Make an invite-only giveaway (with no restrictions, 24h long) for any game you like. Post it here.

After 24 hours, I'll randomly pick two gifters for $20 Steam wallet codes.

Everyone can join. Only one entry per person. Post your giveaway as a comment and not a reply.

Edit: Due to contributions being beyond my expectations, I've doubled the prize chances. Good luck!

Edit 2: The event is now over! Winners will be picked and contacted soon. Thanks to all participants!

Edit 3: Go here.

6 years ago*

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Nice deal.

Here is mine: Puzzle Kingdoms

6 years ago

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Good luck to all the participants, and thank you all for the giveaways.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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ah why not... but I'm only doing 23 hours, and setting it for level 1!!!

I'm a rebel, but a responsible one

6 years ago

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Awesome giveaway!

6 years ago

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Awsome Giveaway!

Strangely im blacklisted- its a first to me finding one of the misterious numbers i have no clue why.
Just out of curiosity - do you recall why? It always puzzled me both not knowing who or why. Something ive said, done, not done? Comenting, non comenting or non reading a ga? I mean, these are the only ones ive seen as a common reason some blacklist that i did/not did from memoy. Now im dying of curiosity - the only thing that bothers me about blacklisting is wondering wether i wasn't nice or did something wrong :P

6 years ago

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Sure. It wasn't personal, I actually find you fairly pleasant, intelligent, and reasonable. However I blacklisted everyone that agreed to help that greenlight scammer translate his new game out of principle. Whether they actually succeeded in profiting or not, I blacklisted anyone who still offering their help after being directly informed or who agreed after the issue was abundantly clear.

As someone that had no stake in that situation yet found Badim's behavior repugnant enough to care, seeing other bystanders shrug it off for their small, short term interest was worthy of limiting long term opportunity.

I remember really being on the fence about you since you acknowledged his lack of integrity and your own moral qualms about contributing to that, however you ended up with one of the disputed games in your library and Badim (still directly) on your friends list. So, you ended up blacklisted with the tongue-in-cheek note "collaborator," alongside a troubling number of other users.

6 years ago*

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Finally! At last i know why a got one blacklist and it makes perfect sense. Im not his 'friend' as having him on my list implies but i did helped - after i posted showing my neutral ground he added me and i ended up helping since he was being 'nice' and it was short. Wasn't even for the key - since im trying to learn my way into developing games (not for cash grabs/fake ones- one i made for my degree with more polish would be better then some ive seen on store) i was asking him about engine, languages... since he was helpful i ended up tooking the 10minutes and the key to check what he made. Btw thats the reason why nowadays i activate more indies of dubious quality; Mahluk that seemed interesting at first (really really bad, mobile port bad but at least not fake) ended up being a good lesson on don'ts and a few dos on a note of mine.

There are good chances i helped a scammer of sorts i know. Its just my stance of not judging people where im not infomed to judge- i didn't witness the drama regarding his greenlight or keys or whatever and didn't even wanted to listen his explanation. His game is cheap and mobile minded, but the little i played seemed like a real game- only a kisch and quickly made one. One of many trying to output as much as they can -something i don't like but doesn't really condemm i mean... its a bit insane those who alone and unemployed want to make an actual good game like i wish. The likes of Jonathan Blow and company are inspiring but are the tales of the few who survive the process. I couldn't get myself into a team yet and im willing to do that sacrifice but i try to imagine others that doesn't and are trying to make a living...
...on the other hand im also one of those worried by the flood of bad and scam games wich is also hurting the industry. Its complicated.

On Badins... he at least looks like hes improving (saw assets and inner workings of the game i translated - made by a good artist and some steps up from his previous games). Thats a pro. He later invited me to a group that seemed intended for future advertising promising keys wich i refused, thats a clear con to him. I tought about deleting him but then i reminded how he was willing to answer some of my questions and show the inner bits of his next game so i didn't. Heck i think i only deleted 2 people from my steam friends from directly spamming and another for a scam attempt. Also i have 0 on blacklist so... yeah, i have a soft spot regarding judging people and being too nice when i shouldn't. I recon that, friends of mine tell me that :P

Sorry about the big text (i can't help myself, i write too much) but im really happy with the answer. I was expecting being ignored, being a dumb reason (random blacklisters) or something i directly did wrong to you; Turns out it makes perfect sense and i can't really disagree. One side of me says 'you're too nice! He isn't different then all the others!' the other is my usual too good for my own sake. One of these days i may be in trouble for being nice to the wrong people but considering 30 years without a single case and how my spider senses have always made me avoid bad people and situations so far this kind of judgment have worked for me.
...Until the day it doesn't (facepalm)

6 years ago

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I was surprised to see just how many SG users were willing to work for him for free even after countless posts explaining why he is a scammer and should not be helped.

6 years ago

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May I ask you what was the blacklist for?

6 years ago

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I think he has the blacklist easy

6 years ago

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It's the "No bump, no win" threat. Even if it may be an idle threat, I don't know if that makes it better or actually worse (on some level) because of the insincerity.

6 years ago

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If you take a look at my account you can understand I'm no new user here, I know the rules, particularly the one that states no private rules are allowed. The statement is just an invitation and CAN'T be anything else, not a rule, not a threat and not even a blackmail.
I can't ask for a reroll, I can't BL people who doesn't bump since I have thousands of entries, I can't even check if winners have bumped since on a massive GA it would take an insane amount of time. Tell me in which way could I threaten someone with that statement.

6 years ago

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You are on my wl, but even I consider your usual "rule" annoying. And that you know that it isn't a valid rule, doesn't actually make it better. :-P

6 years ago

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It might be a good time to move on from this phrase to something more positive, like "If you enter, please bump this thread". It's very effective in my experience, but I normally prefer to use the more implicit "Back to thread" link.

6 years ago

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Btw what game that ment to be translated was a scum? I'm curious now

6 years ago

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Blacklisted :(

6 years ago

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Like with Vincer, it was the widespread blacklist of anyone who offered to help translate for Badim while aware of his ongoing fraud.

6 years ago

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R u talking about this thread.
If yes, I haven't posted anything in this thread, so I don't why u think that have helped him :/

6 years ago

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Im in your bl too, seems because of the same reason as Vincer
Would you consider passing me to the other list?

View attached image.
6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Here's my contribution, Octodad: Dadliest Catch.

6 years ago

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Can I ask why am I blacklisted?

6 years ago

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Couldn't tell you the specific reason. But it tends to be some combination of perceived giveaway abuse and offending my gentle sensibilities. Don't worry though, I prune the list every so often.

6 years ago

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ok, I understood u. Thx for your answer :)

6 years ago

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Same here, blacklisted, no clue why, I stay out of trouble here.

6 years ago

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also BL but i bet its cuz of my ratio haha

6 years ago

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Cubic Complex:

View attached image.
6 years ago

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Thanks for Skyrim! heh heh XD

6 years ago

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It's supposed to be unrestricted, but access for me is restricted since you unfortunately at one point decided to blacklist me. I'm really sad about that.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. I messed up the last giveaway because it was going to end on friday and with level +1 restriction instead of 24h with no restriction

6 years ago

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Here is a rarer game that I don't see many GA's for, but is highly rated!
GL to ALL and THANKS Crossbourne for the event!

6 years ago

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Love the idea. Here's my contribution

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by Crossbourne.