I've been a bit busy lately and not here as much as I'd like. The reason? Well, I'm preparing for a Garage Sale this weekend and those of you who've read my previous threads (or comments) know my health issues are not good, so that takes all of my energy and has been causing quite a bit of stress. No worries though, but after this weekend I'll have a bit more energy to spare.

However, I'm taking a break to bring another discussion thread. Feel free to comment, reply to others and generally have a fun, interactive time!

What's one of your main hobbies other than gaming? What do you enjoy about it and how did you get started, absolutely feel free to ramble!

For me, anything creative is of interest, though I'm not naturally good at that stuff and am quite clumsy and un-dextrous. I've always been fascinated by all kinds of art, sculpting and creating of any kind. For me, seeing the amazing things humans can come up with in their creative pursuits is truly incredible.

What about you?

5 years ago

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My motorcycle. I love riding it, I love modifying it and I love mantaining it.

I got to meet some interesting people thanks to this machine and I got to see some amazing places. It's become a part of me.

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5 years ago*

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That's a great looking motorcycle, sounds like you're really involved in the whole culture surrounding it too, which is great! Both my parents were riders in their youth, but stopped as they got older.

5 years ago

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Does wasting time on the internet counts as a hobby?
I've been trying to get myself into some sort of "productive" time waster but I fail to continue doing stuff.

5 years ago

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I recommend picking up digital art or programming as that can lead to an actual job or at least some freelance work someday and doesn't require you to leave the computer.

5 years ago

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I study computer engineering so programming is more of an assignment and less of a hobby :P
I actually do pixel art when I'm in the mood, but I'm kinda shit at it and I'm so inconsistent that I don't really count it. I was mostly just being pesimistic when I wrote the first comment.

5 years ago

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Well, I'm a web developer by day, so I understand considering programming an assignment or chore rather than a hobby. That said, it's a good hobby to have.

5 years ago

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I'd recommend giving some outdoorsy type of activity a shot. Something like hiking, biking or just walking/jogging. Regular physical activity boosts cognitive function, increases happiness which in turn improves self-esteem. This can all be translated into productivity in health :D

5 years ago

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lovely post, thank you

5 years ago

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It definitely does. Heck, if you have a productive life and are happy, I wouldn't worry too much about it! You're allowed to relax and chill, it's not wasted if it's doing good for your stress and mental health <3

5 years ago

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For some reason I love to compare games (or songs or movies) translated into different languages. Probably it's because I study languages and stuff as my main course :thinking:

5 years ago

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Have you ever seen this awesome video of a theme song in 25 different languages?

25 languages and 1 take

P.s. happy cakeday!

5 years ago

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Yeah, I've seen this one and many other Disney songs in different languages.


5 years ago

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This is pretty interesting. I've only done this once, with the song "If I never Knew you' which was a removed song from Pocahontas. I ended up in a Youtube cycle and stumbled on it. I remember it clearly because the Quebec and the regular french are so different it surprised me, plus the QC version actually sounded better to my ears. Since I had immigrated to Quebec, but felt more at home with regular French usually, this was particularly interesting to me!

5 years ago

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I like playing boardgames with friends as a hobby. :) Recently funded the Princess Bride Kickstarter, cuz who wouldn't want to be the Dread Pirate Roberts or Fezzik the Gentle Giant?

5 years ago*

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i love playing boardgames! tried red dragon inn? or betrayal at the house on the hill? Hanabi is quite fun aswell :D

5 years ago

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i also am fascinated by art, used to draw a lot when i was a kid but my parents push me towards the sciences, as an adult i found music the most attractive, playing an instrument was a sort of dream, 2 years ago decided not to dream anymore and learn to play the piano, due to work i cant have a set time for a teacher but im slowly teaching myself thanks to the internerd. i can play simple songs farily good, and read sheet music.

Heres hopes you feel better.

5 years ago

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Thank you!

