
From Humble Bohemia Interactive Bundle 2020.


3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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I have right now an issue with a troll abusing the giveaway feedback system

But all your gibs are received and you don't have any awaiting feedback. What exactly happened? As long as you don't name names it's absolutely fine to go into details.

Also (just in case you used that category) never file a user report for issues like that. Those usually take 1 year + to get adressed IF they get adressed at all.

3 years ago*

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Last night before going to bed it wasn't the case. The user received the gift, activated the gift, marked as received, and a couple days later as personal retaliation, unmarked as received despite having activated it. I got very angry and right now I have zero confidence on SG, and after what you just said, even less.

I want to do something positive, give something back, but I can't allow people to hurt me like that right now, so I'm staying away.

3 years ago

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Yeah, that's really low but if the game comes as a SteamGift also the perfect scenario where you have undeniable, 100% proof what they did and can send them into a world of trouble. Messing with giveaway feedback is normally grounds for a perma-suspension AFAIK.

If they had not made up their mind you'd simply go to your inventory, click More and View Gift History and there you have a full list of all the SteamGifts you sent and to whom. 100% undeniable proof that they did receive their price. Sadly with keys it's not as easy.

By the way personal retaliation like that (or people trying to sneak around SG Tools protection) are the reason why giveaway feedback gets locked in after a month and can not be changed by the winner themselves only by Support.

I was worried too with my last batch of gibs because they were very low level. Luckily everything turned out fine but in the future when gibs come as Steam Gifts I'll probably start taking a screenshot from that page and post it on each gib so I always have documention handy I actually sent them out in case of problems down the road.

I don't wanna imply you should continue making gibs but most people here are pretty cool so don't let a few bad apples ruin it for you 😉 The thing is you sadly have to know how to play the system 🙄

Edit: Also the right category to file a report for cases like this would be Request Received Feedback. Those normally get handled within a few days or a week tops. It's just User reports which are completely useless because a lot of people use them for reports like "Person X was mean to me. BAN NOW!!!!".

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3 years ago*

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