I do this, but then they go to sleep and get cold... Am I boring, or do I need to tickle more with the knife?
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But I like when they break... Can I be soft first and then break later? >:D
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this thread is a delight and also just be yourself while meeting new people youll know when you find the right ones. you only need so many good friends the rest are just there.
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You sound like a real life and a soul of the party :D
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German Fremdscham. The definition is a bit too rough tho
But I bet you're cool outside of that comment! :D
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Directions unclear. Ticked own ribs with knife. Dead.
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Just make sure to meet people in the first week is all I can say really. Once everyone gets into their own little groups it can be hard to get into them.
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For real though, uni is fun and there's probably some of the best years of your life ahead of you. Also, don't get too hung up on being an introvert - a lot of people are, the world's still turning though. Relax and let things come your way.
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Right... You're suggesting to someone who has difficulty connecting with people to just, "connect with people".
And thats why extroverts have such a hard time understanding introverts.
If connecting with people were that easy, they wouldn't be having trouble with it in the first place now would they?
Its the whole being around people and having to interact with them - often being expected to meet some ridiculous "social standard" as set by the popular groups within the established community that forms the reason why some have such issue with the concept of University.
And thats not gonna pass after a few days. It'll get easier once you find your place and establish some boundaries, but for a true introvert the experience will remain less than "comfortable".
Which is something that extroverts will never seem to grasp. In a similar fashion that introverts won't understand that an extrovert will be uncomfortable if they are left without interaction with other people for long periods of time. "What do you mean you feel lonely and have to go outside to meet people! Its not that hard to just do your own thing and not interact with others for a week(end)?!"
<note> Not all introverts and extroverts are the same, but common themes do occur. Being different should never be something you should be judged on - yet sadly it all too often is. Especially in places with established social hierarchy and expected rules of conduct. </note>
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I am in no way an extrovert. Quite the opposite.
But connecting with other introverts, once I've detected them, is not too hard. You share a lot of things and understand each other better, like preferring a quite night alone over going to a crowded bar, etc. Like I said, it's only hard the first few days - when you have to find these people and often make the first move, but you only have to go through that once.
My best friends are ones that understand that I don't want to see them too often and aren't offended by that, and actually feel the same way. That's the kind of people I told her to try and connect with, not just anyone and definitely not more people than she feels comfortable with.
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Its not so different from High School. Its even kind of disappointing because of that haha
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true that, thats a scary experience i wish i had but still scary :D
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its not an advice, i know. But after the first day you will see it's not an otherworldly ambient, so don't be scared :)
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here is the opposite, the teachers don't care what you doing (except if it makes noise) its your responsability if you are learning or not. But yeah, playing quake at college will affect your grades lol
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Indeed. I'm currently a teacher at the local uni, and if someone fails to show up, or does not do what he/she is supposed to do, I don't notice. In high school I guess my teachers should have noticed me not doing what I was supposed to do, but I was quite good at hiding it ;)
And soon my second job starts. Guess I can use it to scare my students. "If you don't work, I'll let you test the explosives" (don't think that would be acceptable though).
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You will be OK, don't worry. I'm sure you will meet a lot of nice and interesting people, somehow persons that are introvert and shy during high-school do well on university. Maybe because there less shitheads around.
Nice career you picked, good luck!
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Know that unless you know a lot of people who are studying/going to study there you have a lot more room to establish a new you. Preferably still you but it's a lot more easier to be oneself in college/uni than it was during grade school. Alternatively you can make up a new persona such as a more social version of yourself. It's a strategy which sometimes works for me - being somewhat of an introvert myself I just decide to play a role of a more social me. Of course it's just easier to get a bit drunk and then socialize but don't fret, there's always room for all types of people at uni! Good luck!
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Well it's just for starters so you don't just get stuck in a corner without anyone to talk to. Of course it also depends on what type of education you're getting. I started off with math where almost everyone was an introvert to some extent which made people a lot more approachable in a less aggressive manner since there weren't constant social interaction going on. Now I've switched to economy which is filled with charismatic extroverts so I have to put a lot more effort into being noticed than before. Yes it's exhaustive, yes sometimes it doesn't work but I did it as I preferred being outside of my comfort zone for a month above being a loner for 5 years.
