1 decade ago*

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Once upon a time,
Everyone died.
The End!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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With D3's release, people cried out because the servers exploded with corrosive damage, which then leaked all over the twilight cast, I convincingly yell at Bella and Edward, who conveniently sparkle in the light, "Am I cool now?" Together they replied, "Why...so...serious?" I then grabbed Barnabas Collins and ran to my small bedroom when Adventure Time began and tickled the magical unicorn. While Mordecai and Rigby just laughed at this weird paragraph the Mythbusters tested their skills with a rainbow dildo that was very popular on YouTube. And then the sparkling vampire was performing at the local church hoping to create a new following of the super adventureclub, Captain Marvelous Pants! Then all of the cheese people whispered rainbow vampirelord, and they all belched and farted. The Unicorn and the hand sized magical genital shaped Mr. Hanky said, "Quick! Hurry before the great one decides to Smack a cucumber on the television set and changes channels. However I noticed a foul smell coming off of the browncoloured finger food tray. I quickly investigated and discovered a pair of mountain oysters in chocolate fudge, whipped cream, and rotten GREEN toes sitting on a pile of rancid mouldy cheese toasts which emits gamma rays. hat turned the food into german moldy potatoes which smelled of...(to be continued)[This section of a story was made by numerous people including me probably about 50 or so people doing a 3 word story game and this is the latest paragraph]

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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It all happened very quickly, and by the time the ashes had settled and the smoke had been blown away, there were only two of us standing. Me and her. Well, to just say we were standing doesn't make the scene any justice, and, truth be told, can't be said to be actually accurate. Rather, I found myself sprawled on the floor, face down to the carbonized asphalt. As I struggled to clear my mind and crawl my way to the sidewalk I felt the abnormally warm wind caress my ass. Yeah you heard me right and it was right then that it dawned on me: I was naked! Completely naked unless you count my left shoe, a deep-blue satin Oxford, limited edition vintage shoe. Pretty fancy, you can believe that. Of course, at the time I didn't think about all those footwear specifics, after all, the pain was settling in, a chilling pain that ran through my spine and exploded into my shoulder. I must admit I did not manage to contain more than maybe three tears when I realized my left arm was nowhere to be found. The good news though, was that in using that rather vital piece information, my brain managed to get the body at its command to turn around and sit. Why would I do that I wonder? I should have remained laying there on the floor, with my eyes closed and let darkness claim me, for what I saw was just plain awful. Everything up to wherever distance it is an eye can see was gone, the ground was scorched black. And I don't mean it was blackened, it was painted black, like the Stones' song I guess. The buildings, or rather some wanton piles of concrete and other random debris where evenly distributed in patches throughout the newly created plain. And that was all. Seriously eerie shit, no cars, no bodies, no traffic lights, no arm, no nothing.

Ah, but I know what you are thinking now, 'What about the chick' youse asking. Well she was on her knees. Praying. And fully clothed to my sad realization! Now, what reason could she have to pray to whatever God it was who was out there and had allowed this calamity to happen? An entire city, gone. Not just gone, no, but... consumed. Well she had a reason, my friend, a damned good reason even. But I grow tired, writing one-armed and all. I'll just have get back to ya.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Jury Duty Cat
How's that?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Once I found a private giveaway on steamgifts forum and had to write a crazy story.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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So I was walking down the street. It was 11pm and the only light was from a street lamp which was far away.
And suddenly I hear some strange noises right behind me. Didn't hear them quite good but it was scary shit!
So I started running and as I was running they became louder and louder.
After 20 minutes of running I stopped. The noises were gone and I was nearly home. I was so relieved that I sat down for a wile and because I was very tired I almost fell a sleep. Five minutes later as I was getting something hit very strong and I passed out.

Woke up the next day and was in a lab..IN VALVE LAB! AND I WAS SELECTED FOR HL2:EPISODE 3 BETA TESTING!!!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Once, upon a time, there was a young lad that couldn't get away from home. His mother told him to protect virginity but that wasn't for long time. ''bram brumm, Dickhouse productions presents'' ''The fast and virgin!''
One day the young lad had to escape from the home, he packed all his goods and was going for adventure in open world of tits. There were wild ones, hairy ones, and the dangerous ones which can grab you from behind. The young lad had to choose path wisely. He took the easy path but at the gates of Bombolia, guard said ''YOU SHALL NOT PASS'' but he said: ''I SHALL'', and guard said''Ok...''. There were tons of wild tits and he was the happiest men ever. Then he lost virginity and from sky fell rain, boomed thunder and his mother were crying. The end.
Thanks for reading.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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one time when i was in a band camp i saw a girl with a....
lol you know how the story goes

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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i was walking on street,then i saw a cat with sexual intercourse

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Once upon a time, 17 years ago a child born. Call pointer. end

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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real story : 2 young man was returning to their home from a party at midnight.then their car broke and they have to walk the rest of the way . it was so dark and cold then they see a shortcut way to their home but it passes from a cemetery.even they afraid they still enter the cemetery and kept walking but after a little while they start to hear a voice.. its like stones hitting each other. they scared and after a while they saw an old man that crouched near a tomb with nail and hammer writing something to tombstone.they look each other and laught their fear, walked near the old man and asked him "why are you working at this hour man, you scared us so much" the old man returned with a smile and said "sorry kids, this damned people wrote my name wrong ,im just fixing it"

ps: sry for bad english this is a story friend told me.i just (try to) translated it lol.( its not a real story btw :P )

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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this one time i found jesus christ in the back of my trunk. i poked him with a stick. but he didn't move. so i freaked out but 3 days later he rose from the dead

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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The last man in the world, sat in a corner, in a house, he then heard a knock on the door........

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Once upon a time, I stared at the TV while nothing was truly going on. Suddenly my brother walks in the room (we live together) and tells me "Aaron, why don't you get some exercise like the rest of us?" and rips the cable box off. Suddenly I got sucked into the television and it was the 1940's. I was approached by some gangster looking men to be asked if I want to join their gang. I replied with a "No." The gang recruiter suddenly took a dislike in me and started chasing me around. Suddenly, the landscape changes again and I am surrounded by zombies. Noticing I have a pistol on my waist I whip it out and started "Popping caps in their asses." Suddenly I was greeted by a man who goes by the name of Rick and asked me If I needed a place to hang around for awhile. I agreed as suddenly the landscape changes yet again. At this point I was pissed when suddenly I noticed how to get out of the television. There were cameras following me around the whole time. Knowing what to do I busted it open with my fist and jumped through the camera to arrive back and my comforting home. My brother approaches me yet again and suggest I get exercise. I than whipped out my pistol than shot him in the face. THE END!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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once upon a time i playid amnesia and then i (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
but after i finished playing i ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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jumpscares :{

1 decade ago

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Once upon a time there was a boy who was lying in a hut in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly a shaggy mammoth broke down the door and waddled towards the boy.

The mammoth stood there looking at the boy and spoke.

"You are a wizard, Barry."

The boy fainted.

End of story goodbye the end.

1 decade ago

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The king’s men breathed heavily under their thick black hoods as they secured the wrists and ankles of prisoner William Tumey of Kent and as the rack’s handle began to turn the ropes tightened and William’s limbs were slowly stretched in opposite directions until his spine began to pop much like a bag of popcorn in a microwave and for something like the time it takes a hummingbird’s wings to complete one cycle William smiled and euphorically languished in perfect lumbar alignment.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Deleted-7363436.