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No worries, I didn't even realize it until this thread awhile ago. Went, "oh yeah! blink bundle, what happened to them?" and their site at the time had a goodbye message on it.
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Yeah there was really no clue for people that weren't looking for it on purpose... which doesn't include that majority of their customers because I'm not just assuming every day, some bundle site goes out of business :<
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I have no idea... I tried the site a few times, and the emailed bundle links don't work either!! There's definitely other people like us, with lots of lots keys :<
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I know it's too late to say it now for Blink, but an advise for the future: If you don't use all your keys from a bundle, save the leftover keys to text file and/or send an email to yourself with the keys (and of course the names of the games).
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Yea, I used to only save the bundle locations of the games, but now I'm going to start doing this when I have time. Do you have any tips for added keys (added after bundle ends)/ games added during the bundle? I tend to lose track of them, more of a personal issue not information issues bc I do follow keysadded thread :/
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I use this group for Greenlit keys that are added to bundles:
I haven't found a group that posts 'mystery' game unlocks and Groupees bonus games yet.
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I still have at least one key that I can remember not using yet. My textfile of keys just has a link to my profile, haha. That does me no good, past self!
Hopefully it will come back yet again, like it did once before. It's weird that Playblink is still up and no word there.
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Yeah... that's what I did too and lost access now :< I do hope the pages come back, even IndieRoyale's collection and bundle pages are still up and I am able to access my purchases :< thing is Blink gave no notice which I definitely see as unreasonable bc I'd have at least salvaged my keys >.<
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To be fair it sucks that the sites closed and sometimes can close without warning,you should always keep your keys stored some place else,and really you should use them ASP anyhow if you want any kind of support,though in this case it would not matter.If there are no keys and just links,you should not keep them for a long time in case things like this happen.
Though i did see this coming,what i mean is the bundle site thing took off and when it did all kinds of sites popped up which means at some point there will be to many and some will die out.Most the bundle sites are not that good anyhow i would not be surprised if more went down.
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Well then, that's news to me too. That sucks. I hope I redeemed them all :/
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Wish there was more news. I want to know if someone has bought out the sites and will at least keep them up / host new Greenlight keys, even if there are no more sales on the sites.
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Not the current company, just someone to keep up what is still there at the minimum. I'm not downloading several hundred games.
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I had like 4 unused keys there... I hope there's a way to get them back.
Does this mean bad news for playblink as well?
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For the last year, I've been using my keys from Blink as soon as I get them. I already lost almost every key in every Blink Bundle last year. Someone reportedly compromised the PlayBlink account at the beginning of last Summer and used it to get into the Blink Bundle account - 37 keys gone.
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Kinda knew this was coming. There were rumors before and they had been inactive for months. That said, they definitely should have sent out some kind of announcement beforehand to everyone who ever purchased from them. I have all my keys saved though. I always record them in an Excel spreadsheet soon after buying.
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I guess this makes sense to as the achievements were removed a month or so ago on playblink. That really confused me. lol (That's the only reason I even bought the bundle...)
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Yup, I'm on there, if quietly! I've already emailed through the support addresses, and then Steam. Didn't want to overload him if he's just already busy with a lot of requests. But, then again, I don't know if he even got my pm on Steam.
I'll try on PB, thanks!
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I added PBLaw as well, but he has not gotten back to me!
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Well Desura has filed for bankruptcy and I was told by a dev in a steam forum. I have an account and no mail from Desura regarding this either?
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Desura's still up and running. If the website kills off your account without notifying you while still continuing to run other services without interruption then it might become a fair comparison.
In the meantime, it might be a good idea to scrape everything you can from your Desura account just in case that does come to pass (the odds are fairly high). Here's a script I made which might help.
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thx BFM you always have some neat scripts. And no Devotee it was just another example of poor user handling. In fct all these sites are companies and we are customers no matter what site and how nice they are they still mean to take our money somehow ;)
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Thanks for the info, tristetea... I hope they will be able to do it, and that it won't take them ages (many games were Desura codes, or Steam keys you had to redeem via Desura code first -and we're not sure how long the site will be online-).
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My fault, you're totally right, no Desura keys on Blink Bundle, all are Steam keys... I guess I was thinking of Bundle Bandits (which, by the way, is not working anymore, meh). I guess there's no hurry then :)
Thanks again for your reply and for helping us with this!
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Yeah, I know... June was a terrible month for bundle sites (Bundle Bandits, Indie Royale, Blink Bundle), not to mention Desura itself.
At least Bundle Bandits gave a deadline and notified their users through various channels. I guess they could have also mass-emailed the keys to each customer, but oh well... As you said, unlike Blink Bundle: no deadline, and no warning on Facebook, Steam groups, Twitter, or they own website (they had the "goodbye" sign, but it was quickly removed).
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Newest edit: They've sent out an email to customers with all the keys! Check your inbox or spam mail.
So I just found out today that Blink Bundle was closed. I didn't believe it, as I follow lots of bundle sites and yet today was the FIRST time I'd heard anything about it. So I went to check... site is closed. For me, I still have a key or two I didn't redeem. For many others, there are probably way more. I find it unacceptable that there was no announcement or that I didn't hear about it... Indie Royale and Desura's news has been out for people that probably don't even follow bundle sites.
What do you all think? Got keys you've yet to redeem as well? :/
Edit: see Trist's comment about contacting PBLaw about it
Edit**: He has yet to respond to my friend request after a week
Update 2: July 4th
"From the Playblink chat: (This might enlighten you for the keys that you might be missing atm, as for how long its gonna take, i'm not sure even myself)
Pirikato :@law: Are blinkbundle keys still recoverable?
law :@Pirikato: Not at the moment. We are looking into mass-mailing the keys to all customers."
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