
This is Warschauer Str. Station.
You can transfer to S5, S7, or the M13.

The U1 Line Terminates here.
This is the U1 line toward Uhlandstr. The Next Station is Schlesisches Tor heading toward Uhlandstr. Station.

You can catch the M13 Strassenbahn toward Virchow-Klinikum.

Warschauer Strasse on the weekends at night is packed full of people. They are either heading to clubs or restaurants in the area, or hanging out with friends. Sometimes they are gathered around street performers. Doesn't really matter where you go, you'll see a ton of people and it will be packed. Most of them will be drunk. Did you forget to bring a drink with you for pre-gaming? No matter, just outside the U & S Bahn stations, on the bridge that leads across and down to the S stations, are 4 different stores that sell alcohol... ON THE BRIDGE.

Pick up a few drinks, enjoy them, and people watch before heading out to your destination.

You've heard rumors of a club to the Northwest, but the path there isn't easy and admission seems to be difficult. But you can obviously follow the flow of people to the north and then east where they seem to be heading down a bunch of stairs toward buildings set below street level. The sound of various types of music emanates from the various buildings.

You can wander over to the East Side Gallery from here.

Random Experience:

On another note, we were told as students not to go too far into the east if we didn't speak near perfect German and didn't look like we belonged. There are still issues in the poor districts to the east that cause some xenophobia, which can result in A Bad Thing™ happening. The summer I arrived we actually had a near brush with something like this at Warschauer Strasse. This obviously drunk and angry man zero'ed in on our American status and tried to get in our faces. We mostly avoided getting into anything with him, but one of my more inebriated friends decided it would be a good idea to engage him in a political debate. After he went on ranting about all the things wrong with the US, we all kind of nodded our heads and my friend said, "Yeah, I agree with you, because ..." and listed a few relevant points. This infuriated the man even more and he went on telling us to screw ourselves, etc etc etc.

It wasn't a logical hatred, but more something attached to us merely because we were from elsewhere. Further, I found this attitude applied more to Turkish people than Americans. (Honestly no one really cared unless you said you were from California.) That parallel sparked my own cultures view of people coming from Latin America. Same issues, same reasons for migration.... Same baseless hate from new host country. Guess Everyone has problems.

If it's morning, because you've been out ALL night (totally possible as the clubs stamp you so you can come back after breakfast), you might see the place in a different light... and if you go further on foot, toward Schlesisches Tor, you'll cross a very cool bridge (Oberbaumbrücke)... and it looks best when no one is around.

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8 years ago

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Heh, but at least if you're in Germany, no one will really get upset with you for discussing any of those ;)

8 years ago

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hah looks kinda crowded :)

8 years ago

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Yup, gets that way ;)

8 years ago

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This is the second game i won from any of your giveaways so thank you again!!

8 years ago

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yw! :D

8 years ago

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