
📢 We need the marvelous SG community's help! 🔔

We are close to passing 4 of our competitiors ranks thanks to you!

👉🏾 She said she's level 18 👈🏾

  • FOLLOW our Curator page: HERE (THANK YOU!)
  • JOIN our Group: here

THANK YOU for taking a moment to help!

You gals & guys rock! \m/

About our curator page:

“We mostly find & recommend INDIE GEMS 💎 but also play a bit of everything. We especially enjoy discovering games that yield ✨ magic moments.✨”

Val / Kyoki & I have been privately working hard on our new Steam curator group w/ over 500+ recommendations (to start) this past month & we would be THRILLED if you could help by giving us a simple 'follow,' by clicking on the button at the top of the curator page.

We would love all the help we can get!

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