It's cool man. I view OSes in the same way. My working environment is just pretty heavily customized, and isn't really possible to replicate in Windows.

You can make a lot ot precautions and have a Windows system that never gets viruses. Statisically, it's unlikely, but it's possible. It's the design of it that I have a problem with. Viruses are given a lot of freedom in Windows where they wouldn't be able to operate on a Linux system. That doesn't mean it's impossible for there to be a Linux virus, but Windows is just capable of hosting many more types of them. The IE thing for me is a big annoyance. Same goes for Windows Explorer. I put up with it for a long time, then I found something that let me remove it, have it my way for once.

I use Kb/Mouse and gamepad too, depending on the game. Windows just works for most people. It's almost like a console when you put it like that. I also switched to Linux back when it didn't really have any games, kept a seperate Windows gaming machine and Linux for everything else. Now thanks to Valve there's actually a ton of games available for Linux. I wouldn't be on this site if that wasn't the case.

9 years ago

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lack of case sensitivity is just stupid

why? how would it be any beneficial to have case sensitive filenames? it would confuse a certain group of people, nothing more.

9 years ago

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I'll admit that one was more of a nitpick. I thought it was weird having case senitive files when I first switched from Windows, but it's nice having it. One situation that can come up quite frequently in a non case sensitive filesystem is maybe you have a file named STUFF.txt, if you want to rename it to Stuff.txt, you first have to name it something else because non case senitive filesystem.

There's also problems that can arise by developers not giving a shit about case senitivity because they're working on Windows. That was the case in Civ 5. When Aspyr ported the game to Linux it took a while for them to get workshop mods working because of it.

9 years ago

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One situation that can come up quite frequently in a non case sensitive filesystem is maybe you have a file named STUFF.txt, if you want to rename it to Stuff.txt, you first have to name it something else because non case senitive filesystem.

that is actually not true for Windows/NTFS. maybe you didn't try that in a very long time? ^^

9 years ago

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It's been a while. Could've sworn that was still an issue at least on XP, at least. Glad to see it was fixed :P

9 years ago

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it would surprise me if it was actually an issue in XP. maybe in early XP. ;)

9 years ago

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that's the point. a modern OS for everyone should not need the use of the console. the typical user has no idea how his computer works and how his OS works. but in Linux this can get kind of important. the Windows approach is to make life as easy as possible for the user. you guys try to convince people to use Linux, but honestly - I don't believe someone who doesn't even know what Linux is, is ready for it.

9 years ago

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I use the shell, because I like the shell. I started using computers when there was no gui, so I'm more confortable using the shell. On top of thaat, shell error messages tend to have mroe details about the actual error, and not just "Error 2"
There are graphical package managers in Linux, it is not an archaich OS, and you don't need to download the sources of every single spplication you want to run.

9 years ago

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i started with an amiga, then had a pc with DOS 6, long before windows 95 came out. so i am very comfortable with consoles/shells. that doesn't mean i think it's the best way to do things for a modern OS.

and btw, error 2 tells you all you need to know. file not found. so find your file! ;)

9 years ago

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It's a different, more programmer-friendly way of computing. Linux follows the UNIX philosophy, while Windows and Mac's main audience is people who don't really know how to use computers. Some people are more comfortable with the former, others are fine with the latter.

I like shell scripting and having full control over my system. When I'm using Windows I run into all kinds of weird quirks that do nothing but get in my way. You appear to to prefer Setup.exe's over compiling something yourself. To each their own.

9 years ago*

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Well, UNIX philosophy in short: computers are for experts. And it really could not say something else, because UNIX comes from the era when computers were few and they were used by experts. That is what you are saying too, but it is pretty much nonsense here where the broader context is inherently gaming. Btw, the narrower context is: "Win 7 or Win 10?"