That's awesome, congrats on making your dream a reality. I would love to learn an instrument, but any time I try I realised I have no rhythm and most importantly, I'm not willing to put the work in at this time, so I decided to table it for another time in my life to try again.

It's wonderful that you've been able to take a step towards it, even if you have to take it slowly :)

5 years ago

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I try to learn how to play on guitar and I make paper models. Although lately - I have less and less time for it xD So just playing games xD

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5 years ago

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Try youcisian for learning guitar. It is a different way of learning but it can help a lot!

5 years ago

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Cool models! I've always wanted to try some kind of model-making, but I'm pretty clumsy and haven't seen any kits for beginners, I worry they're all too advanced for me :)

5 years ago

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Everybody is clumsy at the beginning :) I never finished my first paper model. Second one was terrible. But I learned important stuff. Like: read manual first, or cut out only parts you need right now - not all of them xD And the most important - be patient. Glue needs time to dry - and if you try to mess with it too fast - results may be disastrous xD

You can start with some simple stuff. There is a lot of really basic and free models on the internet :) There is one requirement though - you need a lot of free time... and patience.
+ scissors and shoe glue

5 years ago

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Here are some examples - from really simple and basic... to some quite advanced :) You need a printer though :)

5 years ago

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Trying to learn new things and generally not keeping at it is probably my main hobby outside gaming.
A instrument, another language, a coding langue, drawing, etc, etc

My favorite hobby is another type of gaming- tabletop (rpgs). But i rarely if ever get to arrange a game nowadays, so it bogs down to prep, chatting with players about it, foruns... dammit i need a weekly group.

Oh and making 2do lists besides daily tasks- things like new habits, planing new schedules... that rarely if ever i see through. Given how much excited i get and how often i do it that would probably be a hobby too XD

5 years ago

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Haha, it can definitely be hard to keep up with things, so I wish you luck with that in the future! At least you're trying and you never know when circumstances will change and you will be more successful at it! Plus knowing a little is always better than knowing nothing at all :D

5 years ago

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I paint pictures of Gaben with boobs.

5 years ago

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proof or it didn't happen? :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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oh your god, that is actually very nice, especially the gta mashup, do more

5 years ago

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I've done lots more, although truthfully they don't all have boobs...

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5 years ago

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Awesome, amazing! Have a WL. Do you do drawing for living, they are great!
Also added you on steam if you don't mind.

5 years ago

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At the moment I have a part time job and I do the art on the side. I've done a lot of different things. I've done a lot of commissions in the past and I'm selling a few paintings through galleries now. Occasionally I pop up here and make silly events.

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5 years ago

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I like it a lot, nice variety of different styles and forms.

5 years ago

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Amazing work!!!

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I stream VR and make digital art! I also program things.

Outside of the digital realm, I eat things and put together electronics. That's pretty much it.

Before VR was a thing for me (2 years ago), I used to play basketball, take long walks across the city, and ride a bike. I don't do that stuff anymore unless I absolutely have to. Nothing like VR, you just have to try it.

5 years ago

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I'd really love to try VR, but I don't feel comfortable trying it in public and none of my friends have it yet D: Well, truth be told I don't actually have any friends that I see...like ever, but that's sad, so ignore that part!

I also get motion sickness really easily, so worry it would bother me like 3D does. I'm really intrigued by the concept though as I can't even imagine what it would look like!

5 years ago

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Well, you'll have better VR equipment options shortly, so you're probably better off waiting for a year or two before jumping into it, but if you have the funds or the passion for it, it's already tremendously fun. I recommend getting the Vive (not the Vive Pro) for how cheap it is and how good the tracking is.

Now, about motion sickness... it affects us all. You just have to train yourself to get over it. It's possible to get used to it. In fact, I know some people who use VR for psychological benefits. One of them streams his VR escapades sometimes and does VR as a method of getting over PTSD in a safe environment. It's also a good way to get better with heights and balancing.

5 years ago

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My aquariums and Pokemon go, and probably video games. That's about it, I suppose.

