
I really don't know what to say here. It was a rather disappointing vote, with this game and Discouraged Workers both tied at 2 votes, but the people did speak, so I ultimately decided that War of the Human Tanks will be given away.
As for Discouraged Workers, though, I probably won't start a GA for that for a while longer (Too many other bundle games to give away), so...

Domo News at 8: No, I do not associate myself and my giveaways to certain events that happen on SG, such as the currently-running Yu-Win Lottery. If there was anything Bundle Quest taught me, it was that I don't really like giveaway groups either, mainly because said giveaway groups require that you make GAs exclusively for members of that group on a regular basis.
On a side note, yes, this is a Lv.2 GA for 1 copy of War of the Human Tanks. Hopefully, you can forgive me for this, given that the next giveaway will be for multiple copies of a game, with no contributor value.

Thanks~ β™₯

8 years ago

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I am weirdly interested in this game and hope I win it. thanks.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Cheers, luv

8 years ago

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Thanks for sharing Duststorm.

8 years ago

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