Some of your points are actually funny:

  • installing from command line: I think here 3 cases may happen
    1) you use a package manager and browse repositories online: doing this in an ultra-scientific shell window or from the mighty console is so much above compared to laypeople visiting a lame Store
    2) you get some package and install it manually: almost like unzipping something, just in a shell, as expert dudes should do
    3) you get the source code and build it yourself: this is way beyond those filty Windows users, make config and make all, make install, this is how things should work in a real world, because you do read every line of code both of the source and of the makefile
  • scripting: Windows got a bit beyond .bat files actually. How familiar are you with .cmd, .vbs and especially with .ps<x> (PowerShell, allows scripted access to a large part of .Net Framework - <x> is a number)?
  • registry: ok, everybody says they hate it. However, have you ever seen a single person who wholeheartedly liked /etc?

My favourite reading in Linux desktop topic is http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2012/Aug-29.html

9 years ago

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I'm not saying everyone should use the command line. Tbh I was afraid of using it too when I first tried Ubuntu. Now I'm used to it almost as much as the GUI, and I'd rather not live without it.

I am familar with cmd. cmd is kind of a joke compared to bash, and I've heard PowerShell is a lot better, but I haven't tried it myself. And thank you for not brining up sytstemd. No OS is perfect, really, but we use the one the works the best for us.

9 years ago

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Exactly. More often than not, I feel Windows gets in my way and it frustrates me, while Linux gives me a sense of freedom, and it's generally faster to boot, to shutdown, more reliable.
The only reason I have Windows is for gaming.

9 years ago

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Couldn't agree more.

9 years ago

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Its just another OS, but it is way different than windows although the graphic interface is quite similar.

it has a very high learning curve and if you just want to play, stick to windows as many games are not compatible. There is a workaround for many, but really too troublesome if you just want to play.

I did installed it, loved it, the programs i wanted to use were either not compatible or didnt had a version for it and on top of that, there were no similar alternatives, so here i am with w7.

9 years ago

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lol i use windows for common stuff that I dont really care that they are spying as its not anything personal like games, if i want privacy I will just use linux, now for gaming I'd rather have a better performance.

9 years ago

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I bet u didnt know that Ubuntu spies for Amazon ;)
Today everything spies for somebody, phone, TV, etc.

9 years ago

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So it takes less memory? Because you cant get more Memory :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Not really. Just an immature mind is all.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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This is good.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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haha you made me laugh :D thank you

9 years ago

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Installed it and I gotta admit, I'm impressed, it's working flawlessly for me and alt+tabing out of games seems smoother and faster. So far all games I tried worked, CS GO had some trouble and kept kicking me out of Vac enabled servers but disabling the XBOX game DVR resolved that problem.
I have heard people are having problems but so far I haven't noticed any myself, up to you. Worst case scenario you reinstall the old OS.

9 years ago

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Although I haven't had problems with CSGO.

9 years ago

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okay thank you for the tip im playing csgo to :)

9 years ago

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While playinig LoL Alt+Tab cause a 2-3 sec black screen and no sounds for me.

9 years ago

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Windows 10, better performance and it even has an integrated DVR for games. I sincerely have no idea why people keep saying W7 is better...

9 years ago

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I don't think W7 its better, but still I prefer it because it doesn't seem to be a gigantic Keylogger as W10 seems...
Its more of a preference thing, one can't deny the performance its better on W10, but some people don't like to trade their privacy for that.
W7 is not the privacy king in any way, but its less invasive and combined with Linux, its MY way to go.

9 years ago

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during installation you can deacticate all the data collecting stuff. so it's only a giant key logger, if you let it.

9 years ago

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Yeah, I have read guides on how to deactivate all that stuff, I just prefer to give the OS some more time to see how its going to be in maybe a year.

9 years ago

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You should look into things more before commenting on something being a keylogger.

9 years ago

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I should, right? It is also recommendable for you to enhance your reading comprehension to note the difference between "seems" and "being".
Thanks for the tip though.

9 years ago

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Ah, it seems you are right! By not conclusively saying it was a Keylogger I should have just read your comment and not thought anything of it!

9 years ago

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Dude might as well just delete system 32, every version of windows has a backdoor.

