Call of Duty is the most hardcore casual game around. If it's free, might as well play it for a bit to take a break.
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I'm curious how bullshit the story is.. sadly. I'll be downloading it. I'm a terrible man
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Thank you based Gaben for giving us this 2 day promo for us poor, poor gamers who like to bend over and take marketing gimmicks up our colon. Forgive us for our sins of ungratefulness towards thy humble attempts at pushing rehashed poorly ported $60 AAA titles down our weakling neckbeard throats.
Please, have all of my funds I have earned from exchanging my labor throughout the days as an offering and as a gesture of gratefulness. We clearly owe you so much, oh all mighty videogame developers.
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Really, be more ignorant please. I enjoyed CoD2 and CoD4, now they're just milking it and because so many people are stupid enough to keep buying this crap publishers think that it's okay to make more of the same waste. Yeah, why take risks and make something new or creative when people like you just pay full retail price for a new number in the title and few map packs. But you're a prodigy on deducting these things I experienced from your last post, so I don't need to enlighten your vision I assume.
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I jumped OFF the anti-COD bandwagon.
But to me, it's FUN. So i forget all it's faults. Sure it's not as technically AMAZING as Battlefield 3 is, and nowhere near as tactical/teamwork oriented, but it's just as FUN.
Plus, not all of us have 100s of friends to play with, so we usually play public games. And playing a tactical teamwork game like BF3 with randoms is usually not fun, because it's luck of the draw with regards to what type of team you will get. Sometimes all you will get is a mix of people who want to play teamwork and people who don't, and you need everyone you can.
I NEVER thought I'd see the day where I'd defend COD, but damn it happened!
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Having played on both sides of the COD/BF argument, I completely agree with you. Call of Duty, while it has all the flaws that you point out, is fun. It wouldn't be a worldwide, ridiculously-fast-selling phenomenon if it wasn't.
Ultimately, though, I found it was the same kind of fun repeatedly, whereas the BF series' slightly more strategy oriented play (your point about having friends and a community is important - public play usually turns out to be sub-par compared to COD) is less repetitious in the long term.
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I'm just curious, but where do you download it? I can't find it on the game itself.
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My bad, I didn't notice that Markdown didn't hyperlink that Steam command. :\
It should just be enough to paste this -> steam://install/42690 <- in your browser's URL bar (doesn't work with Google Chrome). If that doesn't work, go here and click on "Click here to start pre-loading".
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Anyways, apparently they didn't sell to much. MW2 free weekends were way later then this one right?
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Synced my account now so I can still enter giveaways when it's free weekend/sale :)
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COD gets undeserved HATE. I know its not the most innovative one, but it is damn FUN. Never ever an FPS game has captured the thrill of an ARCADE shooter like COD does. I played HALO REACH, its slow and has limited class choices, plus maps more smaller then COD. Killzone 3 is nothing but a COD clone with darker graphics. Battlefield 3 is an exception, but it is closed to a simulation type game which requires attention and constant effort which is not always fun.
COD is a great game, and will always be because it knows what it is doing and it is doing just great.
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All these games you mentioned don't really deserve to be called a FPS. There is not a single console 'FPS' that is well-made and skillful, none, zero, zilch, nada. Any shooter that autoaims the gun for you is a plague on modern gaming and should be abolished in the holy fire in the name of the Emperor.
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Kinda like Farmville. Lots of people think it's fun, and Farmville knows what it's doing. It's tricking the player using metrics and well timed rewards to ensure that they keep playing. Also any criticism of it is seen as an attack or 'HATE'.
Whenever someone uses the term 'hater', to me that just signifies that they are brainwashed.
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"Activision will be hosting a Free Weekend for Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 3! Pre-load the game now and be ready to play when the free weekend starts on Thursday, February 16th at 10am Pacific Time.
Click here (steam://install/42690) to start pre-loading, or visit to install Steam.
The Free Weekend of Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 3 will let you play the entire multiplayer portion of the base game."
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