Humble Indie Bundle 19

3 tiers, 7 games (so far)

27 March 2018 - 10 April 2018

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Note: Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander (LIGHTSPEED EDITION) includes Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander (CLASSIC)

If you own the original SUPERHOT on Steam now or buy it while SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE is still in Early Access, you’ll get the full expansion for free once it’s finished and released. Just apply a healthy dose of patience. (source)

Tier 1 - $1

Game Ratings Cards Bundled Retail Price
Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander (LIGHTSPEED EDITION) 87% of 155 reviews 0 $14.99
Mini Metro 96% of 4,393 reviews 3 $9.99
Rakuen 97% of 867 reviews 0 $9.99

Tier 2 - BTA (lowest so far: $4.42)

Second week unlocks: Action Henk and JYDGE

Game Ratings Cards Bundled Retail Price
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes 98% of 3,835 reviews - 1 $14.99
SOMA 95% of 11,207 reviews 1 $29.99
Poly Bridge 89% of 2,608 reviews 1 $11.99
Action Henk 90% of 223 reviews 1 $14.99
JYDGE 91% of 182 reviews 0 $14.99

Tier 3 - $14

Game Ratings Cards Bundled Retail Price
SUPERHOT 84% of 8,159 reviews 1 $24.99
  • $2 Humble Wallet credit for Monthly subscribers

☠ - Game was free at some time and does not grant any CV if given away.


  • Tier 1 = $34.97
  • Tier 1 + 2 = $121.92
  • Tier 1 + 2 + 3 = $146.91


  • Tier 1 = 5.2455
  • Tier 1 + 2 = $18.468
  • Tier 1 + 2 + 3 = $18.468

Chart created with Lex's SG Chart Maker

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6 years ago*

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Will you Lightspeed to the purchase?

View Results
Tier 1 - Mini purchase
Keep buying Tier 2 and Nobody Explodes
Tier 3 - Superhot price
Humble Rebundle
Come on, IGN, can't you just add new games?
Tier "nothing". So bad.

umm, dunno...

6 years ago

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Been tempted to get Halcyon 6 a few times now so t1 is a must for me.

6 years ago

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for those who don't have them already, T2 is a must with Keep Talking and Soma. And each of the games in T1 are easily worth the fee for the whole tier.

But how the *$#! is Superhot in T3?

6 years ago

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It's a really good game, they've just chosen a very weird way to bundle it - very cheap in G2A, of all places, then a bunch of other cheap bundles, then giving it away for free, then making it the top tier of a Humble bundle? They're doing it in the wrong order; they should have started at high prices and slowly made it available cheaper. By now most of the people who want it already have it, so it's hard to see who would pay an extra ~$10 for it here.

6 years ago

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You forgot how they stuffed it in Humble Monthly before too.

6 years ago

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I've played it, and I really don't think it's that good a game. But yeah, the way they bundled it is weird, and there's no way it should be T3 now, after all the previous times it was bundled

6 years ago

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It's interestingly different but yeah, not really amazing. For a while, I thought they had made a mistake and that this was actually Superhot VR which might have made a bit more sense, but they would have corrected that pretty quick I'd imagine.

6 years ago

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I don't regret spending money on it - the unique premise was worth the attempt. But the gimmick only goes so far, and it didn't take long for me to uninstall

6 years ago

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Do you remember when it was given away by any chance?

Still semi new to the site so I must have missed out.

6 years ago

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I don't know about Keep Talking but I can agree about Soma. It's been on my radar for a while so yeah thx Humble.

6 years ago

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After a long time, I finally see, at least for me, a good bundle from Humble.
I seriously hope to see tier 1 of this bundle on tremorgames... I have always been interessed in Rakuen...

6 years ago

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I'm with you in this hoping. We didn't see the last one (Jumbo) on Tremor yet.I wonder if they are only late or if they just skip it for whatever obscure reasons they seem to have.

6 years ago

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Tier 3 - Game that was free and in several bundles. Thank you, IGN. Top kek

6 years ago

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Tier 2 for me. But I have to wonder how Superhot got chosen to be the Tier 3 game. Wasn't that game available for free not that long ago?

6 years ago

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This is one strange bundle. I have everything but some of the stuff in T1

Edit: Got T2, seems like a decent price for the stuff I didn't already buy and I like surprises even though last weeks reveals were a slight disappointment.

6 years ago*

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What a weird choice for T3. No wonder the BTA is tanking.

6 years ago

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Quick heads-up; the price for Halcyon 6 got messed up.

6 years ago

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BTA dropped to $4.53 and now its wibbling about just above that. A little surprised as it seems a solid enough bundle.

6 years ago

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i've been watching it steadily drop. i have a $4.47 tab open currently

6 years ago

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it bit for the $1 tier shortly after posting, so no major regrets. :)

still, quite surprised at it dropping so much this time around.

