Wow even on sale it can't draw enough online players, I mean I can understand playing the SP that's what really makes it stand out but MP is empty, emptier than Dubai in the game.

Sure you can play DM or even TDM with maybe 2-6 players if you are lucky, and good luck hoping someone sees the vote map buttons so you don't sit in the lobby for 3mins waiting bc ppl arent voting bc they are to stupid to understand why the game hasn't started.

And if you think you are going to play anything other than lame ass DM/TDM good luck, unless you have friends it aint happening. I hate DM mode (this isnt the 90s anymore and CTF/anything that isn't DM is better).

I want objectives! Obviously that's my opinion but that's what I like and the fact that the majority of players tend to do DM only makes me sad for gaming online.

It's on sale, is it worth it? SP yes MP maybe. Depends on if you think $24.99 is worth the story bc MP is just DM, boring.

Sorry but I guess I'm just getting tired of playing SP campaign and going into MP only to find it full of nothing.
Binary Domain anyone?

1 decade ago*

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Buy the game giveaway to people, then they will play

1 decade ago

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I will for sure.

1 decade ago

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No they won't, it's on sale and that isn't even helping so TY but no.

1 decade ago

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Re: death match...almost all games devolve into this anyway if you get shitty enough people playing it. If I had a dollar for every time I've played CS:S or TF2 where no-one seems at all interested in completing objectives or even playing as a team I'd have a shit-load of money.

1 decade ago

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That's what I'm saying. Insane.


ME "Hey guys, we need to blow those things up to win!"

Everyone "?".

My god!

1 decade ago

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It's even worse in's like objectives don't even exist

1 decade ago

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I don't even bother with COD unless it's SP bc I actually like that cinematic rail shooter shit but online is a joke. BF3 you get about 20-30% that actually do the job the rest are idiots.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by BrainFlush.