Show Capcom we want a Resident Evil 2 REmake!

10 years ago*

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why? the original is still good

10 years ago

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Yes but an HD remake would be awesome.

10 years ago

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I assume too many people would not be interested in the "tank controls" which would make the remake unsuccessful, as it would largely require people that loved the original series who still purchase and play games to buy it. Because of this, I think it would be potentially a bad investment, depending on how much graphical reworking is required, and re-coding to work with modern technology.

Petitions like this don't generally work, and notice that this petition is going on 2 years old.

10 years ago

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RE:HD got rid of the tank controls. It would literally be the same process.

7 years ago

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Why the fuck should we need remakes? :-/

10 years ago

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No, don't let them sell you games again like that. Horrible trend.

10 years ago

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Petitions mean nothing to developers, they won't give a shit.Just look at GTA 5 petition how many people signed, and yet Rockstar does not give two shits.

10 years ago

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No thanks. I don't want to destroy a proper classic game with a shitty remake. I want to be able to buy it on any digital platform.

10 years ago

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Misleading title, thought it was about an announcement of a remake :P
And the petition is 2 years old, and when has a petition even worked on a big company such as CAPCOM for something like this?

10 years ago

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Resident Evil needs not a remake, but a reboot of the whole series. (And I think the reboot will be there soon)

10 years ago

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Reboots never turn out even a fraction as good as the originals. Best to adapt the classic title to new systems.

10 years ago

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Yes, but they can be better than another shitty sequel. For example, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories was better than most of the "numbered" entries in SH series. Too bad they didn't continue with the trend.

Also RE2 now has more historical than gameplay value. It was a good game for its time, but you need to change so many things for the remake that it will turn out completely different game. If it retains most of the classic elements, modern players will be pissed off and hardcore fans will prefer the PS1 version either way.

10 years ago

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do same like resident evil 4, with better grahpics and so that modern system can play it that would be cool.

10 years ago

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This would be ideal. The update of RE4 was well done. Looks nice and plays well. As it stands now, the PC version of RE2 is almost unplayable.

10 years ago

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What about if original RE series would be on steam?

10 years ago

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30,000 signatures won't do a thing.

10 years ago

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When the hell has a petition ever worked? Everyone who creates one is a moron. Why do people think they can force someone to do something just because they have a list with the names of people they have never even met before?

10 years ago

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You don't know what you're talking about. Petitions not only help with some games but have brought back TV shows, got congressman to try to pass laws etc. No need to be a downer about it. I'm pretty sure the only reason Dark Souls was ported to PC because the petition got a lot of peoples attention including Namco Bandai.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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Hello Guys! I guess that worked :D

8 years ago

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