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You talk like being an introvert is some grave sin or something.
Just be yourself. There is no reason why you should have to be uncomfortable all the time and fake all your social interactions only to fit in.
Introversion is just as valid a lifestyle choice as extroversion.
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It's not a sin and I didn't mean to come off that way. It's the way I've been brought up and we live in an extrovert society so I just try to fit in. It was meant as advice and nobody is by any means needed to abide by it. In my opinion it's better to have friends than not and the last time I started studying I didn't socialize which made me very lonely. This time I tried to talk to as many people as I could and I've actually been involved in things and made some friends.
Just because you don't agree doesn't mean it doesn't work. It's simply what worked for me and I'm happy with the choices I've made.
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Ohhh I'm away to watch this :D
Edit: Half way through, thanks for this! <3
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I graduated from university when i was 20 years old and i am very happy that its over
Relax, take it ez
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I sis two undegrad degrees and for my first one I was in residence.
My family lives in an old farmhouse so privacy was at a minimum due to bathroom placement.
I was happy to stay most of the time in my 1st year single room (tiny) and go to the coffee shop in my college evenings. (a short elevator ride and walk inside) They had a bigscreen t.v and I got to know one of the servers who was (conveniently) in my "house" The University is broken up into residence colleges and further divided into houses based on one to three floors in each. ) So I got to know someone that way (as well as the regulars in the coffee shop.
The next year I was more "open door" and got to know people on my floor.
On-campus housing is great for this in the first couple of years.
Then there are study groups. People who you see in a couple of your courses are great for this.
Another way to meet people is join a club. Not two, not 10 - just consider something you are interested in.
DON'T be an idiot and drink your face off. (having a drink if you actually want it is okay but don't do it to fit in - hell drink coke or something in the campus pubs if you don't want to drink. aren't allowed etc.
Also feel free to do drugs - but not hard drugs or addictive ones. if you have an addictive personality - don't.
Smoking an "occasional" joint is fine. but make sure people are cool with it.
I'm cautious and have avoided molly as it fucks with serotonin.
And make sure you watch your drink at parties and when out . It sounds paranoid but a lot of assholes see an unattended drink as something to fuck with.
Be friendly. And open to the friendship of others.
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"Also feel free to do drugs - but not hard drugs or addictive ones."
Most drugs tend to have addictive elements... Even the less obvious ones (caffeine, nicotine, alcohol) do.
So that suggestion is rather...
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I don't know how to talk to people and somehow managed to make good friends, so you will be fine! :D The great thing about university is that you already have something in common, because all of you are interested in the same field. Good luck :)
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I through the same thing when i entered university, there's no need to be scared, most of your classmates will probably be in the same situation as you are.
You just have to be yourself, you eventually discover someone or a group with things in common.
Nobody will know what to talk about at first, the first thing you all have in common is the university and what you are studying, it's a good start.
And relax, it'll be all right. :]
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put on man clothes and pretend trought your first day make friends, hype your real self, confuse some guy on why he finds you atractive, then have a liar reveal moment, but since everyone loves you because of you and not because of your sex or whatever then you all live happyly ever afther, THE END:
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This is the original video, I think the streaming started sooner than she expected xD
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Don't worry, a lot of people are "scared" by strangers
nice choice tho, I wanted to take psychology too.
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I'm an expert at starting University: I've been to three different ones.
And I am also quite an introvert myself... but I am too cool and handsome, so people just spontaneously introduced themselves to me.
So the trick is: be cool.
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dont pretend to be someone that you are not.
eventually you will find people that fit your lifestyle
i had the same anxiety when starting but keep in mind that everybody has problems somewhere...
uni is fun and im currently having the time of my life
just try to enjoy it while it lasts
cant wait to wake up early to get to work... yuck ;_;
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Come on... People is not going to eat you if you say hello! Unless they are zombies
The first day of university is like the first day of highschool: try not to make enemies. Friends will come with time ;)
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