
Do not enter if you own the Deluxe Edition as it includes this DLC

In the spirit of giving, I'd like to present this new DLC featuring Poland and Jadwiga, King of Poland!

Merry Christmas! >> back to the Season of Giving thread

The Woman King of Poland
A Brief History
On October 16, 1384, Jadwiga, a woman, was crowned KING of Poland.

Digging Deeper
Jadwiga was the daughter of Louis I the Great, who reigned simultaneously as king of Hungary and Poland. When Louis died, his eldest daughter, Mary, inherited that particular throne. The Polish nobility, however, instead chose the younger daughter Jadwiga as their ruler. To make it clear that she was not a mere queen consort, but a ruler in her own right, Jadwiga was crowned as king rather than “queen”. She is one of maybe only five or so such women in all of human history to take a masculine, rather than feminine royal title. Moreover, she received this lofty title while still a girl (Jadwiga was born in 1373 or 1374 and became “king” in 1384).

Despite being a child ruler, Jadwiga was something of a Renaissance woman. She could speak German, Hungarian, Latin, Polish, and Serbian, among other talents. She personally funded the building of hospitals and even scholarships for academics. Her charitable nature combined with various legends eventually resulted in her canonization as a patrons saint of queens. Among the miracles attributed to her was the claim that she revived a boy who had drowned in a river.

Her reign opened, however, with some familial tragedies. The situation in nearby Hungary became downright horrific for Jadwiga’s mother and sister. Their opposition within Hungary ambushed Queen Mary and her mother, kidnapped them, and imprisoned them. Mary and Jadwiga’s mother ended up strangled before Mary’s eyes. Although Mary was eventually rescued, she died a few years later in an apparent horse riding accident, while pregnant.

Jadwiga died in 1399 after giving birth to a daughter who died within days of her mother, one of Poland’s most celebrated Kings!

Thanks! :3

7 years ago

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was is decided that games republic will not revoke keys? lucky you

7 years ago

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Yep! The refunded without seeing if they could revoke, entire thing was a mess in the end.

EDIT: That being said, apparently this is in the deulux edition! So i best remove my entry so thanks for the comment, I wouldnt have known otherwise!

7 years ago

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cool, many thanks!

7 years ago

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Thank you for sharing :)

7 years ago

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Think about checking winner. Have the deluxe edition, steam store says i own this pack but can still enter for it

7 years ago

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I didn't think about that. Thank you for pointing that out. :)

Merry Christmas!

7 years ago

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Happens to me too. I already have it, but there's still the option to enter. o.O

7 years ago

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+1, also, i didnt even notice until i saw this comment, so some entrants might not know until they already win. So just make sure they're aware!

7 years ago

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That's fascinating. And sounds like an AAR from Crusader Kings :)

7 years ago

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Thank you so much! Someone in Firaxis really loves Poland :) It's probably more overpowered than Scythia.

7 years ago

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o000o Jadźka! moja ci ona!

7 years ago

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Thank you!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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