9 years ago

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I prefer win 7 because there is no way to be sure that most of my steam library will work on Win 10. I'll just wait a few months then upgrade.

9 years ago

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sorry but what is a DVR? :)

9 years ago

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Digital Video Recorder

9 years ago

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Thank you :)

9 years ago

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I will wait until January-February, in 6 months of use I will be able to read reviews and user feedback to make my decision, we have 12 months of "grace" anyway, so patience is key.

9 years ago

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it is 12 months but when the 12 months started? :D

9 years ago

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You have 12 months from the day windows 10 was first released. So if you wait till Jan/Feb you will still have another 5 or 6 months to get the upgrade.

9 years ago

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thank you again :D

9 years ago

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I'll do that as well.

9 years ago

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My sentiments exactly. I've been burned far too many times as an "early adopter" in the past to immediately jump into the deep end with a brand new operating system. I mean, if people are saying it's good now, it'll just be better in 6 months when I get around to installing it. Even then, I won't immediately install it on my main rig - I'll test it on one of my back-up rigs first. ;)

9 years ago

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^ This. If you are on Win7, wait. Wait at least until next year.

9 years ago

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I prefer pay for it instead "download for free".
if the product is free you are the product.
Then... no. I'll not be the product this time. :)

9 years ago

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It's not actually free. It's free to upgrade for previous customers– something that is common in software.
But if the people who upgraded for some reason format their system drives and want Win10 again, or if they want to switch after next August, they need to pay the normal Windows OS price for it, the same as ever.
This current campaign is just a proactive try from Microsoft to avoid the Win XP effect, where people used it long after the OS should have died. Win7 is at least that popular, so they fear too many machines will get stuck on it.

9 years ago

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not true, if u format or want to do clean install u can do it but just have to do the upgrade and then activation. Key is associated to hardware profile.

9 years ago

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Ah yes, I see, it was later clarified that who upgrades in this 1-year period from 7/8.x, can retain Win10 with that motherboard. Still, from next year, it'll be another paid OS, like all previous Win versions.

9 years ago

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the only issue i'm having with windows10 is sandboxie + csgo/tf2 (they don't launch) .
it's currently in v5.01 beta for win10 so it might work in some weeks.

9 years ago

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Ah okay good to know thank you :)

9 years ago

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ich würde sagen das gute alte windows 7 bleibt das beste windows :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Muss nicht sein :) Also 8 haben die richtig verkackt aber 10 könnte ja noch was werden :D

9 years ago

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I have issue with nvidia drivers. My card (500 series) didn't work. I returned to W8.1 so now i don't know if the issue continue.

Anyway, my advice is that before upgrade be sure you will have compativility with all your drivers.

9 years ago

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i have a 560ti and the drivers are ok. is it a laptop gpu?

9 years ago

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yes. its a 540m. Ever i open a program that uses a gpu, the program crashes (even nvidia control panel). I found other ussers in reddit with the same problem. They solved intalling older drivers, but when i saw that i had returned to w8.1. So i will wait a bit before upgrade to w10 again.

9 years ago

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if nvidia doesn't add support for that gfx model, someone will probably force a driver package to work withit soon.
i know because i did that for win8.1 with a very old laptop (geforce go 6150). :3

9 years ago

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nvidia promises support for 400 and 500 series (fermi architecture) but it was delayed and we don't know when it will be ready.

9 years ago

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I have a gt 680m

9 years ago

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I have a GeForce 6200 on my old pc. It had XP. I went for 8.1. Less ram usage and smoother actions. I now used it to experiment Win 10. Disabled all the "spying shit" in 15 minutes, but no gpu drivers. I went to the nvidia site and downloaded the drivers for 8.1. Worked like a charm.

9 years ago

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10 ftw !

9 years ago

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Maybe Win10 will become better, but I'm sticking with Win7. Why? 1 word. Compatibilty. If many old games and new games are not supported or don't work with Win10, then I'm sorry, but Win7 is better at it.

Maybe I'll buy another desktop computer just for Win10, for tests and stuff.

9 years ago

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Win 7 IMO... I switched to OpenSuse long ago...

