I just don't get the praise. I bought it during a sale after I heard all sorts of good things about it, but I played that game for six hours and I just don't like it. The music is repetitive at best. It takes entirely too long to walk from one side of a map to another. The combat is either feels like a boring rhythm game or is entirely unfair, pitting you against six enemies with no easy way to regain health. Even fights with single enemies can be stupidly tough.

It's fine that other people enjoy the game (I'm probably doing something wrong anyway), but I just don't get it.

1 decade ago*

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The combat system in the witcher is really bad, but it improves in the witcher 2.

1 decade ago

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The first Witcher apparently isn't nearly as good as the second one especially in regards to combat. I've only played the first (and rather recently) and it was hard to get into, I think I was about 13 hours in when I took a long break, when I came back though I was able to finish the rest of it in a few days, it picks up a bit but it definitely isn't the best RPG out there, but it's still pretty decent for it's age.

1 decade ago

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I played it 22 hrs and after that, quit.

There was a narrow place which you had to fight with many men, but because of silly animations of Geralt (i mean he extends the time of his attacks because of his "swank", turning around like dancing etc.) died a lot. After a long time of try, i just left the game behind of me.

Honestly i couldn't like the game either. Story was good, gameplay was... eh. But in the end that scene killed the game for me :/

1 decade ago

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I think the best about the witcher games is the story, the setting and the critic and adult things, like racism etc.
Besides that the combat in the first game is really...special, but in the second one it gets much better.
On higher difficulties it is challenging and really important to have the right infos about monsters and the fitting oils and potions.
I really love the games.

1 decade ago

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I loved The Witcher 2, one of my favourite RPG's personally.

1 decade ago

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Didn't like The Witcher either. Played it maybe a tenth as long as you before deleting local content.

1 decade ago

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The East-europen feel of the game really pulled me in, since Im from Hungary. Yeah the combat wasnt that great, but it was OK for me, maybe a bit easy even on the hardest setting.
The story what really shined, long term choices are hard to come by nowadays in games. Also Zoltan was heck of great character!

1 decade ago

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If you want to experience the story and the setting and pretty much skip the combat, use this mod.

Makes you pretty much invincible, you can just blast spells at everyone. Had a few friends use it to get through the story, not everyone wants to slog through the game like I have :P

1 decade ago

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Thank you for this. I'm another that found the game daunting (though good). I haven't made it very far in, but part of my problem is also that I don't have a ton of time to spare in any one sitting all the time. But I also didn't want to skip the first story to the detriment of the second.

I'm a sucker for great stories.

I had also just come off of playing ME1 again before delving into this, and TW just didn't "flow" like the ME story did.

1 decade ago

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I just chopped everything up with my swords. P

1 decade ago

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Wow, this is exactly what I need. Thanks!

1 decade ago

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Glad to help :) The game is worth playing for the story so it's not like you'll be missing out or ruining the fun by going this route. If anything, it makes you feel like a godly badass :P

1 decade ago

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Hm, I installed the mod, but it doesn't seem to work...

1 decade ago

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How odd. You unzipped the folder and then placed the "Override" folder in the Witcher's "Data" folder I assume? Should be all you need to do.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, that's exactly what I did. I'll try installing it again.

1 decade ago

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Maybe you would like this: www.nexusmods.com/witcher/mods/237/

1 decade ago

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50 pages manual. that mod has a 50 pages manual. damn... you gotta love modders, re-installing The witcher and installing FCR mod.

1 decade ago

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wow... looks nice... can i install mod on existing game?
anything good for witcher 2? thanks in advance :)

1 decade ago

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I grabbed the original and found it pretty meh myself. Once I figured out the combat, it becomes so stupidly easy that the combat in Skyrim's actually interesting next to it. Still need to finish the first game, and was gifted the second a while back so I guess I'll be seeing even more of Mehralt and friends. :D

1 decade ago

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Stupidly easy? Wait until about chapter 3.

1 decade ago

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I don't like it too, but maybe the witcher 2 is better.(gonna try it)

1 decade ago

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it's not like we're making your try to understand it if you don't like it don't play it but you did buy it sooo...

1 decade ago

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I know, I was just remarking that I seemed alone in my dissatisfaction and was hoping that there were people who agreed with me.

1 decade ago

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Problem is, Witcher 1's combat is not overly difficult, but it does require preparation and concentration. You need to prepare your potions previously, time your clicks and your dodges, be precise when you change swords and stances, use your potions at the right time, same with your signs.

It's not like you can just dive in and start slashing everything, just like that. At a minimum, I would say that mastering the stances and the two swords is needed if you wanna have a good time.

1 decade ago

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You don't even need to change stances. Fast stance effortlessly trumps both others.

1 decade ago

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In the beginning of the game - yes, you can beat everyone with fast stance, but it all changes in the mid game.

1 decade ago

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So true, at first it was easy as heck and stances did not matter, but as the game went on, dang did it become difficult, when fighting groups of bandits, yeah, good luck with that fast stance, group stances make everything a lot easier when fighting 3+ enemies at the same time, fast attacks when you are fighting fast enemies, since they might dodge when using strong attack, and strong attacks are most effective on bigger creatures.

1 decade ago

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Groups? You can do with crowd control and foot work. IMHO, group style was totally useless, didn't fit my style of fighting at all. I preferred maximized fast style, but then again, if it was your preference more power to you.

1 decade ago

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I got nearly to the end on fast stance alone. Sure, fight with some enemies might last longer, but who cares? Fast style can stunlock enemies and if you focus on it at expense of others it will have some very nasty perks.

1 decade ago

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Played 1 for 10 hrs. Even after 10 hrs, i felt lost when it came to the potions and items. Still going to give 2 a chance.

1 decade ago

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If you are playing it, you need to want to play it, you need to fall in love with the story, I don't care what others say, I'm in love, I love the story, I love the whole game in general. For those of you complaining, let's see you try to base an RPG of some book which no one knows about, but still keep very close to the story and lore but not get too far away and create your own world which was the same world which was in the book.

1 decade ago

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I'm not sure anyone is faulting the developers for creating something impressive.
I certainly understand that there is HUGE amounts of time and effort invested in a 40+ hour campaign.
But I also think the OP's headscratching isn't entirely unwarranted. Many of us here obviously feel the same way.

1 decade ago

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Gameplay in the second one is miles above the gameplay in the original, perhaps with the exception of the fact that you can't use potions during battle in the sequel. Combat is completely different. It's no longer the crappy click to win crap - it requires real skill. I preferred the story of the original, though. I think the third has the potential to bring together the best of both worlds and add new great things to the table.

1 decade ago

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I hated it at first, played like 10 hours, quited and a couple of months later gave it another try and loved it, although it took me 15 hours to really start getting into it and liking it.

I say take a couple of days off and try it again little more, if you still hate it don´t play it anymore :P

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by AwkwardToaster.