5 years ago

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Aquariums are very nice to watch but such hard work! I have cats so it's too big a risk for me anyway :P

5 years ago

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i use to draw a lot but now i dont feel like to draw :/

5 years ago

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:( OH no! Hope you're feeling ok and it's just a case of you having different interests.

5 years ago

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im ok ;) <3 thanks for asking and im still interested in drawing but its just i dont feel like it maybe depression

5 years ago

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Watching good movies and attending the movie club in my town to discuss really interesting movies which I would not know about on my own.
I'm huge fan of road cycling and recently I accomplish my dream to get a road bicycle and the proper gear for it. Really happy.
Jogging is the other relaxing thing to do. I usually go for ~4.5 km run.
Music and attending concert.
That should cover it.

5 years ago

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Wow! A movie club sounds incredibly fun! I often thought about starting such a thing, but nervous about letting strangers into my home and not sure where else to host. I really love to discuss movies and media!

Sounds like you have a great mix of physical and creative hobbies :)

5 years ago

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Thanks, yep always trying to try new things and find out the best for me. Also for our movie club we don't gather at anyone's home, we go to a bar with not so loud music, sit, drink few beer and talk. I honestly think this idea is really good and I'm so glad I found about it, so I encourage you to start one :)

5 years ago

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For me, drink beer ^^

5 years ago

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Ahahaha, I don't drink, so can't comment much on it, but as long as it's enjoyable for you! I know there's a big culture around beer and all the different types.

5 years ago

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I train longsword fencing. I used to train martial arts as well (aikido, karate and kick-boxing), but I don't have as much free time right now to do both - I'm finishing my master degree studies and my lazy boyfriend occupies a lot of my free time :) I hope to continue training after graduating though.
I'm also a digital art and photography admirer, mainly interested in landscapes (both realistic and fantasy).
I would love to travel and experience the beauty and power of mother nature around the world, but I have motion sickness :(

5 years ago

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That's insanely cool. I've always wanted to learn a martial art, but as I'm already big and have now developed the mystery illness, I fear I'll never start. I wish sports and training was more accessible for those who need to go at a slow pace and do a little bit at a time.

Mad respect for completing a master degree while juggling a boyfriend and any hobbies as well!

It's such a shame about the motion sickness, I definitely know what it feels like to have your sickness get in the way! Who knows, maybe one day they'll invent teleporting and you can see the world without any motion!

5 years ago

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That's what I do: I drink and I know things.

In all seriousness, I like kayaking, rafting and hiking. I like making puns too.

5 years ago

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So would you say you're a pretty punny guy? ;)

I'm not so good at puns ^_^; but I do enjoy them.

5 years ago

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Cycling, dnd and shitty sci-fi books.

5 years ago

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That sounds like a good mix! I love sci-fi but rarely read anymore sadly. My mum is a sci-fi and horror nut, so I definitely get my science fiction love from her, though horror skipped me.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Don't worry I'm the same. I used to read a lot and play instruments (guitar and violin) but now I pretty much eat, play video games, do responsible things, watch tv and movies, etc. Being an adult sucks :P

5 years ago

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Oh man...I could write a treatise on this, but it would basically be a really depressing longer version of 'my illness has robbed me of everything I love and my life has slowly become an empty shell.' I mean, I feel bad for even writing that and foisting it on other people, but it is what it is.

Life is...difficult. There are massive problems with our current system of working. While I have the luxury of staying home, said illness robs me of any energy, but my husband works a full time job. By the time he gets home he has around 3 hours to cook, eat and do anything. We're lucky if we get 30 minutes gaming together twice a week.

I just feel like there should be more to life than work and I think it's robbing a lot of our generation of any fun, hobbies or basically life. But what can we do, when we need to work to live.

Hope you're doing ok and that it's just the business of life robbing you of hobbies and not anything more serious or sad.

P.S. Sorry if this was a downer and Lego/Hama bead artwork sounds really fun!