9 years ago

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If you are not buying a new computer within the next 5 years or so and don't want to pirate then upgrading is probably for the best otherwise not worth it.

9 years ago

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At least download and install 10 to get the free key for 10. Then if you don't like it, you can go back to 7 and still have the windows 10 key for future use.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You don't get a key, it 'remembers' your rig instead.

9 years ago

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I ugraded to 10 yesterday and rolled back today. Horrible performance (lots of stuttering and bad fps). I have a nvidia "legacy" card (laptop 260M) so I blame shitty nvidia drivers.

9 years ago

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has to be like you say, because for people with modern/desktop cards the performance is generally better in W10, in some (rare) cases even up to 19% increase.

9 years ago

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ROFL Why would you even try if you have such an old system? Don't blame nvidia, seriously, how old is that gpu?
Glad you sorted it out though. In the positive side, you got a clean OS running like new again ;)

9 years ago

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Haha its a old card that you have :D i have gt 680m :) You could have bad performance because your card :)

9 years ago

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My opinion: If you have a pc with win7 or win8, don't upgrade. If you are buying a new pc, get win10 or upgrade it to win10.

9 years ago

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also ich habe mir auch win 10 zugelegt hatte vorher win7 ultimate 64bit und muss sagen mit meinem Toaster läuft es ganz gut!

da ja auch bald Direct X12 kommen soll was natürlich bestimmt nur unter win10 zu haben ist , würde ich dir empfehlen jetz Free auf win10 abzugraden (kannst dir ja ne 2e Festplatte mit win10 und 1e mit win7 machen)

Is Win 10 compatible to the Games with Win 7

= bis jetz keine probleme gehabt mit Spielen.

Is Win 10 taking more Ram or space or what it is called?

= nicht wirklich ich glaube sogar ram nutzung wurde ein wenig reduziert.

Is the performance of Win 10 better or not?

= ich finde ein wenig ja aber kaum spürbar

And is the Design or Overlay from Win 10 better then Win 7 ?

= geschmäcker sind unterschiedlich finde die ganzen neuerungen dennoch nützlich bis auf den Tabletmodus der mir als Desktop PC besitzer ohne Touchscreen Monitor nicht viel bringt.

also wie gesagt solange es Free ist würd ich es mir gönnen hatte bis jetz keine probs und normalerweise solltest du es auch ohne probleme auf eine 2e Festplatte installieren können.

so far MFG

9 years ago

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Danke dir für deine Hilfe :) Ich habe leider einen Laptop und ich kann keine 2. Festplatte einbauen :) Was war noch mal Direct x ? Ich habe Direct 10 oder 11 auf meinem Laptop und ich hab das auch bei vielen Spielen gesehen, aber ich weiß immrnoch nicht was das ist :D

9 years ago

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DirectX ist eine Schnittstelle für Programmierer. Damit müssen die nicht Code für jede Hardware der Welt schreiben. Du musst eigentlich nur wissen, welche DirectX-Version dein OS und deine Grafikkarte unterstützen. Im Moment ist DX11 wichtig für aktuelle Spiele. Mit Windows 10 wird das irgendwann zu DX12 überschwenken.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Danke euch beiden :)

9 years ago

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Kannst auch Multiboot einrichten. Der WIn Bootloader kann von mehreren Partitionen booten. Also Festplatte partitionieren und versch. Win Versionen seperat installieren. Wenn du gut bist legst du sogar Systempartitionen für Backups an. (Gleich Größe dann aber zur eigentlichen Systempartition). Ne WindowsSystem Partition nicht kleiner als 60GB würde ich empfehlen.

Ändert natürlich nichts an der Aussage zu Win10 generell. Ich kann dir maximal WIn10 Enterprise LTSB (mit den ganzen neuen Features deaktiviert) empfehlen auszuprobieren um zu sehen ob es besser ist. Unglücklicherweise ist diese Version für Privatanwender -legal- kaum zu bekommen.