6 years ago

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Like people are saying above, it's because Superhot has been bundled repeatedly and even given away for free. Especially now that the BTA is so low - Superhot is pretty regularly on sale for less than $9, so nobody is tempted to pay the full price.

On top of that, the $1 tier is really good and most of the games in it haven't been that cheap before, while even the ~$5 tier has been bundled a lot, so more people than usual are buying the $1 tier and driving down the price.

6 years ago

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I can't believe I can see Rakuen in a Tier 1 bundle so soon, insta buy. It's made by Laura Shigihara who sang the theme song in To The Moon, and I heard Rakuen is really great.

6 years ago

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I'll get T1 for sure since Rakuen is on my wishlist. Might go for T2 since I played Keep Talking a few weeks ago and it was fun, but it's kinda annoying those "surprise" unlocks are becoming more and more common :/

6 years ago

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they used to be a staple of every bundle, then almost disappeared, before coming back recently

6 years ago

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but it's kinda annoying those "surprise" unlocks are becoming more and more common :/

I find them kind of enjoyable, to be honest. It's always nice with a surprise down the line and it's usually for a very reasonable price. Missed them for a while

6 years ago

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I don't want to buy something if I don't know what I'm paying for exactly - it could be something interesting but also something I don't care about at all, or even something I find offensive. I find it's a pretty scummy practice (this is also the main reason why I don't buy Monthly bundles). Although here most of the games are revealed and the price is pretty low, so I don't really mind throwing away 50 extra cents for nothing, but the possibility that games that would annoy me would be included still remains :/

6 years ago

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The possibility of being offended by a Humble curated game is infinitesimally small for me but the extra reveals are almost always something I already own. I still like the idea of "bonus" reveals though. I'm having more of a problem with staying positive about the big monthly reveal titles, that are supposed to be the draw of the bundles, at times as they fairly often are not the complete experience. Rationally it's not a big deal but I can easily see myself getting annoyed at the fact that the season pass or DLC bundle for e.g. Civ VI are as expensive as the GOTY bundle when they're ready to release the next title in the franchise.

Different strokes for different folks, as they say

6 years ago*

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Definitely getting T1, Halcyon 6 and Rakuen are wishlisted. Don't need anything more since all the rest has been in monthlies.

6 years ago

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With Superhot in BTA I would've bought it asap, 'cause I have a friend who really wants it - but as it is, I only really care about Soma, which is a game that I really love but that I probably wouldn't play, soooo...

6 years ago

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how retail cv 450 ???

6 years ago

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Mixing units...

6 years ago

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Got everything from T2 and T3. Will grab T1 and wait for the 2nd week revel to maybe upgrade my purchase.

6 years ago

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Tier 3 is a joke. Not worth the asking price if you ask me.

Tier 2, OTOH, I might bite that.

6 years ago

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I'm interested in pretty much everything here (except Superhot and Poly Bridge, since I already have them). I'll be getting tier 2, can't wait to see what they will reveal next week.

6 years ago

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LOL @ Superhot in T3 for $14.
How? Who thought this was a good idea?!

6 years ago

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*insert mandatory IGN meme here*

6 years ago

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View attached image.
6 years ago

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$4 for T2 please..

6 years ago

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Superhot seems weird choice for Tier3..
Other tiers seem interesting, though

6 years ago

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Amazing tier 1. Will get T2 though.

edit: Bought tier 2, my browser didn't made the change at custom price, so paid $4,43 for tier 1. Luckily enough, could upgrade inside the purchase and added $0.20, so finally got Tier 2. Not all the bundles can be upgraded now, so yeah, fucking firefox.

6 years ago*

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i have most of this from monthlies, but keep talking is on my wishlist. i'll keep watching the average go down and probably end up getting tier 2 with almost my entire purchase price going to charity. since i already have superhot and can get tier 2 for much less than $12, the $2 humble wallet credit isn't going to convince me to go all in like i usually do.

6 years ago

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oh oops, i actually already had keep talking from the june 2016 monthly . . . but i didn't realize that until after i'd bought hib19 and activated the key. i guess i didn't see it when it was in the monthly because you have to choose between steam and oculus keys before it shows up in the keys list.

6 years ago

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SuperHot is a joke at this price.
For those who have a Xbox One (pffft ... sorry), it is currently included in the Xbox Live Gold.
Even if i liked it, the "main story" is only two hours long and takes itself too seriously.
And it's not an "innovative " FPS. An innotivate FPS inspire other FPS. This is just a good gimick.

But if the fact that the "story mode" being a tutorial, and the real challenge/game is the "challenge mode", doesn't bother you, you should get it some day. It's somewhat of an introduction to speedruns.
Heck, i finished all the challenges, and it's just the same game with little gameplay changes.

6 years ago

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Really only interested in Soma, will wait next week's unlock before I decide

6 years ago

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