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Gaming, reading, cooking, writing short stories, music (guitar and harmonica), I really like to draw too but I don't have the time anymore

5 years ago

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Great hobbies! Hope you find the time to draw soon. My mum plays harmonica and guitar too and I used to love listening to her play as a child, sadly the musical gene skipped me!

5 years ago

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For all the people reading this thinking "I suck, all I do is play games", I wouldn't worry. There's plenty of people like you and it doesn't mean you suck. I'm a successful guy working for a bluechip company, and my only ever continuous, real hobby has been gaming.

I only say this cause it always got me down thinking "I don't have a REAL hobby". Yes I do. It's gaming. I know an absurd amount about it and all my free time on it.

5 years ago

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Oh no! You're right, I see a lot of people saying that and the last thing I intended to do was make people sad. Even though I am sick and can barely get any time for my hobbies, nobody should ever be ashamed or feel like time gaming (or any hobby) is wasted.

5 years ago

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Gaming. And collecting hardcore porn. Avatar obligates.
But also sci-fi, science, books etc. Did I forget about girls?

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Drawing. But sometimes artblock hits me for weeks at a time and I'm stuck.
I'm personally not a very creative person, I had to learn it myself :(

I hope your health improves though ;w;/

5 years ago

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I know the feeling. Sometimes the creative drought hits me for months. I'd like to make a career out of it but I can't maintain my creativity on a constant level.

5 years ago

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Thank yoooou. Doubtful, but you never know :P

Yes, I love your artwork, artblock is so difficult to deal with though.

5 years ago

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My hobby is my occupation! Although a not very bankable one. I teach French and English and I'm working on my writing (which is less than mediocre at the moment). At least I'm enjoying myself.

5 years ago

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That's great! My hobby right now is also kind of the only job I have (product testing and reviewing). I think if you have a job you enjoy, it's that much easier not to feel like your life is stressful!

5 years ago

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I like to run, read, watch films and series but my main hobby, beside gaming, is computer music production. I've always been the creative type and though I have less time for that these days, music is the perfect outlet for me.

5 years ago

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A very cool hobby, I've always found it really interesting how people can combine so many different thing (for example music and computers) to make a whole different version of a common hobby (like music.)

It's also a skill that can serve you well in life!

5 years ago

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Drawing (creative in general :D) and cross stitching :D and ofcouse video games :P im thinking about starting a new project on making a hedgehog cage :D want a hedgehog but dont want poop all over the place... xD apparently they poop in the wheel and run around so the poop will fly everywhere xD
https://www.deviantart.com/thewolfzone/gallery/ here is my drawings tho i havent posted in some time xD most of them is on the phone tho :P all the drawings on my deviantart is on phone or pc
really wanna learn quilling aswell :D

5 years ago

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Haha, I never knew that about hedgehogs! I know they are super cute, but since I have cats, I never considered one as a pet.

I've always been really intrigued by quilling, it's such a cool technique, thinking of trying it myself. Thanks for sharing your art and keep on creating, looks great!

5 years ago

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Playing piano, guitar and accordion (although its been a while since ive played accordion xD), also writing and recording songs. I also like to learn cardistery and advanced card ticks and i like playing games of course :D (And i learn spanish from time to time). I also started running 6 weeks ago.

5 years ago

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I'm not sure if there's a reason for it's increased popularity lately, a lot of my guy friends are taking up cardistery as well! Sounds like you have a lot of great hobbies and musical talent! My mum can play stuff by ear, but I don't have that skill at all ^_^

5 years ago

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Its not as popular around here, but youtube might add to that xD Its ''easy'' to get started since there are a lot of great tutorials :) I just use it as an extension of my card tricks though. And thanks! They are great hobbys indeed, a bit too much sometimes to if you want to get really good at something xD It sounds like your mum has absolute hearing(thats what its called in dutch) Its kind of unique, but you can also practise it! Do you play any instruments?

5 years ago

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