Persönlich empfand ich die Win10 was ich mal zum testen aufgesetzt hatte baustellenartig. Teilweise neue (ganz nette) Einstellmenüs, die dann aber früher oder später in klassische WIn Vista/7 Menüs ausarten. Und ein ein unabdingbarer Crash der explorer.exe jeweils beim runterfahren verhiessen "ich bin wohl noch unfertig". Insgesamt recht angenehm mit den Treibern. Nur bei einem Grafikkartenwechsel wurde es nerviger. Aber das wär wohl unter Win7 ebenfalls passiert (auf diesen Rechner ist sonst nur Linux installiert - daher habe ich auch keine Performancevergleichswerte - abseits von Multiplatformtiteln zB Unigine Heaven könnte ich nachtesten)

Hier noch nen Thread dazu: http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/rlgco/windows-10-for-gaming-whats-your-experience#m58qgST

9 years ago*

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Sorry ich kenn mich damit nicht so gut aus ich hoffe ich hab es verstanden :D Ich verstehe nur nicht was Partitionen sind also ich würde sagen die Festplatte und jedes Teil ist eine Partition? :D

9 years ago

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Windows 10, I think, is better. I have windows 10 installed now, and it's great. I would still wait a bit if i were you, as it takes time to work out bugs in a new OS

9 years ago

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Thank you :)

9 years ago*

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if Win7 or 8.x is running fine for you, I advice you to stay on it at least until october, when the first big patch for Windows 10 will be deployed and -hopefully- it solves the issues right now.

It's a hit or miss, several people is running it fine while other are facing memory leaks, cpu usage spikes and a few other issues.

Personally, I have gotten several issues with it (both CLEAN installs):

  • Superfetch memory leak
  • Runtime_broker memory leak and cpu usage spike
  • Classic photo viewer disabled and forced to use the modern photos app
  • File indexer memory leak
  • If the registry gets modified, some modernUI apps and games refuse to run (I added a .reg to restore classic photo viewer)
  • No way to get rid of the 1px border and ugly titlebar (both active and inactive windows have a white titlebar, you can barely recognize it's state with such a tiny border)

I changed the theme to something more usable, but at next reboot I was greeted by a gray screen, even in safe mode, so it rendered the system useless, I needed to reinstall, curiously, this time, several of these issues didn't appear, but a few others did:

  • Insane disk usage (lots if I/O operations)
  • ModernUI apps only rendered 3/4 of the window size (leaving a black bar at bottom and right)
  • Some apps had no sound output

The first 2 were solved by rebooting, the last one by changing the sample rate from 48000Hz to 44100Hz in the mixer.

So, it's totally random, either can work without issues or be a nightmare.

Again, I strongly advice to hold off a couple months to see how it goes.

9 years ago

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I has always been my intention to wait a few months and let things get sorted out. If what you already have is working perfectly well, I've never seen a reason to upgrade to a brand new version. Might as well wait and let them shake out the bugs.

9 years ago

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Okay thank you very much for your help :)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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i have hdd so it would be helpfull for me :)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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Go for it! My PC and laptop boots up in just seconds. As for the privacy crap, unless you have NoScript, you're privacy was gone the minute you used the internet.

9 years ago

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Im going to wait until the first service pack is released before I switch from Win7 to Win10. Got plenty of time to use the free upgrade

9 years ago

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Du hast also die Wahl zwischen einem recht stabilen Windows 7, dass du sicherlich schon seit einiger Zeit problemlos benutzt und einem noch unfertigen Windows 10 bei dem die Nutzer alle als Betatester missbraucht werden und bei einigen Leuten zu Problemen mit Treibern etc kommt. Was sich Microsoft diesmal im Bezug auf deine "Persönlichen" Daten erlaubt mal ganz zu schweigen...
Was genau erhoffst du dir von einem derzeitigen Umstieg auf Windows 10 überhaupt? Das der Rechner 2 Sekunden schneller hochfährt und sich die Fenster ne hundertstel Sekunde schneller öffnen. Das ist es nun wirklich nicht wert...

