I'm about to puke... I hate life so much. Dunno what happend.
Two friends asked me to play Dota2 Fun maps like TD's. I usually don't like Dota-esk games. But I love TD's.
So I installed it, played the whole evening with them and suddenly I'm vac banned (two days ago, I just realized it on my profile).
WTF? I don't get it. I have no clue why I got banned, even tho not many people will believe me I guess.
Is there anything I can do? My profile already looked like crap with a VAC ban from over 2000 days ago... now it's even worse.
I hate everything right know -_-

8 years ago*

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enjoy ur ban, cheater

8 years ago

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How were you able to play 200 hours the last 2 weeks O.o

8 years ago

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idle master. I have so many games that still have card drops that I couldn't manage to start them all by myself.

8 years ago

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Maybe that is why you are banned?

8 years ago

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Not really. I have been using it as well but I'm fine.

8 years ago

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btw 14 times 24 is 336 so lets say someone has no job or simply run a game at steam even not plying for 16 hours the day with 8 hours of sleeping 14 times 16 is 224 based on that even tho the user admits to use idle manager noone can prove that he used it just by checking profile myself when i have a game with cards i dont wanna play that i got from a bundle i prefer running it in the main menu while i watch a movie or i am at work or even sleeping to avoid things like these but i dont think the idea of this app is vac worthy

8 years ago

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I never stated wheter or not I find idle master VAC worthy. I also never wanted to prove that he used idle master (I am not a steam moderator). I just wanted to know if he really plays that much or just does something else meanwhile.

8 years ago

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just for curiosity: what did you do getting the other 2 VAC bans ?

8 years ago

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He only has 2 VAC bans. One from other game, one from recent Dota 2 ban.

8 years ago

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The first ban is for CoD:MW2 for about 2000 days ago.
I modified the game in a way that I were able use the console, to host my own servers with modded gamemodes and were able to kick and ban cheaters from the game.
The second ban is for Dota2 which was the reason for opening this thread.

8 years ago

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live and learn right?
anyway, you can still play games, so what is the difference.
we all know valve are a pain in the ass..

8 years ago

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the problem is that you get treated like shit by most people. I get excluded from different events or sites. But the worst is that it looks ugly on my profile.

but yes it doesn't really matter that much since I didn't liked Dota2 that much anyways.

8 years ago

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you ahve 2 options:

  1. fuck most people
  2. make a new account and start to play games there...
8 years ago

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i rather choose 1. I guess. But it's still painful..

8 years ago

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Seeing that you recently played dark souls.. This might be helpful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG6fo34JOAk & http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/M8j5X/not-vac-banned-as-a-requirement-fair

Also try going into dota 2 again. If you can play dota 2 still, it means the vac ban wasnt from dota 2.

8 years ago

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yeah saw that video about dark souls 2. I can only hope that the 64bit Version of the game won't have this issue...
Thanks for the links. :)

8 years ago

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Ah I see. Np. Sorry I couldn't be of more help

8 years ago

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Do you happen to have a brother that shares the computer with you? If yes, does he happen to also use cheat engine in his games and might have left it open without you knowing causing VAC to detect it while you were playing? There are a lot of possibilities (known and unknown) so it is virtually impossible to tell which one caused it because valve won't tell you. Anyway good luck with your ticket. I sincerely hope you are one of those very rare instances of false positives and that you get your happy ending.

8 years ago

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No I live alone, nobody except me is playing with my steam account. I have a friend who I share my games library with (via steam family share) but he didn't played dota recently.
Thank you for your kind words :)

8 years ago

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It might have been another game instead of Dota 2. There are many with VAC protection.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Oh wow, it's surprising that they actually tell you which game you're banned from. VAC is designed to detect exe files, so you must have had something running while playing on a VAC secured server. Whether it was the last game you played or not, it happened at some point. VAC doesn't make mistakes because it's automated.

8 years ago

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"VAC doesn't make mistakes because it's automated." - it does, biggest ones are more "global" where thousands of users are banned in same time (long time ago, CoD-ban, not so long ago, CSGO ban), but it also happens to single users.
Sometimes it's Valve that screw up their files (as it happened with CoD), sometimes users catch viruses that VAC considers VAC-ban-worthy. Or some other reason.

8 years ago

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Hey sexy

8 years ago

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VAC bans are delayed bans so it could be that the ban is for something that hasn't got to do with what you played recently.

8 years ago

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This story is so similar to mine ^^
Same like you I used to host Call of Duty MW2 with custom game modes (for example Zombie Mod :D). I knew that I'll get banned for that but I didn't cared about it since it was very funny ^^ (btw shouldn't mod support be in this game since start?)
So I got banned.
One or two year later I've launched Left 4 Dead 2 and I've played a couple of games. Nothing really special.
After a week I got banned on L4D2 for nothing ("I don't trust cheaters..." blablabla I haven't cheated in MW2, I just played mods for fun ONLY with friends who wanted to play like that) x.x
So... in our situation writing mails to steam support is just a waste of time. I've tried many times but they don't really care.

8 years ago

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Might sound dumb, but did u have same OS, or u reinstalled it, when u tried L4D2? Might be something wrong with the OS...

8 years ago

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Okay I made fun of you now this happened to me



8 years ago

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wtf. did you actually cheat?

8 years ago

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Ofc not. Its not a vac ban

8 years ago

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I didn't read the text, lol. Just saw Valve Anti Cheat and assumed you got banned. My bad.

8 years ago

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That happens to me every once in a while and it's mostly because of game's poor connection to Valve's servers, nothing actually having to do with interfering with game files.

8 years ago

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expected from germany

8 years ago

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Closed 11 months ago by shukatom.