Hey guys, coming to you with a question. Do you try to keep a balance between your won games and your GA? For example I don't have a job yet so I've given 7 games until now and won 15. Balance needed to be brought so I'll give away a game in 4 days since that's when I finish with my one of my exams. Question is here to be answered so please feel free to discuss.

9 years ago

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Not really. Too hard to keep it balanced, it just keeps getting further away.

9 years ago

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Delta, you could stop making giveaways for the next decade and still have a positive ratio :P.

9 years ago

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Hahahahaha, wow! I wasn't expecting you to reply :D

9 years ago

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lol Delta

9 years ago

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Shame on you.

I don't try to make mine less balanced, it just happens because I don't enter giveaways and still occasionally gift something.

9 years ago

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A balanced ratio is preferred though what ratio you are happy with is up to you. My preferred ratio for myself is 1/10 while i look for at least balanced from those who enter my g/a's before deciding to blacklist. Dailyindiegame.com is a great site to get games for cheap giveaways. 10-12 games for $2; can't go wrong with that.

9 years ago

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Thank you, will look into it! So far I haven't bought games outside HB or Steam.

9 years ago

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Humble is a great place to start buying bundles but there are a bunch of other sites that offer bundles at a cheaper price (though the quality varies). There should be a post around here that tracks all the current bundle sites but I'm on mobile atm so I can't link it atm.

9 years ago

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epicbundle.com is a good place to look out for deals and bundles

9 years ago

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Bookmarked the page. Thank you, troieve!

9 years ago

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I prefer quality vs quantity tho. Don't think I'll ever have a balanced ratio, but yea :/

9 years ago

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I don't keep mine balanced exactly, though I'd rather give more than I win... but I definitely won't let it go lower than 1:1 ratio (wins:giveaways).

9 years ago

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I failed pretty badly at the balanced ratio thing.

9 years ago

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Oh, man, everyone has a positive balance, but I'll make it up in time!

9 years ago

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That's because most of those with a "negative" balance won't post an answer here.

9 years ago

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That changes everything!

9 years ago

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Yes, but I also personally don't mind if people win more than they give away.
There are a lot of leechers of course, but they just couldn't have the money to create giveaways and most of the time you can't tell which is the case.
So I'll never judge anyone.

9 years ago

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I agree. And upon giving the matter a second thought that was why I started giving away those keys in the first place. I wanted to give it to people who cannot afford games themselves. And here I was judging people with a negative ratio...

9 years ago

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However, it isn't much of a problem since I give some games away constantly, and so far haven't had more wins than gave away.
But I wouldn't want to have more wins than gave, since I already just giveaway bundled crap. :P

9 years ago

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I don't really care about my ratio or other people's ratio. I try to give away as much as I can and to win as much as I can.

9 years ago

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i giveaway as much as possible!!

9 years ago

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need a lot more wins to get it balanced :D

9 years ago

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I used to think I'd like to keep it balanced too. I discovered SG with something around 300 games in my account and quite a list of bundlegames. I gave away a game here and there and then started trading. Over the months my account grew more and more up to the point where almost every game ever bundled (and desired) has been acquired.
I still like to buy bundles and discover new games I maybe have never heard of and I would enjoy. But I quit the trading completely. Therefore I have much more games to give away and the giving list grows and grows. I still like winning, but I do not enter as many giveaways as I did in my beginning days and I'm much pickier. Also I like to give away some good stuff to the community, not just bundle games, so even with a wallet as small as mine I eventually buy something just to give it away. So I'm afraid my balanced days are over. (Which is not really a bad thing).

9 years ago*

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That's a great avatar image. Where is that from?

9 years ago

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Thank you :)

I've got it from here

9 years ago

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Thanks for the link. Some very nice images there.

9 years ago

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Men, a balanced ratio would be awesome!

9 years ago

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yea... but so impossible... :(

9 years ago

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It keeps getting far and far away :(

9 years ago

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well... you could maybe still catch it, but for me... too far already :(

9 years ago

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Personally I like it to be balanced ^^
And there was a time I was 50 games less given away than my won games, but all changed when the fire nation attacked.
And now I'm with my ration almost perfectly balanced :3

9 years ago

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Yes, I try to keep a balance. Unfortunately I can't win games fast enough though. ;)
Real answer: No.

9 years ago

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Fun fact: most of my winners have very unbalanced ratios. It's also rarely those that were commenting (unfortunately).

People interested in the community = people who are commenting.

If you want the real picture, look at people's profiles. Here you will only get the opinions from people that are the active community, that enjoy to share and communicate.

9 years ago

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That's exactly why I'm trying to make my GAs on the forum lately. It boosts the activity of the members, makes the community grow and most importantly keeps it away from the "thanks scripts".

9 years ago

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Thanks!! (trolling, but truely)

Balance?????? I do them when I'm bored of seeing not used keys or items, or for events. Or for celebrations or for Karma.

I have work, which is very different from job, essentialy no wage. So makes things hard.

9 years ago

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no..just try to give when you have $ ::)

9 years ago

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I try to keep my number of giveaways created ahead of my GA's won.
Right now is balanced, but it won't be like that for too long :P

9 years ago

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Are you planning on winning more? :D

9 years ago

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Yes, of course.
But I'm talking about the 7 GA's I have currently running.

9 years ago

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Do you mean the ones that I shamelessly joined 2 minutes ago? Thank you :D

9 years ago

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Yep, good luck ;)

9 years ago

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Hey, told you I was planning on winning some more :D
Also, congrats ;)

9 years ago

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Hahaha, I wasn't expecting this. Now the balance is ruined, thank you :D

9 years ago

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You're welcomed :)

9 years ago

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At some point I will have to worry about balanced GA to win ratio, but I seem to be the unluckiest at these giveaway things(probably doesn't help that I did a (really) stupid in my first month as a user)

9 years ago

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Well, it was hard for me to make giveaways some time ago, and even now I don't have an income but I try to make giveaways when I can. Currently I'm trying to get a 1:1 ratio (I'm getting close!) :p

9 years ago

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not exactly but sometimes you can get out of blacklist for that
but it still depend on your wallet though hehehe

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

9 years ago

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I don't mind my my ratio much, just has to be more gives than wins. I give when I have/can get something to give, and win when the RNG gods smile upon me.

9 years ago

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Well, I try to give some games when I can ..
Won games/GAs = 1.75 and GAs/WG= 0.57
Dunno .
But anyway #Illuminati.

9 years ago

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Do you mean balanced in # of wins to # given away ?
Or do you mean $ value of wins to $ value given away ?

Either way, I don't think I'll every get balanced ...

Of course, I'm pretty close to a 1/10 ratio for #, so I've got that going for me.

9 years ago

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Which is impressive actually. I was refering to a personal balance that you are setting, but you already said that you're keeping a 1/10 ratio.

9 years ago

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I'm doing a bad job, but yes.

9 years ago

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This topic make me to look at my profile. So there is:
Gifts Won 49
Giveaways 57
So it is quite balanced :-)

P.S. I know that my profile says that GA's 58 but I was fresh o this site and make stupid giveaway with Metro (when it was free) from my brother :-/ still feel guilty for that.

9 years ago*

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