9 years ago

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Was erlaubt es sich denn? Du kannst schon während der Installation alles bezüglich Datensammlung abschalten.

Und erhoffen darf man sich vom Umstieg einiges. Es gibt teilweise beeindruckende Performance-Verbesserungen durch W10. Siehe CB:


Also wenn das nicht überzeugend ist, dann weiß ich auch nicht. Ich bekomme übrigens nicht den Eindruck, dass du dich wirklich informiert hast, bevor du hier gepostet hast, dass sich W10 total nicht lohnt. ^^

9 years ago

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Das Senden von Metrikdaten lässt sich in Home und Pro nicht abschalten, die Zwangsupdates sind auch noch ein Problem... vllt solltest du dich auch etwas besser informieren, bevor du andere belehrst. ;)

9 years ago

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Stimmt, es gibt tatsächlich eine Option, die man nicht abstellen kann. Muss ich zugeben. Die Zwangsupdates finde ich hingegen sehr gut.

9 years ago

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Die sind halt nur so lange gut, wie die Systeme danach auch wieder booten. Durch fehlerhafte Updates gab es ja in letzter Zeit vermehrt Probleme.

Für erfahrene Nutzer finde ich es allerdings eher nachteilig, es gibt nunmal Gründe wieso man manuell updated. Solche Features sollten nicht nur Nutzern der Enterprise Edition vorbehalten bleiben.

9 years ago

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Du kannst aber eben nicht alles abschalten, es sei denn du hast Windows 10 Enterprise, da sich ansonsten das Senden von Daten höchstens auf "Einfach" stellen lässt, aber nicht deaktiviert werden kann. Zumal es nicht für alles, was in den Datenschutz Bestimmungen eine Option für die Deaktivierung gibt.

Also mich überzeugt ein Spiele Benchmark mit 2 verschiedenen Grafikkarten nicht im Geringsten, vor allem da es bei anderen Grafikkarten dann wieder deutlich anders aussieht. Mal ist Win10 performanter mal Win7 und mal gibt es gar keine Unterschiede.

Dafür auf ein noch unfertiges OS umzusteigen, bei dem man nicht weiß was sich mit dem nächsten (Zwangs)Update alles ändern könnte ist für mich die Sache nicht wert.

9 years ago

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Dem computerbase Test steht aber ein Test von ht4u entgegen (den ich unglücklicherweise nicht wiederfinde - wurde von 3dcenter verlinkt, aber da sind soviele news drin das es schlicht untergeht) der darauf kommt das es zu Win7 / Win8.1 zwar leichte Unterschiede gibt aber dennoch am Ende ein +-0 rauskommt. Erst wenn auch neue Spiele die Mantle/Vulkan oder DX12 benutzen wirst du gegenüber DX11 echte Verbesserungen haben. Und nur DX12 bleibt dabei Win10 exklusiv. Mantle / Vulkan gibt es auch auf Win7.

Und wenn du dich richtig informiert hättest wüsstest du da Win10 eben mitnichten erlaubt alles abzuschalten. Das geht nur in der Enterprise version. -> Telemetry off.

Ich empfinde es als bezeichnend andere sofort zu dissen und selber mit lahmenden Argumenten zu kommen.

9 years ago*

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erstens habe ich ja schon eingeräumt, dass man dieses eine setting nicht abschalten kann (außer enterprise). um die art der argumentation fortzuführen: wenn du die umliegenden posts gelesen hättest, hättest du das schon gewusst. xD

zweitens habe ich nicht "gedisst". jedenfalls war das nicht meine intention. da war doch ein smiley! ^^

drittens wirst du zugeben müssen, dass ein benchmark, den du nicht verlinken kannst, kein gutes argument ist. der computerbase artikel hingegen zeigt, dass unter bestimmten umständen ein nicht zu verachtender performance-gewinn möglich ist. dass jedoch ähnliches in die andere richtung passiert (19% runter statt rauf), denke ich nicht. abgesehen von benchmarks sind auch erfahrungsberichte bislang durchaus positiv, was die performance angeht. ein freund hat mir heute morgen noch geschrieben, dass er einige fps mehr kriegt in FFXIV. ähnliche berichte habe ich schon einige gelesen. klar, nicht jedes spiel läuft plötzlich spürbar schneller. bei vielen spielen und hardware-konfigurationen wird es keinen spürbaren unterschied geben. aber die tatsache, dass es gewisse kombinationen gibt, bei denen solche gravierenden schübe nach oben möglich sind, spricht doch schon sehr für das betriebssystem. sowas hat man von 7 nach 8 nicht gesehen.

9 years ago

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Bessere Performance ist immer gut finde ich und vorallem wenn es gratis ist :)

9 years ago

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Win10 ist zwar umsonst zu haben aber nicht gratis :P

Und: siehe meiner Aussage oben. Es gibt unterm Strich -derzeit- keine reale Verbesserung.

9 years ago

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give windows 10 a few months before switching over

9 years ago

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7 The best.

9 years ago

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nice answer xD

9 years ago

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win 10 = keylogger, collects information. I will not trust win 10.

9 years ago

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because 7 doesnt xD

9 years ago

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can i not deactivate the keylooger?

9 years ago

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Read my answer below. :p

9 years ago

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when you are installing you can set what info microsoft gets from you, some of them at least

9 years ago

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For me Windows 7, Vista, 8 and are sending anonymous data to Microsoft.
But big difference is when you upgrade to Windows 10 during instalation you are asked few questions about sending data do Microsoft and your Privacy.
I declined everything, except sending errors about Windows software.
Microsoft will not use this data in wrong way like sharing it to everyone, but if they use they will be in serious trouble.

9 years ago*

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When it is anonymous then it is good :) Thank you to Seba

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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  1. Its anonymous
  2. They can't do anything bad with your data.
    Sending data to Microsoft ITS NOT EQUAL TO Sending to everyone.
    Every data that is sended is encrypted and its nearly impossible to steal.
    But if it you can be sure that EU / US Government will do something with it.
    If you are working in government, army or you have something illegal on your computer choose Linux.
    Windows 7 have also things that you call them as "keyloggers" but they are hidden.
    In Windows 8 you are at least informed about sending data.
  3. If you use facebook or any other portal they also capture your data.
    But Facebook doesn't tell you anything about it and some people think like:
    "They doesn't write it don't exist"
9 years ago*

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If its belongs to MS it belongs to NSA too. Also collecting data into vaults always attracts hackers. Its's just money to be made with selling your data.

If you don't care about data leaking around and you avid use Facebook, Google, Android, you generally do everything online and you never clean cookies nor do you worry about computer safety "i'm not important" you can safely use Win10 and use all features too.

Of course you also could use Win7 in conjunction with xp-antispy or use Win10 Enterprise LTSP with most of the "features" disabled.

9 years ago

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thank you z0rg and Seba :)

9 years ago

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so linux is the safest for illegal things? :D

9 years ago

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It's safest in many things, I'm using it since 2007 now I'm using it as a permanent OS, give OpenSuse (very mature and polished) or Linux Mint a try they are very user friendly

9 years ago

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okay thank you Yupy :)

9 years ago

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It's so safe that Ubuntu sends your keystrokes back to amazon... dude there is no privacy nowadays, be aware of that

9 years ago

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Who uses Ubuntu ? everyone runs from it

9 years ago

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nice summary - well done :)

9 years ago

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Windows has never been the best choice for privacy & security, it's rumored that there have been backdoors since Win95. However, Win 10 is blatantly collecting your data, and you have less control to stop it than any previous version. Just because you aren't doing anything bad or illegal, doesn't mean you should sacrifice all your privacy to a company and hope they don't abuse it. As z0rg said, databases and personal information gets hacked and sold on a regular basis, so the less info they have the better.

9 years ago

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Funny thing is, most of these privacy options are also in Windows 7 and 8, yet people complain about them now.
Even so, I decided to turn them all off after i updated hehe,

9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by atiufi.